Chapter 11

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Chapter #10 - The Launch, part III


There was a break in the sea of people that finally allowed them a glimpse of each other. She sent him a tentative smile as she pushed her way through the crowd, almost to her destination.  Mere steps from stepping into a clearing she heard someone call to her.

"Ah, here's the Naomi, I remember!"

Naomi turned to find the photographer from earlier in the evening.  She smiled in return.

"How could you not have been on that runway tonight, I will never know Naomi."

"Thank you so much, but there's a time for everything, and tonight I was just doing something else."

"Well please don't begrudge me a few photos," he said holding out his hand indicating that her would take her to the outskirts of the crowd. Since it is where she wanted to be in the first place Naomi took hold of his hand and allowed him to lead her to the outskirts of the room. 

"Oh...My...God! She looks so glamourous; KT had to have designed that outfit!"  Gunjan  exclaimed . 

It may very well have been spectacular, but all Rajeev noticed was the expanse of exposed skin, emphasized by the sparkling chain around her waist that was drawing the attention of far too many for his liking. She turned, and his jaw tightened, of course it wouldn't be a simple waist chain, he thought when he saw the dangling butterfly navel piercing the chain was attached to.

He began walking, determined to get an explanation.


"Daadi, are you sure? KT and I can hold her if necessary."

"Rachna, Beta, don't concern yourself with it. This is your night, and you and Nanhe should enjoy at least a part of it Aryia free.  I have plenty of backup should I need it, thik hai?"

"Thank you Daadi."


"Heads up ladies, I think we are in for some fun here."

Rachna looked over to where Naomi was, perplexed; all she saw her friend looking beautiful in the muted green and silver lehenga  choli , having her photograph taken, obviously enjoying herself.

"Kabir, is it true, did you design that outfit for Naomi?"

"I did." He raised his eybrow at the obviously agitated man in front of him.

"Didn't you think it would be inappropriate?"

"I don't see what you are getting at Rajeev." He looked around the room," I've seen a number of similar styles, obviously nothing that can compare, but.."

"You're being deliberately obtuse Kabir; why would you encourage her to dress so, so.."

"Alluring?" Rachna offered.

"Tempting; I think tempting is the word Rajeev is looking for, Rachna."

"Rajeev, beta, you can't blame the design, its beautiful and like Nanhe said it's not uncommon for young women to dress so. You just need to be honest with yourself about why you have a problem with her attire."

Kabir looked over the other man's shoulder, and smiled thinking that he had about a minute to figure it all out, and it better be the right reason, as the look in Naomi's eyes didn't bode well for any nonsensical conversation.


Mindful that if she gave into her first instinct that she would create a definite scene, at the last minute Naomi deviated from her path and went directly to her friend and hugged her.

"Congratulations Ra, everything was awesome! I can't wait to share the footage with you."

"And I can't wait to see it.  Oh but look at you, you look amazing!" She put her friend away from her for further inspection. "Ah, let's see the butterfly today"

Naomi laughed, "Well better on the tummy than in don't you think? But, truly, I just love this outfit it  makes me feel so special. "

 "Accha Naomi ?" KT added, "What a coincidence,  Rajeev was just commenting on it."


The man in question said nothing, and in fact did not even acknowledge her presence at all. To Naomi, the disapproval she saw on his face spoke volumes.

"Well I'm sure his opinion was of no consequence at any rate." Naomi said looking up at him. "After all how could he have fully appreciated it, when he didn't even stay to meet me."

Her comments got his attention, and he finally stared at the young woman whose eyes were demanding his attention.

"I know you were aware that I was coming to you, and still you left; I dare you to deny this. Perhaps you think your title of "coach" entitles you to play games with people, but let me assure you I am not one to be played with nor will I be chasing after you. Ever."  She took a step closer to him. "Once you make up your mind on how you want to proceed with whatever this is between you and I, let me know. Until then keep your smiles, your winks, and your opinions to yourself. I will not be toyed with by any man."


Rajeev looked to respond, when suddenly Mohit Sir appeared and took hold of Naomi's hand. She turned abruptly in his direction.

"Come, Miss Naomi, time to keep your promise. This dress of yours was definitely worth the wait."

She smiled sweetly, "Of course Sir. Ra, will you come as well?"


Rachna and Naomi watched the two men walking towards them as they finished the taking photos.

"Are you ready for round two, Naomi? I say Sir looks awfully determined."

"Well, he obviously doesn't know who he's dealing with."


"I'll concede that the color is very becoming, and you look wonderful in it."

"Of course it is, Rajeev, KT has an eye both design and colour and design. He's never dressed me in anything less than perfection."

Apparantly  she wasn't going to give an inch, so he delved directly to the heart of the matter. "Well perhaps the problem is trying to reconcile how somehow over the short time knowing you I've developed an ill-conceived notion of exclusivity when it comes to you and it's killing me for anyone else to see you looking as beautiful as you do tonight."

"Oh, okay."


"What is she's always saying? Oh yes, Rachna, I think that round went to Rajeev."

Rachna laughed as she and Kabir walked away from the couple now in deep conversation. This had just been an incredible evening, she thought, and the latest development was just the icing on the cake.

In his supportive role to his wife, Kabir observed Rachna, fully aware of the unqualified success her evening had been. As she was  talking with some potential new business contact , he stepped away to have one of the wait staff refresh their drinks, and took the opportunity to divert back to check on Aryia, who was now with Shail, having joined Daadi at the table. He bent down beside his mother in-law and gently stroked his daughter's hair. She raised her head; her eyes droopy and smiled slightly, but was far more interested in the thumb she was sucking on than her Papa.

"How is she holding up, I know it has been a very long evening for her ."

"Surprisingly well, although it would probably be best to get her home sooner rather than later."

"Ji, Daadi, why don't I call the driver and we can get you guys home, and then he can collect us on his return."

"That probably would be for the best."

The arrangements made, Kabir returned to Rachna, to find her talking to a distinguished looking gentleman.

"To be honest Mrs. Tripathi, I must confess that I had initially thought not to attend the event; every year there seems to be so many new young designers entering the market, that often the industry is oversaturated with what can be only be classified as mediocrity. However, I must say that I am so glad that I did an about face with regard to viewing your collection.

"Mr. Patel, I'm indeed honoured then that you singled my collection as one you decided to attend."

She noticed KT returned, and drew him over.

"Mr. Patel, May I introduce my husband, Kabir Tripathi."

"Ah yes, KT Creations, I've heard much of your work as well. You must be very proud of your wife. I am certain that Banaras Beauty will be a grand success."

"I'm inclined to agree."

"Yes, as I was just telling your wife how I almost made a major error in overlooking the invite. However my most marvelous assistant, was familiar with your work, and for that matter yours as well Kabir, and insisted that I take the time to attend;  that it would be a travesty to miss out on this event."

"Well it seems that you also surround yourself with astute people as well, Sir."

"Indeed, she hasn't been with us long having not long relocated to India but, her fashion industry experience is immeasurable."

He looked around in search of his elusive assistant. "Ah here she is, Sonal my dear, come, I've finally been able to corner Mrs. Tripathi, and her husband for that matter."


"'I'm finally one up on you my dear. While you seem to be a wealth of information on the pair of them,  yet somehow, I have managed to greet these star designers before you.  May I introduce Kabir and Rachna Tripathi."

"Good Evening, I'm so pleased to see the two of you. Like Mr. Patel has indicated I am a huge fan of both of you. I feel as if I know everything there is about you both, so much that I swear this feels like I'm just meeting old friends!"

"How nice. Mr. Patel tells us you have just relocated to India."

"Oh yes Rachna, I may call you Rachna right; you see over the years one's priorities change and sometimes you just have to adjust accordingly."

"I see."

"And speaking of priorities, how do you manage it all? Marriage, motherhood and now your own fashion line! I must confess that when I ran into the sweetest little girl, I knew she had to be yours. She had your eyes, I swear it was as if you were staring right at me! Such an intense stare on such a little one, I was sorely tempted to take the little doll home with me."

Rachna stiffened, and looked to KT. He reached over to rub her back, and smiled at his wife,

"I've just sent them home, Aryia was totally worn out."

"Ah, the poor sweetheart, that was probably the best thing to do for her Kabir. Aryia,  oh, what a lovely name!"

The silence was awkward.

Finally Sonal's employer cleared his throat, "As I said, Sonal is an avid fan of the both of you." He turned to Rachna and extended his hand.

"Mrs. Tripathi, again please allow me to congratulate you on a job well done. I hope to be in touch with you very soon, to arrange a meeting."

"My thanks to you again Mr. Patel for your attendance, I'm very glad that you enjoyed the collection. Good Night."

"Namaste" He nodded and walked away, leaving his assistant behind.

"I guess I will be going as well, it was lovely to see you two again." She turned to walk away, "Oh and Rachna, do take care of little Aryia, children are so precious. Even during the bleakest times of your life they manage to bring such joy. When your world gets turned upside down, well sometimes they are the only thing worth living for."


crtkelly2016-05-03 07:05:14

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