Prologue - missing wife

1 years ago

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London, late Feburary, 2023

The temperature outside was running at two degrees Celsius. .Warm waterfalls of water continued to fall from the shower curtain, washing the soap suds from his bulky frame. After a long hectic schedule, bathing in lukewarm water feels like nothing could soothe any human-like it . Although he felt a little relieved, he could still feel a vacancy in his surroundings.  He was sad. It has become a habit for him to take a shower with her. He kept his left hand on the large marble wall while warm water droplets continuously kept rolling down from his wet hair onto his cheeks and lips and neck and so on his six-pack abs.

He closed his eyes, and a flood of memories especially the golden days of his life after marriage started flashing Illuminati in white camera lights , and suddenly his lips curled into a Pleasant smile as he was imagining the touch of those soft hands on his chest, left her nails marks their and sensation of those warm petals lips leaving signature on his muscular back .

Then he saw her stretching out her right hand and with her right index  indicating him to come towards her, there was a tinge of naughty intentions revealing on those gorgeous eyes.

He wondered how someone so innocent could also be breathtakingly sexier and adorable. No addiction made him lose his sense but the magic she had done to him so far. It was like he wasn't willing to come out of her illusion. 

He held her eyes tighter for a longer period to allow himself to enjoy her smell, her touch, and her smiling face in her absence . Her laughter was childish yet killer at the same place which brought fluttering in his stomach. 

He recalled all those days spent in the Maldives resort. Every day and every moment was special when she was with him . He remembered the soft smooth skin of her back pressing against his broad chest and tendinous section six abs.

He fondled his right arm around her waist from behind while his left arm was around her firm bosoms which felt like silky wool against his strong hand with two stone peaks rubbing against his palms.

His lips brushed over her neckline proceeding above tracing her earlobe, he could read her sharp inhaling and exhaling on the magnetic touch of him against her damn skin. How much he gets her closer although never enough of her. 

He felt so jealous when any man showed their eye to her, he sometimes thought to hide her from the world that nobody deserves her.  He could burn the entire world for the sake of her if any devil tried to keep his eyes at her . He has only right at her . She was made only for him. 

he sounded like a possessive freak, he had trust in her although . He knew his wife was an established, talented , indomitable personality and any man can lose their heart before her. It wasn't her fault.It doesn't matter who had eyes on your partner the facts matter more on whom your spouse has eyes. 

She had only one man in her heart and it was her husband. And he knew it. 

He saw in his vision to flip her towards him and glance at her teasing laughter, the sound filling each corner of the wall. 

She gave him a luscious wink while looping her arms around his neck. He brought his 

Face closer to her mouth and began to devour every inch of her skin. As his hungry lips explored more, she cried out in pleasure louder. And he saw their two souls ignited and glued under the burning heat of intimacy.

He opened his eyes, stopped the shower tap button, and wiped away the water droplets raising his hands between his wet hair.

A few minutes later he came out of the bathroom. He wore a white colour bathrobe. 

It was a seven-star luxurious hotel. The room was extremely large and decorated so nicely with all that expensive furniture, and large paintings across the wall . The heater keeps the temperature of the room comfortable. 

He stood before the large mirror of the dressing table busy wiping his hair. The large expensive peacock designated clock grabs his attention. It showed ten "O'clock at night. At first, he didn't notice but it wasn't any longer to realise the significance of it. He cursed his star making a mental calculation of the exact time of Mumbai compared to London . 

He finished wiping his hair and dropped the towel on the cushion near the bed. His eyes fell on his mobile resting on the bed. Without any delay, he took the mobile and clicked the button the screen recognised his face and unlocked the screen.

The arch of his eyebrows turned into frowns ..

Ten missed calls 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. 

He recognised the speaker . 

" Boss".... 

He kept the mobile back on the bed and stepped towards the gate.

There were two or three more knocks. He unlocked the door and Swift backed it inside ..

" What came Arjun ?? " He said with an almost annoyed 

Arjun stared at his Boss for a moment and understood no doubt he was offended by him after the long hectic work of the day.

He took some breath before he asked him to allow inside the room Arjun stepped into and closed the door behind.

Prithvi smelled something fishy in the demeanour of Arjun . Prithvi closed the door and spun him completely and faced his secretary.  He squinted at Arjun , clasping his arms close to his chest .… Boss is … you okay? "" Arjun was stammering for words . 

Prithvi's eyes become narrow " Yeah I'm fine . But what happened to you? Is everything alright?? Does anything happen to you .. or.. " he paused before asking" Is anything happening between you and Maya? "" 

Arjun didn't reply. Prithvi notices him rolling his eyes across the room as if he was searching for something suspicious. 

Prithvi exhaled a deep breath and walked to him ..

" Come here and let's sit here " Prithvi told Arjun to sit on the large couch.

Arjun sat but he was sweating heavily which created concern as well as awkwardness within Prithvi .

" Relax,  everything is just fine" He tried to make Arjun calm down. He poured water into a glass and gave it to Arjun 

Within a blink, Arjun snatched the glass and gulped down the water .

Prithvi noticed the movement of Arjun Adams' apple and throat as he was gulping the water as if he had come to him after running a marathon race. 

Prithvi stood before Arjun clasping hands close to his chest.

" Now tell me what happened?? Why are you behaving like this?" " He looked at his PA with disbelief. 

Arjun felt concerned about the voice of his Boss. He kept the glass on the wooden table in front of him and said with a trembling voice

" Boss, have you talked with Madam ??"

Prithvi glared at Arjun with questionable eyes. 

" What??" The word came out spontaneously.

" Yes Boss, have you heard madam on the phone tonight?" "

" What are you talking about? I couldn't get you. "" Prithvi removed the hands from his chest.

" Madam made a phone call to me thirty minutes earlier.. so I came here to talk to you but the door was locked. I thought you might be in the bathroom.. that's ..

Arjun couldn't complete his sentence before Prithvi cut him short ..

" One minute your madam You mean Sanyo called you ??" "

" Yes Boss" Arjun nodded his head like a studious innocent boy of the school to his teacher

Prithvi took a deep breath and said "Perhaps she didn't get me on mobile that's why she called you.. okay, don't worry I will talk to her.."

Arjun blurted out as if his Boss didn't understand what he was emphasising " Boss that doesn't matter..

" Don't worry Arjun if in case she is angry I will manage everything." Prithvi nodded his head wise, he took a step towards the bed and was about to grab the mobile then what he heard seemed to be the ground below his feet cracked into pieces.

Arjun got up from the couch in a hasty" Boss .. you don't understand my words.. Madam called me .. she was sounding as if she was in trouble. She said to me to meet you asap and alert you that your life is in danger. She said she couldn't explain everything.. she sounded very worried and frightened… 

Prithvi's left hand which he was about to pick up the mobile curled into a fist. He turned towards Arjun in slow motion. Every word informed by Arjun raises the hidden fear inside of  Prithvi . 

When he turned back to Arjun who said the last word in a very trembling lips " I.. I .. my inkling saying that Madam is in a very danger "

Prithvi's heart was pounding in his chest. Without any delay, he spun around and took the mobile and saw there were ten missed calls from "JAAN"..

He pressed the Caller ID number and dialled

Arjun shouted back " Boss I keep trying to call back Madam but no one is answering." soon as a robotic female voice said "The number you have dialled is switched off " Prithvi didn't pay attention to Arjun's words. Many more thoughts started to gather in his mind, most probably horrible thoughts which he was trying to keep aside as he was chanting to his mind " She is safe , she is alright. " 

" Boss Madam was talking to me but all of a sudden the phone was disconnected" 

Although the voice grabs Prithvi's attention he shows as if he doesn't hear him .

Prithvi's heart was pounding so hard as if very soon it would come to his throat. He closed his eyes and kept calling his wife's mobile number but nothing came out.

" Arjun, you said your madam called you thirty minutes ago?? " 

" Yes Boss" He walked to his Boss and showed him the time slot when Sanyogita called him..

Prithvi squinted at the caller's name and time " Madam MD" ,and time " 2:00 am"

"Arjun you didn't change into the London time slot "

" No Boss, it was my other mobile only for my closer one.. I mean my family and yours..and for office purposes I used only another mobile" Arjun is now very attached to his Boss's family as they never treat him and Maya as just employees. 

Prithvi looked at Arjun but didn't comment.As if he didn't pay attention to whether he saved the slot or not, who cares.. all he was thinking about was only his wife. 

Prithvi glanced back at his mobile and went through his call history. Many questions began to propel in his brain.

Suddenly he pressed the back button and clicked WhatsApp. There he saw  .. 

He got 3 messages from his wife ..

" Where are you???

"Call  me back" "

"It's urgent" 

Prithvi read those three messages in his brain for around the 20th time as if he was trying to find the hidden meaning of those smses.

" Where are you!??

She knew about my whereabouts. It has been just two days she can't forget that. Prithvi thought.

Second " call me back" 

Why did she say so, if she called Arjun and kept asking about me.. and her call suddenly went disconnected. That means either her mobile was drained out of battery or her mobile had fallen on the ground.

" Arjun, have you heard the sound of anything free-falling on the ground?? " Prithvi spun around and asked,

Arjun tries to think for a few seconds" No Boss .."

Prithvi notices Arjun's body language. He knew he never lied in this serious matter. Although he had trust in Arjun who is one of the best Personal assistants he has ever had . 

" Okay," Prithvi said with a low voice and again immersed in his deep thoughts 

" The only thing is there .. her mobile battery might be low..". But the thing he Couldn't understand was if her mobile was running through a low battery then it had been almost thirty-five minutes. Why didn't she call him back?? Why did her mobile keep repeating switched off"

" Is she angry with him ?? " Then he recalled Arjun's words, "  She said to me to meet you asap and alert you that your life is in danger. She said she couldn't explain everything.. she sounded very worried and frightened…

Prithvi felt a knot in his stomach and his eyes were bloodshot. " Is she alright?" "

" No no what Am I thinking that can't be true .  she is my brave girl ". Prithvi thought Sanyogita would be trapped in the bathroom as she is pregnant or she might feel sick as these things happened before when he was around her. She was going through many more things and in the things that happened between them how she broke down, how he won her back, and also his child. Perhaps she was in trouble because of that.

Yet he decided to get her details, so he dialled the bodyguard whom he hired for the safety of his wife in his absence.

In India,, Mumbai,

A stout man stretched out his hand and received the call ,

"Yes Boss" the man's voice was groggy 

" Why didn't you inform me about the whole day's update of your madam? "Prithvi's voice was sharp 

The man rubbed his eyes and yawned " Boss you were busy at work . But don't worry Madam returns from the office earlier saying she wasn't feeling well since the evening "

" Whattt????? Your madam didn't feel well that you are informing me now ???? Prithvi barked from the other side of the call

Bodyguard whispered " No Sir, Madam said to me that she would be fine after taking some rest so I can leave for today. The next morning she wanted to visit for a morning walk " 

" Whattttttt!!!!!! "" "" Prithvi's blood was boiling in frustration and rage .

Arjun is taken aback seeing his Boss barking at somebody else other than him. He had sympathy for the person on the other side of the call and also worried about his Boss finding him tenses for his wife. Then. Heard his Boss..

" I paid you !!!!! you have to listen to my order only . Why didn't you inform me before about yours leaving for today  ?? " Prithvi yelling increased with each sentence. 

" I am sorry Boss! "" The bodyguard replied with an apologetic tone 

" Through your sorry in the garbage manhole. Being a bodyguard you fail to do your duty. " Prithvi was taking rapid breaths.

For a moment there wasn't any response.

He couldn't deny the fact the bodyguard wasn't at his fault. He saved Sanyogita before too.

On the other hand, the bodyguard remains silent. He felt guilty but he thought he didn't do anything intentionally. Then heard

" Christofer, till the morning I want each and every detail of your Madam, understand!" "" " Prithvi gave more impact on the word "understand" and disconnected the call before Christofer replied. 

Arjun whispered " B.. Boss . What happened?" "

Prithvi glanced back at him but didn't reply , he couldn't understand what he should do then. It was already 10 : 16 at night in London so it would be 2 : 46 in the morning in Mumbai. 

" Boss what happened?? Anticipating something serious occurred Arjun asked terrified. 

Prithvi glanced at Arjun , exhaled a sigh and said everything.

Arjun said " Boss whatever happened Christofer should not be responsible for it !!" He said genuinely

Prithvi studies Arjun and agrees with him " I know. But I already warned him to be extra careful about Sanyogita. She isn't safe not at all. " This time Prithvi's blurted out in fear , rage , and frustration 

" I want to protect her but this work doesn't  leave me at all . Everywhere her enemies are roaming around like they are injured  mad dogs to harm her . Right now she doesn't pick up my phone calls . "

Arjun felt bad seeing his Boss worried" Perhaps Madam is at home and she is sleeping in her room if in this case you can call someone else in the family "

Prithvi broke down in outrage " who is going to receive my phone calls . It is almost 2.50 in Mumbai. Do you have any ideas ? "" 

Arjun pauses for a while before speaking " Boss don't worry Nothing will happen to madam. Perhaps she put her mobile in the charger and went to sleep and her mobile may be silent so she couldn't hear the ring tone"

Prithvi glanced at Arjun , praying Arjun would be right but his heart wasn't convinced this time too " No I don't think so. You said that she called you and told you My life is in danger. And she WhatsApp me and said it's urgent to call her back. My inkling is saying She is … she  "

Prithvi's voice muted in slow motion. 


She was squeezing and shutting her eyes frequently and twisting her head on either side .Some white and black photonegative figures keep forming before her unclear vision in the shape of an X-Ray report . 

There were hypnotic voices that were unclear ,also terrific at the same time but the laughter seemed to wrap her body like a creeping plant so much she felt as if someone had grabbed her throat. She felt Bitterness in her throat, then suffered suffocation and dryness in her lips.

She realised as she was running in a marathon. A pool of adrenaline rushed in her vein. Even her heartbeat seemed to be her worst enemy at that time . She was gasping for breath,  dropping off on her body. But she didn't know what she would do?? She thought to scream but her efforts got in vain as if her tongue had tangled up in her throat and detached its connection with her lungs. She craned her neck just once , her heart was pumping so fast as if it could come out from her chest breaking the flesh of her body . 

she woke up in a jerk with a large scream.Her heart was racing faster than before. She held her neck and realised nothing creeping was folding her body. Thereupon for quite a minute she calmed down. But Suddenly she felt an aching pain on her right shoulder and her clothes drained in her body sweat . Lots of perception all over her face . She couldn't understand where she was. Her lids lifted gradually but she couldn't see anything. Everything in the surrounding was so dark as if it was a graveyard. 

Where is she?? Which place was it?? She questioned herself 

She was going through her profound thoughts which were broken by some footsteps. She became conscious and silent and put her hand on her mouth as if her breathing would become a reason for her death if she didn't do that 

but her heart betrayed her. It was throbbing, and racing in fear, anticipating who might be approaching her. 

Gradually the footsteps become louder .

She heard the unlocking sound of the door "" "taaarrr.." "

Then stop.

She was confused. Salty water drops kept falling on her chin, then her throat in a "tick .. tick" motion of the Wall clock.  

She shut her eyes praying hard her God would not backstab her .  


Her ear became as conscious as her nervous breathing. She realised the sound gradually became an intensifier as if bitting of a hamper on a metal plate. 

A faint flickering of light pierced inside as the door shifted back inside. 

She peeked back over her shoulder, her eyes fell on a large, dark shadow on the floor. 

Her heart was almost slowing down but in reality, it was racing. And her chest aching so hard it hurt to even breathe. She looked up in slow and low-down breathing. But she couldn't register who the person was.

Then notice the Shadow approaching her with tiny steps.

With a trembling lip, she asked terrified

, For the first few seconds, there wasn't any words come out of her mouth except the phonation

".. W. W.. who are you… ??? Don't come 

near me ??? " She cried out back and tried not to give the person a hint that she was terrified. 

Abruptly the room bathed under white light. Seeing the person having a clever smile, She felt her entire body go paralysed . .


Author notes: 

It's my humble request to all my readers (including silent readers ) who are currently reading the st

ory. Please, please, please let me know in the comments section how much you like the story. What you do like or don't . As I write for you all and your precious reviews motivated me to write more ,  I think this much I can expect from you 💓☺️🙏🤗❤️

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