Chapter 10

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Part 10

Few minutes later

She sat on her bed trying hard to recall the latest happenings in her life but she couldn't. It was totally erased from her distraught mind. "Am i suffering from partial amnesia due to that nite incident. Hearing that whisper calling out my name could have created trauma in my brain'.

Just then her phone rang. It was the principal. 'Oh God, i am supposed to be at work today'. She answered at the  fifth ring still thinking of an excuse to give to Mrs Soni for not attending the morning class". 

" Hi tejo , kaisi ho. How u feel now. U called  monday morning stating u had fever and cold due to weather changes. Winters are over and summer approaching". 

Tejo was shocked' huh , what's going on'

" Tejo , are u there , I can't hear u dear". The principal was worried.

" Irrk, Mrs. Soni i am better now. Can i come to work today . Feeling bored at home". She wanted to get away. Her confused mind was killing her to the core. 

" No girl, another teacher replaced ur classes. U take rest and join next Monday. But if u want to just get out of ur hse a while, u can come and collect ur students' assignments and we can have a cup of tea. The staffs are missing u". 

Tejo was delighted. " Ok mam, i will be there rite away". 

In the kitchen

Sati was preparing lunch when she walked up to her and said

"Mummy , thodi der bahar ja rehi hun , vo ...

" Peta hain, NGO ka kaam hain. Pichle kuch din tum vehi kar rehi thi. Jaldi ana aur raat ghar per rukna. Pichli baar ki terah bahar mat rehna".

Sati interrupted without looking at her daughter while cutting vegetables. 

Tejo was taken aback. ' what? i stayed back out as well and i was tied up with charity work?. What is happening?? '

She needed to get away soon. She had to talk to someone. She can't inform her family that she was suffering from partial memory loss. They would panic. 

She perspired while walking to the campus which was approximately three kilometres from her residence. It was funny and she was amused .  She felt like walking when she actually never liked pressuring her feet. She was fond of taking lifts or rickshaw or a taxi. The furthest she had walked in her entire life was less than 1 km . She hated long distance walks. 

But today it was entirely different. She felt that she had turned into a new leaf. Even in the morning, she had two aloo ka parotha instead of one. An increase in appetite. What was going on?? She was changing!

Just then

Two young guys on a motorcycle passed by whistling at her. She ignored and continued her journey. Then they made a u turn and started following her with naughty remarks trying to tackle her. She was irritated. As one of the guy approached closer , there she went 

A flying kick right on his face and a punch in the stomach of the other. 

They freaked out and ran away leaving their bike behind. 

Tejo stood in silence. Shocked at the sudden act of her reflex. Wow ! I learn martial arts in just four days during the partial amnesia phase?? Who was my instructor?? 

Thousands of questions but not a single clear answer. She sighed to her sorrow of memory loss nightmare

As soon as Tejo left , Sandhus were in a conversation in the living room. They were glad that she didn't even enquired about Virks leaving in the early morning towards Jagraon. Even Candy didn't wake her up  Simran told him that Tejo aunty was exhausted after the continuous charity work . Do not disturb her'

 Gurpreet rang a while ago thanking them for their kind hospitality and stated that they reached safely. Fateh was still in a bad shape . It will take a month or more to recover. He was fully on bed rest. He was missing tejo and Mahi informed him that she( tejo ) was busy with some new projects . Once he recovered fully , they will return to Moga and hopefully retain their property. 

An hour later

She felt relieved after having a cup of tea with the principal and fellow colleagues . Their light conversations made her happy , forgetting her recent state of messed up mind and events. 

She took a lift from one of her colleagues towards the town area. She wanted to meet Dr. Harbhajan Sidhu , a well known psychiatrist and her ex professor. He was the only one who had the right answer to her ambiguous mental state. 

Will the psychiatrist reveal to tejo the answer to her problem.

Will she be hypnotized??

Will tejo find out about Mihika? 

To be continued

( Pt 11 on pg 8)

Aniash2022-01-14 18:11:43

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