Chapter 6

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Part 6

The same day at 2 pm 

Virks were taken by surprise while having lunch when the Land department officers arrived at their front entrance stating that their property was to be sealed till the taxes were settled fully. Kushveer apparently didn't pay the taxes for two years in a row. Apart from that even the academy taxes were not settled over the years when it was going through loses. 

The officers were firm and handed over the court order to seal the house and the academy. Virks had no choice but to obey. Kushveer rang his lawyer but he was not picking his calls.

Within the next hour , virks were on footpath . Fateh was nowhere seen. He left to the academy in the morning to check on some defected sports equipments but still didn't return . His phone was switched off. Fateh was kidnapped by goons and kept as a captive in a deserted garage. 

Mihika's first plan executed. Punish the ex husband and his family. 

She gave details of tejo's bank account in the letter and mr.ashok had some funds transferred for her use. She had to hire goons. Money was required in her mission. 

Her dad made a will before his last breath that majority assests and funds to be utilised for charity purposes as building a hospital and a school for the needy, He consulted Mihika and she gave her consensus. Both father and daughter were fond of helping others and Risha was annoyed. The both sisters had funds transferred to their accounts with Mihika receiving triple amounts. She was her father's favourite and obedient daughter. The Hoshiarpur bungalow was gifted to her and the Ambala residence ( a condominium)  to Risha. 

That's where sisterly rivalry started. Mihika was willing to even give away her shares. All she longed for was her sister's love after losing both parents. 

Mihika lived a lavish life in a  few months of marriage with husband , Dev Vyas who cheated her behind her back with her sister and was also after her money. The duo planned her murder for not one but two reasons. Love and property. Fortunately before they could do anything mr. Ashok freezed Mihika's accounts as soon as Pooja , her ex schoolmate rang him and exposed the evil sister and husband. 

The power of attorney for all assests and funds were handed over to the family lawyer and good friend, Ashok Chabra to handle everything after his( Ajay) demise. Both girls were young and required guidance. Ajay Chauhan gave the responsibility to his fellow trustable childhood friend. 

She wanted to punish sandhus as even they didn't settle their past property taxes and did wrong to tejo but spared them coz of one person that she adored dearly, Sati. A mother figure that she lost twenty two years back. Sati's love made her weak and she instructed the lawyer to spare the family. Her wish was granted and only Virks were in trouble. 

2pm in a deserted garage.

He screamed in anguish pain as a woman dressed in full black with a covered face just like a ninja ambushed him with flying kicks and karate stunts. He was beaten badly. He asked her why are u doing this to which she replied in her own original voice that it was a past payback of hurting a woman's feelings. He was confused 


Fateh woke in a hospital ward hours later surrounded by his crying family. He was bruised and suffered from a few fractures. 

Her first plan executed and accomplished. Punish the cheater husband and family. Since he turned into a new leaf and repented his mistakes so he should receive only one time beating. That was good enough to teach him a lesson never to betray a woman ever again for the rest of his life

Time was running and she needed to carry out the next step. The shrewd sibling. Jasmin Sandhu. Payback time. 

To be continued

(Pt 7 on pg 4)

Aniash2022-01-13 07:16:00

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