Chapter 27 Matured

2 years ago

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Hello ji, new update aa gya๐Ÿ˜Š

I m back after a long time. Pls be a little kind with your reviews. Positive criticism is always welcome.

Warning- I gave romance tooโœŒ๏ธ. Read on your own risk๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Chapter 26

Mehak- Where is your shirt and what do you think you are doing here๐Ÿ˜ณ. I m still a patient Shaurya and I need rest. Go away.

Shaurya- But I heard the the nurses talking and they were discussing how you told them that I was your peace and your calm. How can I interrupt your rest?๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Mehak- Chance pe dance mat maaro warna main bahut maarungi. I m also a trained agent fyi.

Shaurya- it was better when you were in the hospital Jaan. We slept on the same bed daily. You let me hold you because you wanted me to be there. That small bed accommodated us then this bed is King size . We can both sleep comfortably.Atleast then I was near you always but after we have come home you have just become hopeless. You sat on the same sofa as me but kept so much distance that DK sir could have had a nap there along with his three dogs, his newly adopted son and wife๐Ÿ™„.

What do you fear? My family won't judge you, they know what we have been through. Please be with me. For many days I have lived with fear of loosing you. 

Mehak- OMG, why are you so senti today, I just came back home, I mean your house... I mean I have just been discharged. It is not as if you have to always take care of the patient Mehak. I m waiting for my full recovery so that we stay together as normal people.

Shaurya- First of all this is going to be your home forever, this isn't just my house. Got it?

Secondly what is this about patient Mehak, hmm? Mehak if you wouldn't have taken that bullet, it would have hit me, right in my chest cavity, rupturing my heart and killing me on the spot.

Mehak- Don't talk about dieing Shaurya. I would take a hundred billion bullets happily if it means that you would be safe.(sobbing)

Shaurya- Shh, shh,.... don't cry, I know you love me Mehak. But still you talking about patient Mehak. Don't be insecure. I knew the first time I saw you that we have some connection. I didn't know it would turn into love but I truly love you. When you were on the wheelchair and were preparing to stand on your feet, you didn't force me to be there for for you but I was there and I was still there because I loved you though I tried to wave it away as friendship but I bet even you felt it was more than that from both the parties. Even Sanyukta understood it, Swati and her staff did and so did our folks. I am yours and you are mine physically, emotionally and mentally in sickness and in health and no one can change that fact, you getting my point?

Mehak- I love you so much Shaurya.  I love you.

Shaurya- I love you too Mehak, more than what you can imagine. Just be with me and don't you dare be insecure about anything. 

(Both come closer on the bed. Shaurya carefully pulled Mehak on top of him. Mehak's back carefully rested on Shaurya' s torso and Shaurya opened his legs so she could sit in between. Shaurya rested his back on the headboard and kept both his hands on her tummy. She felt some butterflies in her stomach though it wasn't the first time they were so close. Her body touched his upper naked self and she could feel him near, very near.)

Well now that we are talking about the emotional, physical and mental relationship, I have a secret.

Mehak- What secret do you have now?

Shaurya- Remember when I barged in your apartment when you were in your night apparel, I wasn't really drunk that night, I was just there to confirm my doubts. I was having my trustworthy people watch you and I knew about the little gym you were doing.

Mehak- ๐Ÿ˜ฃ๐Ÿ˜ฃ๐Ÿ˜ฃ. You always made me think that we had our first and last kiss when you were in a drunken state. It made me so angry Shaurya.

Shaurya- Well I understand the first kiss concept but where is this last kiss thought coming in from. Were you preparing to stay as forever sati Savitri pretend wife of that son of a bitch?

Mehak- No, I hate the thought of that guy near me, the thought of last kiss came because Rajeev told me that I may not outlive the mission to ever return back to you.

Shaurya- You are such an idiot. You should never have agreed knowing that it could have claimed your life.

Mehak- well for me it was better than some mission claiming your life.

Shaurya- Mehak promise me you won't take such risks in the future. If  something would have happened to you I would have died too.

Mehak- Okay,okay now. Stop Senti Khanna.

Shaurya- pkka no more serious talks now.

( Suddenly something came into Shaurya' s mind, he asked Mehak why she wore a full pj when she always wore shorts at home and why was her bra still on her?

He opened her bra hooks from behind her from above her noodle tie knot top and then asked her to remove it from her front unless she wants him to do it. Mehak who was numb till now acted on his instructions and put her good hand in her top to remove the hanging strapless bra.

He then lifted Mehak to sit on his tummy. Mehak was surprised. She didn't see that coming and she didn't really get used to the idea of Shaurya picking her up like a doll, like she weighed nothing. She always felt those butterflies in her stomach even from a touch...only she can understand what she feels when he held her tight enough to lift her...

She had the initial awkwardness of sitting on top of him without her breasts supported but she then she saw his face. Loving and caring as always. She wasn't awkward anymore. Though she knew he wanted her but was going to respect her wish of waiting till after the marriage. In that moment she understood that her man was genuine and would be there for her always. She then noticed his changing expressions.

She could see a naughty smile on his face. It was as if he was feeling successful in making her nervous. She did what he couldn't have thought of, she bent a little and then gave him a loving and long kiss. Her body on his. It was magical for the both of them. Shaurya was surprised and pleasantly so.)

Mehak- Well there it is Mr. Senti Khanna our second kiss.

Shaurya claimed her lips before she sat up straight again and after that said there goes our third.

She had an unmissable blush on her face and Shaurya had a smirk and continued while she was blushing

Okay now coming back to our discussion, you concentrated only on the kiss, and not my hands, where they were going and what they were doing(smirking)?

Mehak-( she hit him with her good hand and he just laughed.) I was very well aware of what your hands were doing and where they were going. I liked it but I couldn't let it continue because I heard someone out the door and it would have been too risky if I hadn't thrown you out. Well I m happy what happened that day because you were the sole reason everything was preponed and I got away with it sooner. Those people killed my parents Shaurya. Hope they enjoy their life long stay in prison along with the producer couple, Armaan, his family and his fiancee and her family along with anyone else involved. May they rot in hell thereafter.

Shaurya- They will babe, they will. They are not getting out and we have rescued those girls. Thrown out Jugraaj, Maan , Rajey and other associates who handled bthe racket from here in the agency and even from Turkey. But I still have to tell you something. After Sonal shifted to Mumbai even she got involved in all this was killed in action in Turkey while she was trying to clear the evidence. Don't be upset for her Mehak. She was the sole reason why we couldn't rescue 18 other girls whom she kept in a basement of a building which caught fire. 

Mehak- I don't care about anyone who was involved in this racket. But I do care for Neev, he is just 4. 

Shaurya- Well I was not supposed to discuss all this stuff with you but since we are discussing and you still seem okay, I am telling you this that he was adopted by DK sir and his wife because they had no kid and they are doing everything for him. He is even under therapy to make sense of everything that happened with him. Mandar wouldn't even get to visit the boy if he gets caught and sent to prison before being killed by the Turkish agency. 

Well personally I hope he dies. I remember the way he looked at you, I wanted to kill him then and there but couldn't. 

Mehak- I hope he dies too. Neev should grow up in a respectful family with all the good values and not even a ray of his parents' bad decisions should fall on him. 

Well what is the progress made about Mandaar?

Shaurya- Mehak he isn't yet caught, but he'll soon be or even killed. Just relax. For now all we know he is not in India.

Mehak- What if he restarts this whole chain?

Shaurya- Don't take stress Mehak, it isn't good for you, just relax and don't think about it. I assure you nothing of that sort would happen, he was just a pawn. He will at Max try to avenge and honestly that is what we are waiting for so that we can trap him and finally kill him.

Mehak- I hope you do. Shaurya I have two more concerns.

Shaurya- No now you sleep and we talk tomorrow.

Mehak- Please Shaurya. Please.

Shaurya- Okay shoot. 

Mehak- I was in the hospital unconscious when Nikki was cremated. I saw her getting shot. I saw Ajay. I have to pay my respects Shaurya. Please take me to Uncle's house for the same and later to Ajay so that I can meet.

Shaurya- Well about that, there is something you should know. Nikki isn't really dead. 

Mehak- It is no time to joke Shaurya. This is my friend since kindergarden we are talking about who died in front of my eyes 

Shaurya- Actually she was shot in front of your eyes.

Mehak- Twice, right through her chest.

Shaurya- When they were being taken down to the basement, where other men of the gang were present, they were rescued by another backup team of our agency. The dynamic husband wife duo of a dentist and a businessman. I admired Raman sir as a businessman after I met him in a couple of official parties and his wife and kids were nice too but turns out both of them are secret agents too. Even I came to know of them and how they helped recently.

 I knew he was Romi' s brother and Om Prakash Sir' s elder son but he never looked the agent types. He looks way too businessman types , you know? And you have seen Ishita ma'am. She is such a sweet lady and so soft spoken too. Well they have a story too that I will tell you some other day. 

But the bottom line is that they singlehandedly rescued Ajay and Nikki and were able to revive Nikki just in time. I m just thankful that the bullets were away from her heart or she would not have been with us. She is still recovering and Ajay attends no therapies. He is continuously by her side so that she recovers quickly. And about the body that was cremated, it was not Nikki's. It was another pawn of the bad guys we were able to kill during the ultimate show down.

Mehak- OMG,( holding her head) 

This is a bit too much information to handle. 

Shaurya- Sleep Mehak. Do you want a pill? Do you have a headache. Talk to me.

Mehak- She was silent for a minute or so.( Shaurya was panicking real bad. )

Shaurya- I shouldn't have told you so much. I should just learn to shut my mouth. You don't worry , everything and everyone is fine. Just talk Mehak. You okay?

Mehak- (spoke after what seemed like ever to Shaurya)

But if everyone is under arrest then why is the whole facade of Nikki being dead being kept up? It couldn't be Mandaar because he isn't in India and you say you are prepared for him. What is it Shaurya that you aren't telling me?

Shaurya- It is nothing, just sleep. You are not really well Mehak . Sleep, I ll tell you everything later.

Mehak- No, Shaurya , just no. You need to tell me everything. That you now. I wouldn't be able to sleep Shaurya.

Shaurya- Doctor told me to discuss nothing with you yet here I am. I shouldn't have said anything et al. Sleep Mehak. You aren't really fine. Just take your medicines and sleep.

Mehak- I will take no medicine till you tell me what is it. You yourself decide what do you want?

Shaurya- Jaan pls don't be so stubborn.

Mehak- Do you not think that I am capable enough to keep your secrets or is it because you think I won't be able to handle myself? Do you think I am that weak? The girl that can risk her life for you is weak?

Okay got it. 

( She started to get up and said that she would want to move back to her apartment)

Shaurya-( held her hand to stop her from going.)

Okay stop this. Don't play a game of emotional blackmail with me . Listen but promise me you won't get paranoid.

Mehak- You know me Shaurya. Believe in me. Please.

Shaurya- While we were busy fighting everyone and save you and the others and make an exit without getting much attention, we don't know when but Anjali escaped. Now Anjali knows a lot about this house and my sources. She was my choice for the job but it was a terrible lapse in my judgement. This house has a lot of secret entries and exits. She knows this house. She is also in India. We don't really know what she is thinking or where she is? She might have other associates involved in some plan to harm is all. She is the only child of Rajeev. She will go to any length to get Rajeev out and even finish his mission. This is the sole reason that we are keeping Bhallas, Nikki and even this house under protection. I didn't want you to be alone for this reason. I wouldn't leave you alone , ever.

Mehak- What do you think we do now?

Shaurya- We wait. We just wait. The moment she takes an action, she LL fall on her face and get caught. Don't worry. She won't be able to cause any damage. Just have trust on me. Alright?

Mehak- I do trust you. But we will keep the facade that I don't know about Anjali and even Nikki. Thus I will go to Nikki's house tomorrow and do everything I m supposed to.

Shaurya- Okay we LL do as you say. But we LL be careful. But now just sleep, okay?

Mehak- Give me the medicines first, buddhu๐Ÿ™„. My head is doing somersaults. 

Precap- Suitable end

Specygirl2019-05-30 08:50:45

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