Chapter 7

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JCluvs srk

@JCluvs srk

Chapter 6

Zoya walked the halls of St. Xavier's as her last class of the day ended. She continued walking absent mindedly and walked straight into Noor.

"Ow appi...kya kar rahi ho?" Noor complained, rubbing her shoulder from the impact.

Zoya's eyes widened realizing what happened and apologized immediately. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention..." she explained, with a guilty expression.

Noor brushed off the apology and fell into step with Zoya as she started walking again. "By the way appi...what were you thinking about? You seemed so occupied in your thoughts that you didn't even realize me approaching you." Noor asked, curious about the dazed look in her sister's eyes.

Zoya gulped and avoided eye contact. How can she admit to Noor that she was thinking of a certain Hooda brother who was supposedly her biggest enemy? And she wasn't pondering about him in a negative way...she couldn't force her mind to stop thinking about the moment they shared in her bedroom.

Thinking back to it now, Zoya didn't understand what happened to her. She was out of breath because of the fall...yes...that's what happened. Zoya didn't instantly pull away because she needed to catch her breath.

This incident happened two weeks ago...and Zoya remembered every detail clearly. It took a few moments for Aditya and Zoya to realize how close they were and both jumped apart like they were burned.  

A heavy awkwardness filled the air when neither knew what to do next. Aditya opened his mouth to say something, but Zoya never gave him the chance. She dashed out of her room and didn't look back.

Neither spoke to each other since that moment. The Hoodas moved into the Siddiqui mansion a few days later and Zoya still avoided Aditya. Both were now living under the same roof, but that didn't stop Zoya from avoiding Aditya like the plague. He tried a few times to approach her, but she dashed in the opposite direction every time.

How could she? Even for a could she lose herself? She was going to marry Yash. She loved Yash...shame on her for not reacting sooner.

"Appi!" Zoya came back to reality when Noor shook her. "I'm asking you about your dress fitting and you are zoning out again. What's gotten into you?" Noor asked, started to get concerned.

"" Zoya stammered, avoiding the question. "I have something to do! I'll see you later." With that said, Zoya dashed away with a confused Noor looking after her.

Zoya walked into another building and made her way to the music room. She will play for a little bit and clear her head. Yes...that's what she will do. Nothing happened between her and Aditya...there was no need for her to feel so guilty. All she needed was some time for herself and she will forget the incident even happened.

Zoya turned a corner and let out a squeal as strong arms circled her waist and pulled her into an empty classroom. When she opened her mouth to scream, a hand covered her mouth and a deep voice whispered into her ears.

"'s just me..."

"Aditya!" Zoya jumped out of his grasp when she recognized the voice. Aditya put his hands up in surrender, letting Zoya know he won't touch her.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you, but I needed to talk to you." Aditya spoke.

"I don't want to talk to you." Zoya cut in and made her way to the door. She made it half a step when Aditya grabbed her arm and pulled her back. Zoya opened her mouth again, this time to curse out Aditya for touching her, but it died in her throat when her eyes met his. They were intense...and a little bit angry.

"You are not going to avoid me." Aditya said in a dangerously low voice, his eyes glaring into her's, daring her to make a move. When she didn't, Aditya loosened his hold on her.

"Zoya...we need to stop avoiding each other. NOTHING happened. Why are you making things so awkward between us?" Aditya finally asked, revealing what he's wanted to say for the past week.

"I'M making things awkward? Aditya it was an awkward situation." Zoya defended, trying to erase the incident from her memory. 

"I understand that. But nothing happened. It was an accident." Aditya retaliated. "Look Zoya...I'm here to help with your wedding and we are going to be living together. I can't have you running the other way every time I'm standing in the same room with you."

Silence fell between them for a few moments until Zoya sighed, admitting defeat. "I guess you're right. The least we can do is be cordial with each other." She agreed. After all, he was just trying to help.

"So we are ok?" Aditya asked hesitantly.

"Yea..." Zoya nodded her head, "we are ok."

Aditya let out a breath of relief. "Finally...she speaks sense." He stated, to no one in particular.

Zoya's jaw dropped and she slapped his arm. Aditya simply grinned in return.

"If we are going to make this work you have to be nicer to me!" Zoya complained, Their semi truce lasted about two seconds. The devil will always be the devil.

Aditya laughed, "Sorry. Old habit. I can't promise to completely change...but I will limit my teasing to three times a day" He replied grinning.

Zoya narrowed her eyes, "Once a day." she bargained.

"Jaan logi kya? Acha...two times a day." Aditya bargained back.

Zoya glared at him for a few seconds, while Aditya continued to smirk...and then let out a hearty laugh. They may not be the best of friends, but they grew up together...and Zoya admitted that it felt nice to not feel awkwardness between them anymore.   

Aditya felt goosebumps scatter across his arms as Zoya laughed. Hmmm...must be the AC in the room'' Aditya thought and ignored the feeling.

"So...we are good?" Aditya asked again, once Zoya's laughter died down.

Zoya smiled, a rare sight when it came to Aditya, "Yes...we are good." She replied.

"Alright then...I'll see you later" Aditya smiled back, a real smile...not a smirk, and walked out of the classroom.

Zoya looked on after him, a smile still adorning her own lips.

Well that was an interesting encounter...'' She thought. For the first time...neither wanted to bite the other's head off...and they shared a genuine conversation.


When the last bell rang indicating the end of another school day, Aditya exited the school gates and headed to the parking lot. As he was walking, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed Yash's number. He was given instructions by Roshnaq maa to give Yash a ride from school today. The Siddiquis were finalizing some of the wedding details tonight, such as the venue, floral design, catering, and music.

Yash did not own a car because if his modest background, and with Mumbai's fickle public transportation system, it would take Yash hours to reach the Siddiqui mansion. To save time, Aditya happily agreed to give Yash a ride after school. They were team mates after all, and Aditya loved spending time with them whenever he could. 


"Hey man. It's Aditya." Aditya replied.

"What's up Captain?" Yash asked from the other end of the line.

"I'm heading to my car right now. Where are you?" Aditya asked, as he entered the parking lot and maneuvered his way to his Lamborghini.

"Oh...I...mmm...I already left.  Yea...My mother called earlier needing my help with something. So I had to leave...can you please apologize to everyone on my behalf? I don't think I can make it tonight." Yash replied hastily. The nervousness in his voice did not go unnoticed by Aditya.

"Is everything ok? Anything I can help with?" Aditya asked, genuinely concerned.

"'m fine really." Yash replied hesitantly, "I will call Zoya and let her know. But please, apologize to her parents for me." Yash concluded. If Aditya were to see Yash face-to-face in that moment, he would have seen the look of guilt on Yash's face.

"Alright buddy, no worries. But please...let me know if you need anything. I guess I will see you at the Sangeet then..." Aditya ended the call awkwardly. He felt that something was off...but didn't think it was his place to ask further. Yash and he were never close friends. Whatever friendship they had was because they were in the same basketball team. But...something was just off...

Aditya shook off this feeling he had and revved up his engine. With the Sangeet only a few days away, there was a lot to get done and Aditya needed to reach Siddiqui house as soon as possible.

As Aditya maneuvered his Lamborghini out the school gates he happened to glance toward the football fields.

His eyes focused back on the road when it hit him and he slammed on the brakes. He darted his brown orbs back to the fields. There...on the football field bleachers, Aditya saw Yash sitting with an elder man.

Aditya frowned...completely confused...Why did he lie? What is going on? Who is that man? Did Yash lie to Zoya too?'' All these questions dashed through Aditya's mind as he caught the two men speaking to each other in the distance.


Aditya jumped out of his thoughts as he realized he was blocking traffic. Giving the two men one last glance...Aditya drove away...tons of unanswered questions running through his mind.

Maybe he was overreacting. Yash is a good man...surely he wouldn't lie to Zoya. Yash probably had something personal to deal with and didn't feel comfortable sharing it with him since they weren't close. Yea...that's what happened...I'm sure Yash didn't lie to Zoya about this.'' Finding some peace in his conclusion and giving Yash the benefit of the doubt, Aditya decided to stop thinking about what he saw and focused on traffic.


"Alright, the catering is done for the wedding and I also finalized the starters for the Sangeet" Wasim announced.

The Siddiqui and Hooda family were scattered around the lavish ballroom doing various tasks. Aditya was on the phone with the electrician regarding decorative lights and Arjun was finalizing the music for the event. 

"I just got off the phone with the florist, they will bring everything the morning of the Sangeet so the flowers are fresh." Harshvardhan informed everyone.

"That's wonderful! Thank God you are all here to help...or else we could never have planned everything so last minute" Roshnaq replied, appreciating the Hoodas' help.

"Don't be silly" Anjana replied has she helped Roshnaq wrap the gold tokens which will be given to each guest, "Zoya is our daughter too."

While everyone was hustling and bustling around Zoya, she was lost in her own thoughts. She was an understanding person...she really was. But couldn't hide her disappointment when Yash called her and said he couldn't make it tonight. There was so much to do for the wedding...for their wedding...and Zoya felt that Yash was missing out on a lot of the decisions. He should be here...they should both be picking out the decorations...the food...and music.

Oh stop it Zoya...stop being so selfish. If Yash said his mother called him urgently it must have been something important. But why couldn't Yash tell her what exactly went wrong? They have been together for 1 whole year now...and Yash never hid anything from what was so important?'' Zoya's thoughts were interrupted when Noor gently tapped her shoulder.

"Zoya appi...are you ok? I called you several times and you were so lost in your thoughts" Noor asked, worried about her elder sister.

"Oh...sorry Noor...what did you need?" Zoya asked, trying to forget her worries and focus on the task at hand.

"I brought your Sangeet outfit...I was telling you to go try in on and show it to us." Noor replied.

"Sure" Zoya replied quietly, not really having the heart to change, but doing in anyway because she couldn't say No'' to Noor.

Once Zoya left the room, Roshnaq sighed. "Zoya won't say anything, but I know she is upset because Yash isn't here." she spoke, sensing her daughter's mixed emotions.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and agreed. They all noticed that Zoya was quiet throughout the evening...and why wouldn't she be? Her future husband was not here helping her plan their wedding.

Aditya remained quiet, not sure what to think because of what he saw earlier.

"I hope he is the right man for Zoya..." Wasim stated, voicing his concern.

Harshvardhan placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder, "I'm sure it's nothing serious. Yash must have had something important come up to miss tonight. I'm sure Zoya would never fall in love with a bad person..." he spoke, trying to give Wasim strength.

"I agree with dad Wasim uncle" Aditya spoke, "From what I know of him...Yash is a really good guy...I'm sure he will keep Zoya extremely happy" Aditya comforted, and Arjun nodded his head in agreement since both the boys were teammates with Yash.

The serious conversation was interrupted when Zoya entered wearing her Sangeet outfit. Aditya felt his throat dry up a little...just a the sight before him.

The outfit was a two piece lehenga, leaving Zoya's midriff completely bare. The two-tone purple and pink lace fell softly around Zoya, accenting her porcelain skin further.

"Wow appi, you look amazing!" Noor gushed, admiring the outfit. Roshnaq placed a loving hand on Zoya's hair while everyone complimented her. The dress fit her perfectly. She will look gorgeous. Everyone in the Sangeet will be staring at her.

Zoya smiled at the kind words of everyone. She was so blessed to have such a loving and supportive family. She was glad that they accepted if only he were actually here. She really appreciated her family for doing everything they did...but it didn't mean anything if her future husband was not around to be a part of it.

Everyone noticed Zoya's quiet demeanor, but they tried to distract her by gushing over the lehenga. Aditya stood a little away from the group. Everyone was surrounding Zoya, but he decided to keep his distance until he caught his breath. So she looked pretty...Zoya was a pretty big deal.'' Aditya thought in his head.

As Aditya was trying to justify why his throat dried up when he saw Zoya, he couldn't help but notice she was still awfully quite. Arjun even tried flirting with Zoya, so Noor would slap his arm and hopefully their interaction would distract Zoya from her worries. But Zoya just smiled and still remained quite.

Aditya broke away from his thoughts when Anjana called him. "Aditya beta...doesn't she look lovely? You were right to recommend your friend's boutique for the fitting." Anjana spoke.

"Hmmm I agree...Zoya sach mein bohut khoobsurat lag rahi hai." Aditya replied honestly, getting everyone's attention. Zoya's eyes then met his, and Aditya slowly walked towards her. For a moment it felt like they were the only ones in the room. Everyone around them remained quiet, anticipating what Aditya was going to do next.

"Bas ek choti si problem hai..." Aditya said, his voice deepening a little.

"Kya?" Zoya asked, her full attention on Aditya...not able to break eye contact with him as he got closer. 

"Tum..." Aditya began, stopping about half a feet away from Zoya, "thodi..." he leaned in as Zoya held her breath, "moti lag rahi ho...and even my friend can't help you in that department" He concluded.

"KYA!?" Zoya screeched as everyone else busted out laughing, knowing that Aditya was joking and that Zoya was not fat from any angle. Aditya laughed out loud and ran as Zoya raised her hand to hit him. "ADITYA I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!" Zoya yelled and chased him out the room.

As the elders laughed at their kids antics, Noor tugged Arjun to get his attention. "Did you see Arjun? We tried so hard to cheer up Zoya appi, but Adi bhaiya managed to distract her so easily from her worries." Noor mentioned with a soft smile, amazed at Aditya's talent.

"I know, I noticed it too. They may hate each other's guts...but I think deep down they care about each other...that's why Bhai couldn't see Zoya di sad." Arjun agreed. Aditya ran back in the room with Zoya still chasing him. But this time around, Zoya was laughing with Aditya as she chased him around their parents.

It was such a wonderful sight to see. Two families connected with deep friendship...and their children to carry on that friendship onto the next generation.


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