Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 - A Question and Some Confusion (Apr)

It had been close to a week since Aditya and Arjun had come to Mussoorie.


When Aditya got a call, sometime back from Wasim and later Noor Siddiqui, the last thing he was expecting was an offer for merger. He didn't even know that his father had become friends with Wasim and was looking into buying in one of their new hotels.


Aditya had calculated the pros and cons of the proposal and the pros outweighed the cons by a big margin. However, as astute as Harshvardhan was, they had decided to do an on-site check to confirm their observations. Which meant Aditya was to go to Mussoorie.


Official work had taken a back seat in his mind as soon as his father suggested the trip. He was going to Mussoorie, to Zoya, to work with her. Meaning he would be in constant contact with her... in person. No awkward texts, no silence heavy phone-calls.


Though this could've been a one-man job, Arjun insisted that he tag along. When Harsh had told Arjun that there wasn't any need for him to travel, he had smirked, "Dad, I wouldn't miss this for anything."


Aditya had glared at him to which his younger brother laughed. This earned them a quizzical look from Harsh who didn't question them since he knew this was something between the brothers.


Noor, her younger sister had called after and requested him not to let Zoya know. She wanted her Appi to be surprised. Aditya racked his brains over the statement- Was Aditya's arrival a source of surprise for Zoya? Was she as eager to see him as he was?


That was a week back. A week- since they had arrived in Mussoorie. Even though work had been a secondary factor for Aditya, it was however taking up all of his time. He had frequent meetings with Wasim, Noor and Zoya, sometimes as a group, sometimes individually. He was pleasantly surprised when he saw Zoya working in her family business and taking lead. The rest of his and Arjun's days were spent in doing on-site verification, discussing with employees and contractors and going over the financials of the company.


Too much work had hardly left him any time to focus on what he had actually come to do here.


When Friday rolled by and brought an end to the 2nd week of April, Aditya finally decided to be more proactive. After wrapping up a meeting, as Noor and Arjun had exited, he stopped Zoya who was about to head out.


"The first week's been quite hectic," Aditya made his opening statement walking towards her till be was at a hand's distance from her.


Zoya nodded, "This is a big merger, for both of us. I am happy the work is progressing at a good pace. I'll have out accountant draw up-."


"Zoya," he interrupted sensing that she would steer this conversation into office-work, "It's the weekend. We can take a break."


She smiled, "Sorry. It's my first big deal and I am kinda... nervous about it. I don't want to screw this up."


"You wont," he replied and she smiled again. A silence set between them


A knock on the glass door cut through the quietness. Noor and Arjun were waiting outside. Aditya gestured at them with his finger for a minute. Both the younger siblings resumed their chatting outside.


"So... I was wondering... if... you know..." he stuttered, "Well... you know..."


She quirked an eyebrow at him.


This was more difficult that he had anticipated, "Well... we," he gestured his hands between them, "We've been working non-stop since a week. I was wondering if we could take a break... like go to a dinner maybe?" He got the question out before he lost his nerve.


"Yeah, that's a good idea," she replied instantly. He was not expecting a quick response. "Should I make reservations?" She asked.


"No, let me," he answered. "Tomorrow at 7? The Parkview restaurant?"


"Sounds good," she responded. "See you tomorrow."


As Zoya headed out, Aditya exhaled in relief. He was dreading asking her out on a date and she had agreed to it in a jiffy. He grinned thinking how he could've been so nervous about this.




The next evening, Zoya was ready before time. She had worn a navy blue dress, which fell to her knees and paired it up with brown boots. She had applied a nude lipstick to keep her make up to a minimal.


Her face was however turning red at the moment. "Noor!" she yelled, "It's 6:30. Why are you not ready yet?"


Noor was still in a night suit, "Appi," she frowned, "We have had such a hectic week. I wanna stay in tonight. Do I have to go?"


"Yes," Zoya answered pointedly, "That's why we are going to the dinner with Aditya and Arjun. To relax, eat, drink and blow off some steam. Aditya has invited us for the dinner. How would it look if I go alone?"


Noor let out a groan but then went to change realizing that she would not win any argument with Zoya.


At 7pm exact, Zoya and Noor were in the Parkview restaurant. The restaurant was on a terrace and had a gorgeous view of the mountains during the day. In the evening, if it were a cold one, small fires would be lit to keep the guests warm. With silverware, luxury tablecloths, napkin rings set amid the golden glow of candles, the Parkview was one of the finest luxury dining places in the city.


The sisters made their way up the winding staircase till they reached the roof-top. On the edge of the terrace, Zoya spotted Aditya. He looked dapper dressed in a layer of white on blue shirt and a pair of dark brown trousers.  She waved at him from afar once he looked up.


He had a smile on his face, which started disappearing when he saw them. That was weird, Zoya thought to herself. He looked like he was in a panic.


"Hi," Zoya greeted him when she reached the table.


He had a bouquet of white lilies in his hands, "Ummm..." he set the flowers on the table, "Noor." He addressed the younger Siddiqui, "You are here."


"Yeah?" Noor replied but it sounded like a question.


"Yeah, of course," Aditya cleared his throat, "Umm... these," he lifted the bouquet and held it in front of the girls, "These are for you... both of you"


"Thanks," Zoya took the flowers, "They are lovely."


"You got one bouquet for the two of us?" Noor questioned him but there was an amusement in her voice.


Instead of answering, he gestured to the chairs for them to sit. Zoya smiled at him. She thought he needed some sort of encouragement seeing that he was turning paler by the minute.


"This," Noor stated, before they could sit, "This is a table for two. Two chairs only." She had a grin on her face, "Did you reserve a table for two for our dinner?"


"I..." he looked from Noor to Zoya and then back to Noor, "Our table is getting ready. This is for the meantime."


"I thought you reserved the table yesterday," Noor's grin was getting wider and Aditya gulped.


What was she getting at? Zoya wondered.


Zoya realized Aditya was tongue-tied, "Noor, this is not an interrogation. Stop asking questions."


Noor raised her hands jovially, "Just one," she added, "Appi said Arjun will be here. I don't see him."


Aditya ran his hand through his hair, "He'll be here. He is on his way. Could you," he looked at Zoya, "Just give me a minute. I'll ask the waiter about our table." Without waiting for her answer, he dashed off.


The moment Aditya was out of sight, Noor burst out laughing.


Zoya looked at her sister, puzzled, "What's so funny?"


"Appi!" she exclaimed, like it was supposed to answer everything. "You don't get it?"


"Get what?" Zoya asked, genuinely curious.


"This is a date," Noor replied. "It was supposed to be one."


"What?" Zoya almost screamed. "A date? As in Aditya asked me out on a date?"


Noor nodded, "I can't believe you brought me here.


"That's because this is not a date," Zoya denied her sister's suggestion. "Yesterday, Aditya said very clearly that we have been working hard and we should take a break and we should go to dinner," she emphasized on the 'we.'


"We as in you and him," Noor replied.


Zoya shook her head, "No. I remember clearly. You and Arjun were outside and he gestured to all of us saying that we needed a break."


"Aww... you are so nave," Noor chuckled, "This is a table for two. He had 1 bouquet of flowers, Arjun is nowhere to be seen. It all points to one thing."


Zoya waved her hand at Noor, "You are so off the mark."


"Nope, I am most certainly not," Noor replied coolly.




"How did you mess this up too?" Arjun's voice boomed through the speaker of the cellphone.


"I didn't mess anything up," Aditya replied. He had dashed out of the restaurant and found a secluded spot to call Arjun for help.


"How could Zoya be so off-base that she didn't understand you were asking her, and only, her out?"


"I don't know... Maybe I didn't word my question correctly," Aditya huffed, "That doesn't matter. Just come over quickly!"


"Bhai!" Aditya could sense Arjun's slump. "I just started this football game. I'm in the mid of taking my team-."


"Video game," Aditya cut him in, "That can wait. You need to come here. I went along with her misunderstanding and didn't correct her. She thinks you'll join us. Come on! I'll owe you one."


"You owe me a big one," Arjun smirked.




To an outsider, the 4 people dining on the rooftop restaurant would seem normal. To the 4 people in concern, it was anything but normal.


Arjun had come in 20 minutes later and would not stop grinning at Aditya like they had some inside joke no one else was privy to. He was joined in this charade by Noor who seemed was amused by the turn of events. Aditya was nervous and was fidgeting with the food.


They were all talking about movies and weather and travel on the front but Zoya could sense that there was something bigger bubbling underneath the small talk.


She reflected on what Noor had said. Did Aditya really ask her out- as in a date? That would mean that he had feelings for her... that he liked her... Could it be possible that he reciprocated these new feelings that were budding inside of her?




The rest of the dinner went smoothly just not in the way Aditya had planned. How could he be so off mark? He couldn't even ask her out properly- a 30 year old grown man who couldn't ask a girl out on a date. The only thing more embarrassing than his failure was if Zoya found out.


He had made Arjun swear that he wouldn't tell her. His brother had agreed but would not stop grinning at him. Noor, he assumed, also put two and two together. Given the identical grin that she had on her face, just like his brother, did indicate that.


Zoya seemed to be oblivious at least. She was talking to them as if nothing was amiss. However, given Arjun and Noor's subtle teasing, she too became conscious. Aditya glared at Arjun in mid of the meal when the sisters were not looking at them. Arjun had chuckled and nodded in silent.


The next morning, Arjun hired a rental and went off to Dehradoon to meet some friends. He and Aditya were staying in one of the guest cottages in the Siddiqui's resort. Aditya woke up late, took a long shower and flipped on the tv as he brewed a cup of tea in the kitchenette and watched the Sunday news.


At noon, there was a knock at his door. He opened it to find Zoya, in a yellow suit, smiling brightly.





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