Chapter 46

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Chapter 22: The Jump of a Lifetime

A/N: Hey there everyone! :D :D Here is the next update! :D :D

Note: The song used in this chapter is Everything (I Do) I Do It For You by Bryan Adams. :) :)

Happy Reading! :D :D

The private celebrations in the cabin came to an end over a glass of old fine champagne. RV called all of his employees to the conference room on the eighteenth floor of the building in the next fifteen minutes, leading the woman of the hour alongside. The employees rarely received a communication so spontaneous except during the Lendell scenario that only gave rise to more speculation and bad vibes even though they knew this had something to do with the mysterious woman with him today.

Once the employees were seated in the conference room suited to accommodate over five hundred people, they all waited for RV to speak with baited breaths, the silence pin drop. RV let the silence prolong for a few minutes before he finally made the announcement in question. 

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I'm pleased to have you all here at such short notice, but I'm afraid this couldn't wait. But before we begin, I'd like to introduce to you all Miss Ishaani Parekh, owner of the Parekh Empie back in India and now the joint duopoly holder in the London diamond markets along with our firm."

The employees made sure to ogle at Ishaani carefully, trying to see whether she could top their boss by being a step ahead with the hawk eyes or she'd be a tame lamb in front of him. Ishaani smiled at the employees benignly before gave a quick thank you and introductory speech. 

Her eyes scrutinized all the employees before her in return, scanning as many faces as she could while trying to study the nature of the people. By the end of her speech, she was greeted by a very warm round of applause, the employees only learning for certain that she was a woman not to be messed with while Ishaani mentally conceived how the employers were seeing Ishaani Parekh on a good day. On a bad day, she could be a cold bitch besting even RV, she knew. 

The moment she stepped down from the podium, RV took over once again. 

"For months now speculation has been rife about the RV Group of Companies contemplating a take over bid of an international company. I'm pleased to inform you all that Miss Ishaani Parekh, owner and chairman of the Parekh Empire in India is now the official 50% owner of the RV Group of Companies while our own empire acquired 50% of the shares of her empire's respectively."

Smattering applause rented the air with whoops and whistles, Jameson nearly cried for the second time that that. After the crowd was brought to silence again, RV explained further how the two companies had gone into a silent merger, being one of the biggest of the decade as all. He went on to talk about the future plans of both the companies with regards to their upcoming project, the audience cheering unabashedly by the end of his speech.

Dismissing the meeting in the next few minutes, RV took Miss Parekh along to the ASX and gave her a basic gist of how the trading happened, undertaking some intra-trading himself while Ishaani stood as a spectator. She thoroughly enjoyed the experience of watching Ranveer trade effortlessly like her father would, noticing with amusement that he'd not cussed even half as much in his life as he had just at the ASX that day. Going bullish for the day, he returned to her with face blotchy by the time he was done trading for the day.

Ranveer then took Ishaani to the skydiving quarters first and then to China Town as promised where the two of them spent quality time roaming its colourful streets. They then visited St. Mary's Cathedral and attended the evening mass, praying to their heart's content only about one thing - for the best to happen when they came to the 30th for it would decide how their lives shaped up from that point forth.

Ranveer next led the car out upon the glittering roads of Sydney while Ishaani enjoyed the night life immensely, roaming around the city until he parked the car at the dock where his yacht stood. He pulled Ishaani along where Jennifer had already kept their dinner ready for the night upon his instructions. Ishaani took in the sight of the magnificent yacht that looked almost identical to Finch's although slightly more posh. She realized quite some time later that the yacht was now talking them on a city tour.

Ranveer and Ishaani spent some time sitting outside on the deck as they enjoyed the cool breeze, the beautiful Sydney Opera House mid-harbour a sight for the eyes. Ishaani took in everything with the same feeling of humbleness, sighing contentedly at everything God had given her today before Ranveer engaged her in light conversation. Both of them discussed several trivial things in general along with the merging of their businesses, working out it's implications when Ishaani fell asleep upon Ranveer's shoulder amidst talks on duopoly tactics.

Ranveer couldn't help but smile as he scooped her up and carried her to the room, memories from years of carrying out the same exercise making him nostalgic about their childhood yet again. He lay her down and covered her up properly, making sure that she was comfortable. He then dimmed the lights and shut the door behind him, making his way to his room as quietly as he could but not before kissing her upon her forehead.

His only prayer before he fell asleep that night was for tomorrow to change his life forever.


Ranveer eyes snapped open and he shot up from his bed abruptly, shrieking at the top of his voice as his world dissolved into a fusion of colours. Reality felt distant in the wake of a nightmare that seemed true and dangerous, the sight of both the phoenixes afire still burned across his eyelids even though something felt amiss. Moments later, the door to his room flew open and Ishaani entered the room, looking panic stricken.

"Ranveer, are you alright? Ranveer? Ranveer talk to me..." pleaded Ishaani repeatedly while patting his cheek to snap him out from his reverie. Ranveer was still too disoriented to understand what was happening around him.

When he continued to stare at her blankly, Ishaani took him into her arms and rubbed circles upon his back while he took in deep breaths, shivering against her form as he began to cry in earnest. He buried his face into the crux of her shoulder and took in her scent, its reassurance helping him ease his breathing. When he finally separated from her after some time, Ishaani cupped his cheek lovingly and handed him a glass of water.

"Are you okay?"

"I- I'm fine... Bad- bad dream. How did you-"

"You were screaming at the top of your voice. Do you want to talk about it?"

"No... I- I don't remember anything much about it," replied Ranveer evasively, not meeting eyes. Ishaani realized that he didn't want to talk about the same from years of experiences and let the matter drop, her silence enough for Ranveer to understand what was going on in her mind. He looked embarrassed by his outburst.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize..."

"Its alright. Freshen up and get ready, okay?" assured Ishaani as she got off the bed, giving Ranveer some space. He snapped his head in her direction, looking confused.

"Ready? Ready for what?"

"The skydiving, you idiot!" Ranveer shot her a sheepish look, suddenly looking uncertain.

"Ishaani, do we really have to-" he began even though he trailed off underneath the look she gave him. Ishaani simply walked towards the door before turning to look at him, emphasizing every word she spoke next.

"We do. Life is too short to have regrets and unfortunately, both of us have quite a few. You always taught me that life's happiest moments were not in the big occasions but were in the smallest of moments that were meant to be cherished. Live this moment, Ranveer. We don't know whether we're getting this time back ever again. Live it to your best so that when we stand in front of each other on the 30th, we have no regrets no matter what your decision."

Ishaani shut the door quietly behind her without waiting for a response, her words still echoing in the room along with Ranveer's yell of pain that remained muffled in the pillow he'd pressed against his face. And even as he tried to wash away the remnants of the nightmare that had turned his heart cold, he couldn't stop dreading the sick game was life playing with him now.


Ranveer, Ishaani, Finch and Monica stood near the reception waiting in line until their turn came to sigh the waiver form. The four of them quickly read through all the clauses even though they'd watched the video about the same the previous day. To several it may have been the hardest part where they were gambling away their life supposedly, but neither Ishaani nor Ranveer felt anything as they signed upon the forms. Their pens did not hesitate for even a second as they scrawled their names upon the dotted lines.

The moment they came outdoors, all four of them looked at the sky - clear, blue and sunny with a cool breeze. It was a perfect day for sky diving and they thanked God for the same, praying that the weather remained their same till their jump. All the divers for the day stood huddled in a group, the whoosh of the previous batch of divers in the distance turning somersaults in the air before speeding back to land a sight greedily taken in by all. Within the next few hours it'd be them dangling into the air between life and death.

The instructor joined the group ten minutes later with a list in his hand that divided the divers into groups of four - the ones going tandem and the ones going solo. Ranveer and Ishaani couldn't have been more thankful for being paired up with Finch and Monica. The instructor warned them that no matter whatever the time slot given, they'd have to wait for at least 3-4 hours for several technical and other miscellaneous reasons. 

Amidst light chitchat, Ranveer and Ishaani saw a number of people climbing the airplane and landing through parachute, watching their expression with intrigue. Videographers and photographers clicked their endless pictures while family and friends waited on the ground.

It was fascinating for 2-3 take-offs and parachute landings but as time grew on, the wait only grew more and more painful. By the end of two hours, all four of them felt ready to give up watching, now desperately waiting for their turn. During their time on hand, Ranveer, Ishaani, Finch and Monica discussed several random topics to keep their minds diverted, Monica announcing Ishaani to be her latest girlfriend who could rely upon her anytime. The latter gave her a gracious look while Finch and Ranveer shared a look between themselves, wondering whether Monica actually believed she was going to die judging by the sudden round of confessions that she seemed to brim with. They soon realized that it was cold feet.

All four of them eventually lapsed into silence, suddenly finding plenty of time to think about the important and trivial things in life: wills, outstanding emails, pending work at the office, unsaid emotions and feelings, complicated relationships with loved ones and every song with a potential link to skydiving. Ranveer felt his mind wander aimlessly when he heard Finch hum Top Gun's Danger Zone as though he'd decided that this was the song he'd use as he plunged towards his death. He unconsciously hummed alongside. Monica and Ishaani discussed more random topics during the time, one of them being about the kids being with Finch's parents for the day.

Just when the wait grew senseless, the announcement for their group was made at long last. The instructor walked up and handed them their jump suits to dress over their clothes. While the jump suits were almost a perfect fit for Finch and Ranveer, they fell a little loose on Ishaani and Monica. But the moment their instructor fixed the harness, it fell alright on all. The instructor also fixed diving goggles on the side of their arms, telling them that they were to put them on inside the airplane.

The sponsored videographer for the resort, Kevin, pushed ahead to take the interview of the four, asking several questions about whether they were nervous or was it their first jump. Ranveer and Finch rolled their eyes at the photographer's questions even though Monica and Ishaani gave rather decent answers. The videographer instructed them to look up while diving and smile in front of camera and look for his sign when he'll give them to hold his hand and to let him go as per his sign.

The moment the videographer moved aside, the instructor pulled the four of them in a huddle and handed out the synopsis of eight hours' worth of physical training in merely five minutes - cross arms, head back, knees bent, jump. One tap on the shoulder to open your arms. Second to brings arms to chest as the parachute opens. Knees bent for landing.

"Questions?" was all the instructor asked without really waiting for a reply. The four of them nodded to each other wordlessly.

Within fifteen minutes, the four of them were taken to the airplane boarding area, all of them walking on the airstrip as though going to war and defending their country. They knew that it was not the the time to turn back or freak out as now universe also conspired for them to jump. Finch and Monica ascended first after which Ishaani followed, ducking beneath the tail of the plane and catching a hint of burnt rubber and Ranveer followed her tail. The Sydney sun greeted them ferociously as their hands grasped the raw metal while their feet took them up the ladder, rung by rung. One step, the other step, keep walking, keep climbing, was the mantra all four followed as they watched their step with utmost caution, the humiliation of breaking an ankle before they'd even entered the plane simply too much to bear.

The door closed the moment the four of them had entered along with the videographer Kevin, the plane taking off in the next few minutes. Squashed into two benches that faced one another, both pairs sat opposite each other with the camera crammed beside Finch and Monica. They gave each other identical looks of anxiety and exhilaration as the plane kept going higher, their thoughts now spiralling out of hand. They held each other's hands for support, any one of them them whooping every now and then just to do away with the extra gush of adrenaline.

At almost 6500 ft, Kevin asked all the four of them how they were feeling at that point of time. It was such a stupid question for everyone knew what the condition of any first timer was meant to be. The question earned the videographer earned quite a few glares, even though eventually all of them gave a little input about the same. Ranveer and Monica could feel their hearts beating fast and right up their throats while Ishaani and Finch were a little nervous, trying to overcome their fear by smiling and looking out of the window.

From the distance they could see the last batch of tandem divers jump out of the plane as if they were going to party, all four of them fascinated by that sight; it looked surreal from the airplane window. The skydiving instructors accompanying the jumpers looked morphed into faceless priests of the sky, camouflaged by helmets, sunglasses, balaclavas and cables. And just like that, the fact dawned upon them in that moment - there was no escaping the fact that at the end of the day, it was only a string that would stop them from hurtling into the earth at a 180 km per hour or, as it was otherwise described, at terminal velocity.

At almost 14,000 feet, the flight instructor pulled open the door of the flight. All of them gasped except Kevin, who nudged Finch towards the open door. He stood up, but not before giving Monica a deep kiss as though it was their last. Standing at the edge of the door and looking out at the vast openness below as he put on his goggles and made sure that his helmet was securely strapped, Ranveer could see that Finch was putting up no extra look of bravado; his face reflected no fear in all earnest. It was as though the sight below had ensnared his senses, leaving behind nothing more than a content smile upon his face at the mind-blowing view of the Blue Mountains from above.

Ranveer, Ishaani and Monica stared at each other as though the end of the world had arrived - right then and there now that the absurdity of the situation that had taken hold. A gaping hole where the side of the plane should have been caught their instant attention, her breaths ceasing. Not only did they not have their seatbelts on, but they'd be walking right past it in a couple of minutes. Didn't they know how dangerous this was? That they could fall out at any moment? 

Moments before the jump, Finch gave the three of them a thumbs up.

"See you all either up or down!" was all he exclaimed before the instructor gave him a tap upon his shoulder Finch took the plunge, Monica almost screaming for it was now her turn next. Giving Ishaani and Ranveer a not-so reassuring smile, Monica now edged towards the door as the instructor repeated the same line of instructions while he made sure that Monica had her goggles and gear strapped properly. Ranveer and Ishaani watched with baited breaths when she turned towards them and gave them an affirmative nod.

"You're lives are going to change forever. Cherish it," was all she advised before she took the leap with a whoop, Ranveer almost jumping in his seat. He shut his eyes, feeling the same nightmare from the morning rush into his mind as he knew it was his turn next.

"Oh God, I can't do this..." he yelled at the top of his voice as he felt his world spin, not even realizing that Ishaani had taken his hand into her own. He suddenly noticed that there was no anxiety or tension upon her beautiful features as she looked utterly devoid of pain, grief, and worry, no affliction of the mind or the soul. She looked at peace with herself as she inched closer, making sure not to break eye contact now that the time of his jump had grown so close.

"Ofcourse you can! Just let go, Ranveer! Just let go!" she replied at the same pitch as Ranveer shook his head suddenly, the nightmare about the phoenix dying in his arms capturing his entire focus as suddenly flashes of Love began to swarm into his mind out of nowhere.

"I can't!" he yelled out beseechingly as Ishaani cupped his cheek, giving him a small smile as she stood up now.

"Then catch me," was all she said as she walked towards the flight instructor, putting on her pair of goggles as she pulled herself in the posture desired, the instructor looking uncertain about the change of order even though he gave her a single tap, Ishaani taking the leap the next moment even before Ranveer could snap out from the shock of what she was about to do.

"Ishaani, no!" he yelled but it was already too late as Ishaani'd taken the plunge with an identical whoop to Monica, Ranveer jumping out from his seat and towards the door as he could feel the sweat trickle down his forehead, the fear bulging in his heart and up his throat as he watched Ishaani suspended mid-air, the camera dangling from the plane like an animated Spider-man.

Ranveer stared aghast as he inched closer, wanting nothing more than his turn to come so that he could catch her and break her fall, pull her into his arms and never let go of her again as the world dissolved around him along with his fear - he just had to get to Ishaani, that's all. Ranveer was no longer sure whether the roaring in his ears was coming from the engine, the scalding air or the blood that was blasting through my temples, but he decided not to pay attention anymore.

Ranveer looked out upon the beautiful earth below that gave him a surreal view of the Blue Mountains and was surprised to feel complete peace with himself, reminded of the time suddenly where he'd jumped off the cliff on Love's advice and had left his fate upon his love. That night had been a turning point for him and today was identically the same. Ranveer could feel the cool air on his face with the speed of more than 200 mph as if it was welcoming him back to the ground like the beckon on a mother.

All he had to remember to do is to bend my knees, cross my arms and... there was something else, Ranveer knew suddenly as his mind began to blank out even though he no longer cared. He wanted to jump off the plane already as he let his emotions all free away that had been burdening him for a lifetime now. He wanted to fall into a world of peace, and he was uncaring suddenly about whether that world lay upwards or downwards. All he had to do was save Love who was suspended mid-air even today.

"Bend your knees," the flight instructor repeated as from behind, he pulled the strap until the rubber scraped Ranveer's skull. He hugged his arms against his chest, making the shackles around his thighs tighten further.

"Now!" commanded the instructor, while bending Ranveer's head on his shoulder within fraction of seconds before his jump, the latter trying to ignore the gap where the side of the aeroplane should be. The last words he heard were from the videographer, being "don't forget to smile for the camera."

And with that, he was gone.

The first few seconds were a blur because of the sensory overload like he was warned in the eight-hour training session. Nothing could have prepared Ranveer for what he was experiencing in those spiralling moments - not snowboarding, not diving, nothing. He could no longer feel like he was falling for he was aware of spinning upwards and backwards in a jet of burning air that whipped away hisnvoice, deafened his ears and spinned his brain into overdrive. The ochre fields below twisted around in hexagonal disarray while the earth and coast moved way too fast.

Something slowly registered in his mind that he wasn't really breathing. And the moment the thought crossed his mind, his neutral survival kicked in: he had to try harder. Breathe through your nose, breathe harder, harder again, really use your lungs, you're running out of time, was another mantra that suddenly ran through his mind. Ranveer tried them all as swallowed hard, beginning to get a hand of this unique reality as the seconds stretched on like eons even though he felt the emotions of a lifetime infused in just a matter of seconds.

The moment Ranveer adjusted himself to the bizarre new reality, he stretched his arms out on instinc. He could feel the sky run through his fingers like scorched cotton candy, his eyes finally taking in everything with a whole new clarity as though seeing the world in a whole new way. And then his throat choked, his shoulders snapped back and his thigh harnesses reminded him that they were still there. The tumble dryer effect continued for another few seconds until it stopped.

He was still. Floating, dreamlike in the quiet, quiet air.

There was no falling sensation like the kind that one experienced in a rollercoaster, brushed yet another thought across Ranveer's mind unconsciously. It was almost as if he were floating on a cushion of air, his mind floating free of everything else. Until, his eyes finally sought the reason of his jump. both of them finally facing each other as Ranveer grasped Ishaani's hand within his own, both of them giving each other an ecstatic look as both of them soon found Finch and Monica along the way.

The four of them now made a formation in the air as they held hands with each other in suspended circle, their party bombed when Kevin appeared out of nowhere within a few seconds of their leap, jumping to capture them as the party broke up, each one holding his hand for the close up shots one by one before he gave the signal to let go for the air was getting more and more powerful.

Seconds later, he disappeared. And then so did they.

At the end of the sixty second free-fall came the task of survival as all four went in opposite directions, launching their parachutes successfully and giving the Almighty a prayer of gratitude in their minds. Ranveer found himself peacefully floating towards the drop zone, feeling exhilarating now that he'd finally gotten a taste of the adrenaline.

Through the haze, the Blue Mountains rose up like purple shark fins, the Arctic Coast glittering appropriately while the airport, the towns, the skies and the land met at the horizon. Ranveer looped the canvas over his fingers, pulling to the left to spin left and to the right then to spin right, and then both down hard to stop. He was flying and floating simultaneously, finally learning how to fly while experiencing something he'd never felt before - being free.

It was freedom, it was intoxicating and it was amazing enough to mess with anyone's mind, Ranveer knew. And in the next few minutes, euphoria bled away as he happily waved at the others on the ground and saw them waving back. Sweeping back in to land after approximately seven minutes (as was given an estimate of), Ranveer found his graceful, out of body experience end in an incredibly soft landing, Finch, Monica and Ishaani already having landed before him.

The three of them made their way towards Ranveer as he took off his helmet, ambushing him into a hug. Ranveer heard a mixture of voices drowning each others', still getting used to the wonders of standing upon his feet on the land again after flying across the sky not unlike a phoenix.

"I'm making my next resort in the air!"

"Wow, this experience was nothing like I'd imagined!"

"It's the best moment of my life and I can't even express it in words!"

"You shouldn't have done this," was all Ranveer remarked as they broke away from the hug at long last, looking at Ishaani in a mixture of anger and fear. She continued to remain in his embrace while her eyes stared into his own lovingly, seeing his thoughts and emotions run through his mind like an X-Ray. The wounds upon his heart and soul were cleared for her to see, his bound emotions inching closer towards freedom. She'd achieved what she wanted to with her stint.

"It was worth it," she whispered, the rest of her speech drowned away by Ranveer's gaze as he bridged the gap between them, cupping her face even though he didn't say anything further. The two of them could feel the adrenaline from the life-changing experience still coursing through their veins until Ranveer finally separated himself away from her, the warm Sydney sun strengthening its glow upon their faces. They turned behind to realize that Finch and Monica was staring at them with rather sly looks upon their face.

And yet neither of them said anything.

Ranveer walked ahead with Ishaani holding on to his arm as she gently let her fingers slide down until he held her hand, their eyes expressing a hundred emotions at once. Ranveer knew the kind of assurance Ishaani wanted even though from where he mustered the courage to give her so, he didn't know. But he knew that he would do anything to keep the happiness upon her face the way it was even if it meant hiding away his own pains and wounds for now.

Finch and Monica followed suit as the former put his arm around his wife and walked towards the premises of the skydiving center, both of them letting the bereaved souls enjoy a little of their overdue happiness. But in that moment, both Ranveer and Ishaani had the same humbling feeling in the presence of the other, pushing along all other emotions and taking pleasure in what they'd just experienced.

The power of their first skydive had certainly thrust them a little closer to their existence and had changed their perspective about the world in the most unexpected way possible.


"Ah, thank God you are here!" exclaimed Ishaani when she knocked upon the door and peeked in moments later, finding Ranveer in front of the mirror in a white shirt done in an in-tuck with chocolate brown trousers. He had just straightened out a light champagne coloured tie around his neck.

"Where else would I be?" asked Ranveer as he clipped his tie, rolling his eyes at Ishaani.

She realized that he was still mad at her for the fright she'd given him this morning. Ranveer had made no further conversation with her once they'd changed out from their jumpsuit, heading back to the markets without another word while Finch and Monica took her out to lunch before dropping her back home at two in the afternoon. Ranveer had returned back home twenty minutes later and had made a dash to his room without any interaction with either Jennifer or Ishaani, who were both talking in the living room at the time.

"So, how was the experience?" asked Ishaani rather awkwardly as she entered the room with her hands behind her back, her eyes instantly falling upon the kite that had been his first crown from his mentor. Everything had changed and impossible victories given his allegiance, but the first victory was always going to be priceless. The kite remained untarnished in its frame, singing of the same trust and love that his mentor held for him that had pushed him to achieve what he had today. She suddenly missed her father terribly.

Trying to distract her mind, she looked around and noticed that in spite of the aesthetic salt-and-pepper taste that Ranveer's room was made in, it was devoid of any life except the monotony of work, a clear reflection upon its master's own life. She took a graceful seat upon the bed, waiting for a response.

"Breathtaking," was all he managed to reply, smiling in spite of himself. The experience was something he truly cherished; the kind of push Ishaani gave him not though.

"Punny," shot back Ishaani rather cheekily and Ranveer understood. She was talking about the literal breathlessness of the first few seconds of suspension. He shrugged his shoulders and picked up the second article of the chocolate brown three piece, about to pull the vest around him when Ishaani sprung up from the bed suddenly.

"Wait, what are you doing?" asked Ishaani, inching closer towards him. Ranveer gave her a bewildered look.

"Getting dressed. I hope you know that we have to leave in another half an hour," added Ranveer with evident exasperation but Ishaani simply cocked her eyebrow at him. She knew what a tough cookie he was to crack whenever he was mad at her for something. So instead, she decided to let go of his jibe.

"I do, and I have my dress ready," she responded coolly. Ranveer's eyes suddenly widened to the size of saucepans and he slapped his forehead reproachfully.

"You're not going to be wearing a dress tonight because I want you to wear something special for the party," explained Ranveer when Ishaani gave him a questioning look. He walked towards the chic darkwood armoire and pulled it open, bringing out a gift-wrapped box from it. He handed it over to Ishaani, who looked intrigued. Signalling her to open the box, Ishaani quickly undid the wrapping and pulled open the box to find-

"A saree?" asked Ishaani, the incredulity in her voice not gone amiss by Ranveer as she stared at the attire with a mixture of awe and uncertainty. It was a moon-white chiffon saree with simple sequin work, the material light enough for her to carry. Ishaani stared at it in delight; this was the first gift Ranveer had given her in years even though every day with him in her life had been so.

"And it's light so you won't have trouble wearing it," assured Ranveer and Ishaani looked up, feeling tongue-tied as emotions seemed to come over the brink yet again. Ranveer didn't need her to say anything either for the sheer happiness upon her face was his biggest answer as she set the box upon the bed delicately, taking his hands into her own once again.

"It's beautiful... but I don't know how to wear one," she confessed honestly, feeling slightly crestfallen. Ranveer pulled her chin up.

"You can go through the YouTube tutorials. It's not that hard. I want you to present the true beauty of an Indian woman tonight, Ishanni. Its why I'm asking you to wear it." Ishaani shot him an understanding smile, nodding her head in agreement.

"I cannot thank you enough for this. But I have something to give you as well," she confessed and Ranveer's lips parted in surprise. 

Even before he could speak, Ishaani pulled out a gift-wrapped box from underneath the blanket and handed it over to Ranveer. He, in turn, accepted the box and unwrapped the present neatly, feeling Ishaani's gaze upon his face as though she was devouring every single flicker of an expression. An involuntary gasp escaped his lips when he opened the box, to find-

"A tie?"

"Yes, it was Papa's favourite one. I want you to have it and wear it for the party tonight," said Ishaani as Ranveer let his fingers trail across the tie, remembering it all the too well. The two of them could still picture him wearing it to work.

"I... err..." began Ranveer, Ishaani noticing his lowered spirits instantly. But before she could say anything, Ranveer completed his statement in a single go, knowing how absurd it was going to sound.

"I don't know how to wear a tie."

"Sorry?" asked Ishaani, certain that she'd misheard him. This was the last thing she was expecting him to say in that moment. Ranveer gave her a flabbergasted look, stuttering under the kind of look Ishaani was giving him.

"Jennifer, er, ties them for me. And she has them tied in advance for me when I'm travelling so that I can wear them with ease," confessed Ranveer, realizing how stupid it sounded when Ishaani's mouth fell in a plain 'O', looking torn between laughing and giving him a sarcasm dipped compliment.

"You've got to be kidding me," was all Ishaani managed to say with a sly look, Ranveer cowering under her gaze. He looked at his down at his perfeclty tied laces and Ishaani's attention was drawn to the same.

"No, I'm not. Even my shoelaces..." mumbled Ranveer and Ishaani rolled her eyes at him, suddenly remembering a segment of their conversation from the night before he'd left for Sydney eight years ago, suddenly unable to contain her laughter anymore.

"I always wondered how you learnt to do your shoelaces and tie so well when I couldn't teach that to you in years. You know, when I asked you to keep a maid for doing your ties and laces, I was kidding!" she exclaimed and Ranveer flushed beetroot, understanding what Ishaani was referring to. His lips twitched dangerously before he remembered that he was supposed to be mad at her.

"The idea was good though," he spoke rather grudgingly once Ishaani sobered down, the latter giving him a deadpan look.

"Remind me how you became RV again." Ranveer pursed his lips, knowing that there was no point arguing with her any further. This was not an argument he was meant to win at. Ishaani knew that he wasn't going to say anything further when he turned his face away from her own so she pulled his face back to her own and smiled.

"Take off the tie."

"What?" asked Ranveer as Ishaani pulled away the tie from around his neck, Ranveer too stunned to reply. The scent of roses and vanilla distracted him immensely, her warm breath upon his chin comforting in an odd way.

"I'll teach you how to tie one right now," she said once she gently threw the tie upon his bed, bringing forth her own gifted tie as she pulled it out from the box, walking back to Ranveer. Raising his collars up, she pulled the tie around his neck and spoke in slow, clear instructions.

"Start with the wide end of the tie on the right and the small end on the left. The tip of the small end should rest slightly above your navel, although this will vary depending on your height and the length & thickness of your tie. With me so far?"

"Yes," replied Ranveer with a sigh. Ishaani wondered what was eating at his heart so much that only seemed to aggravate more with every passing moment that he spent in her company .

"Only move the wide end over the small end to the left - up into the neck loop from underneath and down to the left, like this," continued Ishaani and Ranveer watched her in silence. But she knew what he was thinking anyway. Perhaps he was wondering how she could love him so much when there was no certainty about their future. She could feel the love in him brim to the surface time and again and yet he remained bound just like the way he would find himself years ago in his dreams when he was kept away from Love by an invisible barrier no matter how many times he tried to break through them.

When Ranveer grunted in response, Ishaani continued further.

"Now take this around the back of the small end to the right - up to the center, towards the neck loop - through the neck loop and down to the right," she instructed next, noticing he pain in Ranveer's eyes. Something about today had frightened him. Maybe it was the nightmare; maybe her stint as she fell away into nothingness right in front of his eyes. Or maybe it was both, the weight of which was becoming too much to bear.

"Across the front to the left - up into the neck loop from underneath - down through the loop you've just created in the front - tighten the knot by pulling down on the wide end and slide the knot up. Done," whispered Ishaani as she adjusted the knot a little too tight, the sudden choke snapping Ranveer out from his thoughts.

"Gee thanks," whispered Ranveer, but even before he could do anything else, Ishaani pulled off the tie from around his neck once again, startling him.

"What the-!"

"Tie it yourself. I want to see how RV can't learn something as petty as learning how to tie his tie," replied Ishaani, looking at him straight in the eye. 

"Ishaani, I-" began Ranveer half-heaterdly, realizing that Ishaani had seen through her silence but she pressed her finger upon his lips, looking stern.

"I dare you to," she challenged in a jest, her eyes firm. She could feel Ranveer's frustration reach at par as snatching away the tie from her hand, looking as though he was trying to recollect the instructions she'd handed out. Pulling a decent Windsor knot in five minutes, he smirked at her. He was always a multi-tasker attention-wise even as a kid

"Not bad, Mr. Vaghela. That means you can learn when you want to. Would you care telling me why you haven't bothered learning how to tie your tie in all these years then?" she asked, eyeing Ranveer keenly. The latter now avoided her gaze, turning to look at the mirror while Ishaani helped him put on his vest and blazer instead.

"I don't know, really... I've always associated this with you. Maybe I was afraid to try because I feared I'd knot it up more because that's what happened whenever I tried. And then I'd be too afraid to open the knots lest I mess it up even more so than necessary. So I never tried," confessed Ranveer as Ishaani came to stand beside him, their height difference prominent without her heels.

"In life, you can open all kinds of knots, Ranveer. It just depends upon how you do it," spoke Ishaani as she addressed his reflection, the immediate flicker of the frown upon his face not gone amiss by her. He looked flustered suddenly even though what the real reason behind it was, she couldn't say.

"Thanks," whispered Ranveer, not elaborating anything further. Ishaani gave him a nod, picked up the box holding the saree and walked up to the door before turning around and giving him a faint smile.

"I've help you tie the nadas of your pajamas all our childhood life, Ranveer. I'm in this for the long haul." Ranveer gasped, realizing that even though the Miss Parekh in Ishaani was temporarily dormant, the cold eye of hers didn't miss a single detail. Her smile was proof. Ranveer knew that their conversation was on the brink of dangerous waters so he decided to steer away from it.

"Will you be able to manage the saree?" asked Ranveer and Ishaani halting in her tracks for the second time in less than five minutes.

"Give me fifteen minutes, I'll join you in the living room," was all she said before quietly shutting the door behind her, leaving behind a conflicted Ranveer to deal with a myriad of entangled emotions. She knew that the calm between them right now was identical to the calm before the storm that she could feel soon approaching them. 

Her thoughts were confirmed when she heard the clouds thunder ominously outside as well.


Walking through the corridor after fifteen minutes, Ranveer decided to pass along Ishaani's room to see whether she was doing alright with her saree. Having no luck with his emotions that seemed to be just as messed up as it was, if not more so, Ranveer knocked upon the door, hearing Ishaani grumble an ill-tempered 'come in' that took him by surprise.

"Ishaani, are you- what's going on?" he asked when he entered the room, the sight in front of him unbelievably comical. Ishaani stood in front of the mirror entangled within the fall of her saree that hung awkwardly upon her shoulder while its remainder from her waist looked like someone had played tug-of-war with it. Ishaani gave him a helpless look as Ranveer shut the door behind him, wondering how it was that someone could so brutally wear a saree like the way she had.

"Argh, this is crazy!"

"Wait, wait, stop wriggling,"commanded Ranveer as Ishaani kept fidgeting with her pallu, the latter giving up at long last and leaving the fall to be. Ranveer pinched the bridge of his nose as he drew closer.

"Why're you trying to wear it when you clearly can't?"

"Because you told me to, that's why!" roared Ishaani in response as she pouted at him irritably, Ranveer raising his hands in surrender. He was uncannily reminded of the times when Ishaani would snap at him the same way during her PSM phases back as a teenager.

"Stop moving, and let me get you out from this mess first. Geez!" he added when Ishaani gave him a harassed look, her eyes pleading against his own to sort her saree out for him.

"This is why I wanted to wear a western outfit!" whined Ishaani but Ranveer paid no heed. He sobered down the moment he realized that he'd have to tie the saree up for her himself. He'd done it for her before and so there was nothing big about it. He intimated as much.

"Shhh. Quiet. Stand still and let me help you with it quickly," he spoke and turned her around, unclasping the safety pin from her pallu and putting it in between his lips confidently. A moment later, the fall fell off from her frame as it dangled along her waist rather awkwardly, the air in the room suddenly growing tense. And Ranveer realized that he'd been foolishly wrong - there was nothing big about doing up her saree when they were best friends. It was a big deal doing up her saree when their equation had now grown so complicated.

Averting his gaze from upon her, Ranveer turned Ishaani around once again and picked up the fall from upon the ground, making Ishaani catch hold of it. He sat upon his knees and quickly readjusting her fall into even pleats, securing it firmly with a safety pin. Whenever his fingers made innocent contact with her skin he shut his eyes, everything suddenly too overwhelming. He had half a mind to run away as far away from everything and everybody as he could, especially from the woman in front of him who seemed to be driving him on edge with everything that she did.

Thanking his stars for the expertise his mother had instilled within him that managed to get her saree done in the first go, Ranveer opened his eyes slowly and kept them firmly away from upon her. He now pulled the remainder of her fall neatly around her before handing it over to Ishaani for her to adjust without looking at her even once as he stood up once again.

"There," he whispered thickly once Ishaani pulled the fall upon her blouse, turning her back towards him to pin it up for her. Ranveer pinned the fall of her saree to her blouse carefully, pulling Ishaani's left arm ahead as he adjusted the length of the fall upon her shoulder.

"Why're you like this?"

"Like how?" asked Ranveer when Ishaani continued to stare at him like she was having trouble believing her eyes.

"I don't know. Just... you," she replied, letting her sentence die upon her lips. Ranveer understood what she meant to say, but he had no answer anymore. 

Standing in her sole presence was growing harder and harder for him now.

It was getting harder even more so to look at her tonight for she resembled the moon in all ways tonight. Her hair was pinned neatly to one side as it fell to her side and upon her back, a couple of bangles upon her hand while she wore jhumkas upon her ears to match the look. The mysterious chain dangled around her neck whose pendant he still didn't know while she applied only her usual gloss and eyeliner to go alongside. She looked divine, and yet he was afraid to meet eyes with her anymore. The power of her radiance was beginning to blind him the same way it did when he saw her for the first time in her office.

He was no longer afraid of the light, but his wounds were.

"Meet me down in five. I trust that you can take it over from here now," was all he told her before leaving the room silently, Ishaani sighing tiredly. 

The clouds rumbled for the second time, warning its arrival to the night that was going to change two lives forever.


The resort was located on an abandoned skirt of land near the Blue Mountains that overlooked the lakeside as Ranveer and Ishaani got down in front of the pristine Greenfields Resort at almost five in the evening, walking into the grand reception that flaunted every bit of the exquisite taste that RV was known for. He now gave her a quick tour of the place with the same limited conversation that was maintained in the car between them.

Ranveer took Ishaani around the magnificent resort that stood tall in harmony with the nature around the place, the view divine. He took her within the resort and around before bringing her towards the gardens that opened behind the resort where s long, secluded line of modernized log cabins stood of either side of the gravel path. Ishaani could see the lake glittering in the distance, the cabins easily around fifty rooms in itself.

The log cabins were a furnished bedroom with an en-suite washroom and balcony, explained Ranveer, further adding that the log cabins gave an earthen feel and were hence priced amongst the most expensive of the place since they either overlooked the lake or the mountains in the distance. They were the original cabins of the resort during its inception before they developed an inbult premise because of the demand for the same due to shortage of rooms.

All of them were to stay back for the night at the resort as was tradition every year, and Ranveer had asked Ishaani to pack an extra pair of clothes and all the necessary things she'd require for the overnight stay in an attache case before leaving from the house when he asked her preference of stay. He was not entirely surprised when Ishaani asked for the log cabin instead of a normal room in the seven-storey resort even though for some reason it amused him extremely.

Ranveer gave her the room closest to a clearing by the lake side while he took his usual cabin that co-incided with being the one next to Ishaani's. Finch and Monica took the one opposite Ranveer's like always.

Ishaani couldn't help but feel the uncanny resemblance of the lakeside with Ranveer's own haven back in Mumbai as he took her along the path towards the lake - a flat, cleared ground devoid of any kind of civilization for miles. Ishaani wondered whether it was the precise reason why he chose the exact spot for his resort as the sheath of nature fell just as lovingly over here, hiding the resort in a protective embrace. Both of them watched the glorious dusk over the lake, the sight a cherry on the cake after their experience earlier in the day.

Leading Ishaani back into the resort and through the ballroom where the party had now begun, Ranveer started the party by making a public announcement about her being the third co-owner of the resort. A warm round of applause went about the room for her before Ranveer gave the guests a quick insight into her achivements, by the end of which the applause grew thunderous.

Stepping away from the podium, Ranveer then took Ishaani around the party as he played his role of being host, introducing her to several of the guests that were all major clients and investors for the RV Group of Companies. Light conversation went around the air, apperitifs and hors d'ouevres making a generous round amidst the guests as Finch and Monica handled the switched sides with Ranveer and Ishaani after some time.

As the party went on in full swing and drinks flew around the place in rounds of two and three, several of the guests walked up to Ranveer and thanked him for the wondering experience of skydiving while some eagerly asked about the adventure sport for next year. Finch waved away the questions by saying how life was full of surprises earning him a good few laughs and a friendly punch from Ranveer. Even though seemed to be in much better spirits with the guests than he was the entire day, Ishaani could sense that something was drastically off about him.

He looked tired and pale like there was something eating his mind and torturing his soul while his heart remained in agony. It was as though he was trying to escape from something that he couldn't no matter how hard he tried. She tried to talk with him through her eyes even though he didn't seem to meet her gaze the entire time, his eyes darting around everywhere except her. Soon, she didn't need him to meet eyes with her because she got an inkling of what was bothering him. It was the kind of push she'd given him in the morning that he was definitely still in stunned disbelief about, especially after his reaction to the mysterious nightmare he'd had that he wouldn't tell her about.

And so she knew about what she had to do next. 

She broke file from him without his attention when he got himself involved into talking with a group of investors, walking over to the person playing the songs on the opposite end of the room. She quietly slipped him a paper and asked him to put on a song from her own end, deciding that it was about time they began speaking about the things that were crucial to them now that they were just three days away from D-Day. They'd played the silent game for far too long - it was about time they faced their emotions and fears tonight, no matter what the consequences then.

Asking Finch to hand over the mike just as he was about to announce the opening of the dance for the night, Ishaani stepped up on the podium and cleared her throat gently, catching everyone's attention. A spotlight now fell upon her, illuminating her not unlike the moon while Ranveer noticed several of the men stare at her in either awe of reverence.

"Ladies and gentlemen, a warm good evening to all of you. I hope that you enjoy the stay here tonight and have a magical night just like this beautiful place promises us. Since the dance is about to begin, I would love to ask Mr. RV here to do me the honour of opening the dance with me.

Ranveer looked flustered as Ishaani descended from the elevated ground, walking towards him with a purposeful stride. He covered the rest of the distance after a shove from Finch, who'd silently walked his way back to where his friend stood. Ranveer put forward his hand that Ishaani accepted only too graciously, taking her to the center of the floor without another word while Finch and Monica joined them wordlessly on Ranveer's beckon.

All pairs of eyes were upon them in the room as the lights dimmed and the spotlights brightened, Ranveer suddenly captivated by the way Ishaani glowed like the moon that he'd always so yearned to hold in his life. And so he was doing in that moment as Ishaani pulled his arm around her waist and rested her hand upon his shoulder, interlocking her fingers with his own. They inched closer as the song began.

Look into my eyes - you will see
What you mean to me.
Search your heart, search your soul
And when you find me there you'll search no more.

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for.
You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for.
You know it's true:
Everything I do, I do it for you.

Ranveer felt his forehead touch upon Ishaani's as the button of his nose fit against the bridge of her nose perfectly, softly rubbing against her own. Both of them shut their eyes as they let the words wash upon them in what was meant to be Ishaani's unsung confession. A sob and a tear escaped Ranveer's eye openly, Ishaani instantly wiping it away with the pad of her thumb before pulling away with a twirl.

Ranveer got Monica while Finch got Ishaani in the exchange as the cross couples now danced upon the next stanza. Ranveer avoided Monica's gaze, who could sense Ranveer's unknown struggle while Ishaani rested her head tiredly upon Finch's chest, sighing softly before he pulled her chin up, looking worried. The next stanza cut into Ranveer's and Ishaani's hearts like a dagger, neither of them taking their eyes off each other in spite of dancing with different people.

Look into your heart - you will find
There's nothin' there to hide.
Take me as I am, take my life.
I would give it all, I would sacrifice.

Twirling Ishaani around thrice, Ranveer caught hold of her suspended hand and brought her back into his embrace once, this time letting her back him as he held her hands in a cross against his own. Ishaani shut her eyes as she felt Ranveer breathe unevenly against her neck, a shiver running down her spine.

Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for
I can't help it, there's nothin' I want more
You know it's true:
Everything I do, I do it for you, oh, yeah.

Ranveer turned her around and they returned to their original posture, swaying to the rhythm of the soft song as the words reverberated around them, locking them in a golden dome of love. The air was sudden fraught with a newfound tension, all of their unsaid fears, emotions and thoughts bleeding their way through the song as Ishaani cupped his cheek, their eyes meeting each other in the strongest battle of wills. Brown and onyx walked the fire, their ashes blending into the other's soul.

There's no love like your love
And no other could give more love.
There's nowhere unless you're there
All the time, all the way, yeah.

Look into your heart, baby...

Ranveer and Ishaani felt the distance between them close as their noses collided against each other's once again, Ishaani's fingers now trailing across the side of his neck while they still maintained eye contact. Ishaani finally broke into his soul, seeing his wounds through the depths of his eyes whose pain he was writhing underneath. Ranveer no longer tried to block her out as he felt the power of her gaze disarm him, the pain in his own heart coming up to brim yet again. He'd taken away her pain one night when he knew she wouldn't be able to fight it anymore. She was doing the same thing tonight.

Oh, you can't tell me it's not worth tryin' for.
I can't help it, there's nothin' I want more.
Yeah, I would fight for you, I'd lie for you,
Walk the wire for you, yeah, I'd die for you.

You know it's true:
Everything I do, oh, I do it for you.

Ishaani cupped his cheek as Ranveer shut his eyes, both of them now shivering. He pulled her into her embrace, both of them holding on to each other as though tonight was the last time they'd be able to hold each other and love each other like this, their bleeding hearts and broken souls trying to find home in the essences of vanilla, rose, lemon and honey even though time felt like trickling sand in between them.

They felt more afraid than ever as they continued to hold on to each other like there was no yesterday and no tomorrow - just the pain of a lifetime and tonight between them. It was as if letting the other go would mean letting them slip away from the other's grasp forever. And yet every word of the song held true in Ishaani's opinion for this was where she stood in that moment, their predicament tantamount while she waited to know how far Ranveer was willing to go for them.

The last few verses of the song played in soft, disconnected whispers as Ranveer's eyes met her own in the most passionate lock they'd shared in sometime, leaving her mesmerized. Ishaani wondered whether she was supposed to take her answer from the same.

Everything I do, darling.
You will see it's true.
You will see it's true.
Search your heart and your soul
You can't tell it's not worth dying for
I'll be there
I'd walk the fire for you
I'd die for you
Oh, yeah.
I'm going all the time, all the way.

Separating from the hug at long last, Ranveer wiped away the tears from upon Ishaani's face, both of them realizing that all the guests had joined them on the dance floor now. Ishaani stared at Ranveer expectantly, hoping that he'd say something and finally confront the most important topic of their lives without pushing it further as the second song set the pace for the dancers.

To Ishaani's utmost dismay, Ranveer walked away from her and left without another word.

Constructive criticism will be more than welcome and sorry for any typos. :D :D

Next chapter:
Chapter 23

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