Chapter 6

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Varsha Dixit


Hi All,

Thank you for all liking my earlier FFs LOL. Here's some more of the amazing duo Heart in contemporary settings. I have tweaked and adapted some of my earlier writings.  Hopefully they can match to some degree the sweet sizzle and the fun  of our awesome show. This is the part leading to the big confessionHeart Hope you like it. Thank you for reading. And please keep those comments coming. Smile 

Part VI:

As days passed into weeks, Naina became a zombie-sans human flesh devouring part. She began losing interest in everything . . . food, movies even studies!  No company was spiriting enough and her seven sleep was down to five.

Constant binges on chocolates and ice creams became a way of life. Every sunset seen through the pollution-laden air, bought a sigh to her lips. Her heart always skipped a beat at the sudden jangle of the phone and the brief moment before the email inbox popped open.

If I tell anyone, I'll surely be committed,' Naina agonised, lying prone on her bed. 

Naina you weirdo, where are you?' Preeti's, her cousin's voice resounded outside her room.

Naina, are you in here?'

Preeti and Swati! Like Usain Bolt, Naina streaked across her room. The relief to her malady was here.

 I'm so glad you're two are here!' Naina grabbed their hands and pulled them inside the room.

Oh my god Get off me!' Swati grinned. I was only gone for two weeks not a year,' said Swati, glowing fresh on her return, from a vacation to Europe.

And I have been here the whole time, dodo! All you had to do was come to the terrace where I was drying Papads.' Preeti freed her hand and flopped down on a cane chair. I swear Taiji and Mummy's papad's will outnumber the population of China.'

Screw the papad!' Naina only waited for Swati to sit down. Listen you two I think I'm seriously ill! Something is really off!' She firmly bolted the door behind her. Her family had an uncanny knack of coming inside the room when they were least wanted.

You're pregnant!' Preeti sat up. 

Naina paused chewing of her nails to frown at her cousin. I'm no Kunti, I have to do it first. Something really freaky is happening!'

 Freaky how?' Swati asked, placing her legs on the table in front of her.

I can't sleep!'

Take sleeping pills.' Swati shrugged her sandals off.

I don't feel like eating anything.' Naina paused and then said, Just colossal amounts of ice creams and chocolate!'

Preeti leaned forward. Hold on! What kind of music have you been listening too?'

 Self-consciously, rubbing an ear, Naina answered, Ghazals and love songs!'

Preeti and Swati exchanged a glance.

Not eating, not sleeping, listening to sappy songs . . . anything else?'Preeti grilled, counting the symptoms off her fingers. Her face bunched as she rested on the verge of a momentous discovery.

I kind of feel jittery whenever the phone rings.'

Oh gosh, this is serious!'  Swati put her feet down and sat straighter.

What is it? Please tell!' Naina begged.

 Where are the DVDs you recently bought?' Swati asked, abruptly changing the topic.

Bewildered, Naina indicated the almirah on the other side.

Swati quickly opened it. Let me see! Where are you hiding?' she murmured, running her seeking hands over the DVD covers. Got it!' she exclaimed, holding one up.

Naina crouched forward, Bridget Jones Diary! Are you crazy? What does that movie have to do with me?'

Wait for it child!' Preeti winked at Swati.

 Watch and learn child, watch and learn!' Inserting the DVD, Swati quickly forwarded it to the part where Mark Darcy leaves for the US of A. The left behind, yearning Bridget sometime gazes miserably out of the window and at other times consumes an entire fridge, or nervously answers the doorbell. All this while, sappy songs strum in the background.

Swati halted the movie and asked, Ms. Naina now do you get it?'

Naina clicked her tongue impatiently. What rubbish! I am not pining for Colin Firth or Mark Darcy. You are such a gadheri sometimes.'

Swati tapped her knuckles hard on Naina's head. Of course you are not pining for Colin Firth. You are pinning . . . period. Spill it out who are you thinking of?'

No one!' Naina chimed quickly . . . too quickly.

Don't lie to me Naina.' Preeti got up and advanced threateningly. Puke it out right now!'

Naina clenched her lips and shook her head, resolute. This secret was going with her to her grave.

 Okay, if you don't tell me right away, I shall go down and talk to your folks. Tell them every itty-bitty detail, and my own very astute conclusions,' Swati threatened.

So will I, especially humari pyaari Oh Bai'. She will skin you alive, bit by bit.' Preeti said most cheerfully.

What fun. Do take pictures Preeti.' Swati giggled.

Of course.' Preeti replied.

Naina watched them her eyes widening bit by bit.

 Swati and Preeti rotated and began walking in slow motion, in the direction of the door.

Their hand had barely grasped the knob, when Naina softly confessed. Sameer.'

Flabbergasted, the two girls spun back.  Naina sat doubled over the bed, her head thrust in the pillow.

Sameer, Sameer Maheshwari?' Swati screeched. 

The head in the pillow bobbed, tentatively once and then fiercely, several times. 

Kulta Naina, couldn't you fall for someone in our college, or neighbour or even our doodhwala .Why Sameer Maheshwari? He's so bloody out of our league,' Preeti voiced, amused and astonished

Sameer is our neighbour!' Naina reminded, miserably.

Jahaan panha, neighbours on the other side. Not the globally-most-eligible-bachelor-kinds. Does Sameer know?' Preeti asked.

Are you insane?' came Naina's muffled reply.

 Do you think he might feel the same?' Swati

You are definitely insane?' Naina repeated her words, finally getting up to face them.       He treats me like a complete idiot; "brainless wonder was the most recent compliment.'  Her face reflected despair.

Preeti squeezed her hhand sat down next to Naina. Swati put her arm around her. Naina gave them small smile.

I have a solution,' Swati said.


Get away from him. Migrate to a country with only burkha clad women. That's one place Sameer is never coming!' said Swati, smiling broadly.

Very funny! Anyway, he is not here. He is gone for three-four months.'

Oh! So that is when our local laila realised her one sided love.' Preeti voiced.

Shut up!' Naina snapped, and then poured, The other day, Vishakha aunty mentioned that Sameer, for the past several days, has been calling regularly to chitchat. He has asked about everyone, everyone except-'

Except yours truly!' Swati finished.

Naina glumly nodded. What will I do?'

Get married!'

Baqvaas! How will marriage help?' Naina scoffed.

Once you get some action from someone else, you'll forget all about Sameer Maheshwari.'

Naina snickered. Speaking from experience, are we, Queens of Ghantaghar?' The three giggled uncontrollably.

So going forward, what's your plan then?' Swati questioned after a few minutes of mirth.

Complete and total denial. Ignore the subject at all times.' Preeti asserted.

That hasn't worked for the last billion years or so.' Swati reminded.

Coz it hasn't been tried hard enough, I'll make it work! You'll see,' Naina said.

Have it your way. But all this while I thought you didn't like the dude,' Swati wondered, remembering the constant bickering between Sameer and Naina.

 I, too, am surprised. I always thought that on some level we were friends,' Naina confessed, sighing.

Right away Preeti smacked her on the arm. 

Hey! What's that for?' Naina demanded, rubbing her stinging limb. 

How dare you forget the first tenet of love set by Maine Pyar Kiya?'

What?' Naina grumbled.

Ek ladka ladki kabhi doost nahi hotein. Kapkati raatein, bhadkati aag, dhadkate jism, etc, remember?' Preeti retorted. The three again dissolved into chuckles.

Once Naina accepted her intense feelings for Sameer, she also saw the futileness of her one sided heartache. When he gets here, I'm going to stay miles away from Sameer. But when will he get here? When will he?'

* * * *

A couple of days later:


Bhai, I am at the airport! There's no one here, to pick me up,' Sameer hollered in his cell.

I'll be there shortly . . . another ten minutes or so.' Rohit Maheshwari was only half listening to his younger sibling. All his thoughts centred on the car he drove, and the wheel he held, so delicately, as if holding a newborn. I have to get this from the old man for good.  What a beauty,' Rohit whispered.

What is taking you so long?' Sameer, hastily, maneuvered his luggage pieces away from a man whose mouth full of tobacco bulged to alarming proportions.

Chill Sammy! What is the rush? It is not as if you are coming to sin city. It's just house warming of the new farmhouse Nanaji bought, dude!' Rohit ridiculed.

 Will you just get here quickly?' Peeved, Sameer ended the call.

Having put in sixteen-eighteen hours of work, every day, for the last three months or so had definitely taken its toll. His mind and body were bushed. Sameer's eyes, winced in the sunlight despite the expensive shades he had taken refuge behind.

Hi Sameer!' Sameer turned at the female voice. It was the PYT, his neighbour from the plane.

Can I drop you somewhere?' she crooned, coyly, fluttering her lashes. She reminded Sameer of Betty Boop, but more gauche then classy.

Gauche' just that word hurtled Sameer into memories that had obsessed and driven him for the last couple of months. Affliction for life he had happily approved and accepted the idea.


 Sameer can I drop you?' the PYT persisted. Behind her entrenched was the entire family, the mother, father, another younger and older sister, with all their salacious eyes on him.

They are in this only because of my last name. In their minds, I am already atop the ghodi, Sameer smirked at his own crude wit. Thanks but my brother is on his way. He should be here any minute.'

After rummaging in her purse for a bit, the girl took her out a cell phone. If cell phones got any smaller, it would be easier locating a needle in a haystack, than locating a cell in a woman's purse.  Alright! Let's exchange numbers.'

 Lowering his voice, Sameer honestly replied, Let's not. Sorry, I am taken!'  He grinned at his own words. The sense of belonging, surprisingly, did not feel like a painful paddle in the rear. Finally!' he breathed, moving toward the Bentley entering the arrivals.

Dude you're slow!' Sameer shot, briefly hugging Rohit.

Can't believe you are so eager to get home?' Rohit said, as their servant quickly lined up the luggage in the trunk. Besides the spare tyre, rich people's cars always feature a spare human body.

Sameer sank in the comfortable leather, only to eagerly sit up. Bhai let me drive!' he implored.

 Forget it! Nanaji would have my hide. You know only he and I are allowed to drive this baby.'

 It's not fair, just because you are married doesn't make you a better driver than me,' Sameer whined.

I agree. Take it up with him! Why don't you?' Rohit suggested, smugly.  

I did! The old man was like, "Sameer, bada socho toh bada milege! Sameer grumbled.

Nanaji is right; marriage to Seema is bada . . . bada kaam!' Rohit countered.

Bhabhi is a sweetheart.' Sameer murmured, closing his eyes. 

After several minutes of silence, Rohit interrupted his slumber. Sammy, you've been acting strangely for the last few months.'

Why?' Sameer asked keeping his eyes closed. What does Bhai know, he wondered. 

 You work like a dog and finish the project, impeccably, in impossible time.  Reliable sources tell me you are not partying much . . . there is hardly any mention of you and some woman on Page 3, of any city. Now to top all that you are panting to get back here; a place which in the past you have more than often called boring and dead.' 


Bhai you work hard. Only party with Bhabhi and few friends, and spend all your days holed up either at office or at home. Yet you find it strange when I do the same things.'

But that's me! I have always been like that. You, on the other hand have always been the social butterfly of our house and country.'

 Then maybe all your prayers have been answered. I have matured, I guess!' Sameer knew the reason for the change, but he was not telling . . . not just yet.

 Don't give me that crap. I know you better than that!'

Mr Shrink may I sleep for some time?'  Sameer smiled, his eyes refused to open.

Is there something going on with you that I should know?' Rohit nagged. 

No mother!' Sameer moved the spotlight away from him. So how's everyone been?'

 Same old! Mom has probably seen few more movies. Dad has probably bought some more antiques, and Seema and I probably have had few more arguments . . . whose left?'

Sameer, mentally, crossed his fingers.

Oh yes, Naina! Nowadays her and our folks, including Seema, have taken upon themselves to get Naina married. You said something?' Rohit broke off.

Nope, go on!' Sameer sat up, pulling the shades over his eyes. 

Glancing at his watch, Rohit revealed, It's almost twelve; Naina is probably meeting one of the first boys as we speak.'

 After a few minutes, Sameer tersely muttered, Your speed is insulting to a vehicle of this kind.'

In less than an hour, Rohit heckled by his younger sibling pulled into the grandly decorated driveway of the farmhouse. Must have definitely broken some record today, what do you think?' Rohit said, getting out of the car.

Sameer, already half inside the house, yelled over his shoulder, Wait till I tell Nanaji how you abused his baby!'

You scumbag!' Rohit called out.

A hurried, harried, Sameer weaved through the crowded foyer, living room, dining room. Damn, how many people are here?' he cursed.

 Sam you're back. I would like you-'

Later Nanaji!' waving, Sameer rushed past his grandfather.

Taking a few scant steps, the life threatening faux pass dawned on Sameer.

            Contrite, Sameer stepped in front of the crowned sovereign of their household; Sorry Nanaji! Had to kind of go to . . .' he lied through his teeth.

Okay!' Nanaji's face lost its frown. Well then do go on. It is good to have you back, son. We'll talk later,' He said.

Quickly, Sameer did the customary thing of touching his  feet, followed by a brief hug. About to continue he recognised who stood with his father. Hello Uncle!' Sameer bent and touched Mr Rakesh Agarwal's feet, thinking, baap pat gaaya toh beti kahaan jayegi?


Rakesh, taken back, mumbled, Bless you!' Such traditional gestures were Rohit's forte not Sameer's.

 Where is Mom?' The pea would not be far from the pod.

Probably, outside in the tent, near the tennis court. The havan is about to commence there shortly. Why don't you go and change?' Nanaji suggested.

Sameer took off in that direction. A well-manicured hand stopped him. My, my, so you are finally back. I was so miserable without you,' a female voice crooned.

I wasn't!' exasperated, Sameer brushed the restraining hand away.

Sheela placed it right back. That is no way to talk with someone you were so close to.' She leaned closer.

For his past errant behavior and abysmal choices, Sameer visualised kicking himself in the nether areas!

Got to go Sheela! Do help yourself to the drinks and food. The latter more,' Sameer said stepping, around her.

 Finally, he glimpsed his mother. He scanned the group around her. Bhabhi, Mrs Agarwal and Mrs. Agarwal, Preeti and ten thousand other women (literally) but no her'. Damn.'

Hi Maa, I'm home.' Sameer hugged her close. Vishakha lovingly caressed his face.  Please mom!' Embarrassed, he straightened.

What? I am your mother not your girlfriend.' Vishakha's coterie, appropriately, snickered.

Sameer could control it no more.  So where is-?'

Naina?' Preeti finished. Sameer nodded.

You stay away from her!' Seema warned.

Why?' The word just sprung out. I mean, is anything special going on?'

Naina is meeting a boy! We sent them away so they could get some alone time,' Bela revealed.

You sent them where?' Sameer struggled to keep his composure, quashing the urge to shake the match mongers.

To the other side of the house. Its quieter there.' Vishakha enlightened.

Ok!' Sameer promptly took off in that direction.

Sameer where are you going?' Vishakha called out, sweetly.

 To my room to freshen up.'

Your room is in the other direction?' Seema pointed.

Sorry forgot! I haven't been here, too, many times.' Sameer, headed inside, towards his room or so they thought.

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