Chapter 15

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Dear all , here comes the next part , thankfully on time...didn't have to delay it . Do let me know your thoughts and comments about the same. Eagerly waiting for your comments.




"Girl , we didn't use Rohan's gift. You know what that mean rt ?? To top it all you have your final exams after two months"

"Yes, don't worry I am on pill"

"What !!?? When did you go and buy it?? You didn't tell me about it!! And did you check with any doctor before you took that pill??"

"Relax Sameer , don't over react!! When our marriage was fixed , Chachi took me to a doctor as I had missed my cycle that month, we did a scan and nothing was wrong. She said it could be because I was stressed ...nothing to worry..So she gave me pills to regularize the cycle. I need to take for three months."

"But Naina , that is to regularize your cycle rt??"

"Yes Sameer but they give contraceptive pills for it as the same medicine helps to regularize the cycle too."

"Thank god!! Not that I have a problem being a father , its just that I thought it was too early for you and besides you have your exams to complete. I didn't want anything to stop your professional dreams Naina."

"Even if I did conceive Sameer, I wouldn't mind. I would have happily decided to write my exams later."

Hearing this I tighten my hold on her shoulders and gave her a lingering kiss on her forehead.

"Naina , there is one thing that I have to tell you which I have hidden from everyone . You remember I had lost your lucky pen ??"


"Its with me. I use it to sign all major business contract."

"Sameer...I thought..."

"You thought , I had lost it , right ??...After I wrote my math's exam , I kept it with me. I didn't want to give it back to you. At that point I didn't know why I did that , but now I have understood the reason behind it ."

"And what was the reason ??"

"I think I was always in love with you. My eyes kept searching for you whenever you were not there. I hated it when people teased you but worse than that was I hated myself of not being able to stand up against those who tried to belittle you.

I took the pen because I knew it was an important part of your life and I guess by taking it I was trying to make your presence felt in my life...I know it sounds crazy but that's the truth.

What I couldn't say years back , I would like to tell you now...don't want to delay it any more..



"Naina its ok. Just because I said it doesn't mean you have to say it too. I am sure one day you will and I am willing to wait. So don't worry."

There were tears brimming in her eyes. She didn't say a word , she just hugged me and kissed the center of my chest.

"Do you want to go out and have lunch ?? "


"Why ?? Is it still hurting ??"

"Its not hurting now, but feeling slightly uncomfortable and very tired. Can we go later in the evening?? Lunch , I will prepare something after sometime. Anyways its only 11.00 now. "

"You don't have to cook anything . I will order food for us."

"From where??"

"Don't worry , I will call Pandith. He has taken over his dad's restaurant business. I do that sometimes when mom is not at home."


"I will do something , I will switch on the heater. I will get the bath tub ready. I have heard hot bath helps to relax and reduce the pain."

"NOO!!! I don't feel comfortable in a tub."

"Have you ever tried giving yourself a warm soak in a tub??"


"Then you will try it today...there is always a first time Naina. We boys know a lot about all these . Its not like you girls."

" And what makes you think , that we girls wont know anything about it?? I said with a naughty edge in my voice which took Sameer by surprise.

"You girls don't have access to the magazines or videos that we get to read and know what I mean.."

"Well , some of us can get lucky!!"

"Don't tell me !! you have watched an A rated movie??"

"Well , I don't know what its called , but its what you boys watch and fantasize. "

"Good Lord!! Girl you are naughty and here I was trying to be gentle and nice thinking I shouldn't scare tell me all about it ... how did you managed to watch it."

I couldn't help laughing looking at his expression. The world thought of me as some studious no nonsense kid. Only two people knew me to the core, Preethi and Swathi...and now Sameer.

"Naina , I am waiting.."

"Nothing to say Sameer. It was just us girls getting curious. After all, we are also as human as you guys are ...I will go and take a bath. "

"You are not going anywhere deary , not without telling me about your teenage adventures."

She was laughing loud as I held her captive in the strength of my arms. I loved the sound of her laughter. I loved everything about her...oh god , she is driving me crazy!!

"OKAY!! This was during our first year in college. There was some arts fest happening in our college. And at that time Swathi's parents had to go to her aunt's place for two days, because of the fest she couldn't go. So at night Preethi and I used to go to her home for a sleep over. Her cousin brother also used to stay with them but that month he had gone to Bombay for his training .

On the first day of sleep over , Swathi said that she had seen video cassette in her cousin brother's room but never had that guts to ask him since her parents would not have approved of it . Since he was not there , she decided that we could take it and watch movie at night. We got Dil cassette and we played it, just that it was not DIL , it was one of those movies...that's all"

"And you girls actually sat and watched the whole thing."

" To be honest , no we didn't watch it full ...all of us felt uncomfortable and dirty..not sure why ...but then we just decided never to see it again. I guess it's a girl thing...its not like watching romantic movies..felt very weird!!"

"Hmmm...Naina, did you enjoy what happened between us or you felt weird??"

"Sameer !! what do you think, do you really want me to answer?"

"I think you did enjoy but want to hear it from you..I don't want to assume anything."

"Yes , I did and want it every night except when I have my cycles. No excuses!! Does that assure you of my feelings??"


"Good !!"

That evening we went out and she insisted that we sit in the park that we had sat before our wedding. This time , we were sitting close to each other , my hand casually kept on her shoulder, enjoying Kulfi and commenting on every couple around us. I was enjoying this budding comradeship between us, I think I have always felt happy around her. She had that aura written on her face. If people asked me , whether I was the kind who would come and sit in a park with my wife , two years back , I would have said no but today it was different ...I loved this park talk..

"You are not listening to me.."

"How did you know that Naina??"

"Its your eyes , it talks to me !!"

"Is it ?? So what else did my eyes tell you darling ??"

"A lot !! wondering if you would ever have thought of sitting here with your wife??"

"Good lord Naina!! Don't do this , its did you get that close to my thoughts??"

"Well leave that , tell me something ...why did you bring me to the park before we got married?? What was your intention??"

"Intention was pretty clear Naina, to sit somewhere far away from the world , to hold your hand probably.."

"Awww...and I thought so!!"

"Do you want a heavy dinner or light one??"

"Sameer, today's lunch was too heavy , so a light one would be fine ."

"Then come along ,I have something to show you. "

"Ok...where are we going ??"

"Do you trust me ??"

"More than myself !!"

"Then hop along lady."

I sat on the back of his bike, just like how guys sit..but was holding him around his waist . I could see his smile and noticed slight blush emerging on his fair clean-shaven face. We rode through busy evening traffic of the city and then reached the outskirts. The sky had turned orange, the birds were racing across the sky to reach their nest, pavement trees danced in tune to the wind and there was a sense of peace and serenity in the air. As the sun was getting ready for rest, there was a dip in the temperature. I held him close to me.

"Feeling cold??"


"Do you need my Jacket?? Its there in the side box of the bike."

"Nope, I have you for warmth"

"Ahaaa!! Wifey is all romantic...another 10 mins dear and we will reach the place."

And as promised at 6:45PM we were standing in front of a huge gate. All I could see was a security post and a road leading into the vast farm land. On the way we did see similar farm lands and farm houses but I had never thought he was bringing me to the farm house were he had spent his childhood with his family, especially his own dad and then later on with his Nanu.

"Do you know , where we have come??"

"Farm house where you had spent your initial years with your dad...right ??"

"How did you know??"

"Your mom has told me a lot about your childhood and how she had to send you to Nanu for couple of months in order to pacify your step fathers aunt."

"hmm...I was hoping I would give you an insight into my childhood...but looks like you know it all..shall we go in??"

"Yes .."

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