Chapter 4

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I know todays episode wasn't something that most of you felt happy about something to cheer you all

One late afternoon , we were all having tea , when dad reminded me that I need to go to the bank to open a joint account with Niana .

"Don't you think , its better to be done after we are married? I asked.

"Another 4 days for your marriage , I think it should be fine Countered Dad

I was not convinced , so I said "Nah, I think it can wait till Naina and I are married

Hearing this mom got up and went to the kitchen. I knew she was not happy with my answer. How could I tell her, that I had a joint account with Kamya for nearly six months and for all her shopping she would withdraw from that account. That's the first thing I closed ones our relationship broke. I didn't want to be someone's provider until I was sure that I was important to them. I got up and walked to kitchen as if I wanted more tea.

She was washing her tea cup. She didn't bother to acknowledge my presence . I knew she was not going to give in after all she is my mom. When it comes to being stubborn, she takes the top position in the family.

I went behind her and hugged her "I know you are angry because of what I spoke but I think such things are best to be done after marriage.

"Get one thing clear in your mind. If you are still stuck with Kamya then its too late to say NO to this wedding . I don't want Naina to be hurt. If you turn back now Sameer, don't bother to see me for the rest of your life!!

With that she moved my hand and walked out. I couldn't believe she thought I was still confused. At least to make her understand that I was serious about my decision, I decided to open a joint account.

Later that evening I called her home, it was her chachi who picked up the phone "Sameer, how are you ?

"Hi Chachi , I am fine . thank you !! How is everyone at home?

I could imagine her teasing smile when she asked me "You called to enquire about everyone or about Naina.

"Well , I wanted to talk to Naina , if that's ok with you.

"Of Course !!

I heard chachi handing over the phone to Naina. Again there was this silence and as usual , I was the one to break it.

"Naina, tomorrow we need to go to the bank to open a joint account.

"Why now Sameer? We can do that after marriage.

Her answer astonished me. It was also an eye-opener. I decided that I would not compare her with Kamya. But her response brought a new fear in me. Would she back out in the last minute? Is that why she had decided not to agree for it.

"Sameer , are you there??

"Yes, I am here. Why don't you want to open a joint account?

"Sameer , if you are thinking I might backout in the last moment, then you are wrong. Its just that I felt it was right to do after our marriage as we would have to declare our relationship in the documents. Besides all these money related tasks , its best to be done once we are legally married.

Lord!! How could this girl read my mind so easily. And her maturity and sincerity astonished me again.

"Alright Naina , then will do it after marriage.

"Are you angry with me ??

"No dear , you are right . We can do it after our marriage. Can we still meet tomorrow. I can drop you at your office. I wasn't sure why I asked that . All I knew is , I wanted to be with her.

"Ok...I normally leave from home around 8:15

"Fine , I will be there. Meet you tomorrow morning.

"Ahaa!! Good move bro

"ROHAN!! Cant believe you were listening to our conversation

" She agreed ...rt??!! Take her around and then drop her at the office . I am sure mom wouldn't mind. Rohan suggested.

"Mom wouldn't but she would I countered.

"You look so happy and you have this glow on your face. I have never seen this . I feel you are happy this time

"What do you mean this time??

"With Kamya , there was always an uncertainty. You sensed it too. Its just that you weren't willing to accept. In fact no one was happy ...this time it might not be grand and loud wedding , but everyone seems to be happy Bhai...especially YOU !! I think you always had a soft corner for Bhabhi but you never realized it.

Rohan's words pierced deep into my heart. Because that was the reality. I always ran away from her thinking people would make fun of me. I wasnt sure about her feelings for, but whenever , I have asked notes , she has always kind to share it with me. Even when she knew that her father disliked me. Probably she saw me as a friend.

"I wont lie Rohan ..I guess you are right.

"What about Bhabhi?? Its so difficult to break thru the faade that she has created around her. Yesterday when I spoke to her , she would only answer to the point and ended the call with some formal pleasantries.

"I know...understanding her silence is going to be the greatest challenge of my life. By the way , why did you call her.

"Called mom at office but she was not there . It was Bhabhi who picked the phone..Jealous?? don't worry she is not Kamya.

Sameer , laughed at that comment. "Jealous??, I trust you Rohan.

"OK Bhai !! got to go and dip my head into Human Anatomy . Else next exam , I wont have good grades.

Fine !! As Rohan left the room, I was thankful to god for bringing in Rohan and Deepika into my life. After mom s second marriage , it took some time to accept new set of family but eventually it all fell in place. But Rohan's affection came to light when Kamya had chosen to change her decision in the last moment. She wanted to marry him as he was studying for medicine in a foreign university. She felt he was much more intelligent and smarter than me.

Rohan had stood strong when both the families had nearly agreed to the change for the sake of business. He refused to marry her even it means losing everything. He said in no uncertain terms that he saw her as his brother's to be wife, as a sister and can never accept her as a wife.

Not sure , if I could ever forget the wound that was caused by the incident!! I hoped it wouldn't spoil my present.

Next Morning 7:45 AM

I got ready in a black formal pants and light blue shirt. I was about to get into the car when Rohan stopped me and gave his Bike key.

"Are you crazy??

"Bhai, you are taking your to be wife, why this fear??.

"I don't think she will be comfortable.

"Then its time you made her comfortable said Rohan with a wink.

I smiled and took the keys from Rohans hand "Are you sure you studied Human Anatomy yesterday??!!

"Oh Yes Bhaiya!! A lil too much I guess!! "

Reached her house around 8: 10 and she was waiting . Naina and punctuality were synonyms !! She looked angelic in her light pink anarkali salwar, with pearl jewelry. This time her hair was left open. It was slightly damp. Looked like she had taken head bath sometime back. I wanted to jump out of my bike and pull her into my arms. What I loved the most was her expression on seeing me on bike.
"I thought you were coming along with Aunty in the car

"Mom has some work, so she needed the car. This is Rohans bike.

As predicted she was hesitant. Contemplating whether to sit with me on the bike or not. At the same time she didn't know how to say a NO to me. I felt so bad looking at her.

"Never sat on a bike??

"Yes , on Arjun Bhaiya's bike. But never with anyone outside the family.

"Okkk...well I am not an outsider ...I am going to be your husband , someone much more closer than all relationships you have now...your to be life partner.

She smiled and her cheeks taking the same shade of her Salwar. She soon sat behind me and placed her hand on my shoulder. I could smell Jasmine, probably the perfume she was using and it was so intoxicating. This girl for sure will drive me crazy. I hate to compare but I couldn't stop myself from doing so. Not even once with Kamya I had wanted to kiss or even hold her hand. She had tried to get close but it always repulsed me. I was uncomfortable whenever she came close to me. At that time, I felt it was my upbringing that made me uncomfortable of intimacy prior to marriage. Kamya used to call me a kid whenever I tried to remind her that we were not married. But I am glad I didn't get physically close with her . If I had then, I would have regretted it now.

But with my Behanji its different story. I am not able to keep my eyes off her lips while I talked to her and my dreams weren't anything close to being respectable. Now I know , what cold water bath means. I had to put a break to my chain of thoughts as we were nearing her office.

"Thank you Sameer for dropping me

I took a Dairy Milk from my pocket and gave it to her.

"For you !!

She took it from me quickly and said a thank you. I was about start the bike, that's when I heard my mom's voice.

"Rohan , have you ever got a chocolate from your brother??

I should have known , he would have already told the entire family about my morning adventure. I didn't know what to say, but my girl quickly came to my rescue.

"Aunty , its for all of us.

"Oh yes !! we know that dear countered mom with a suppressed laugh.

Little did she know my family. They were enjoying these teasing sessions and deep down I was also relishing these moments.

"Alright Ma, I will go home with Bhaiya.

"Bhabhi , be ready in the evening . He will drop you back home. Wont you Bhaiya??


To Be Continued...

PS : So how is it ?? Do let me know your thoughts comments encourage me to write more and better..
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