Chapter 2

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Okay not quite 9:00 PM my time, so I have lived up to my promise of a weekend posting. Give it a read and  let me know what you think... you know we writers thrive on feedbackWink:

Chapter #1

Maya, the resort's main dining room hostess trekked over to the couple's table shortly after their waiter had departed, having taken their lunch order. "Namaste,' she greeted them. "So, you've made it back from this morning's excursion. How was the river rafting?"



The female of the pair ignored her husband's complaint. "It was amazing; thank you, Maya. The only downside is how very hungry we are now."

"Maya Ji, am I correct in thinking that we could have ordered off the full dining-room menu and had it delivered to our suite should we have wished?"  

"Absolutely Mr. Agarwal, the limited room-service menu is only in effect from 11:30 PM."

"Like I said, Sareena," the man said turning to his wife, "we could have enjoyed the best of both worlds. You could have eaten your fill, and I could have got what I need sooner..." the man grimaced suddenly, the victim of a sharp kick under the table from his better half. He smiled boyishly at his now flushed spouse and reached across table for two for her hand. "A nap," he teased.

Her lips twitching, Maya had to clear her throat to suppress the laughter that fought to come out. "Aacha, well let me go to the kitchen, and see if I can get your meal prepared quickly as possible, why don't I," she interjected knowingly before leaving the very much in love couple to each other's company.

"This is not a honeymoon, Vihaan, you shouldn't expect..."

"My life with you is a honeymoon, Jaan," the besotted man countered. "Every single day," he continued, counting his blessings to have the woman of his dreams in his life. As he expected, his beloved melted practically in front of him. "We will eat fast," she said sweeping her eyes away from her husband's heated gaze.

Out of nowhere, an agonized bellow came from the direction of the kitchen, ensued by another: this one laced with pain. Instantly Sareena's demeanor changed. She was already rising from the table when the doors leading to the kitchen swung open and Maya's desperate eyes sought hers. "Vihaan, my bag; it's in my suitcase, please go and get it."


Shaurya fought against the hands that were restraining him, attempting to strip away his jacket and shirt, all the while, dismissing the stinging pain. The severe burning sensation he felt as a result of his collision with the kitchen helper carrying a full pot just off the range,  meant nothing after watching his wife fall unconscious before his eyes.

"Nahi, leave me...Mehek ...Jaan...for God's sake someone call a doctor!" 

"Sir you've been burnt. The sauce, it could burn her as well if it gets on her."

Hina, ever the voice of reason, got through to her boss whose already frayed nerves had snapped completely on seeing his wife incapacitated. Any thought that he could bring further harm to his wife, was so intolerable, that the man finally stopped fighting and allowed his staff to help him to remove his jacket. "Mehek," he whispered desperately, unable to tear his eyes away from her. She lay deathly still, giving no outwardly indication of her condition, which frightened him on a greater level than any physical pain could measure against. 

 The kitchen door swung open and Shaurya watched Maya usher a stranger that he vaguely recognized as a guest into the kitchen. The woman's eyes quickly scanned the room, identifying the two victims as well as the probable circumstances that had brought each of them to their present conditions. Her eyes met Shaurya's and comprehension of his identity and relation to the woman on the floor, had her clear as to how dire this situation could be.

"I'm a doctor," She called out exuding a confidence that immediately gave Shaurya a small sense of optimism.

"I'm fine," he lied, "Please attend to my wife. I can't lose her."

Sareena saw that someone had appeared with a first kit. "Call in the emergency. Get an ambulance here as soon as possible. Run cool water over his burns for a minimum of fifteen minutes or until the responders arrive, whichever comes first. Do not apply anything to the burns."

Confident that her orders were going to be followed, Sareena immediately kneeled beside the fallen woman and did the all-important check to confirm that the patient was breathing in the first instance. Noting straight away that the unconscious woman's chest rose and fell in a regular rhythm, she then grabbed the woman's wrist and checked her pulse, further confirming her vitals. Satisfied with her preliminary findings, she called out, mostly for the benefit of the man who frantically awaited news, that the patient was breathing.

"Was there any possibility of her striking her head or back when she fell?"

"Nahi, it didn't appear so. She just fell."

The door opened again and a young man rushed in, looking for and locating his wife. "Here Jaan," he said passing her the compact case that held the tools of her trade. He caught her penitent expression, but he just shook his head. Medicine was her life, and he could not fault her for secreting her equipment with her on their holiday.

After an indeterminable length of time, which had in fact been less than he thought, Shaurya heard the words that settled him at last. "I cannot see any immediate danger. Is there somewhere we can move her so she can recover?"

Shaurya started to withdraw from the sink where his hand had been placed under a steady stream of water.

"Nahi, you remain there. Provided your burns don't warrant a hospital visit, you can come later."

"Hina take her to my suite. I will be there as soon as I can."

He watched as the doctor's husband went over and hoisted Mehek into his arms and followed Hina.

"I will be right behind you," Sareena called out, before going to see the other patient. The man was already denying her attention

"Nahi, her condition is more important...please."

"Calm down Mr. Khanna I fully understand your situation. I just want to get a look here before I go."

Gently she manipulated his forearm and examined the man's injuries. His hand looked to have borne the worst of the scalding contents of vessel that had upended on him in his haste to get to his wife. And even in that he looked to be very fortunate. "Your watch and ring will have to come off just in case there is any swelling, but I don't believe that a hospital visit will be necessary. Mind you, you should defer to the expertise of those who attend you."

"And my wife, should we be transporting her to hospital as well?"

"I don't envision that this is anything but a fainting spell, but if you have any concerns or are aware of any underlying conditions that would suggest that we should..."

"I don't, but I don't what has happened to her either. She's just come back today."

The fear she had heard in the man's voice had returned. "Let me go then. Ideally, I would like to be with her when she comes to. If she permits it, I will conduct a more thorough examination which hopefully will guide you in the next steps to be taken."

"Thank you Doctor ..."

"Arora: Doctor Sareena Arora."


She came to slowly, completely in the dark as to where she was, yet strangely comforted at the same time. What was it she wondered as she inhaled deeply, that made her want to snuggle exactly where she lay and remain here forever? Where was she? She heard noise beside her just before a shadow fell over her. Somehow, she knew straight away that it was a woman, and she was immediately filled with an unfounded fear. Her eyes shot open, and she looked frantically to identify who could be there with her.

"Oh, thank God," the unfamiliar woman exclaimed, before she sped to her side when she would have risen. "Wait please...Don't get up. Let the doctor see you first. She should be here in a second."

She didn't know what it was about her voice, now that she had spoken, that had her convinced everything was was okay, but she nodded and remained there while the well-dressed woman awaited the physician who must have been summoned to aid her.

Another woman, dressed too casually to be the doctor, came carrying a small case. However, in this she was, as she was in many instances nowadays, wrong.

"My name is Dr. Arora. How are you feeling? Is there any pain or lightheadedness?"

"Nahi, neither, I'm just incredibly tired."

"Thik hai. I was nearby when you fell ill. If you have no objection, I'd like to just do a quick examination to ensure there aren't any underlying issues that we should be concerned about."

Sareena smiled gently, when her patient nodded "Thik hai. Can you tell me your name; today's date and where you are? Preferably in that order."

His hand bandaged, Shaurya finally reached his suite. He noticed as soon as he entered that the bedroom door was closed and Hina and the doctor's husband: Vihaan Agarwal, he had since learned, were waiting in the lounge. His PA stood immediately. "She's awake, Sir. The doctor is examining her. It shouldn't be much longer now." 

Shaurya released a shuddering breath and nodded. Feeling for the moment that he could turn his attention elsewhere, he approached the man, whose choice of a vacation resort, he would forever be thankful for. "Shaurya Khanna," he stated, holding out his uninjured hand. "I cannot tell you how thankful I am that you and your wife were here with us today of all days. Consider you stay comped Mr. Agarwal."

"Completely unnecessary," the man returned. "I'll be satisfied with getting my lunch sorted, and be just as grateful."

"Consider it done. Hina?"

"Ji Sir, I'll see to it right away," the PA said, and immediately got on the phone to make the arrangements.

"Could we actually get it delivered to out suite, if it's not too much trouble,' a voice from behind them queried.

Sareena approached them smiling. The relief that brought was palpable. "Perhaps in about thirty minutes or so? After I speak to Mr. Khanna. You can last that long Vihaan?"

"Haan, Reena; I will just go back to the room and wait for you."


"Your hand, Mr. Khanna?"

"Just as you said, it didn't require hospitalization. They were quite anxious to slather my hand with turmeric paste, but I told them I would like a second opinion first," indicating the gratuitous faith he had in a practitioner he barely knew.

"You have elevated me to a position that I hardly deserve, Mr. Khanna. And as much as I am reliant on modern methods, it would be foolish to discount well founded homeopathic remedies. If the preparation is done hygienically, I would definitely recommend it as a supplementary treatment. If you would like I will mix up some a little later."

"Thank you," Shaurya said, unable to stop his eyes from straying to the closed bedroom door.

"Meera is fine. It's apparent that she is very much relived to be back here, and is taking what I suspect is much needed rest. It wasn't my business to delve further into what has happened, but as the accident was widely reported, I had to take into consideration that the nature of her disappearance may not be of her own making, and I approached my examination as such." 

Shaurya's eyes widened at the doctor's intimation. His focus being solely on locating his wife, he had not even pondered the implications of her time apart from him.

"I saw no evidence of any recent mistreatment; there is no bruising of any kind, no contusions, no visual scarring that would indicate any past abuse of any sort. Would you say she has lost weight since you were last together Mr. Khanna?"

He had noticed it as soon as he had seen her. "Ji, definitely."

Sareena rushed to assure the man, whose mind, already in overdrive, was seeing peril in every word. "This may just be just due to a long recovery period, if she was severely injured in the accident, or if not that something as simple as a diet change. Perhaps both." She then paused as she contemplated what she wanted to broach with the man next, based on her observations. "Mr. Khanna, Shaurya, to give you as thorough of an assessment as I can, I need to ask you something rather personal, if you would rather not answer..."

"Bolo, anything you need."

"Aacha. My understanding is that despite having married some- time prior, that you and your wife had just got around to celebrating your honeymoon before her disappearance?"


"Were you intimate with your wife prior to your honeymoon?"


 "And your wife was a virgin when you consummated your marriage?"

"I don't understand what this has to do with..."

"I am very certain that Meera is pregnant. Even though I haven't confirmed it through any testing, her physical presentation is pointing towards this. She has confirmed some first stage symptoms, and there is a distinct firmness to her abdomen which would point to an almost 3 month fundal height. Her exhaustion is a definite clue, and I would not be surprised if Meera's fainting was not associated with this condition."

"Mehek," Shaurya stated

"I'm sorry?"

"You keep calling her Meera. That's her mother's name..." 

For the first time during their conversation the young doctor's face registered real concern. "Nahi," She answered slowly. "She told me her name is Meera: Meera Sharma. I didn't know her given name, and I assumed that she used Sharma for professional reasons, much as I use Arora. She began pacing, obviously reflecting on this information. "She was able to identify the name of the resort, but other than that..." she stopped as something important occurred to her. "She didn't mention you, didn't ask for you once. May I use you telephone," she suddenly asked. "It will be long distance."


Two hours later, Hina exited the bedroom. "She's awake, and wouldn't mind something to eat now."

Shaurya nodded and called the kitchen for the predetermined meal that Sareena had suggested. He then placed a call to the doctor's suite, who indicated that she would be there in fifteen minutes.

"Did she recognize you, Hina?"

"Nahi, Sir. I'm sorry."

"Thik hai. Dr. Arora will be back momentarily. Can you please go back in and sit with Mehek, in the meantime?"

Fifteen minutes to the dot, the physician had arrived. So too, had the trolley holding the meal they had ordered for Mehek. Understanding what had been asked of him, Shaurya collected the bed tray table and followed Dr. Arora as she entered the room.

Mehek was already sitting up in the bed, and greeted the physician with a smile on her face.

"Meera, how are feeling now that you have rested?"

"Famished," she answered before inhaling the scents that permeated the room. Her stomach growled noisily, and she blushed and placed her hand on stomach. "As you can tell."

Shaurya's eyes strayed to where her hand lay, and felt his own stomach flip. Was it true? Did she even know?

"Well we've got you something delicious, and fortifying. And then there are these: vitamins. They are a higher dose than normal, but will help you regain some strength. Don't take them on an empty stomach, but try not to miss them either. At the very least take them with a glass of milk, thik hai?"

Mehek nodded and sat a little straighter before the tray was placed across her lap. Her eyes raised to thank her server and she froze. "Th..thank you," she stammered. Her confusion was evident but she didn't speak on it. His heart pounding so hard in his chest, Shaurya waited for his wife to acknowledge him in any way, shape or form, but had to withdraw when he realized none would come. He smiled, and nodded and stood back up to walk away.


Shaurya's eyes closed, and he schooled his expression before he turned back. "Ji?"

"Did you make this for me?"

He had no clue at first why she would ask that until he recalled that after his shirt sleeve had been cut away and his burns had been treated that he had borrowed one of the chef's coats, to return to his room. He still wore it

"Nahi Ma'am, not this time."

"Meera, not ma'am."

Shaurya stole a glance at the doctor, who nodded subtly.

"I'm Shaurya. Shaurya Khanna."

Still nothing.

"Thank you Shaurya."

He nodded and walked towards the door. Behind him he heard Dr. Arora speaking. He didn't care how strange it may have appeared when he paused to listen.

"Meera, is there someone we should telephone? Anyone you would like for us to contact to let them know that you haven't been well?"

The pause was as pregnant as she was suspected to be, but finally Mehek spoke.

"Nahi, there is no one to call."


She slept again as soon as she finished eating.

In the time between then and when she next woke, Shaurya remained in conference with Dr. Arora, making a slew of appointments and arrangements for his wife. A private nurse was secured in hours and the range of tests she believed should be done discussed with a local expert. In a move Shaurya would never imagined, Sareena offered her time for the duration that she was there to accompany Mehek to any appointments and to ensure the continuity of her care. Post-traumatic amnesia was what Sareena was leaning towards, something of all things she had been exposed to as a young intern. The patient had suffered a less severe case, and her recovery had been well within the duration they were dealing with, but the key takeaway point is that recovery was possible. They would begin their quest for this goal tomorrow with the testing to determine his wife's condition.

The arrival of dinner, ended their discussions, and after the new trolley was wheeled in, Shaurya finally insisted on the woman's departure.

"I fear I have ruined your vacation. Please extend my apologies to your husband."

"These are very extenuating circumstances; he understands."

Shaurya nodded. Nevertheless, the couple would incur no expense for this vacation whether they agreed to it or not, and in the near future he would determine on a generous recompense for her services. For now, though, it was his wife that needed his attention.

On entering the room, he suggested that the nurse take a break and enjoy her own dinner in the other room, and then quietly placed the tray as he had earlier. He stood waiting.

"Sit down Shaurya, you needn't hover."

She seemed agitated this evening, so he did exactly what she asked. Minutes of her silent eating passed, with the distress becoming more obvious.

"Is something wrong Meh..Meera?"

"I don't know. I've been here thinking how wonderful your boss is, and then I see that she is nothing of the sort."

"My boss?"

"Hina Ma'am. How can she be so kind to have let me stay here tonight; to have got me a change of clothes, act so concerned and then treat you so badly? She continued when it looked as he had no clue what she was referring to. "Why is she making you work, especially being injured? It's not right."

"It's okay, don't worry about me. Just concentrate of getting better thik hai?"

She nodded as she had a mouthful of food. After she swallowed, she spoke again. "Turmeric Milk, Shaurya, mix some and drink it tonight before you go to bed. It's a cure-all and you will help you sleep."

He stared at her pensively. "I seem to recall hearing that somewhere before, maybe I will try that."

"Trust me, you will thank me in the morning, Shaurya."

Chapter 2

crtkelly2017-10-24 20:23:42

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