Chapter 15

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[NOCOPY]Hey guys,

When I think that this story was supposed to have only six or seven chapters.
I ended up making it an FF. smiley44 Not that I am not enjoying writing more details to the story. smiley9

So let's talk about the chapter. I enjoyed writing it specially the emotional part of Virat. smiley42 
I literally had goosebumps myself. smiley37 Of course as a sadist I enjoy writing sad things. smiley15
Yes Sai is insane and Veeru is love. smiley9

Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it.

Thanks a lot for all the love and your lovely comments. smiley27
Sorry for the delay. Was Ghum somewhere. smiley37

Sai pushed Virat aside almost making him off balance and sprinted towards Saurabh. Before he could react she turned him around to take his place. The bullet that was going to hit her friend, penetrated her right arm. The entire world stopped around her as well as her breathing. She could vaguely hear both Virat and Saurabh taking her name. Her body was about to crash down when Virat came running to her and by one hand he pushed Saurabh away and by the other one he caught her. He raised his hand up with an angry look to stop Saurabh from approaching his wife.

« Why Sai, why ? », Virat asked lifting her up and holding her tightly against him.
« Virat Sir... », she tried to speak.
« Shhhh I am taking you to the hospital. Nothing will happen to you. », he said still holding her against him.

He detached himself from her and carried her in his arms till the car. One of the officers took Saurabh with him and the other one followed Virat. Virat asked him to drive while he sat behind laying her down on the seat and keeping her head on his lap. He looked at her arm and how much blood she was losing. He couldn't stop his tears from streaming down.

« Sai please stay with me. Keep your eyes open. », he requested, a drop of his tears falling on her forehead.

His reluctance not to fill her forehead with sindoor during their wedding or during the pujas flashed before his eyes and he didn't know why he felt bad about it. All he knew was that he wasn't feeling pity for her but he was feeling bad for himself.

« I am sorry Sai. », he apologized for all time he had unknowingly hurt her.
« I... I am... sor...sorry... », Sai apologized but not for the same reason.
« Don't say any...Sai... Sai ? Sai please stay with me... Sai. », he tried to keep her awake. « Drive fast, please. », he begged the officer.

A few minutes later they were at the hospital. He let the doctors take her in the operating theatre. He watched the door close and went numb for a few minutes. Then he paced up and down in the waiting area before taking a seat. His eyes fell on his shirt stained with blood then he looked at his bloody hands. This brought him back six months ago when she attempted to commit suicide after her father's death. Back then the idea of losing her had a different feeling. He didn't want to lose her for the promise he had made to her father and also for the admiration he had for her. But this time the idea of losing her was causing him an unknown pain in his heart.

« Bappa, you have to keep her alive. », he begged God with his unstoppable tears.

The doors of the operating theatre opened and a nurse came out. He stopped her and asked her if they needed his blood. Both have the same blood group and he was willing to donate his blood if needed. After donating his blood, he waited in the waiting area silently praying for her.

At Chavan Niwas, they were still waiting for Virat and Sai. It was one o' clock in the morning and there was still no news from them. Samrat and Mohit decided to go to the police station to know what exactly happened.

A few hours later, she was shifted to a room and he was allowed to see her. Seeing her still unconscious and in such a bad state, it was driving him crazy. He sat on the chair next to her and held her hand rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. He kept looking at her. This was not the Sai he liked, calm and senseless. He was missing her chirpiness, her fighting spirit, her funny antics. A knock at the door startled him. Before he could answer, the door opened and Samrat and Mohit entered the room.

« What are you doing here ? », Virat asked surprised.
« Sai. Oh Lord how did this happen, Shiva ? », Samrat asked.

Virat looked at him in shock. His brother called him Shiva after so many months. He then looked at Sai who always helped in bringing them close again, willingly or unwillingly. He explained to both his brothers how she was stalked by a college mate who abducted her.

« She went through alot but why didnt she tell us anything ? », Samrat complained.
« She didn't share even wih me. I wouldn't have known anything if the dean hadn't informed me about it. », he said.
« I wonder where does she get the strength from ? She didn't let anyone know about her problems. », Mohit remarked.
« If you haven't informed the family yet then can you please do it. I am not really in that state of mind to talk to the family. », Virat requested mentally tired.
« Don't worry Dada we understand. It must not be easy to see Sai Vahini like this. », Mohit said.
« I failed to protect her. », Virat blamed himself.
« No Dada you have saved her twice. », Mohit reminded him.
« How many times will I save her. The stalkers will continue to be a threat and she will continue to put her life at risk. », he complained.
« I think we should go and you need to take rest. », Samrat suggested.
« Thank you for coming. », Virat said.
« Take care of Sai. », Samrat requested.

Mohit and Samrat left. He leaned comfortably against the back of the chair. He knew his sleeping beauty wouldn't wake up before at least three to four hours. He decided to take a nap and closed his eyes but his mind wasn't at peace. He relived all the moments she wasn't herself and he failed to understand her distress. That night when he found her freezing in the shower, she was broken and shaken because of Saurabh. The next day when she picked up the pictures she didn't want him to see them. Then once in the middle of the night she burst into tears but when he saw her she pretended to have a headache. Every time he mentioned about friendship she got pissed at him and once she even cried. She had spent time with her stalker fooling Deshmukh while he had an eye on her. When he surprised her with the balloons she was so happy but then started crying. Saurabh had the audacity to fool him... Virat reopened his eyes.

« Why were you protecting him so much ? Why were you so affected by him that you weren't anymore the Sai I knew ? Why did he make you so weak and fragile ? », he asked her while he knew she wouldn't answer him.

He closed his eyes again and remembered how she pushed him aside to save Saurabh by taking the bullet herself.

« Who is he to you, Say ? How are you both related ? », he asked her.

He managed to calm his mind down and fell asleep. Four hours later when he woke up it was already early morning. He went to the bathroom and freshened up. Ashwini called him to know about Sai's condition.

« Your ladli Jhansi ki Rani is still asleep. », he told her.
« I am coming in some time. », she let him know.
« Ok Aayi... oh haan can you bring a shirt for me ? The one I am wearing is stained with blood. », he requested.
« Sure. A shirt and breakfast for you. Anything else ? », she replied.
« No that's it. », he answered.

As soon as he hung up, Sai moved her hand. He held it and looked at her till she finally opened her eyes. It took her a few minutes before she could say anything. He let her take her time.

« Virat Sir. », she managed to say.

His heart started racing fast by the sound of her voice and the way she took his name. She was back to him and he could only thank God for this. She was thirsty and he got her a glass of water but before that he helped her to sit up. He helped her to drink the water then sat back on the chair.

« Sai, how many times will I donate you my blood ? I know you love my blood and you want it to run through your veins but for God's sake how many times will you freak me out like this ? Already twice in last six months. Do you enjoy hurting yourself ? », he vociferated.
« I am sorry. », she apologized in a low voice.
He felt bad for getting angry, « Why did you risk your life for someone who was harassing you ? »
« Saurabh. », she remembered about him.
« You are still thinking about him ? », he was stunned.
« Where is he ? », she panicked.
« Where he should be. », he replied.
« I need to see him. », she said in panick.

She yanked the intravenous needle out and got out of the bed.

« Sai what are you doing ? », Virat asked.

He immediately rounded the bed to stop her from leaving. She struggled to go out and kept telling him that she needed to see Saurabh. He noticed a few drops of blood streaming down her hand.

« Sai stop fighting. », he yelled at her holding her by the forearms

She didn't listen to him and continued. To calm her agitation, he pulled her against him and wrapped his arms around her. He pressed her head against his chest with his hand and stroked her hair.

« I have to see him. », she said once calmed down.
« You are too weak, Sai. Get well first and then meet him. », he said still holding her into his arms.

As he wasn't understanding her distress she shoved him and rushed outside the room with much difficulty. She accidentally collided with a nurse making her drop the surgical tray she was carrying. Knowing that Virat was just behind and wasn't ready to understand her, she quickly picked up a scalpel. He stopped seeing her holding it manacingly to hurt herself.

« Sai, what are you doing ? », he tried to take a step forward but she brought the scalpel closer to her wrist.
« I have to meet Saurabh, please. Take me to him. », she begged him desperately.
« This is insane. Why the hell is he so important to you ? », he asked.
« Take me to him now. », she was almost about to cut herself.
« Ok, ok... », he had to accept.

Some of the staff tried to intervene but she managed to tackle them. Virat knew she was capable of anything for the people she loved. She even attempted to commit suicide after losing her father. Helpless, he accepted to take her to the police station.

While he was driving, she was still holding the scalpel ready to hurt herself if he ever tried to deceive her. He turned his head towards her a few times and noticed how weak she was. She almost collapsed a few times and struggled to keep her eyes open. He sometimes hated her stubbornness and the way she would torture her ownself.

Ashwini and Samrat reached the hospital and got worried when they didn't find them. Later they were informed about the incident and they panicked. They knew Sai can go to any extent when she had something in her head. Ashwini requested Samrat to call Virat but his phone was switched off.

Virat parked his car and both came out of it. He rounded the car and caught her in time when she was about to fall. He then helped her to walk till they went inside the building. He asked the inspector to take them to Saurabh's lock-up. As soon as she saw him, she dropped the scalpel on the floor and walked towards him.

« Saurabh. », she called him holding the bars.
« Sairu. », he stood behind the bars. « What are you doing here ? You should be in the hospital. », he said.
« I can't leave you alone here. », she said.
« I am so sorry. You could have died because of me. », he said checking her bandaged arm.

Virat looked at them and felt a pinching pain in the heart. The way both cared about each other was making him restless. He couldn't understand how Sai was capable of forgiving him when he harassed her for so many days and he even abducted her. He also had the audacity to call her « SAIRU ». Too many burning questions and emotions were floating in his mind. She turned around and looked at him and the inspector and said that she wasn't filing an FIR against him. This was it. Virat was ready to explode.  

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