Chapter 12: The Alchemy

2 years ago

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From chaos comes order. 

She'd grown up listening to theseo words from him. What did that mean, though?

Literal meaning Ishani understood now.

She was a chaos. Not the beautiful, gorgeous, disarrayed custer of the thoughts needed to put into order; but the unwanted, unworthy and undeniably exasperating mess no one dared to go close to. He held her near him, foundling the abandoned child in here when the wildness of youth enraptured her, making her utterly unlovable to everyone else but him. She remembered him, sitting by her side, close as he stared at her, a smile warming his features in the cool evening of December. That was how he smiled when he was happy. A smile enough for her to know someone was happy in her happiness.

They were friends. The best of the friends who never imagined their world without each other. He loved her even then when she was completely unlovable. Now when she told him this, he denied with a shake of his head.

"No, you were not." He gently pressed his lips against her forehead. The shudder at his touch was a warm welcome. Their fingers interlaced in each others' as they remained silent for a while, Ishani pondering on the life further.

She was the icy cold night, filled with a thousand miserable secrets meant to remain hidden till the end of the time. He deciphered the cryptic mystery, revealing the ways to love her more. Passionately.

Did these parts of her even exist until now? The happiness that burst from somewhere within her was like an influx of the light meandering into an empty space now she dared call Life. She was free when she embraced that light.

She was the fire that burned people whole; or this was how they perceived her, scorning the very existence of hers. Even then, he accepted her, assuaging the hideously ablaze flames into the glorious sparks of the lights that never went down.

And as she lay there in his arms, her soul naked in front of him, she knew she was safe. Their eyes met and Ranveer gave a warm smile.

"What?" She didn't miss the playfulness of his tone and snuggled close to him, if that was possible at all.

"Nothing," she answered, smiling in his chest. "Was I always like this, Ranveer?"

He looked confused.

"Always so lovable as you make me feel like... even after I've hurt you so much."

Ranveer smiled again and caressed her cheek with his thumb. "You know what, Ishani?" He pushed the stray hair from her face aside. "You will probably never know what you mean to me. You being here, with me... it's the happiest thing I've felt in my life. And the cause? You."

"I don't know if I'll ever stop feeling this, Ranveer. I hate myself sometimes for all that happened between us. For the pain we went through. So much damage that I caused. So much pain that I gave you."

"Shhh!" Ranveer placed his finger on her lips. "That's the past. We've learnt from those mistakes and no matter what happens we aren't going to part again, right?"

A smile erupted on her lips when she felt the healing, the light that shone within her, getting stronger with time as it took over her eventually. Ishani buried her face in his shoulder while he curled his arm around her waist, pulling her close to him.

"Even if you don't realize it, Ishani, you are a masterpiece," he whispered in her ear.

"Then you are the artist that created this art," she answered before moving ahead to kiss him passionately once again.

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Comments (2)

Another brilliant chapter! ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

I so wish we got such an ending in the original as well, but alas! 😪 😪 😪

Ishaani being the destructor and Ranveer's love that always protected her from herself, the fact that he saw her for who she was and not through the glasses of the society - everything was portrayed beautifully. 🤗 🤗 🤗

"Beauty Lies In The Eyes Of The Beholder" and IshVeer are a true example of that. Gotta quote you here, she was amazing because his love was so pure that it never focused on her shortcomings. ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

Great job dear! 👏 👏 👏

2 years ago