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"Will you stop arguing and listen to what I am saying, Trivedi?" Shivaay burst out trying to put forth his point of view to his partner but she was not ready to listen.

"No. You listen to me, Oberoi. My assumptions are always right and you know that." Annika argued though she tried to mask her annoyance by trying to sound calm.

It has been two years since Shivaay and Annika had become undercover field partners at the CBI. The entire organization would vouch for the tremendous job both of them had done over the past two years. They had also been awarded many times for the bravery and relentless passion they had for their work. But more than anything, everyone enjoyed their legendary pride and prejudice enactments. Both were too egoistic to listen to what the other had to say, which lead to verbal duels, much to the amusement of other agents. They have solved 99 cases successfully and this was their 100th mission.

"Listen, it's not another murder investigation, it's a terrorist attack." Shivaay tried to explain.

"I know that," Annika replied. "I am going to stick with my plan and if you wish to accompany me, then be my guest, otherwise, I should be off, terrorist to catch!"

And she was out of the cabin.

Shivaay couldn't believe that she was still the same. Unafraid and impulsive, just like she was, during their college and training days. They never saw eye to eye. And now, destiny played its stupid, cruel game and made them partners, professionally. He was used to her carelessness despite trying to change it. She never cared about her life. Maybe because she had no family now. She had lost her parents in a car accident five years after she had joined the CBI, though not everyone in the CBI believed it was an accident and wondered whether someone had killed them to get to Annika.

But Shivaay did have a family. He has been taking care of his brothers ever since his parents had settled in London. His grandmother and his brothers had stayed back with him. Though they lost her last year, the Oberoi's refused to go to London. They were happy in their own house and were in love with their jobs.

Shivaay did know the value of life. It was his duty to save people in trouble, but he also knew how to shield himself from danger. Thus, he always made missions with a safe exit plan, whereas Annika always had an entry plan. She said that once you enter a problem, you will find a solution on the way. Perhaps, that's the reason why they fought so much.

With no other option, he followed her.

Sweat beads ran down his face when he realized that Annika had moved in. He found her car in the parking with a note inside that she was going in. When he neared the shopping mall that was hijacked all his eyes could see was huge crowds of people gathered a few metres away from the main building.

"This girl..." Shivaay tried to rush across the ring the NSG commandos had formed, only to be pulled back. Never, never had Shivaay Singh Oberoi been so desperate in his life. Terror echoed in the hearts of everyone present there.

''We are sorry sir, you need to stay calm and stay back!!'' one of the NSG men told Shivaay.

No. He cannot be calm. He can not hold back. It the first time Annika has started any mission alone. They have always taken every step together. How can she do it? Wait, is he afraid to lose her?

Shivaay climbed up the pipe from the back of the building and entered through the window. He gazed around. It was a washroom. He opened the door and peeped outside. Men, women and even children were sitting in a corner. They were afraid, crying. He looked around to see if Annika was with them, but there was no sign of her. He decided to look for her and took a step forward.

"Stop!" he heard someone shout. His feet stopped recognizing Annika's voice. But where was she?

"Why the hell are you shouting, you stupid woman?" A man, wearing a mask marched towards the crowd and held Annika by pulling her hair. She stood up and relief washed over Shivaay. At least she was here, alive.

"Aah!" she screamed in pain.

Shivaay's hand balled into a fist. He just wanted to go and pull his head off for hurting Annika. He moved forward when he realised Annika was looking at him and was signalling with her eyes to keep a low profile.

"I have to go to the washroom". She said to the man.

He led her to the washroom, his hold on her arm was firm. Meanwhile, Shivaay closed the door and hid inside.

"Will you come inside with me"? He heard Annika speaking and some footsteps going away.

After a nanosecond, Annika came inside looking for Shivaay.

She crashed into him as soon as she saw her behind the door. He took her into his embrace, his hands going through her hair.

He cradled her face in his palm and looked for any wounds. His trembling fingers brushed the corner of her lips which had a slight cut.

"I will not leave anyone of them," He said with rage in his eyes.

"They are so many. They have so many weapons with them. They even took my service gun". Annika spoke.

"Why the hell didn't you wait for me?" Shivaay asked cupping her face. "You should have called me when you realised the trouble, right?"

"I tried. But they took my phone. We need a force, Oberoi. We have to save the hostages."

Shivaay shook his phone as he sent a text.

"I have asked for a huge force. Hopefully, they would be here shortly." He informed. "You didn't care about yourself, again!" 

"You know that I am not afraid of death," Annika smiled. "But, to be honest, I knew you would come to save me."

Shivaay chuckled. He knew she was crazy but he didn't know she trusted him so much. But he realised that he couldn't afford to lose her, that he could never lose her. His fingers brushed against her wound causing her to hiss in pain. Suddenly, they heard a knock.

"How long?" They asked from the other side.

"Just 2 minutes," Annika replied. "Listen, Oberoi. I have to go. Please don't do anything before the force reaches. There is no guarantee that we will ever meet again, because if they try to harm someone, then I am going to take some action. All the best. "

She said and turned but Shivaay pulled her arm. He looked at her cut again and then her lips. He felt drawn to those lips. A sensation that pushed out all other thoughts. He leaned in and let his lips seek and close upon Annika's. He heard her draw a breath, but he paid no heed. His lips moved gently over hers, coaxing, nudging. Letting go, drowning in a softness, a silent avalanche of some unknown, unuttered longing. Control was slipping away. There were only his lips and their unsaid questions, unexpressed declarations. She pressed her mouth hard against his mouth and he pulled back.

Both of them reassured each other, though on the inside both of them were equally scared. Just like probably the hundreds stranded outside the washroom. Gazing at each, they felt a silent sense of hope that gave them the strength to fight.

Annika's heart struck a beat. Death-this was the first word that entered her mind right then. She was never afraid of death but what just happened between her and Shivaay, made her realize that she has fallen in love with him. She realised that she needed a push to accept the fact and here it was. Now, she wanted to live with him.

Shivaay didn't know why he did that. He just felt like kissing her and he did. They have been working for two years and faced dangers together but he was never so restless. He looked deeply in her eyes, she had tears. She cupped his face and pulled him down, placing her lips on his forehead and then pressing it there. She didn't look at him again and left from there, leaving behind a confused Shivaay.

"Congrats Mr. Oberoi and Miss. Trivedi. You finally completed your 100th mission together successfully." The DCP of CBI congratulated them.

"Thank you, sir". Both of them shook hands with him.

Yes. They finally did it. They were able to save hundreds of people and themselves. 

Shivaay sat on the couch with a mug of beer in his hand. His mind was still rewinding the day. He closed his eyes and the kiss flashed infront of him. He opened his eyes with a jerk. He closed them again and saw the glimpse of her kissing his forehead. He knew that it was out of love and only love.

His thoughts were broken by the doorbell. He looked at the time, it was quarter to eleven. "Who could come at this time?" he wondered. He put down the beer mug on the table and opened the door. There she stood, looking at him with a smile.

"Annika?" He asked her to come in. "Is everything okay?"

"I need to discuss a case with you." She replied, sitting on the sofa in the dining hall.

"Case?" Shivaay couldn't believe his ears. "At this time?

"Yes. It's now or never." She whispered.

"What do you mean?" Shivaay asked as he sat in front of her.

"It's our case, Shivaay. You didn't say a word after that..."

"Annika," He stood up. "It was just.. slip at the moment. It didn't mean..."

"Really, Shivaay?" she went near him. "It didn't mean anything to you. Was it just a casual kiss?"


"I was always Trivedi for you. Why am I Annika now? Don't I affect you?" She asked.

"No." He said after a pause.

Annika pulled him towards herself.

"Now?" Her breath was almost kissing his face, and her beautiful voice was hypnotizing him as he closed his eyes.

"No," he said with assembling every ounce of strength in him and pushed her away.

But she was determined to make him sense, no matter what. After all, he was her first love.

And so what she did was something that could sweep anyone of their world. She held him tightly, not letting him move. And she lips placed on his, they just stayed like that, she didn't kiss him or move away, just patiently waited for him to give up. And he finally did, closing his eyes and parting his lips, he pulled her closer and kissed her. She kissed him back, as softly as she could. His hands travelled up to his nape pulling her as close as possible. It was a soft kiss that soon turned into a passionate one. 

Annika's sleep was disturbed when she felt the tingling sensation all over her body. She opened her eyes lazily and found Shivaay was kissing her. She recollected the events of the last nights. A small blush crept on her cheeks remembering the intense moment between them. Sensing her awake, he looked at her with his eyes full of desire. Moving towards her lips, he looked at her with his intense gaze and locked her lips with his. Later, he lay on the bed on his back taking her in his arms.

"So you imprisoned me, too," Shivaay said as both of them played with each other's fingers.

"What?" Annika asked confused.

"Imprisoned me in your love." He winked and she smiled.

"I love you." He kissed her temple.

"I love you." She kissed his chest.

Hence, case 101 - solved. 😉

Beta-ed by oye_nakhrewali

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