When Kapil Sharma ROASTED a Reporter!

The comedy king showed his true wit..

Kunal Nirmal Kothari Thumbnail

Kunal Nirmal Kothari

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The comedy king, Kapil Sharma is not just known for his impeccable comic timing but his spontaneity too. Time and again, Kapil has been the centre of several controversies, but in every case, he has always been witty and cautious about his statements.

Recently, music maestro, A.R. Rahman visited as a special guest on Kapil's show, 'The Kapil Sharma Show.' And just like every other episode, the comedians on the show staged some acts that involved the participation of the celebrity guest as well. However, being the introvert that A.R. Rahman is, he didn't really participate in the act but was sporting enough to carry out the act.

But, a couple of days ago, a controversy broke out where apparently Mr. Rahman was upset with Kapil when Ali Asgar (who plays the character of Begum) volunteered to touch him while performing his act. The music mogul was reportedly irksome about it and warned Ali not to touch him.

This particular instance became a controversy and Kapil was asked about the same in a recent media interaction. The reporter asked Kapil about the issue and A.R. Rahman being upset with him.

Kapil maintained his cool and replied in a joking manner when he just asked the reporter to go on twitter and check A.R. Rahman's tweet.

The tweet went like this...

As self-explanatory as the tweet is, Kapil did not just stop there. When the reporter further probed him about the issue, he wittingly mentioned that the tweet doesn't end with the words crazy feedback; there is another line which is missing, which reads like 'ask this sleek guy, where did you hear this news?' and had a good laugh over it, cracking up everyone.

That is classic Kapil Sharma way of owning someone..!!

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Ali Asgar

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Kapil Sharma

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The Kapil Sharma Show

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Sony TV

Comments (1)

yes just saw that video on youtube perfect reply given by kapil sharma and that too without insulting him in a very light hearted funny way

7 years ago

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