This 'Dhhai Kilo Prem' actress nails fashion for 'NON-SIZE ZERO' females!

The actress inspires fashionable curvy women...

Tanzim Pardiwalla Thumbnail

Tanzim Pardiwalla

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Actress Anjali Anand who plays the lead character of Dipika in Producer, Sandiip Sikcand's 'Dhhai Kilo Prem' has been receiving a lot of messages from women across the world who are in awe of her. 

We live in a society where weight is an issue for almost everyone and hence this unconventional love story of two individuals who are plus size has become very relatable for the audience.  

While most girls are known to follow fashion trends of the more stylish actresses, there are many who have been reaching out to Anjali and telling her that they like the way she carries her outfits in the show.  

Our source informs us, "Anjali received a very touching message from a fan saying that the confidence with which she carries herself is extremely inspiring. With weight, comes a lack of confidence but Anjali is an inspiration to the girls who don't have that perfect figure."  

Now for all those who are anxiously waiting to see Anjali dress to the nines in the next episode, hold your breath as she will be making a bold fashion statement in a beautiful reddish maroon gown!  

Now that's like it!

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Comments (1)

Anjali Anand was looking so pretty in this attire. She carried off this outfit so well plus her make up hair style she looked gorgeous. Such a natural actress she is

7 years ago

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