The Crazy Shopaholic - Manish Raisinghani

Tellybuzz talks to Manish Raisinghani for ‘The Crazy Shopaholic’ column...

Tellybuzz brings to you a new Monday column on the 'Confessions of a Tellywood Shopaholic.' This week we tried to unravel the shopping interests of Manish Raisinghani who is playing the role of Siddharth in Colors' popular show Sasural Simar Ka.

Let's try to find out more about the shopping interests of Manish.

Share your craze for shopping with us.

Not sure if I'm a shopaholic but I'm a spendthrift for sure.

How often do you go to shop?

The day I have an off is the "blowing up money" day according to my dad. I usually shop for gifts for the special people in my life. I love gifting and surprising others, so that is what most of my shopping is all about. 

What do you shop the most for?

I am the laziest when it comes to shopping for myself.

Your dream shopping destination?

Never really traveled to shop specifically. However, Bangkok and London are fun places for shopping. 

Where do you prefer to shop in Mumbai?

Anywhere and everywhere! I am not a brand freak; I pick what I like visually and is comfortable to wear.
In Mumbai its Palladium and now we have Infinity 2 in the suburbs which makes shopping a lot of fun!

What would you buy?

If given Rs. 10: Chocolate. 
If given Rs. 100: Chocolates. 
If given Rs. 1000: Lots of chocolates (laughs).  
If given Rs. 1 Lakh: Hmm... I can't buy chocolates of that amount my dad will kill me. So may be a holiday for my parents or a gadget for them or myself!
If given Rs. 1 Crore: Definitely a property!  

Share how you feel after shopping?

I am as excited as a kid after I shop! If it's a gift then I get restless to present it in the most pleasant way or if possible as surprise the person in a way that he or she skips a heartbeat. If it is for myself I can't wait to put it to use!

Reporter and Author: Anwesha Kamal

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Manish Raisinghan Thumbnail

Manish Raisinghan

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Sasural Simar Ka

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Comments (17)

Manish u are realy a sweet boy. I just love you alot. M proud to be ur fan. Love u alot alot alot alot

11 years ago

Manish you are doing an awesome job as Sid...love you

11 years ago

ur acting is so well in SSK...

11 years ago

i like MANISH so much
so talented Actor

11 years ago

u r a great actor.. wish u all the best Manish

11 years ago

Manish, you are the best! Love the last responses. You always have the perfect answers. :) Love you Manish/Sid

11 years ago

So cute answers !!!!!!
U so handsme , keep rockng :-)

11 years ago

Great answers! he is so cute.
Love him

11 years ago

He so sweet :) Thank you telly buzz for the article

11 years ago

he's so cuuute... n hot.. :3 thx for this article

11 years ago

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