Sasural Simar Ka completes 2 years!

Sasural Simar Ka has entertained the audience for 2 long years and is still going strong...

Rashmi Sharma's popular daily soap Sasural Simar Ka on Colors' has managed to grab the attention of the viewers through its crisp and interesting story line. Even the TRP chart has seen the growth in the ratings of the show in these 2 years. We got in touch with few of the actors of the show who shared their feelings on the same.

Here is what they said...

Rashmi Sharma the producer of the show happily says, "It was a fantastic journey so far and will continue the same for the coming years. The show is doing good which is satisfaction to me as a producer. These two years have been a roller coaster ride which we all have enjoyed. We tried to come up with interesting track story so that the viewers enjoy the show. It is a great sense of achievement of completing 2 years and wish for many more to come our way. The actors have been co-operative and we all have become like a family now."

Jayati Bhatia who essays the role of Mataji: First of all I remember the sweet memories of my first scene with the entire family, with Mataji using the chanakya neeti in choosing Simar's photo. Getting used to playing an elderly role was a challenge for me. Now after 2 successful years I have become mataji to all on the sets. I love my character and each one in the Bhardwaj family. The sets now feel like home when I am with all of them. I am waiting to go through many trials and tribulations in Sasural Simar Ka as Mataji and come out as a winner to keepmy family together.

Dheeraj Dhoopar who essays the role of Prem:I am very happy that Sasural Simar Ka has completed 2 years successfully. Although I wasn't a part of the show from the very beginning I wish I was (smiles). Thanks to the audience who have showered their love on our show contributing to its success. I hope and pray for many more happy years for Sasural Simar Ka.

Manish Raisinghani:Another milestone marking the success and reward to a super efficient and beautiful team of Sasural Simar ka right from the lovely and friendly channel creatives to the producers. Pawan sir and Rashmi Maam and the entire cast and crew who make our set a paradise for everyone. Looking forward to more positivity and fun and thanking the fans who have made the Sasural Simar Ka their own family and loves us like their own family and made us such a huge success. Hope and wish to keep receiving your love forever and want to archive many such milestones with style and high Trp's.

TellyBuzz wishes hearty congratulations to the entire team of Sasural Simar Ka on completion of 2 successful years.

Krishma Solanki.

Your reaction

Manish Raisinghan Thumbnail

Manish Raisinghan

Jayati Bhatia Thumbnail

Jayati Bhatia

Dheeraj Dhoopar Thumbnail

Dheeraj Dhoopar

Sasural Simar Ka poster

Sasural Simar Ka

Colors thumbnail


Comments (31)

Manish Raisinghani and Avika Gor rock in Sasural Simar ka along with Dheeraj Dhoopar and Jayati Bhatia

11 years ago


11 years ago

Dheeraj Dhoopar and Manish Raisinghani Rocks! Sasural Simar Ka Rocks and Rosid r the best...

11 years ago

Dheeraj Dhoopar is the best in Sasural Simar Ka I love him as Prem. Manish Raisinghani does good acting

11 years ago

bsasural simar ka rocks!ROSID is the best.../b

11 years ago

Congrats to all ssk members to complete 2 years. Avika Gor,Deepika Samson,Dheeraj Dhoopar and manish all are rocks in ssk .

11 years ago

Sasural Simar Ka rockz!!!
Manish Raisinghnai always pleasure to watch !!!!
Avika Gor is brilliant !!!!
Dheeraj Dhoopar is also a good actor!!!
Jayati Bhatia always good as mataji !!!
Deepika u also now days rockz !!!

11 years ago

Avika Gor,Manish Raisinghani and Sasural Simar Ka rocks

11 years ago

Manish Raisinghani
Avika Gor
Dheeraj Dhoopar
Jayati Bhatia
Sasural Simar Ka
All rock!!!

11 years ago

Congrats SSK. Aviman Rocks . We want Rosid union soon. We can watch ur serial for days when our Rosid are together.

11 years ago

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