Roli's sacrifice revealed in front of the Bhardwaj family

Roli refuses to marry Veeru in Colors' Sasural Simar Ka...

In the upcoming episode of the Colors' daily soap Sasural Simar Ka, we will see that Roli's sacrifice for the family is revealed. Everyone is shocked to hear her story with all the hardships she had to go through.

Further in the episode, she will tell Veeru that she does not love him and she did all the drama only to save the family property and that the marriage with him was just an act of tokenism.Veeru is shocked to hear this.

What will be Veeru's next plan of action? To know more do watch Sasural Simar Ka.

Reporter and Author:Krishma Solanki

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Comments (26)

Hope the CVs have well-planned story for us...

11 years ago

Haha I am amazed how people without even seeing the scene from start keep saying that roli doesn't love sid I mean seriously roli went to sid to discuss this plan when he did not even listen to it then roli would have given up but mausoji encouraged her to do so for the family yes she loves her sister but did u not see her tear did u not see the pain she felt while she had to distance her from sid there was not a single moment when she did not cried for sid when she did not felt really weak to tell sid abt it.both of them roli and sid love each other alot so yes I believe they are eternal yes these naina might make some distance between rosid but this is not ur stupid ekta Kapoor serial I knw u might not believe in rosid eternal love but we do so just wait and watch roli wnt have to take care of naina baby lol as simar is the main lead so they wnt drag this track so much to take care of naina baby.and u just wait and watch this separation wil bring rosid closer

11 years ago

ya bennu di agreed as if she would have told sid may be he supported her but when he would have seen veeru trying to be close and touching her he would have beaten him and will never supported roli
and roli she tried 2 times in disco also but when she saw sid being so possessive when rahul only touched her for asking then she took her step back and did u remember when veeru saw roli second time in disco he said to sid to take care of his wife as she can fly leaving him sid was ready to beat him roli stopped him and if sid came to know that on very first day in there store room veeru in drunken stage tried to touch roli and not with love or anything but the reason was he was just trying to molest her as he still was not in love with roli u can thing what sid have done with veeru as he is ready to fight with anyone and roli always stopped him from doing that
arranged marriages in joint families are always the sign of relationship not in between two peoples but the sign of relationships between two families and roli has done all this not for family but more for sid as sid was not even ready to stay in that house when he saw his family working like slaves in there own house and his eyes went moist everytime he spent his most of time in office and did u saw that baby how defenseless she is and how that evil lady was treating her so roli is her maasi and massi means maa jaise if she got chance so why would she leave that so she did

and about sim she think about roli no doubt and loves her a lot like roli did but the problem is the time was not on her side that's why she failed or took wrong decision's and as i every time say the pain can be felt by the person who gets hurt itself and this time sim has prooved that she loves roli no less then her that's why she sacrificed her life for her as roli sacrificed her marriage, respect and family only for getting her child more so the sisters love is really true and the fire is equal...

11 years ago

i dont know why you think there will be a baby, you could be right and this could be the next track, but i dont think there will be a baby, this all would be fake...and let us wait and watch and im sure you will see that sid hasnt cheated her ;-)...
i cant understand your point when you say why she care for her sister, maybe she loves her??
you are right that simar didnt cared about her this much, but this is the difference between the sisters, not everyone is the same...

maybe im wrong but for me a marriage is not only to care about husband/wife, you should care about all the family members too, and this is what roli did..

and do you really believe if she had told his husband her plan, he would support her?? we have seen often that he supported her, but in this plan also???

11 years ago

Waiting for this episode,,,,want to see RoSid united

11 years ago


I dont know the rest of your discussion..but the last paragraph that you mentioned.. I support u 100% on that.

I dont know much about this story, but know the basics and started watching it since the time roli has started this drama with veeru..

but yea i agree..i really dont understand WHY she didnt mention this to Her HUSBAND!! I mean how can she do all this drama and not mention it to him!!!!!

11 years ago


What good is the family when the husband has cheated on you and is having a baby by someone else??

As for your no Sid without Roli thing, it is good that you like them so much!!!!!But I said I like Sid not love him and neither do I feel Sid-Roli pair is some eternal pair of television or anything!!!!

For me it is stupidity!!!!!According to me Roli should just think about herself and Sid and the rest of the useless family can go to hell!!!!As for her sister Simar, she too had chosen the rest of the family over Roli when the time came!!!!!So why care about a sister like her??

Also Roli should have told everything to Sid long back, no not when she was exposed but when she decided to pull such a stunt!!!!!She should have told him and asked him to support her and be there with her and not put him through hell!!!!!!That would have shown her love and trust for Sid!!!!!

I rest my case!!!!

11 years ago

they cannnot waste avika's talent like this by giving rosid track to naina... im gona stop watching if naina gets any more screen space.. omg

11 years ago

hey shaina,
let me at first to tell you that i dont understand hindi,so i cant understand everthing clear as the others but to understand or to see their love i dont need to understand the language...you can see it on their actions, so if you have watched the last episode, you would understand how deep roli and sid loves each other...it is true that she loves her sister but this doesnt mean she doesnt love sid...all what she have done or is doing is because her love for her husband and her family...
I think this track has showed how far a women can go for her loved once, for her family...

and dont forget her husband is still their and you will se it soon...

This is ROSID magic, this cant be destroyed so easily...

oh by the way, when you like sid it is automatically that you love roli too, because there is neither sid without roli, nor roli without sid their is only ROSID ;-)

11 years ago

To everyone who thinks I love Naina(Sana Sheikh)

Well I like Sid in this dumb show!!!!!Neither do I like Naina nor Roli nor Simar!!!!!His and Roli's romance was cute but Roli doesn't care for him at all!!!!!All she cares for is her dumb sister and even dumber family!!!!!

Honestly one should learn from these stupid shows' heroines how one should not be!!!!!

Roli now will be bringing up Naina's baby soon!!!!!

I knew it the moment Sana stepped into this show!!!!I have seen numerous shows like this!!!!Anyone remember Kahani Ghar Ghar Ki and Kamal's secretary Nivedita??Or the show Kehna Hai Kuch Mujhko??

So now Roli can continue to serve the family and keep on giving qurbanis for them!!!!!Her husband is gone!!!!!

11 years ago

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