"I never thought that I would become a television actor"

says Shefali Sharma who is the female lead in the show Bani-Ishq Da Kalma...

Shefali Sharma as GurbaniThe talented and gorgeous actress Shefali Sharma who is seen playing the role of Bani in Damini K Shetty's popular daily soap Bani - Ishq Da Kalma on Colors, talks about her theatre love, her journey in this industry, entering a new city and much more.

Let's have a look on what she said...

How are you feeling being a part of the show Bani-Ishq Da Kalma?
I am feeling on top of the world. This show came by chance to me and I find this was one of the best thing that has happened to me. I am treated like a princess on the sets of the show and I am enjoying being a part of this show which has a very homely environment.

How is it working with the entire cast and the production house?
The entire cast is very supportive and does not make me feel that I am a newbie in this industry. We have bonded like a family on the sets and are always together. I am lucky enough to get one of the best production house to work with at the start of my television career.

What do you have to say about the show?
I like the storyline of the show and the characters in it. They have chosen the characters perfectly according to their role. I come from Amritsar and find no difficulty in shooting with the Punjabi background of the show. Hence everything is just going very smoothly. 

How did you crack the role of Bani?
This role came to me as luck by chance. I was only interested in doing theatre and did not think about television ever. My Sir from theatre academy who was in Mumbai for some work came to know that there are auditions happening for a show and he wanted me to give it a try for the same. I was hesitant and did not want to do it thinking that there would already be many girls who would come to give auditions. After thinking and keeping my sir's talks in mind I gave it a chance and I gave the auditions. Next day I got a call for the look test and the very next day I got a call that I am selected as the main lead for the show. 

How similar are you to the character of Bani?
I am very much like Bani. In fact everyone on the sets calls me a duplicate of Bani. I am shown to be extremely emotional and a family lover which I am in my real life too.

The people you are closest to on the sets?
I am close to the actor who plays my father Sarabjit a.k.a Jeetendra Bhardwaj and Rajji a.k.a Neha Bagga.

How did acting happen to you?
Acting was always my love since childhood. I am doing theatre since past 13 long years. It is my Nani who has inspired me to get into the acting field and has been a support since childhood. My father thought that acting is not a good field to get into, but it was through my Nani that he allowed me to be a part of this industry. He too supports me now for the good work that I do.

Did you ever think that you would get into Television?
No, I never thought that I would become a television actor. I was very happy doing Theatre right from the very start. My love for theatre never made me think beyond it. It is not that I thought television is bad, it was just that I was deeply in love with theatre. Now, I am very happy being a part of television too and even if in future I get any film offers, I would be happy to take them too.

How do you adjust staying away from your hometown in a new city?

My family is my life and I never thought that I would have to stay so far away from my family members. But I have now learned to adjust in this city. Actually we are so much engrossed in our work that we don't realize that I am in another city. But my family members see to it that they make a visit to Mumbai often, which makes me miss my hometown Amritsar less. I haven't explored Mumbai yet as my journey from my home is just to the sets and back. 

If you wouldn't be an actor you would be?
I would had been an Fashion Designer. Currently I am doing a fashion designing course.

A quote that you follow in life?
Do whatever you want to do keeping in mind your family. Don't hurt them in any step that you take.

Krishma Solanki.


Your reaction

Shefali Sharma Thumbnail

Shefali Sharma

Neha Bagga Thumbnail

Neha Bagga

Bani - Ishq Da Kalma poster

Bani - Ishq Da Kalma

Colors thumbnail


Comments (7)

Shefali sharma is truly talented actor & i m 100% sure dat she wil impress critics as well wid her compose & bealievable acting skills.

11 years ago

Shefali You have achieved alot than your age girl can do. You have got a huge fan following. Keep up the good work.

11 years ago

wanna say thanx 2 Shefali Sharma's sir 4 makin her 2 giv audition 4 dis shw... I m vry happy dat tv industry got such a talented actress by dis girl. & not only Shefali but also Adhvik Mahajan, Neha Bugga, Ankit & so many othr young & senior actors who v hav never seen on tv r undoubtedly brilliant.
Thanx 2 d castin director of bani-Ishq da kalma.. :-)

11 years ago

love Shefali Sharma and Adhvik Mahajhan jodi in Bani Ishq da Kalma... hope u get together soon...

Shefali Sharma nd Neha Bagga ur chemistry onscreen is awesome...

11 years ago

shes doing a fab job as bani...she makes bani so real...infact all the actors do...

11 years ago

Shefali is an amazing actress; extremely versatile. I love Shefali and Adhvik as SohNi in BIDK!!!

11 years ago

Wow great answers...U r dng fab job...Keep it up

11 years ago

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