Pulkit Goes leaner!

Pulkit Samrat to get back to his Fukrey look...

Priyanka Chauhan Thumbnail

Priyanka Chauhan

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Pulkit Samrat who had worked very hard for an impressive physical transformation for Sanam Re and Jooniniyat will be going leaner for Fukrey 2.

Pulkit Samrat who has bulked up in his recently released Sanam Re will be again seen in a different look in his forthcoming Fukrey 2!

The actor is all set to shed down his muscles that he had gained for Sanam Re and Junooniyat. He will be yet again transforming his appearance and will be seen close to the look that he had donned for Fukrey.

The actor who will be seen playing a college boy, has started working on his body and preparing himself to get back in the same look! 

Infact, Pulkit and the entire cast of Fukrey 2 have also kept in touch ever since and do catch up once in a while! 

Pulkit has received immense appreciation for his performance in Sanam Re and now the actor will be seen in his next Junooniyat! 

Post that, the actor will start work on his forthcoming film Fukrey 2

Pulkit shares, "I will be soon starting the process of going leaner as my character requires that, my diet, my workout, my regime, there will be a lot of change here, although till Junooniyat releases, I will have to maintain my current workout as my character requires me to look more bulked up in the film."

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Pulkit Samrat Thumbnail

Pulkit Samrat

Sanam Re poster

Sanam Re

Fukrey 2 poster

Fukrey 2

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