Panchi To Participate In A Cycle Rickshaw Race in Tu Mera Hero!

Panchi will participate in a cycle rickshaw race. But will she win? Read on…

Shachi Tapiawala Rathod Thumbnail

Shachi Tapiawala Rathod

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Tu Mera Hero has been churning out a lot of drama lately.

We saw how Surekha (Amita Khopkar) challenged Panchi (Sonia Balani) to make Titu (Priyanshu Jora) a responsible person in a span of 24 days failing to which the duo would have to leave the house.

The upcoming episodes will get interesting as the audience will witness some interesting drama where Panchi will try her best to change Titu's lazy attitude.

Informs a source, "Panchi will ride a bicycle rickshaw to make Titu realize that she has to work to make a living since he, being the bread earner does not do so. "

But there will be another twist to the story when her fellow auto rickshaw drivers tease her of riding the rickshaw instead of handling her household duties. They will also challenge her to compete with them in a race.

So will Panchi accept the challenge? Will she win the race?

The source stated, "Panchi will accept the challenge and get set to participate in the race. However, she will face another problem when Vaishali (Pooja Sharma) will hire someone to dismantle her rickshaw cycle, a night prior to the race."

Will Titu help Panchi win the race? How will Panchi overcome the problem?

We contacted Sonia Balani who stated, "Well, I will be seen riding a rickshaw cycle in the show and I am very excited about the same. I cannot give out any other details."


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Priyanshu Jora Thumbnail

Priyanshu Jora

Amita Khopkar Thumbnail

Amita Khopkar

Pooja Sharma Thumbnail

Pooja Sharma

Sonia Balani Thumbnail

Sonia Balani

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Tu Mera Hero

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Comments (8)

Heroin has to give all test and exam in Indian daily soaps and vaishali is main vamp so how can writer write about her test.she has to plot .

9 years ago

Vaishali always keeps plotting against Panchhi. She too had to prove herself a good DIL, as per Surekha's decision. What happened to that?

Tu mera hero is nice show and Sonia Balani and Priyanshu Jora are doing job as Titu and Panchhi. Hope this to be an entertaining track and hope to see less of Manorama and Surekha :D

9 years ago

It will not be a regular saas bahu serial. Healthy challenge between mil and dil is always welcomed as long as either ones self respect, dignity and self esteem is not affected. Challenge without malice always welcomed.

9 years ago

Hope it will be as entertaining and different as it was...

9 years ago

so it's now a typical saas bahu drama. Great!!!!!!!!

9 years ago

This show was different ..but now it is becoming one of those boring saas babu sagas. ..

9 years ago

Vaishali ko aur koi kaam nahi hai kya sivay panchi titu ko trouble karne ke
But this time too panchi will win and Vaishali will loose
Panchi Go for it girl
You will rock in the race too
Tu mera hero rocks
Titu panchi rocks

9 years ago

Seems like vaishali doesn't have any other job rather than plotting against panchi. Wasn't she an educated girl from a good family? Even if she lost her family wealth why can't she try to get a job on her own rather than interfering in other people's life?
Tu mera hero is a stress relaxant show. Wonderful casting.
Quitter the show after vaishali went over board in troubling & plotting against panchi which make the show another regular saas bahu saga.

9 years ago

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