'Our chemistry in Shree comes across as fresh' - Pankaj Singh Tiwari

Pankaj Singh Tiwari aka Hari, of Zee's Shree faces his set of rapid fires...

Similarities between Hari and Pankaj: Both are Ambitious, impulsive; adore their family and are cute and smart (smiles). 

Describe Pankaj in a sentence: The Best

If you had an encounter with a spirit in real life, how would you react?: I will be very curious if I get caught in such a situation. I would like to explore their place, basically the power they have.

You prefer to be outspoken or silent: Not very outspoken, but I believe that we need to express ourselves keeping in mind what we are saying.

Your Best Scene till date in Shree: I think the scene of Holi where I had too much bhang and then I lashed out on Shree.

A scene where you felt you could have done better:
There are so many scenes like that; I can't say any one scene.

Your Favorite Co-star on sets:
Everyone here is so cute; we are like a family. I always tell all that I have a family away from my family.

Describe in a sentence your chemistry with Wasna on screen:
I can say that our chemistry comes across as fresh. We have been working together only for the past six months, and we are a good support system to each other.

Success to you is: Achieving what I want, which can be spiritual or mentally also.

Do you believe in Work is Worship, why: Yes I do. We should work hard, and should feel lucky that we are working.

The Phrase you believe in the most: I came, I saw and I conquered.

Your Hobbies: I like to draw a moustache on the faces of people in newspapers. By drawing that, I feel as though I am transforming the person's face (laughs).

Your take on reality shows: Something good, but the concept should not be stretched too much that the audience does not like it. Also a reality show should be real.

Your take on Television of today:
Wonderful; it has completely changed and it has emerged as a wonderful medium.

Your Favorite Color:
Black followed by white.

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now: Very hard working and successful person who is still trying hard to do better.

Reporter and Author: Ranjini Nair

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D Pankaj

Comments (11)

hehe, i draw things on pictures in newspapers aswell, sumfin i really enjoy hehe.

15 years ago

i luv ur chemistry with wasna, u both r sooooo cute
u people r doing great job
i wish u ll always be successful in ur future

15 years ago

they have fabulous chemistry! Thanks for sharing!

15 years ago

Shree and Hari have the best chemistry on TV today!

15 years ago

he is a grt actor i really love in him in shree does a wonderfl job!!!

15 years ago

he is so cute..
I luv his chemistry wid wasna and the show shree
I wish him all the best for his future..

15 years ago

lol, I Love HaSh, They are so Cute together but when I see him, lol he Reminds me of Pulkit ..

i Just Hope Pari is Happy seeing this Article lol ..
What a hobby Yaar, I used to sumet like this Lol..

Anywaii, Pankaj All the Best for the Show Shree and Your Future .

15 years ago

AWWW....hahaha so cuteee
he likes to draw moustaches on faces of ppl in the newspaper... so unusual...hahaha

15 years ago

he sounds an amzing person...he is damn cute....luv ur show nd ur chemistry with wasna.

15 years ago

sooooo cute of him
love your show.....

15 years ago

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