'Only Bebo's love can change Karan' - Hasan Zaidi

The handsome Hasan Zaidi, who is one of the new entrants on Sabki Laadli Bebo, talks passionately about Karan Oberoi- the character that he portrays on the Star Plus show..

He looks very firm and surely carries a stiff air about himself. But all this changes when he starts talking. Well, we are talking about the very confident character of Karan Oberoi, played by Hasan Zaidi in Star Plus' Sabki Laadli Bebo.

His answer begins with a question as he says, "Why is everyone telling me that Karan is a negative character? He is simply straightforward. He has a no non-sense attitude which may not be the ideal one to carry, but that certainly does not make him negative."

Ok so we get it. Karan is a guy who does not know to spell soft. So will he ever get the fact that being ruled by your emotions is not all that bad? "All that Karan is doing right now is purely a decision of his heart. Only the guy does not recognize it. And talking of emotions, yes Karan will soften if Bebo starts loving him truly. The true love of Bebo has the power to transform Karan completely."

Isn't the relationship between Karan and his sister Simran a bit odd? "You're right ,they may not portray the typical brother–sister duo. But when both the siblings are highly ambitious and they grow up in such an aristocratic society, then I guess for their relationship to turn out this way, is natural," justifies Hasan.

The entry of Karan Oberoi has made situations between Amrit and Bebo all the more vulnerable. A decision now looms over Bebo which will force her to choose between her family and her love.

If our sources are to be believed, for the first time in her life, Bebo aka Shivshakti Sachdev will go against her family and decide to marry Karan. There will be an interesting twist wherein just before the marriage, reality dawns on her, which will ultimately result in the family calling off the marriage. This will kick-off a very interesting phase in the life of Amrit and Bebo which will be gripping to watch.

Reporter and Author: Susan Jose

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Comments (14)

marriage stoppin in mandap again??!!!:O

14 years ago

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, If only one remembers to turn on the light :)

14 years ago

he is verry cute..lets see how they will take the story forward..interesting for sure...

14 years ago

i hate him in bebo currently
i want bebo n amrit togethere

14 years ago

its getting boring....same story,the house in verge of auction or something and the main lead will marry someone else to save family or something sort of that...very boring

14 years ago

I hope they stick to the storyline and get Bebo and Amrit together or I am not watching this anymore.

14 years ago

wow i cant wait
he's very cute but bebo&amrit r better!!!!!!!!!!1

14 years ago

thx..but bebo looks a bit young compared to these guys..

14 years ago

i like amrit-bebo better
they make a adorable couplle.

14 years ago

Hm.. he is cute but I hope bebo realises sooon that she loves amrit not karan..

14 years ago

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