'Men are smart, flirty and idiots' - Madhurimma Tuli

Madhurimma Tuli who we know as Bindiya of Zee TV’s Shree on a random rant with us…

Favorite Season: Winter. I love snow. And that's the one season when I really enjoy walking in the sun.

Sarees or gowns: Both

Ever been involved in pillow fights: Yes, many times. Sometimes I've won and sometimes my brother.

Describe yourself with a Bollywood song: (sings ) Ayee re ayee re khushi , khushi , khushi.

Men are…: Smart, flirty and idiots(laughs)

Your idea of having fun: Work and party

With freedom comes responsibility, agree or disagree: I totally agree.

Your most valuable asset: My bungalow in Dehradun
Favorite cartoon character: (sings) Popeye the sailor man

If not an actor you would've been: An air hostess

Do you believe in reincarnation: Yeah, you can say that.

If you happen to meet Ram Gopal Varma you'd say: I'd say, "You've got talent but you're not using it properly by choosing the wrong girl and the wrong script."

When alone you like to pass time by: Making milk shake for myself and enjoying it with a nice movie.

What do you do for your part to save the environment: I grow plants in my Mumbai flat and plant tress in my Dehradun home. My mom's an NGO, so when I'm with her I try to spread the message of being environmentally responsible.

Arrange in order of descending importance- Friends, Family, Lover: Family Friends Lover

Reporter and Author: Susan Jose

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Comments (6)

missing u tanu(her anme in kasturi)....

well superb answers...

i just loved da answer which she said abt ram gopal varma......even i wud say da same thing if i meet him!!!

love u madhurima...

14 years ago

@ realitybites :

I was actually thinking that when i read that answer of hers Aswell, didn't think anyone else would realise Lmao !!

Anyways haven't watched Shree, so don't know who she is, But she seems Sweet.

14 years ago

i totaly agree with what she said abt ram gopal verma. she sounds nice.

14 years ago

she sounds sweet...loved her evil act in Shree

14 years ago

thnx....she's a pretty good actressin shree

14 years ago

Nice interview. Just one thing how can men be smart and idiot simultaneously! lol I guess she was joking.

14 years ago

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