Kismat Ki Lakiro se actress Shaily Priya's costume set ablaze during a scene, actress opens up on the ordeal

Shaily Priya, who is currently essaying the female lead of Shemaroo's show Kismat Ki Lakiro se opens up on her costume setting on fire during the shoot of a key scene.

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Aanchal Chowdhary

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Shaily Priya Pandey

While television show producers strive to ensure maximum safety and precautionary measures during filming, accidents remain unpredictable. Unfortunately, there are instances where accidents can disrupt the production process significantly. Such a harrowing incident took place on the set of Shemaroo Entertainment's show 'Kismat Ki Lakeeron Se,' involving the female lead, Shaily Priya, who found herself in the midst of a serious accident when her saree caught fire.

India Forums reached out to Shaily to gain insight into the unfortunate incident, and the actress openly shared her experience. Recounting the incident, she explained, "I was shooting a night scene where I had to perform a pooja. I was seated in a meditative pose surrounded by diyas, with my eyes closed. When I stood up, one of the diyas caught my saree, causing it to catch fire. Although only my mid-shot was visible to the camera, the fire originated from below." 

Thankfully, the crew swiftly intervened to extinguish the flames, preventing further harm. Shaily emphasized that due to wearing the saree in layers, she only sustained minor burns on her knee.

Shaily Priya Pandey

Reflecting on the trauma of the incident, Shaily shared, "My mother was extremely frightened, and she visited the set the following day. Prior to this, I had a halogen bulb explode near me, and once a glass shard pierced my body through my blouse. So, yes, these occurrences have been happening over the past few days."

Shaily Priya Pandey

We asked the actress about any precauatios she has been taking here on and whether she sees this situation through a spirtual angle and the actress said, ''See, these things happen. and it happen all of a sudden. There is nothig much Incan do about it.''

Mujhe bahut logo ne bola hai ke mujhe nazar lag gayi hai. So I purposely took an off on Saturday and I will go to ward of any evil eye on me. My mother has been telling me to put a kaala teeka after my makeup is done.

- Shaily Priya

Despite the challenges, Shaily Priya remains resilient, and we are relieved to hear that she is recovering well from the ordeal.

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Shaily Priya Pandey

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Kismat Ki Lakiro Se

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Both parties and their respective departments are working together to promote pragmatic cooperation and continuously make new progress. This year, both China and Vietnam have important domestic political agendas, and we need to strengthen overall coordination and work together towards building a strategically significan

3 months ago

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