#KamalaMills: TV Celebs Express Anguish And Shock Over Kamala Mills Tragedy

Everyone is trying to give out hope in this time of grief.

Sanchita Jhunjhunwala Thumbnail

Sanchita Jhunjhunwala

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Yesterday night saw Mumbai getting affected by yet another tragedy as a major fire broke out at Kamala Mills Compound and news has it that 14 people have been killed while 12 are reported to be injured.

Post the tragic incident, TV actors come in support of the families that had to bear the loss of their loved ones. Everyone condemned the act and also stated how this occurrence might as well lead to yet another argument on the safety measures in the area.

Have a look at the Tweets here:
Aishwarya Sakhuja:https://twitter.com/ashsakhuja/status/946634111178833920
Arman Kohli:
https://twitter.com/armaankohli/status/946634371561242624Nikita Dutta:
https://twitter.com/nikifyinglife/status/946622900144140289Nakuul Mehta:
https://twitter.com/NakuulMehta/status/946645491856674816Nikitin Dheer:
https://twitter.com/nikitindheer/status/946650841871798272Gautam Rode:
https://twitter.com/gautam_rode/status/946618297277087744Sidharth Shukla:
https://twitter.com/sidharth_shukla/status/946618911210049536Kritika Kamra:
We wish strength to all those families who have been affected.

Your reaction

Gautam Rode Thumbnail

Gautam Rode

Siddharth Shukla Thumbnail

Siddharth Shukla

Kritika Kamra Thumbnail

Kritika Kamra

Nakuul Mehta Thumbnail

Nakuul Mehta

Nikitin Dheer Thumbnail

Nikitin Dheer

Aishwarya Sakhuja Thumbnail

Aishwarya Sakhuja

Nikita Dutta Thumbnail

Nikita Dutta

Comments (1)

E veramente molto triste , che tutta questa povera gente deve morire, bruciati da vivi...Spero che gli colpevoli pagheranno e faranno giustizia a queste persone.
Buon pomeriggio SIDDHARTH Shukla!

6 years ago

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