Introducing Pratham Mittal

With a new Hispanic look and tons of attitude, is the guy who is adored and loved by people all over, Hiten Tejwani!!

Wherever he goes, he makes headlines. An icon for many, the ever - so powerful, flamboyant and mysterious Pratham Mithal leaves no stones unturned in achieving the desired. A take-over business tycoon by profession, Pratham believes in cut throat competition. A man with a mission!!, he reaches Mumbai to settle old scores. With Cold piercing eyes and a smirk on his face, Pratham is all set to make major changes in Prerna’s new Kasauti.

From playing a strong headed father in Kyunki, to playing a simple guy next door with strong principles in Karam Apnaa Apnaa, Hiten is now playing a mysterious loner Pratham Mittal in Kasauti Zindagi Kay.!!

So who exactly is Pratham? Is Pratham a result of another Plastic Surgery of Balaji? Will he be a seventy three year old Prerna’s love interest? How does Hiten Tejwani manage three shows at a time? What’s next in the daily soap package? Lets talk to the daily soap tycoon himself…

Lets first talk about Pratham Mittal.
Hiten: Yes, Pratham Mittal is back. You might have heard the name before… This character is not a sequel to Pratam from Kutumbh. I was a college going spoilt brat there and here I’m a hard hearted business tycoon. One would never know what is the best way to converse with Pratham!! He is cold, he is shrewd, he is mysterious. His cold stern eyes are a warning sign to everyone. Its too difficult to read into the man's eyes!!!

Kasauti is now into a phase where we wonder how the characters look so young even when they are old...

Can you tell us the age of Pratham?
Hiten: Seeing this get up, you wouldn’t know how old this character is. He may be young, he may be old. One can never know. Its after a twenty year leap, it might be that Pratham is a middle aged man, or may be he is a really old. Keep watching!!!
How are you related to any of the characters?
Hiten: There is no relationship at all. Prerna has her own identity and Pratham has his own . He is a guy who takes over companies. All of a sudden, from no where, he has come up in life. He is such a famous man, that a woman like Prerna invites him as a chief guest for her function, so you can understand how big he really must be.
Have you replaced Cezzane, can you tell us on that?
Hiten: (with a smirk) You never know what’s going to happen.
We are not leaving you, the same question rephrased: Are you Anurag or Bajaj?
Hiten: Yaar, leave something for the audience to see… We can't give out everything, correct? (laughs loud) If I tell you what will happen, then who will watch me?
Ok, lets leave the story aside for a while, lets talk about your appearance in KZK. How did you get this look?
Hiten: I had three hair cuts before this look was finalized, couple of additions here and there and that’s how Pratham Mittal was formed. We wanted something really different, and I guess this look is different. You’ve never seen me like this. At first glance, you’ll feel that there is something drastically different. I am using Hazel lenses for this.
How are you managing three shows?
Hiten: They are all balaji shows. They adjust the dates well. I don’t have a track in KAA, and I’m hardly there in Kyunki. I really like it this way. This could be achieved only if you are with one Production House. If i was working for different Production houses, then i would be in real mess.
Can we now talk about the family members of Pratham?
Hiten: Pratham has no family. He is a total loner.. He is not related to anyone (a long pause) I don’t know how this track will go forward.
You are really good at keeping secrets ain't’t you?
Hiten: Come on, I can't lie to you people. I’m a horrible actor when it comes to facing you guys. (Laughter) Believe me!!!
How has it been working with the cast till now.
Hiten: Well, I havent really started shooting with the entire cast yet. Ronit is with me in Kyunki, I’ve known Cezzane for a long time now, I know Sweta through Nach Baliye and they are all great people to work with.
Will Pratham be Prerna's new love interest?
Hiten: No idea… Keep watching for more!!
Will Gauri join KZK?
Hiten: You never know. I don’t know what will happen. She doesn’t believe in taking multiple projects. When it will be clear that she is done with one show, she’ll take another show. She is happy now , doing a few shots here and there. She’s having a good time, doing her yoga classes, studying psychology, learning Spanish, etc
So are we going to see a Hiten or Gauri junior soon?
Hiten: It’s a long while to go, the day I get the news, I’ll scream my lungs out to the world and let everyone know. Things like this aren't really planned. But we are mentally prepared. At first we both worked non stop, but now Gauri has her track in kyunki, which keeps coming and going. So its not like before. Let us see!!
How has the new home been?
Hiten: Its been about a year since we shifted in the new home. It’s a nice place. Gauri is now working on the interiors.
What is creative satisfaction to you? Have you achieved it tis point of your life?
Hiten: There was a point where I was also growing, I was doing a main lead in Kutumb. I was there in almost all scenes, work till 5 in the morning and come back at 8 to start shooting again. Again you have to make sure you don’t collapse, have tons of tea and water, making sure you are awake, you are on your feet working non stop. I loved playing Karan too. Karan has practically done every single thing. Name the emotion and Karan has done it… I’ve done action, romance, post leap I played a strong hearted father, so yea, I do think I’m creatively satisfied.
Ok, last but certainly not the least, A special message for your fans at India-Forums.com:
Hiten: I would like to thank everyone, please keep showering your blessings on me. I am doing something new in KZK, because of you and for you. Please give me any feedback that you have. Love you all.
So friends, that was a kind rendezvous with our very own Hiten Tejwani.Isn't it? So here's wishing Pratham Mittal All the Very Best..

Reporter: Hiral Bhatt

Contact author: anju0930

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Hiten Tejwani Thumbnail

Hiten Tejwani

Comments (17)

hiten u look handsaome in any kind of look

15 years ago

he's already rocking and has become the show stealer

way 2 go hiten
we r proud of u

17 years ago

he will do fine
i bet u he is replacing anurag

17 years ago

he looks soo hott nd lke ganna rock da show!!!

17 years ago

awesome article!!i think pratahm is anu..

17 years ago

thanx a lot
i know hittu will rock as usual

17 years ago

thanks for the article.
i am sure he will be super hit in his new role but i hope they change his look, he looks like some weirdo.

17 years ago

superb, damn gud. hiten is so cute. I loke him as pratham mittal (PM) in kutumb now once again . SO excited about it. I like d way he was answering d question. Hiten rocks

17 years ago

Pratham..I still call him as Pratham..may b da character he played in Kutumb was de best for him..
But da look doesn't suit him at all..

17 years ago

thnks foe the interview!
Daymm I think he lookes hawwter :$
but he should've given us more info yaar!

17 years ago

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