Imagine what Sumbul must be going through as she has lost her cheerfulness: Debattama Saha on Bigg Boss

Here’s what Debattama has to say about Sumbul Touqeer Khan in Bigg Boss 16.

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Aqsa Akbani Siddiqui

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Sumbul and Debattama

Bigg Boss 16 is getting quite interesting. The contestants are slowly and steadily coming out of their comfort zones and going all out in the game. Sumbul Touqeer Khan is one of the most talked about contestants in the show. While she looked quite promising initially, her game weakened as she grew closer to Shalin Bhnot and Tina Datta. 

India Forums got in touch with actress Debattama Saha who’s known to be a close friend of Sumbul Touqeer. Debattama and Sumbul were a part of ‘Ishaaron Isharon Mein’ and since then, their friendship has been unbreakable.

When asked about what advice did she give to Sumbul before she entered the controversial show, Debattama said, “So, Sumbul hosted a small get together and that’s when I came to know about her deciding to be a part of the show. I believe the show can be a lesson for the contestants in a good way and I only asked her to be strong and be real. Sumbul can never be fake and she’s one of the most real people on the show”.

We asked Debattama about Sumbul being lost in the show and her cheerfulness being dried down. She said, “Imagine what she must be going through that her charm has been dimmed and such a cheerful girl is now seen lost and disappointed. I just want her to stay strong and what I can only do is to pray for her and support her from outside”.

We asked her that Sumbul’s friendship with Shalin Bhanot and Tina Datta didn’t prove to be fruitful and whom should she team up with to improve her game. Debattama said, “I guess they were never friends with Sumbul as they were not the same in front of her and behind her back. I feel, at this point of time, Sumbul needs positivity and the best person to give her positivity is Abdu Rozik. Abdu’s demeanour is calm and positive which might amp up Sumbul’s game”.

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Comments (4)

Lots of love to Sumbul ❤️ happy she gained some genuine friends

1 years ago

Sumbul's PR is really going crazy trying to hype her outside as pure hearted whatever. Every other day an interview about her from someone she has worked with in the past. There are other contestants who barely got 2 articles in weeks.
This Dumbul is doing nothing in BB but being a whiny little idiot and following Shalin like she has fallen in love at first sight. No matter how much she is warned, she goes back to that man as his tail. Sumbul is a big doormat of Shalin, that is all there is to it.

1 years ago

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