I condemn animal slaughter in the name of any religion - Ankita Bhargava

The actress, who is strictly against animal slaughter, is not scared to voice out her opinion.

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Swarupa Tantravahi

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That Ankita Bhargava is an animal lover, is evident from her social network account. And, she is not one of those who backs down from voicing her opinion for something that she believes in.

That is what the lady did yesterday, on the occasion of Bakri Eid. Ankita tweeted a series of tweets about how she felt by watching animals being slaughtered.   


When we contacted Ankita, she said, "I'm against animal sacrifice in ANY RELIGION. So people who are saying that my comments are anti-Muslim or anti-religion, need to get an interpreter for themselves."

Ankita has always been a strong advocate for animals and being an animal lover she has always condemned acts where animals are hurt.

Says Ankita, "I have always spoken against animal abuse. In fact, just last month I posted a video in support of IUFA. I want a ban on animal testing, the leather industry and anything that contributes to harming animals."

Ankita received severe bashing for voicing out her opinion. But the actress, who is strictly against animal slaughter did not back down from expressing her opinion.

To her bashers, Ankita simply said -

She concluded by saying, "I condemn animal slaughter in the name of any religion."
It is good to see that a well-known actress is taking a stand for what she believes in.

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Ankita Bhargava

Comments (41)

Great thoughts and love for animals. Me too is a animal lover and I exactly can feel what you said. Well said ankita. Mein toh fan ho gayi.

7 years ago

Gosh,why people use religion for publicity,

7 years ago

Animal and plant eaters should not try to be angel. Because every day killing millions of animal for human consumption, all over the world. These animal we Muslim sacrifice during Eid ul Azha, and the meat is mostly distributed to poor people and also in poor Muslim countries, who hardly can buy meat in whole year. So before talking you have to stop eating animals and plants. Still you have no right to hurt anybody for eating animals. It is none of your business... If in your plate a beef steak, or chicken drum stick is waiting for your stomach then you are the biggest hypocrite in this world..

7 years ago

She seems to have lots to say now that she's married to kp bcz prior to that she was pretty much in the background. Eid is a holy day for us Muslims and we will sacrifice and celebrate and maybe she should first gyaan baatt in her own home. She seriously loves fake publicity and I think she enjoys getting trolled.

7 years ago

Hey Garbage Ankkita, you do not eat Chicken or any kind of meat or fish ? Do you eat trees/plants Ankita ?? Tree has life too. I think Ankkita should stop eating and die soon. Because killing any animal should be causing her pain. Right ? Plants has life too. Ankkita is a human, she should not be served chicken in any restaurant in the world. Ankkita Varggav should eat only ripen fruits rest of her life, because everything has life. I know many vegetarians eat meat hiding their family. Ankkita should not kill a plant either. Got it Ankkita. Cheap actress !!!!!!!!!!!! I did spell wrong her name, so she does not get forum rank up, for her cheap trick. Could not be famous with your acting skill, so now want to come in lime light by hitting religion. Any body see her eating fish or chicken report it here. You are an average looking girl with no acting skill, so any cheap trick will not work. Get lost !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People who talk big about animal sacrifice, have already eaten thousands of goats in there life. Am I right or am I right ?? Human race who are destroying plants, animals, environment, good insects like ants everyday, being careless, should not talk anything about animal sacrifice. Because you have no right to show false sympathy on animals or trees. Pehle khaanaa chur do, uske baad baath karo... got it ! How many chicken you have eaten each year and how many plants you have destroyed, count it first, then try to be an angel. No human is angel... That is the hard fact of the universe . You are killing every day and that is the one day you are thinking about it, for publicity ?? Human are limited creature, issi lie, choti mu mein badi baaath, acche nehi lagte... Human eat everything and kill every day knowingly and unknowingly , but showing fake sympathy is hypocrisy. Even every vegetarian also knowingly or unknowingly killed many animals and plants in their life, so human are never an angel. Do not live in fake superiority complex.editededitDa...

7 years ago

Absolutely no idea who she is? Yes, animal slaughters is a cruelty but every religion has their own sacrificial animal to think of.very disturbing as well as disgusting to see people bring religion to promote such cheap publicity.makes me wonder what kind of mentality these people hold to vocal out such sensitive issue in social media on a holy occasion.

7 years ago

And this chit of a women has the guts to post a against Islam.. Am not a muslim but India is a decorations country.. From her statuses she looks like wife of Narendra Modi.. Practically she is a no one... Mrs shit according to u r not pointing at a single religion then why did u post ur shit like tweets only on Eid.. We too sacrifice in Hinduism..why r u making Islam a target.. Its there religious calling.. And for ur kind Info u cheap women.. The meat goes to poor people who don't have money to earn two times bread.. We live ina hypocrite nation no one cares about humans.. People get raped.. Abused.. But law violators run free.. A abuse against animals becomes a national issue.. Mrs loser why don't u tell this to ur relatives and ur friend circle who keeps on gulping tons of chickens from kfc..u have proved how senseless u r.. I had come across a post of u before where u and trolled bashers.. Now I think the bashers doo right.. Dey realized what piece of ugly shit u r.. U bogus fake person..

7 years ago

I thought this was a statement of compassion and believe but it looks like it is taken as a religious issue. Hope all this bashing does not pull your spirits down, Ankita Bhargava.

7 years ago

Ms Ankita,, Think before pass a comment... U have no right to say anything about a religious act without knowing its history,, importance & significance.. So U better KEEP QUIET...

7 years ago

First of all, who the hell is this woman? I keep reading about her but have no idea who she is.

Secondly, out of all 365 days to support animals you chose the one day? Obviously people will take it the wrong way. Besides, do you even know how many animals are slaughtered on a daily basis?

Take Kat Von D for example. She's against animal cruelty and vegan. It's something she keeps a firm belief in 24/7 and doesn't tweet out on the one day. She's been vocal about it since the beginning and didn't wait to be ashed or trolled for one year then raised her voice.

This just makes her sound pathetic. Downvote however much you want but the fact this was even turned into an article makes it sound like a publicity stunt or something.

7 years ago

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