'Gurmeet: The twitter boy'

Twitter is more reliable according to me than other social networking sites.

Gurmeet Choudhary PhotoShoot for Zing Magazine'Let's do social networking' seems to be the mantra that the television industry is resorting to these days. We got Gurmeet Choudhary to answer some questions on 'tweeting'!

Do you use social networking sites?

Yes I do use social networking sites. Today's life is incomplete without surfing on social networking sites.Its just another world which is important to the users. For some it's also an addiction  as it is the only source to stay in touch with the world.

Which social networking site do you use the most?

Currently I am a twitter boy(laughs) I find twitter safe to use and for me it is a good medium to stay in touch with all my fans, friends, family, co-stars, actors etc. it updates you with everyone's day to day doings.

Why don't you prefer any other social networking sites like Orkut or Facebook?

Personally there is nothing like or dislike for Orkut and Facebook. I have used these sites too before.They are good too but all social networking sites have their own features and currently I'm on Twitter.

How often do you tweet?

It all depends on my mood, I do tweet 4/5 times a day. I like to keep all my followers  updated with my day to day activities.(smiles).

What if twitter did not exist?

A part of my life would be dull as I use twitter often. Would miss the opportunity of meeting some amazing people on twitter.

A quote for all your followers on twitter?

'Respect and Love them all.'


Reporter and Author: Krishma Solanki.

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Gurmeet Choudhary

Comments (374)

GC...best of luck for jdj...
waiting for ur damkedaar dance best of luck Gurmeet for JDJ .we know u will rock the dance floor gurmeet ur a sexy dashing boyyy best of luck gurmeet for JDJ'LOVE U JAAN

12 years ago

GC...best of luck for jdj...
waiting for ur damkedaar dance

12 years ago

guru dear you are the best and sweet. keep rocking baby

12 years ago

best of luck Gurmeet for JDJ .we know u will rock the dance floor

12 years ago

lovely reply gurmeet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago

GUrmeet all the very best for jdj and You rock as yash in PV

12 years ago

Gurmeet u r the best .best of luck for JDJ

12 years ago

wow u r so nice person love u and God bless u

12 years ago

You find time to tweet is amazing itself.
I follow you.

12 years ago

good to get your news on twitter grummet. you are the best

12 years ago

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