Simar, who has turned into a housefly in Sasural Simar Ka defends the creative's decision of introducing bizarre tracks in the story-line.

When Simar Bharadwaj, a popular character from the small screen's "Sasural Simar Ka", turned into a 'makhi' (fly) following a 'shraap' (curse), it not just led to an outburst of memes on social media but also left critics wondering where content on Indian TV is heading. But actress Dipika Kakar, who has undergone the transformation, defends it by saying that it's "mystical, not regressive".

"The concept of 'naagins', 'daayans' or 'makhi' does not fall into the regressive space. It is more mystical in nature. The Indian audience has always been privy to the stories of these mystical characters and continue to enjoy them because these transport them to a world of fantasy far beyond their imagination," Dipika told in an interview.

The show, which went on the air on Colors in 2011, began by telling the tale of two sisters who get married in the same family, and their life at their in-laws' place.

It seemed like a regular saas-bahu saga, and over time, the story shifted the focus to their trials, tribulations and friction. Gradually, a 'naagin' (snakewoman) was introduced to the plot, after which Simar's character was turned into a 'daayan' (witch).

To top it all, now the character is shown as a fly.

The 29-year-old actress says it's all a part of reflecting various shades of Simar's characters ... be it her love for her family, her sacrificing nature or her fierceness to protect the family.

Justifying it, Dipika said: "Fictitious characters like that of a 'daayan' or a 'fly' are just a manifestation of Simar's character being portrayed in an interesting manner at different instances to enhance the entertainment value."

Also, drawing a comparison with how international shows engage viewers with supernatural elements in their plots, Dipika said: "Even internationally, there have been shows like 'Vampire Dairies' and 'Werewolf', showcasing concepts that do not exist in real life, and yet they are hugely appreciated and accepted by global audiences."

"Our show delves deep into the world of fantasy and folklore. Tales of good triumphing over evil and stories of adventures have always been the bedrock of all our bedtime stories. By introducing supernatural elements or characters in the show, it gives the audience a chance to relive their childhood memories," she said.

For Dipika, her journey in "Sasural Simar Ka"- produced by Rashmi Sharma Telefilms Limited, has been an experience of a lifetime. She credits the show's creative team.

"An actor's prerogative is to essay the character undertaken to the best of his/her ability, and with conviction. While I provide inputs pertaining to the character, decisions pertaining to the show and its storyline are taken by the creative team and I completely trust their judgement," she added.

One wonders if it's essential to keep introducing such twists and turns to keep the audience engaged, rather than work on stronger content. Dipika said: "Variety is the spice of life, and characters displaying mysticism definitely add different flavours to the show, making it an interesting watch for the audience."

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Dipika Kakar

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Rashmi Sharma

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Sasural Simar Ka

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Comments (26)

This woman is supporting that Dumb show says it all! You're insulting yourself and the Indian audience by defending SSK you dimwitted moron! And don't compare that shit with TVD! They're watched by global audience for their brilliant supernatural concepts unlike SSK where first all were humans then NAGINS DAAYAANS and now MAKKHIS come! Disgusting crap assaulting our intelligence. Just get paid and be happy we know how better you can get with it actually -,-

8 years ago

The fact that she compared this useless show to "The Vampire Diaries" says it all to me! Those shows were supernatural to start with. They didn't "introduce" supernatural elements. It's like suddenly you are watching "Friends" or "Big Bang Theory" and Ross or Sheldon turns into a Vampire or Rachael or Penny into a witch! I wonder then, if those shows will garner "Global appreciation?" LOL.

These actors are lame. They just defend the stupid and un-creative decisions made by their PH because they want to just keep getting paid. They dont care what they have to enact. Neither the story nor content matter to them in the least. I hate it when actors pretend there is no problem with the useless content of a show, it having no logic or no real story. Stay on the show if you must, but dont insult our intelligence by suggesting the show is "Interesting" or that it can be compared to global shows which are 1000 times ahead in the aspect of creativity, storytelling and production values.

8 years ago

God now what else is left?This every publicity is good publicity celebs are the most disgustful species.If not for your own atleast think of the median's respect,you are representing.

8 years ago

True... and shows showing girls' only mission to get marry and get the love of her so called godly husband no matter how hypocrite the person is are progressive. Come on guys why are u so mad for this one it is the only source of entertainment from Indian television. Everything about this one be it articles, promos are damn entertaining. It arouses a kind of curiosity among us to know what might the makers be planning to keep running their sasural. Don't u feel so every TV fanatic feel show this article and the buzz of this show is a proof. This is just fiction nothing regressive or progressive and if the question truly is about regressive or progressive, do watch each and every show before posting... And don't forget to come up with a list of so called progressive shows on Indian tv

8 years ago

F**k dude...dont e1 compare this shit to vampire dairies...vd is classy n dis show sucks big time...

8 years ago

What utter crap!! On one hand, there is a dumb actress like her who speaks nonsense just to support her crap show (it's obvious she's paid) and on the other side, you have actresses like Sanaya Irani and Jennifer Winget in the industry who try to play versatile roles and content oriented. And what did she say??? Did she compare that shit to international shows she mentioned, THOSE ARE ACTUALLY SHOWS OF SUPERNATURAL THEME AND BRILLIANTLY EXECUTED miss.
Shows like these are the very reason why foreigners have a bad perspective on Indian shows..sigh

8 years ago

dumbest actress of the dumbest show how can she compare that crap ssk to vampire dairies she has lost her mind plz end the crap ASAP & free the viewers from this torture

8 years ago

wat else we can expect frm a dumb actress like her...she has lost her mind over the years...I wonder if she remember the initial plot of the story...in fact her quitting drama a few years ago paved the way to these supernatural tracks...n she says its not regressive...pathetic woman...whole india is criticising n she says its for entertainment...if u wish to entertain us suggest ur cvs to close this show...no actress should b so stupid to defend her show in this most senseless way...anyway best of luck...hoping to see u as rhinoceres one day bcuz it will perfectly suit u

8 years ago

Does that means only ssk casts and writers are correct and we are the dumb?
I think while acting in these supernatural tracks she is in illusion or she is getting paid to say that. Does she know that these shows she mentioned are with proper plots and fantasy genre and they are in seasons not 7/7 days? Or she forgot that when ssk was launched it was a family drama nt abt daayan,naagin or makhi? This is not entertainment at all but a torture. On top of that this is merged with other shows each week which makes me question the aim of colors channel. Frankly i dont want to see her again on tv after this ends. When i will get this good news? So many are waiting!

8 years ago

.Vampire diaries and SSK are same .What the hell!!

8 years ago

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