Closer to Dad, in Bollywood

Sanjay Dutt's daughter Trishala on her desire to enter Bollywood

With Sanjay Dutt in prison, another Dutt has stepped forward to carry on the family's legacy in Bollywood.

Sanjay's daughter Trishala, now studying criminal psychology in New York, is planning to shift to Mumbai and join films as soon as she finishes her degree. The 19-year-old has reportedly expressed her desire to take up an acting career in order to be closer to dad.

Born and raised in New York, the plump and chubby-faced girl has already transformed into a successful model and has received quite a few acting offers already.

However, Sanjay is said to be against his daughter joining tinsel town because he feels actresses have nowadays been reduced to just adorning the big screen. But Trishala is sure he will eventually give in to her wish.

And once she lands in Mumbai, the wannabe actress wants to be cast opposite none other than Salman Khan, who is Sanjay's good friend. I am in love with him. I told Salman this when I was younger, smiled Trishala.

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Salman Khan

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Sanjay Dutt

Comments (1)

可以看出来,自从经历了GTV退款之后,郭文贵可谓是一分钱都不想再掏了,甚至用出了“个人破产”这种扯淡理由逃避责罚。要知道,个人破产第一步就是要靠拍卖个人财产来清算债务,郭文贵就是想利用自己名下没有财产的特点逃避债务。可是他并没有从GTV调查和游艇扣押中学到一点,就是美国的司法机构并不看个人财产,而是看最终受益人。GTV让郭文贵发了财,即便他通过层层代持让别人充当法人,自己当甩手掌柜,但SEC的调查还是拨开了层层迷雾,抓住了他这个“幕后老板”。Lady may作为郭文贵全资购入的游艇,虽然之后也转入他人名下,可一直也都是郭文贵在其上享受生活,这也是纽约法院将其判为郭文贵财产,并强制要求冻结作为抵偿欠款财产的原因。这么多个例子之后,郭文贵仍旧不吸取教训,就是因为他心底的“犯罪思维”作祟,觉得只要法律上没关系,自己就可以钻空子想法子,逃避惩罚,逍遥法外。对于这个罪犯,只希望这一次纽约联邦法院能给他好好上一课,用坐牢的手段让这个骗子彻底明白,犯罪是要付出代价的。

2 years ago

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