#BB9 Exclusive: Keith, Rochelle, Prince and Mandana's team won the luxury task!

With a 4:1 ratio, the team made a clean sweep win in the '5 Dosh' task. To find out who won which task, read on...

After watching the two phases of the luxury task i.e. lust and ego, viewers will now get to see the remaining three phases that deals with Anger, Greed and Laziness. But before we take you to the individual phases and its winners, let me first reveal that Keith Sequeira, Prince Narula, Rochelle Maria Rao and Mandana Karimi's team won the 'Paanch Dosh' luxury budget task.

Now let's have a sneak peek into the challenges that the team had to go through...

The next phase i.e. the third dosh was AngerMandana & Rishab were imprisoned and they had to control their anger. While the housemates were asked to torture both of them; Suyyash was trying to irritate Mandana by making noise with utensils, while others will be seen throwing waste over both of them. However, the surprise element here is that Mandana Karimi, who is known for leaving the task in between, actually controlled her anger and WON the anger task against Rishab Sinha.

The fourth phase of 'Paanch Dosh' task was 'Greed'. Every human being on this planet has been greedy for once in his/her life. As it is said Greed is the by product of selfishness and in the Bigg Boss house there surely are a few people, who are greedy and only look out for themselves.

So to test this emotion, the fourth part of the 5 Dosh task introduced a Ticket to Finale'.

For this task, Rochelle will be put up against Kawaljit. The temptation here will be the ticket to the Grand Finale of Bigg Boss Season 9. That means they will be safe until then, regardless of the fact that they perform the weekly tasks or not, they will not get evicted. Whoever picks up the ticket, loses the task but directly goes in to the finale. Seems like a too-good-to-be-true opportunity? However this phase is won by Rochelle as she didn't take the Ticket to Finale while Kanwaljit did. So does it mean Kawaljeet is one of the finalists? 

No wait! Before you start assuming it to be the real 'Ticket to Finale', Let me clarify that it wasn't for real. It was a fake ticket, which was just a part of the task! Aahhh... poor Kawaljit! Now we wonder how will he react after finding out the truth!

And then comes the last phase!

Wondering what is the fifth task all about? The 5th dosh, undoubtedly, is 'Aalas' or procrastination (lazy, in simple words). And in this round too, Rochelle and Kawaljit had a face off. The task got very filthy this time around. The pool area was contaminated with all kinds of filth possible and the water was gravely contaminated, making it stink and the very look of it would absolutely gross you out. Both the contestants had to take rounds around the boundary of the pool. The catch here is that both the contestants will be inside the pool doing this task and whoever takes the maximum rounds would win the challenge. And even in this face off, Rochelle emerged out as a winner.

What would you like to name this luxury task as? Are you enjoying the tasks? Do you think the deserving team won the task? Share your views below!

Aakruti Damani

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Rishabh Sinha Thumbnail

Rishabh Sinha

Rochelle Maria Rao Thumbnail

Rochelle Maria Rao

Keith Sequeira Thumbnail

Keith Sequeira

Mandana Karimi Thumbnail

Mandana Karimi

Prince Narula Thumbnail

Prince Narula

Bigg Boss 9- Double Trouble poster

Bigg Boss 9- Double Trouble

Colors thumbnail


Comments (2)

Commenting for prince narula...u literally rock bb9 house

8 years ago

Prince Narula loved you in yesterday's episode.you be the rockstar.:D

8 years ago

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