#BB11: How Hina Khan's consistent BACKLASH is extremely BAD news for 'Bigg Boss' makers

Hatred, cunning behaviour, knavery, that is not the only thing that the show is about...

Kunal Nirmal Kothari Thumbnail

Kunal Nirmal Kothari

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The evolution of Bigg Boss on Indian television has been a paroxysm for many over the years. Unapologetically, the show is without a doubt one of the biggest reality shows in our country and as much as we are querulous about it, the fact does not change.

However, as a viewer of the show, I have only become more and more vituperative towards the show over the years and resorted to others. And while, Bigg Boss Season 11 is already over 2 months old, the obloquy towards actress Hina Khan has led me to think how the show is only going to get worse in coming years. So, here I talk about how the unprecedented backlash of Hina Khan may be fetching decent numbers for the show for now, but is only BAD NEWS for the makers in the long run-
The Rest Is History?

The history of Bigg Boss is certainly an unpleasant one, where we do not have a scarcity of recidivists, who have only caused mayhem during their stint. Be it Kashmera Shah or Rakhi Sawant, Raja Chaudhry or Rahul Mahajan, Dolly Bindra or Veena Malik, Imam Siddiqui or Armaan Kohli, Om Swami or Priyanka Jagga, the list is a long one. However, amongst all these, do you notice one thing about this list of names? That is...

None Of Them Is What We Term As An 'A-Lister'

With due respect to the achievements of the respective celebrities, the tag of being an A-lister is not something that belongs to them and the publicity that these celebrities garnered has only been fruitful for them in their career later. But, things are completely different for the supremely popular celebrities that have been a part of the show of the years.

The Dignity Has Always Been Intact For These People

Some of the most popular actors have been a part of the show which include the likes of Amit Sadh, Ketaki Dave, Shweta Tiwari, Samir Soni, Juhi Parmar, Aashka Goradia, Gauahar Khan, Kamya Punjabi, Kushal Tandon, Shilpa and Apurva Agnihotri, Rohan Mehra, Karan Mehra, Bani J, Gaurav Chopraa and Rahul Dev among many others.

The toughest challenge in the Bigg Boss house is to maintain your dignity especially when you're a public figure. But that's been the case for over 11 years now, where inspite of some of the biggest controversies, several A-listers have managed to not only come out of the house a dignified person, but also do well in their careers ahead. The list is a long one and even though one may debate about it, things only went to become better for them.

Of Course They Made Mistakes, Everybody Does

I am in no manner suggesting that these contestants did not commit mistakes and were perfect, but their knavery or mistakes was superseded by their positive approach towards a lot other things. The show is all about having a stand towards different matters and from that to many staying aloof from unwanted fights. The likes of the above mentioned celebrities have managed to find a rare balance between the two.

When It Comes To The Standard Of The Show, The Failure Of Bigg Boss 9 - Double Trouble Was The Beginning

For some reason, after the humongous success of 8 consecutive seasons, the 9th installment of the show did not do as well as expected and that led the makers of the show to ring in the concept of commoners and celebrities living together. Fortunately, that concept clicked and is getting better in terms of talking point and rating game this season too. However, there is a major BUT to this.

More & More Celebrities Are Refraining From The Show

There was a time, when celebrities wouldn't mind participating in the show and take it as a challenge; but the same has become an absolute joke in recent times, where a barrage of celebrities have refrained themselves from participating in the show. And the unstoppable backlash towards Hina Khan is yet another example of how things are only going to get worse for the makers in future seasons. There is no doubt how Hina is the most popular contestant in the house this season, where the closest second is Hiten Tejwani. But this has infact backfired miserably for the actress, as she has become the one-that-everyone-talks-about on social media and otherwise for all the wrong reasons. This is bad news for the makers, as in a time where they have already been struggling to get notable names to participate in the show, an A-lister like Hina facing all this due to her actions has led the actors in the outside world to only talk ill about the show overall.

The Makers Need To Act Upon It At The Soonest

This season's contestant list was an indicator that this worry of A-listers unwilling to participate in the show has been validated already. Amidst a plethora of 18 contestants, the true blue celebrities in the list were barely 3 or 4. The makers had to rope in 'interesting' characters to present a mix and they can thank the gods that the move has been successful so far.

But, let's just say that while Hina Khan talks about her damage control, the makers certainly need to do some damage control about the show's future. It would be preposterous to see an-all commoners show as that would be just like witnessing a roadside quarrel.

The true essence of the show is about how conflicting personalities live together and even though it is the 'fights' that entertain and garner the maximum content and ratings, it's not just about that. The makers may need to remind the future potential celebrities on how the first 8 seasons have been a revolution in television history and they intend to recreate that magic of Bigg Boss.

Hina Khan may be the talking point of constant negativity, but not everyone in the show in the past have been the same. It is important to remember that.

What do you think about the same? Leave in your comments below..

Your reaction

Hiten Tejwani Thumbnail

Hiten Tejwani

Kamya Punjabi Thumbnail

Kamya Punjabi

Gaurav Chopraa Thumbnail

Gaurav Chopraa

Hina Khan Thumbnail

Hina Khan

Karan Mehra Thumbnail

Karan Mehra

Gauahar Khan Thumbnail

Gauahar Khan

Dolly Bindra Thumbnail

Dolly Bindra

Bani J Thumbnail

Bani J

Kushal Tandon Thumbnail

Kushal Tandon

Imam Siddique Thumbnail

Imam Siddique

Rohan Mehra Thumbnail

Rohan Mehra

Bigg Boss 9- Double Trouble poster

Bigg Boss 9- Double Trouble

Bigg Boss Season 10 poster

Bigg Boss Season 10

Bigg Boss Season 11 poster

Bigg Boss Season 11

Colors thumbnail


Comments (13)

Such an idiotic article. Sorry to say but even before, when there was all celeb Bigg Boss, I hardly knew 2-3 celebs who came there, others were there so that they became celebrities after that.

6 years ago

What can makers do if Hina has more negative side than positive...I do not think it will affect makers, but it will alert celebrities who will participate in future seasons of BB that how to behave.

6 years ago

THis article is almost indicating that the show's become low class since commoners have been asked to participate. If Hina Khan being a celeb can behave in such a low class manner who does anything for footage, its not the makers fault that this nautanki queen has garnered that much hatred. Every participant is independent & responsible for the image they create, be it a celeb like Hina or a commoner like priyanka Jagga. They are gonna get abused naturally for bad behavior.

6 years ago

How is it maker's fault if Hina is behaving the way she is..?She needs to get her act right.Makers has nothing to do with it n it's not just from BB,she has been getting the hate from general viewers as well,all thanks to her..

6 years ago

Thank GOD someone wrote about this topic. I do not want to watch Big Boss just for commoners. I am a commoner and I do like to watch celebrities. I do not like when commoners gang up and create negative environment for people who have given their blood and sweat to their profession and still respect it to every single bit of it. This negativity around celebrities need to stop. I am sure it saves Big Boss lots of money as they need to pay less to commoners and less famous so that they can give all the money to the host. I apologize if offended Salman's fans, I am speaking merely from business point nothing untowardly for him. I like him and respect him for his work.

6 years ago

Bigg Boss is becoming worse by the years!!!

No genuine contestant has ever won and with Hiten getting out I am not watching it anymore!!!

6 years ago

Ths reason for less celebrity participation this season was due to clear bias towards commoners last season by big boss and channel, and I wouldnt have watched this season either if Hiten wasnt part of it, but this turned out to such an interesting and dynamic season minus the biased towards shilpa shinde this season is a hit for sure.
And its true Hina is the most talkes celeb and shes an A lister big boss should be lucky that they atleast had celebs this season warna next season saare rodies n splitaville recycle kar ke contestants bolaney parey ge and call them "celebs". They do need to do ALOT of damage control.

6 years ago

Its not the makers fault that Hina Khan turned out to be a obnoxious character. Every celeb that has come on the show has been able to maintain dignity is because they were dignified individual is real life. Hina Khan clearly ain't the kind and that is what is being reflected outside. Its either this or completely editing out her scenes from the show.

6 years ago

The reason why people despise Hina is coz she constantly tries to establish herself as a self proclaimed righteous person but her actions depict the opposite. Had she not tried to act like she is perfect all the time n behaved like a human ppl would cut her some slack.

6 years ago

i think hina is showing only her negative side...or may be she is being her real self...i dont know but hina is showing herself as an arrogant,selfish,jealous spoilt brat..
consider that tap water incident..resting under her blanket and suddenly blaming and pointing shilpa and behaving like a queen..no doubt,she is in bad light.

6 years ago

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