#BB10: REVEALED: Swamiji's Plans Outside The Bigg Boss House!

This is what Swamiji aspires to do, once he is out of the Bigg Boss house.

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Bigg Boss Season 10, as promised, has turned out to be one of the most entertaining seasons, thanks to charavters like Swamiji and Priyanka Jagga, who left no stone unturned to grab eyeballs. 

While Priyanka got eliminated last week, Swamiji stays put in the house. 

Swamiji has always been a constant topic of discussion inside the house. Off late, Swamiji has been busy spinning yarns and sharing a lot of stories with the housemates. This time around he declared that he was himself, making a biopic on his life and stated that the budget of the film costed 100 crores. 

While having a conversation with Manu and Manveer, Swamiji said that he has financers and that the script was also in place. He happened to reveal that the cast of his biopic included Hollywood actors.

And here comes the master stroke. Swamiji declared that he was playing the villain in his film and the rest of the casting was yet to be complete.

Not the one to let the opportunity go, Manveersaid that he would like to play the younger Swamiji's part while Lokesh said that she would like to dance in the movie. 

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Comments (5)

He should get an award for lying. But he is fun to watch. Gosh how can a person lies so bluntly in national tv! He is an entertainer for sure.

7 years ago

Swami is psycho.. Don't take his words seriously

7 years ago

He will surely achieving Oscar for his biopic and his novel has written by Shakespeare lol

7 years ago

God..is dis swamiji fr real... I think he shud do a comedy movie..

7 years ago

Is it just me?! I don't know.. but he creeps me out. I can't imagine how mona lisa managed to stay in jail with him!

7 years ago

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