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Posted: 2 years ago

 This is the first time I am writing it so if there are any mistakes do tell me about it! 


Main Characters:

Bondita Das (14 yrs) - A curious teenager with many dreams! Is Introverted and thoughtful! A fisherman's daughter who is very good in fishing, swimming and rowing boats! Beauty with brain!✨

Anirudh Roy Choudhary (23 yrs) - A Barrister who is a part of the Revolutionist group and his career is Barrister and his is multi-talented! Is working on a goal to bring change! Is gullible, short-tempered and impulsive with a pure heart!πŸ’–

You will get to know about other characters in the story only!

Witness a new journey of our Anidita in this story! Some tracks can be or may be used from the show! Thank you!πŸ™πŸ˜πŸ’–

Chapter 1

PS : Story will be fictional and you can take it as a bildungsroman! Half things will be according to the history while half can't or may not be according to the history just like our show. 

1920's Bengal was still under the shadow of British rule. The Britishers had successfully bribed the Nawabs and everything was under their command! But their presence also gave rise to many fearless patriots and revolutionists who kept fighting and breaking rules for us not caring about themselves! For them their people mattered the most than their existence! 

The Bay of Bengal washes off the shores of a beautiful village where most of the people catch fishes and other sea creatures for their living, people there call the village Mandarboni (present - Mandarmani) and you will find many fishermen working hard there all day long but sadly the village wasn't hidden from the Britishers' eyes and they carried out economic activities there also. 

A young teenage girl rowed her boat in the sea with her one friend, younger sister and her elder brother sitting beside her in a mood of adventure, she stopped her boat when she sensed that they had reached the area where they would find numerous fishes and ordered, "Mauri and Anuj! Quickly prepare for the trap! We have finally reached the area!" "Yes Bondita!" "Yes Didi!" they agreed and cast the net creating a trap for the fishes, as the net surrounded fully creating fear and confusion among the sea creatures that many of them ended up getting caught in the trap, "Wow! So many beautiful fishes!" Exclaimed Anuj as his eyes glowed, "We have successfully catch many fishes Didi!" replied Mauri with full of excitement while Bondita gave a soft smile, "Great then! Now it's time to bring them on the boat! Pull the net now!" ordered Bondita after which her brother strongly grabbed the net and three of them pulled it with full force. "We have successfully caught them! Anuj, Bondita and Mauri! You three have become stronger than before!" "Thank you for the appreciation Shekhar Da!" shouted Mauri and Anuj, "Now let's return back!" said Bondita as she rowed towards the shore.

 As they put all their fishes in many baskets, "Bondita!" Bondita turned to look in the direction from where the voice came and saw her father smiling at her, "Baba!" she excitedly ran towards him and hugged him while her Baba lovingly patted her head, "How was your experience Bondita?" "I had so much fun today also Baba! We caught many more fishes than before and I can row the boat more faster now!" "That means you practiced very well! Today I and your mother spotted many beautiful shells! You can go and see them!" Bondita's eyes glowed and she quickly ran towards her home after thanking her father, "Shekhar! Help me to pull the net and Mauri and Anuj! I have also kept sea shells for you two!" he said with a warm smile. Bondita's friend and sister ran towards Bondita's home while Shekhar helped his father, "Shonjoy Babu!" "Oh! Modhu babu! Hare Krishna! How many fishes have you caught?!" "More than 75!" "Wow! That's great Modhu Babu! What kind of fish did you catch?!" "Ilish fish!! And that too some big and some small!" "They are really high in demand nowadays in the market! What if you become rich in one day?!" Modhu babu chuckled and replied, "Yes! Well Shonjoy Babu! Today Anuj and Shekhar went for fishing right! I can see many baskets lying on the sand!" "Not only them! Bondita and Mauri too went with them!" "They too?! Oh! Surely they both were interested in watching the fishes getting caught!" "Not only watching! Bondita today rowed the boat and Mauri caught fishes with the boys! Both have become more talented in this!" said Shonjoy Babu proudly but this didn't seem to be such a good thing to Modhu Babu, "Shonjoy Babu! Is it necessary to teach them these things?!" "Why?! They both should also learn these! They are becoming physically and mentally strong because of this! Also! They are learning about patience! Why can't be it necessary for them if they are necessary for boys?!" "Oh! Actually I have seen some or never seen females catching fishes and rowing boats so...... let's forget that talk! Well does your daughter know to cook well?!" "Oh yeah! She cooks very well! Whenever me and my wife return late she cooks food while Shekhar and Mauri help her by peeling the vegetables and cleaning the fish!" "That's great Shonjoy Babu! Girls should learn cooking after all! Oh! I have to go to home now! See you later! Hare Krishna!" "Yes! See you later! Hare Krishna!" Bondita's father and her brother also proceeded towards their home.

"21.....22.......23! We have total 23 sea shells Mauri and Anuj!" "Nice Didi! We can make many jewelries with them!" "Bondita! How am I looking?" asked Anuj as he kept two shells on his head, "Hmm..... your hair looks like a nest on which two eggs have cracked!" commented Bondita making Mauri laugh, "Hmph! You won't understand this! If I have to hide from my mother then I will camouflage myself by putting sand on me and then putting these shells on my head! A great idea right?!" "I want to see if that even works or not!" "I will be definitely successful!" argued Anuj with a smirk. "Bondita and Mauri!" "Yes Maa!!" "Help me with making the jewelries!!" "Yes Maa! We are coming!" "Bye Anuj! Hare Krishna!" "Oh yeah! Bye Bondita! Hare Krishna!" Bondita and Mauri sat with their mother and made jewelries with her, at that time Bondita's father and her brother had returned. Bondita's mother noticed them returning and said, "Shekhar your school's homework was left, right?" "Yes Maa!" "Quickly complete them or you will get scolded by your teacher!" "Shunchho?! (Listen?!) Today they again came to our home!" "About whom are Maa Baba talking?" thought Bondita as she did her work, "Not here! Come outside!" warned Bondita's father and then both her parents went outside.

 "So they came again! Now what do they want?!" "They are saying that they would keep our daughter well! His son even loves our daughter! We should agree to this marriage!" "No! We won't! And how can you say that he really loves her?! I have seen his behaviour! Such an agressive boy he is! He doesn't even has any work! I can't leave my daughter with such an irresponsible boy! Did you forget what happened with Boudi's daughter?! We can't let that happen with our daughter too!" "But his father is the chief of all fishermen and he is richer than us! He even promised to treat our daughter like a Queen! Shouldn't we agree to him?!" "My daughter doesn't need to be treated like a Queen when she is a Queen herself! I will make her independent enough so that she earns her living on her own! Her father is with her till his last breath so she is safe! Decline their offer! Shri Krishna himself said that there are three doors to hell - anger, lust and greed! His son just lusts on my daughter, nothing else! They are trying their best to make us greedy! We don't need to bend infront of them!" said her father sternly and went inside his house leaving Bondita's mother in a worry for her daughter's future.

Precap : Anirudh's entry!✨

Feedbacks are welcomed! I can't write long chapters so writing smaller.

Edited by Tinnie96 - 2 years ago


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Posted: 2 years ago

If anyone got missed out apologies for that!

Tinnie96 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago


The railway station was highly crowded like it was everyday. You could hear coolies shouting and see British officers walking there, many businessmen and students used the trains. A young lady who seemed to be of 22 years old was standing there with her arms crossed as if she was waiting for someone. After sometime a train reached there and she went towards the train's exiting way, many passengers passed by her but her eyes were still searching for someone, "Uff! This Anirudh! He is taking so much time to come out of the train?! Is he carrying so many things with him that it's getting difficult for him to even lift them?!" She continued to search for him with her eyes and suddenly felt someone's hands on her shoulders which shivered her. She turned to look to find her friend standing behind her and showing his teeth. She crossed her arms again and gave him a stern look, "Ah... Miss! Are you searching for your friend? May I help you?" "It's ok Mister! I think you need my help!" said Saudamini as she ran behind Anirudh who was grinning, when they reached out of the station they both took a deep breath while Saudamini patted on his shoulder. "I see no change in you Anirudh! You are still that mischievous boy whom I met in my childhood! " "And you are still that red faced girl Mini! Who used to get angry on little things! " said Anirudh as he laughed, he looked around and said, "Well Mini, where's Saurabh? Won't he come to meet his best friend? " "Did anyone miss me? " said a voice after which Anirudh turned to look behind and saw a young man behind him grinning, "Is it you Bhopu?!" Anirudh hugged Saurabh for sometime and said as they parted, "Your looks have changed so much Bhopu! You were earlier such a lean boy! You have grown some muscles and also your voice has changed! Now you anymore don't sound like a Bhopu!" "You too Anirudh Babu! From a chubby boy you have attained a look of an athletic! I think you got graduated in the last year only, right? So why have you come to India this year? " "Actually Saurabh, after my graduation I thought to practice some law there only so that I understand some basics, my senior guided me there and I fought many cases, he advised me to argue with a cool mind rather than a hot mind.. " "He advised you right! Everyone knows you perfectly Anirudh! " said Mini as she laughed making Anirudh frown, "You love to tease me right? I won't talk to you now! " said Anirudh as he walked away, "Uff Anirudh! I am your friend after all! If I joke a bit isn't that normal? " "Joking a bit is normal! But you joke about me always, is that even normal? " "Leave your anger Anirudh! Well Anirudh, you didn't tell Kaka and Uncle to pick you up? " "I want to give them a surprise Mini! " he said with a wink. 

Kaka and Binoy were having an argument with each other regarding Anirudh's return, "Anirudh's graduation is done Binoy! Why are you not calling him here now also?! " "He is carrying out his Barristery practice there Da! He himself told me that he will learn some basics there" "Atleast you can convince him to come here! Don't you miss your son?! " "I want to see him successful in his career Da!" "Doesn't look like you want to see him! Atleast I want to see my nephew!" "Uff! Baba and Kaka are again fighting!" murmured Batuk as he face palmed, "How to stop their fight? " inquired Shashwati. "Kaka! Baba! I am home! " shouted a voice which made them turn behind, they saw their piece of heart standing in front of them grinning. Happy tears flowed from Kaka's eyes while Binoy gave a soft smile, "Anirudh Beta! " shouted Kaka happily as he hugged his nephew. Binoy also came near them admiring from behind, "Dada! " shouted both Batuk and Shashwati as they ran to hug him. "Seeing your face after so many years Anirudh! You have grown up so much! My heart is satisfied now! I missed you so much Beta! " "I missed you too Kaka! Give me your blessings! " said Anirudh as he touched his feet, "Anirudh! Did you forget me? " said Binoy with a soft smile, "Not at all Baba! I missed you too! " he said as he hugged him, "Dada! Are you here with us forever?! " asked Batuk curiously, "Yes Batuk! I will forever live with you all! " "Then I will have so much fun with you Dada! Batuk Dada always annoys me! Scold him whenever he annoys me! " "Sure Shashwati! " said Anirudh as he patted her head. "Did you come here alone Beta? " "No Kaka, Saurabh and Mini came to pick me up! " "Saurabh is ok as he is your servant but why Mini? " inquired Kaka with an irritated look, "Mini is ok but why with that poor boy? " inquired Binoy who was irritated too. "Kaka! Baba! They are my friends! What's wrong with this?! " "A servant can never be your friend Anirudh! " "Also a girl can never be your friend even if she is rich like you! " said Kaka as he frowned at Binoy, Anirudh face palmed and said, "You both still have problem with this?! Why both of you not understand that they are human like us despite of being poor and a girl! Even if you stop me I won't stop talking to them and this is my final decision! " said Anirudh sternly as he went towards his room. "Bade Malik! I heard that Chhote Malik is back! Is that true?! " asked Bihari as he came from outside with groceries and other things, "Yes Bihari! Our house's son has returned back! This makes me so emotional! " "Bihari! Tell Anirudh that there's a party arranged for him! " "Yes Binoy babu! "

At evening a grand party was held in Roy Choudhary Haveli, Binoy called many foreign guests while Kaka called his common people to the party. Anirudh spotted his friends Saurabh and Mini smiling at him and proceeded towards them, "You both reached here at the exact time!" "We didn't want to come late in our friend's celebration party after all!" said Mini, "Congratulations Anirudh Babu!" "Thank you! I am really glad to have friends like you both!" said Anirudh as he hugged both of them. Suddenly they heard Kaka announcing, "Everyone put your attention here! Today our son has returned to home after so many years! As he has grown up into such a successful person I want to make him incharge of my landlord duties! Here Beta! Take the keys!" "No Da! Anirudh will become a very rich lawyer! Here Anirudh! Your admission papers! I am sure you will make us proud!" "I said that Anirudh will take up landlord duties!" "But Da Anirudh needs to become a successful lawyer!" "Let's ask Anirudh only! Say Anirudh! What do you choose between landlord duties and becoming a successful lawyer?!" "Anirudh you have to answer now only!" "I......" Suddenly Anirudh heard a man slapping his wife, "Can't you make our son quiet?! I am getting embarassed because of you!!" "But he is not getting silent, I am trying to but....." "You even talk back to me?!" asked that man angrily and again raised his hand but his hand was hold by Anirudh, "Anirudh!" Mini tried to stop him, "Don't stop me Mini! This man needs to learn to behave like a human!" he said as he pushed his raised hand away, "Don't come between our fight, okay?" "Sorry but I will! You dare to slap your wife just because she is not able make her child quiet?! You yourself first handle a child to understand how difficult it is for a woman to handle a child!" "Anirudh! This is their personal issue! Don't interfere!" warned Kaka, "Oh?! But I don't see this as a personal issue Kaka! He is insulting his wife infront of everyone so how is this just a personal issue?!" "This is very normal Anirudh, this happens between husband wife!" "If a husband slapping his wife is normal than the wife should also slap his husband! Raise your hand on him!" "I can't hit my husband...." "You cannot hit your husband but he can hit you?! It's ok! I will slap him on your behalf!" "Anirudh! Don't create a mess in this party!" whispered Mini, "I am creating a mess?!! I am just teaching him a lesson Mini!" "Everyone is looking at you! " "Let them look at me! If they think that I am a crazy man let them think that but I will give this woman justice!" Mini quickly pulled Anirudh towards his room while Kaka told everyone to enjoy and not bother about him. 

"Why did you bring me back Mini?! Why did you stop me?!" asked Anirudh as angry tears dropped from his eyes, "Anirudh, I can't let your image infront of everyone getting spoiled! And that was normal between them....." "How can you think that this was normal?! He was just satisfying his ego! Nothing else!" "Anirudh let these things go on! There's no end of these things! We are wasting our time by thinking about these!" "If this is what happens in my country then I won't sit quiet! I will raise my voice against this injustice! You are educated Mini but still you think these things should go on?! Looks like there's no one who thinks like me here! Who wants change!" said Anirudh as tears continuously flowed from his eyes, "You are not alone here Anirudh, actually......." "No need to say anything Mini! If I am alone then it's ok! I will bring change for sure!" said Anirudh as the fire of revolution burnt in his eyes.

Feedbacks are welcomed! Do read the story and stay connected to me! πŸ˜ƒ

Tinnie96 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

The next morning Bondita went into the sea with her siblings and friend, this time her sister was rowing the boat as it was decided that they will change their roles one by one so it was Bondita's turn to catch the fishes. This time the sea's condition was not quite good, they felt the waves pushing them with more force than earlier, "I think there's an earthquake! But it is very away from us that's why we are not feeling its strength that much!" said Shekhar leaving everyone shocked, "What is an earthquake Dada?" asked Mauri curiously, "The sudden shaking of the ground is said to be an earthquake! " "How is it even caused?" asked Bondita curiously, "They are caused due to the moving plates in the earth's crust! If we put it simple it means that the Earth's surface is shaking like we have witnessed earlier! That's what I learnt in my school!" "Schools teach so many amazing things! I wish I could also attend school.." thought Bondita sadly, "Shall we proceed forward?! The waves seem so scary to me!!" exclaimed Anuj as his eyes widened with fear, "If you get scared so much just by some increased strength of the waves how will you even face tsunami for real Anuj?!" chuckled Bondita which made Anuj frown, "This wave is not that scary! We will proceed forward!" decided Bondita as she told Mauri to row forward, she stopped Mauri when she saw that there were many fishes around them, surely they were confused by the water movement. Bondita strongly casted the fishing net and told her brother and friend Anuj to help her pulling the net, they felt the net to be heavier than yesterday. "Can we even pull the net?! Maybe we should lessen some fish!" suggested Anuj, "Don't worry Anuj! This is a challenge for us and we will surely win this challenge!" said Bondita who was rather enjoying this and strongly grabbed the net. Her brother and her friend also helped her, three of them tried their best to pull the net carefully without losing the fishes, "We need to apply more force!" said her brother gritting his teeth, "We have almost done it!" said Bondita with a smile, "Dada! Anuj Dada! Didi! You all can do it!" cheered Mauri as she saw them pulling the net carefully and slowly. Successfully three of them pulled the net without losing the fishes after which Anuj danced and seeing him dancing like crazy made all of them laugh.

They reached the sea shore and pulled their net down, as they started keeping all the fish in their baskets Bondita noticed an old lady and a teenage boy sitting sadly, "Sorry Dida, I tried my best to pull the net carefully but it got torn and we lost many fishes!" Bondita heard him saying, "It's not your fault dear! Today the sea's condition is not that good! We have to return back!" said the old lady sadly. Bondita felt a pain in her heart and proceeded towards them with a basket full of the fishes they caught recently, "Here Dida! Take this basket!" she said with a smile, "No Maa, these are your fishes! I don't need them!" "What will you sell in the market then? Already we have caught many fish, I can't let you stay hungry! Please take them on my request!" requested Bondita as she forwarded them the basket. A smile appeared on the old lady's lips and she touched her cheek after she took the basket, "Such a sweet girl you are! Who won't take anything from you if you request so sweetly? Mishti meye!" she said still grinning as Bondita smiled too, "What is your name Maa?" "My name is Bondita..." Bondita said as she gave them a soft smile and strolled faster, "Lots of talks are done today! Now it's time to go!"

"Your shot was soo good Anirudh but you weren't able to defeat me!" said Mini with a smirk, "Don't worry, next time I will surely defeat you!" said Anirudh with a smile as he turned the steering wheel. As they both reached near the haveli Anirudh exclaimed, "Mini, I have realised my life purpose!" "And what is it Anirudh?" "My life purpose is to bring change in this society and fight for humanity Mini! And I will surely get successful in this!" "But how will you fulfill your purpose alone? This dream can only be fulfilled with an association with everyone!" said Mini, "Hmm....you are right! Will you support me in this Mini?" "Mmm....I don't have much interest in this but I will like to support you as your friend!" "Okay......." murmured Anirudh thinking if anyone else wanted the same thing like him. Suddenly he saw his best friend Saurabh and said, "Saurabh! Where are you going?!" Anirudh spotted his friend blushing and asked, "Hmm....is your marriage decided Saurabh?" "How do you know Anirudh Babu?" "I can see that you are blushing!" he teased him, "Do you have her photo?!" "No, I have not seen her even...." "Why?! If you don't know her properly how can you just marry her?!" "My generation's marriage happened like this only Anirudh Babu! This is normal for us!" "Do you even know her name? I even doubt that!" "Sampoorna... Sampoorna is her name!" said Saurabh as he smiled with a blush.

"How can you simply let her get married Boudi?! Did you forget her past?!" asked Bondita's father furiously, "Don't worry about that Shonjoy! I have even met the boy, he was so innocent and well - behaved!" "How can you even say that he was innocent just in the first meeting?! Nowadays I cannot trust any young man!" "Why are you that much worried Shonjoy?!" "I consider her as my daughter too Boudi! She has gone through so many hardships! Also how can you think that she will be okay?!" "I am getting her married by taking the name of God Shonjoy! If Shyam wants good for my child then this marriage will surely be successful! I am sure she won't suffer like before! Believe me! Also young women should get married early!" "Do whatever you want! If something happens to her then I won't forgive you!" he said sternly and went away. "He is very protective of his and your daughter Boudi! He just became angry...well what is the date of her marriage?" "In a few days! I have to go now Sumati! Hare Krishna!" "Hare Krishna!" said Sumati folding her hands.

"Maa?! Maa!" "Yes Bondita! What happened?!" "I saw aunt now! Why did she come here?!" "Your Didi is getting married again Bondita!" "Oh..." "What happened Bondita? You don't seem that happy?!" "I just hope that this marriage goes successful for my Didi Maa! I just wish she gets a good husband!" "If Kanha ji himself wants this marriage to take place then I am sure this marriage will be successful! Have belief in Shri Krishna!" "I already have belief in him Maa!" said Bondita as she smiled, "Maa can I go to see her?!" "Yes you can! Where is Mauri Bondita?!" "After Dada went to school I saw her playing with her friends!" "Ok then! Also Bondita don't speak anything which makes her remember of her past! Okay?! She has not still recovered from her trauma yet!" "Yes Maa! I promise you that I won't say anything like that! I am leaving Maa! Hare Krishna!" said Bondita as she put some sea shells and pedas (A type of sweet) covered with a piece of paper in her small cloth pouch and walked faster towards her dear elder sister's house.

 Feedbacks are welcomed! I hope you are enjoying the story! β€οΈ

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Posted: 2 years ago


Bondita headed towards her sister's house while humming a song with a sweet smile. She looked at the birds which were racing in the sky and saw the trees dancing with the breeze, "Today's weather is so nice! The sky! Just soothes my heart! And the shaking branches! Makes my heart joyful! If I wasn't going to my Didi's house now I would have laid on the grass and gaze at the sky peacefully!". As she proceeded further she saw someone walking towards her, "Why does his face seems so familiar? Oh yes! He is Chandrachur Dada! All fishermen's chief's son! Why does he always walk here and there? Does he has no work to do?" thought Bondita as she chuckled a bit and tried to pass by him in the right direction but Chandrachur blocked her way, she then walked towards the left direction but that way was also blocked by Chandrachur who was smiling at her leaving her confused. After sometime time of silence Bondita asked, "Do you want anything Chandrachur Dada?!" "Bondita, you can simply call me Chandrachur! And yes! I want something!" said Chandrachur and thought, "I want your hand in marriage! Marrying a beautiful girl like you will make my days special whenever I will see you!" "You are older than me that's why I called you Dada!" "You can also call me Chandrachur Babu! Dada doesn't seems good!" "Ok!" said Bondita, "His talks seem so suspicious to me but I don't want to waste my time by getting carried away in the conversation!" she thought as she again tried to pass by him but he stopped her, "Why are you leaving Bondita? Please talk to me!" Bondita stayed quiet for sometime and said, "Chandrachur Babu! Let's play a game!" "Oh! A game! Yes! Tell me!" "You have to close your eyes as I will hide somewhere, hide n seek actually!" "Oh great! Here I go!" said Chandrachur as he closed his eyes and thought, "I will impress Bondita and win her heart! Then we both will get married!" Bondita smiled and walked away quietly and cautiously, when she reached at a distance away from him, she quickly ran away laughing all the way towards her Didi's house.

Bondita reached her Didi's house and felt the quietness there, "Surely both Meshu and Mashi went out and Sampoorna Didi is sitting inside!" she thought and knocked the door, "May I come in Sampoorna Didi?" "Bondita! You can come in!" shouted Sampoorna after which Bondita came inside, her sister was peeling some pees and after washing her hands she told Bondita to sit on the bed, "So Bondita, what brings you here?" "I wanted to meet you Sampoorna Didi! I missed you very much! Also I got to know that you are going to get married again!" "Hmm....." Bondita took out one peda from her small cloth pouch and fed it to Sampoorna, "I just wish you a happy marriage Didi! You always stay happy! I know that Shyam ji himself wants good for you!" said Bondita happily making Sampoorna smile. "Bondita, you are so good! You want a good marriage for me! I also wish that you get a good husband and you live happily with him!" Bondita got suddenly quiet as if she was thinking something and finally after sometime said, "I will prefer a companion over a husband who no matter what will never cage me and will never leave my hand

"Saurabh! Will you support me in my dream?!" asked Anirudh, " As a servant and a friend I will support you no matter what Anirudh Babu!" "As a servant?! You aren't my servant Saurabh! Even if many people consider you that I won't consider you as my servant! You are my best friend! That's it! Don't repeat these words again!" said Anirudh sternly after which Saurabh gave a soft smile. The friends after saying bye to each other returned to their respective home

Anirudh noticed his Baba and Kaka talking about something, they too noticed him and started maintaining a stern expression. As Anirudh headed towards them Kaka whispered into Binoy's ear, "Surely he has come to apologise! Just simply forgive him, okay?". Anirudh just looked at their expressions and said, "I know you both are angry with me regarding the last night incident, I know that you were feeling embarassed then but......I will still not apologise as I feel that I didn't do any wrong by savouring the lady!" This made Binoy and Kaka fume in anger but Anirudh didn't stop, "That lady was unnecessarily getting insulted just because she could not make her child quiet! Moreover he slapped her! Just to show his power Kaka and Baba! Nothing else! Kaka, you without any complain took care of us, you know how difficult it is to take care of children! But these kind of men don't understand this simple thing! I have decided something!" "Now what have you decided?" asked Kaka who was surprised, "I will change everything! I will bring the change that needs to be brought! I will try my best to keep the humanity alive!" said Anirudh as he proceeded towards his study. "This boy has seriously lost it! Did I send him to London for this?!" "Don't worry Binoy, one day he will leave this and concentrate on earning his living!" said Kaka who was being hopefu

Anirudh took out some photographs which he had cut from very old newspapers and said looking at them, "Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar! Raja Ram Mohan Roy! They all started their journey alone and then gradually people joined them! Unknowingly I was always inspired by them and this is how their dream became my dream too! But luckily I have my friends who will support me no matter what!" He smiled and asked himself, "Will there be anyone else who will hold my hand and walk with me in this journey?!" Anirudh shook his head and said, "Don't know why this question came to my mind......

"Well Didi, did you meet your fiance?!" "No..." "If you don't know how he is, how he looks, how can you agree to marry him?!" "This is how marriages happen Bondita....we can't do anything" "If this is how marriages happen then why did Mahadev Ji marry Mata Parvati?! They weren't unknown to each other! Rather knew each other very deeply! If they have these kind of marriage why do we have such marriage where two strangers marry each other?! They both will live with each other for their whole life! So why doesn't this seem necessary to the people that both individuals know each other well?!" "Bondita, they are Gods! They made the world so does this mean we can make a world on our own too?" "I understand that we don't have divine powers like them but atleast we can adopt their good qualities?!" "Ok my mother! You win!" "I want to meet your future husband Didi! Does he really deserves your hand or not?! If he doesn't treat you well I will surely teach him a lesson!" said Bondita sternly making Sampoorna laugh, "Now do you understand why people call you mother deliberately?! You behave like one that's why! Oh! It's time to take bath! Will you go for a bath with me Bondita?!" "Yes Didi!" "But you didn't bring your saree with you!" Sampoorna pointed out, "Don't worry Didi! I will wear yours! After all you are my sister right?!" Sampoorna pinched Bondita's nose and said, "Really smart you are! Let's go

Sampoorna and Bondita reached the pond where everyone went to bath usually, they both came downstairs and washed their hands and face, suddenly they both heard a group of men coming towards the pond. The ladies had to run away by hiding their faces with their pallu while the men laughed at them, Sampoorna took Bondita with her and remain hidden behind a tree, "Why did we run from there Didi?!" "Those perverted men have come here Bondita! We have to stand here till the time they go!" "Can't we do anything Didi? I even advised them regarding this but they didn't listen to me!" "They won't Bondita! It's better if we don't create unnecessary arguments!" "But injustice is injustice! I have to do something to teach those men a lesson!" thought Bondita and quickly ran quietly towards the stairs leaving Sampoorna worried about her.

I hope you are liking the storyline! πŸ˜ƒ Feedbacks are always welcomed!

mprvn36 thumbnail
Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Tark wali Bondita always rocks πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘

Tinnie96 thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: mprvn36

Tark wali Bondita always rocks πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘

Right! πŸ˜†

Tinnie96 thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 years ago

Chapter -5

Bondita tiptoed towards the stairs without making any sound and looked at the men who were talking to each other as they took a bath. When she sensed that they were completely lost in their conversation she quickly picked all their clothes and quietly hid behind the tree where Sampoorna was also standing. She held Sampoorna's hand and ran away from there, "Why did you do this?! Now you can get punished for this! " "Injustice is injustice! Even if I get punished for this the actual fault will be theirs! Not mine! " said Bondita with a smirk. 

After sometime the men walked upstairs to get their clothes and to their utter surprise there clothes weren't there! "Where did our clothes go?! " "Surely someone stole it! " "How we will go to our home now?! Everyone will laugh at us if they see us like this! " "We have no choice left brothers! Quickly run to your respective houses and after wearing your clothes we will together go to Zamindar Babu and complain about this! Whoever did this will surely be punished! " "Yes yes! Let's go! " they whispered among themselves as they quickly ran towards their homes. Many people saw them like this and called them names. Some called them crazy, some shameless, some pervert while the others just laughed at them due to which the men were feeling embarrassed. 

"I am really worried about you Bondita! Quickly return them their clothes back!" said Sampoorna worriedly as she peeled some vegetables while Bondita ate her pedas, sitting on Sampoorna's bed. Sampoorna saw no sign of fear on Bondita's face, she was fully concentrated on eating her pedas, "Mess is created by you and the one who is in worry is me! " Bondita ate her last peda and said, "Don't worry Sampoorna Didi! Everything will be sorted out for sure! You just stay relaxed! " "How can you say this with so much confidence?! " Bondita smiled and got off the bed, "Just wait for me here! I will come back after sometime! " "Now where are you going?! " "Going to the landlord" "Are you crazy?! Why are you yourself going there to get the punishment?! This is just like a thief who himself goes to the police! " "Didi! First you tell me to return them their clothes! Now you tell me to not go?! I am returning them their clothes there only and also explain my reason! I don't want the landlord to judge me! " said Bondita as she went outside, "This girl!" sighed Sampoorna as she shook her head. 

Anirudh was reading a book, suddenly Shashwati came running inside and said, "Dada! Batuk Dada is again annoying me! " "What did he do to annoy you? " "He was making weird sounds as I was making my doll sleep! " "I was just trying to make your doll sleep Shashwati! " said Batuk as he entered the study room too. "No! You were just disturbing me! Don't you have any homework to do?! " "Why do you always have eyes on my homework?! You just talk about that to close my mouth! I will complete my homework later! Many brothers just like Dada don't play often with their sisters! But atleast I play with you! Should not you appreciate that you got such a good brother like me?! " "There's a huge difference between playing with someone and annoying someone! " "One-One minute Batuk! You said that I don't play with my sister?! Batuk at the age of ten I was sent to London! So how could I have played with her often? Also during vacations I came here to meet both of you! Did you forget all the games we played together?!" "I said often Dada! You didn't play with Shashwati often! " "I also have my job Batuk! It's ok! Now I will play with Shashwati! Shashwati! Run faster or your Dada will quickly catch you! " Shashwati ran away from there laughing while Anirudh also ran behind her but stopped when he heard many village men calling his Kaka, "Why are they shouting like this? What happened ? "

"Zamindar Babu! Zamindar Babu! " "Yes yes! I am coming! Why are you all shouting here?! " asked Trilochan as he came outside with his cane stick while Bihari followed him and Anirudh stood near the door. "Zamindar Babu! A very unfortunate thing happened with us!! " "What happened with all of you?! " "Today when we walked upstairs to take our clothes after taking a bath we didn't find our clothes there! Someone has stolen our clothes Zamindar Babu! Because of that thief we had to return to our homes by hiding our faces! Please do something! " "Hmm.. Something is weird! The thief only stole clothes of men! What kind of enmity does that thief has with men?! " "Zamindar Babu! Please punish that thief harshly! " "Yes! I will! How does that thief even dare to make all of you embarrassed?! Let's go! " "You don't have to trouble yourself Zamindar Kaka! The thief has come to meet you here only! " said a voice after which everyone turned to look in the right direction after which Anirudh stood beside his Kaka. 

Everyone saw a young teenage girl holding the clothes and walking towards them with blank expression, she kept the clothes on one man's hands and said, "Here are your clothes! Take them back with you! " "I can never imagine such an innocent looking girl to even steal our clothes! Why did you steal our clothes?! " "Oh! So this is you Bondita Das! " said Kaka leaving Anirudh shocked, "Kaka knows her?!" he thought, "Yes Zamindar Kaka! I knew that you will never forget me! " replied Bondita with a smile "How can I forget that girl who has always dared to reply back to men and also is known as the 'mother' of everyone?! Meeting you after quite a long time! Now tell me! Why did you steal their clothes?! " "I was forced to Kaka! When many women were already taking bath these shameless men reached there and laughed at the poor women! I even warned them earlier but they didn't listen to me that's why I was left with no choice to teach them a lesson through my actions!" said Bondita after which Anirudh looked at her in awe, "So what?! We can come to bath whenever we want! The pond belongs to us after all! " Bondita had her hands on her hips and she frowned at them, "Did God personally come in your dreams and tell you that the pond only belongs to you?! And what do you mean by whenever?! There's a specific time for everything! When the women were taking bath why didn't you even bother to wait for them to come out?! Just like you faced embarrassment today, women too face embarrassment when you reach there without any notice! You got embarrassed only in one day, while the women get embarrassed every day! Either mend your ways or I will come to steal your clothes everyday! " warned Bondita as she glared at them making Anirudh chuckle as he was enjoying all these. He came forward and said, "Done with your complains now?! Happy?! If you all don't know to respect a woman's privacy how can you expect them to respect yours?! Give respect and eventually earn respect! Now you all can go as you all have received your clothes! Go now! Else a lot of money will be deducted from your salary! Go! " The men had to return back unwillingly after which Trilochan said, "Don't steal their clothes again! Okay? Stealing is also bad! " "But stealing for good purposes is not bad Kaka! " said Anirudh as he smiled at Bondita after which she looked in other direction, "Why is this man looking towards me? " she thought, "What an amazing girl she is! " he thought as he continued to admire her. Bondita walked away from there while Kaka just went inside, shaking his head. 

Feedbacks are always welcomed! I hope you all enjoyed reading it! β€οΈ

Tinnie96 thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 years ago


The clock was striking at 9! Anirudh quickly came downstairs towards his study room and dialed his friend's number, "Hello?" "Hello Mini! What are you doing now?!" "Was just reading a book and eating biscuits Anirudh! For what purpose did you call me now?" "Do you know Mini?! Today I witnessed a very fearless girl arguing with some village men! She argued very well Mini! All villagers were just dumbstruck!" said Anirudh as he chuckled, "Oh! Regarding what was she arguing with them?!" "Actually the village men always came to bath suddenly making the women embarassed that's why she stole their clothes and threatened them to daily steal their clothes if they again went there shamelessly!" "Hmm.....What's her age by the way?!" "Ah..... approximately 14 yrs! She was a young teenager Mini!" "I knew it! Young girls don't know what is right and wrong! Is stealing anyone's clothes even correct?! Such girls are very mischievous!" "But she didn't steal for her selfish reasons Mini! She did this to just teach them a lesson! I don't think she did anything wrong! You have to always work according to the time and situation! She can be mischievous but we cannot deny the fact that she was very wise and clever here!" "Hmm...By the way! Do you even know her name?!" "Yes! Yes! Kaka called her 'Bondita Das'! We can call her simply Bondita! She was so amazing Mini! Now I am getting curious to know about her!" "How does she looks?" "Looks like you are also curious to meet her! Well she has a long black hair till her hips, has black eyes, also she is tall nearly upto my chest! She was a very cute girl Mini! And also......." Mini covered the telephone's opening from where she talked to him with her palm and chuckled as she whispered, " This means that this monkey was just admiring her there! He defined her with full confidence! Wait! What if he?!...." "Mini! Mini! Are you even listening to me?!" Mini quickly removed her hand and said, "Ah Y-Yes Anirudh! I was listening to you only!" "Hmm, I guess you went silent because secretly you were making fun of me! Right?!" "N-No Anirudh! I wasn't! I was just silently listening to you so that you don't get interrupted! And also......" "Mini Beta! Quickly comb your hair! We will go somewhere!" "Where Baba?!" "You will yourself get to know it! Come with me!" "Anirudh! I have to go somewhere now! Bye! Good night!" "Yes bye! Good night!" after which Anirudh kept the call.

Mini combed her hair and wore her shoes after which her father and she went outside. To her utter surprise her Baba was walking towards Anirudh's house, "We are going to Anirudh's house?! Why Baba?!" "Just come with me! I said that you will yourself get to know about it! Just for an important talk!" Mini was still confused, she and her father entered the haveli by folding their hands, "Nomoshkar Zamindar ji!" "Oh! Saudamini's father! What brings you here at this time?" "Oh Bhaumik Babu! Come inside!" said Binoy as he welcomed them while Kaka was just left suspicious. After sitting on the sofas Binoy called his son, Anirudh too came there who was also shocked by seeing Mini there, he asked Mini as he frowned, "You are here suddenly?" "I myself don't know why!" Mini shook her head as she said. After drinking some tea which was made by Bihari, Mini's father said, "As me and Binoy have decided this I want both Anirudh and Mini to know this!" Anirudh and Mini both frowned and looked towards each other, "I want Roy Choudhary family to have relation with Bhaumik family other than friendship! I meant to say that Anirudh and Mini should get married!" said Mini's father leaving both Anirudh and Mini in shock. Binoy just smiled while Kaka thought, "Hmm...this idea doesn't seem bad! It would be good if they both get married rather than meeting each other always as friends! Atleast my this problem will get solved!" "Yes yes! I also agree to this marriage!" said Kaka happily, "Marriage?!!" "Our Marriage?!!" exclaimed both Mini and Anirudh as they suddenly stood up. "No! I won't do this marriage!" "Me too! How can you all decide this without our consent?!!" "You both know each other well Anirudh! What's wrong if you both get married?" "But Baba we don't want to marry each other!" "If you both won't marry then you both can never meet each other as friends! Accept this marriage or cut all connections!" "Kaka why do we need marriage to talk to each other?! Why can't we remain just friends?!!" "Can a boy and a girl ever stay as friends?! It's just impossible! Some day you both will develop romantic feelings for each other and then roam around holding each other's hands as.....what those Englishmen say? Oh yes! Boyfriend - Girlfriend! You both will look weird too so it's better to get married!" "You said this impossible?! But Kaka! You can see us as an example! We are just friends!" "Yes! I will also not marry him!" "Why Mini Beta? Don't you love Anirudh?" "I do love him but as a friend! Baba this is my final decision! I won't marry Anirudh! That's it!" "There can never be friendship between a girl and a boy! You both agree to this marriage!" "Even if you all get successful in convincing us to an extent! We both will run away from the marriage pavilion! Think about this! Want to unnecessarily get humiliated infront of everyone or not force us?!" "Yes! I am also with Anirudh!" "Also Kaka, if there's no friendship between the couples then that marriage will become weak eventually! Before husband wife they should be friends! One day I will prove my thinking right infront of everyone Kaka! I will surely get successful!" said Anirudh as he angrily went upstairs after which Mini too returned to her home. "These two!" exclaimed Bhaumik Babu as he facepalmed, "Leave them like this only! No use of convincing them...." said Binoy while Kaka angrily proceeded towards his room and called Bihari to message his head.

"Was it necessary to steal their clothes Bondita?! Atleast think hundreds of times before stealing anyone's clothes!! Me and your Baba got to know everything through your Sampoorna Didi!" Bondita's father laughed as he lovingly patted his daughter head, "My daughter is really wise!" "Instead of correcting her you are appreciating her for this?!" "Bondita stole their clothes to teach them a lesson! Why won't I be proud of her?! She fearlessly argued with them and fought for justice! I don't see any reason to correct her! Always do good Karma Bondita! Just like Shri Krishna himself said! The meaning of Karma is in the intention, the intention behind the action is what matters! My Bondita is really growing into a wise girl!" he said as he again patted her head while Bondita gave a sweet smile, "I am going to sleep Baba! Hare Krishna!" "Hare Krishna Bondita!" said her father as he gave her a forehead kiss after which Bondita laid with her siblings, closing her eyes while Sumati just sighed.

The next day Bondita was sitting on the staircase of the pond playing with a leaf, she quietly observed the pond as she twisted the leaf. Chandrachur was bunking his class and wandering here and there, he spotted Bondita sitting near the pond and smiled, "Yesterday you fooled me and went away from me! This time I won't let you go! I will try my best to impress you anyhow!" he decided after which he silently proceeded towards Bondita and tried to keep his hands on her shoulders to surprise her but Bondita had already turned her head surprising him instead, "I was right! Someone was really approaching me from behind!" thought Bondita. Bondita stood up and looked at Chandrachur who was smiling sheepishly and said, "You scared me Bondita! I have to say that you are really smart! Without seeing me you got to know that I was behind you! Very nice! Well Bondita! What are you doing here?!" "I was just sitting beside the pond, nothing else...." "Oh! This means you have nothing to do and are alone here?!" "Yes..." "Then you can walk with me! We will talk to each other and you won't get bored here!" "It's ok Chandrachur Dada! I am fine here!" "Bondita! Again Dada?! It's ok! Can I sit beside you?!" "If you want you can..." Bondita again sat on the first stair while Chandrachur too sat moving closer to her but Bondita moved towards left maintaining some distance away from him. After some moments of silence Chandrachur said, "Bondita! Do you know?! You look very cute!" "Hmm....." "Also you have such a beautiful hair and eyes!" said Chandrachur which made Bondita suspect his intentions, "Why is he appreciating my physical features?! He is behaving like he is trying his best to impress me! I should go from here then!" thought Bondita after which she got up leaving Chandrachur shocked. He also got up and held her wrist tightly, "Where are you going Bondita?! Won't you talk to me?!" "I want to go home" "Why?! Atleast talk to me! I was entertaining you!" "It will be good if you leave my hand!" "Why?! What's bad if I hold your hand?!" said Chandrachur as he still didn't leave her hand, this was witnessed by Anirudh himself who was just going towards the court, "This is Bondita!! Why this boy is not leaving her hand?! I have to handle this situation!" said Anirudh after which he walked towards them.

Feedbacks are always welcomed! πŸ˜ƒ

Physics_girl thumbnail
Micro Phobia Contest Participant 0 Thumbnail Love Couple India Season 3 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 2 years ago

Thanks Tanu for the tag