Resources for FanFiction Writers

LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Dear IFians, readers and writers, welcome to the Resources for Fanfiction writers thread.


This is your one-stop shop/guide for all the tools you need to successfully write, publish and promote your story right here on IF!



Submit a Writing Prompt

Everybody has a story. Maybe we are yearning to read it. Or maybe we just need a spark, an inspiration to ignite our imagination.

Dear Readers, now you can submit a writing prompt to request all that you want to read. 

And dear writers, when you find a prompt that sets fire to your imagination, you can take it up and build it into a beautiful world of story that readers are yearning to read.

Link to the thread:  ||Submit a Writing Prompt|| | Fan Fictions (


House of Beta Readers

 Did you write a story after having not written in years? Maybe you are feeling too conscious to post your first fanfiction. Do you need an honest review of your work to become a better writer? No worries! 

Send us your chapters through the House of Beta Readers thread, and let our BRs help you with their feedback and inputs.

Link to the thread: House of Beta Readers # 3 | Fan Fictions (


Fan Fiction Book Cover Shop

Congratulations on finally posting your story on the FF section. But wait, do you need help with the cover of your book? 

Post your request on the Fan Fiction Book Cover Shop thread, and let our talented FFGs help you make your book look a little more beautiful.

 Link to the thread: 《 Fan Fiction Book Cover Shop #22 》 | Fan Fictions (


Submit Your Fiction for Featuring

 Kristin Demery once said, “Sharing our stories—even the hard ones, especially the hard ones—is what makes the difficult times in life more bearable.”

Submit and share your stories with us. The stories that get maximum votes will get an opportunity to appear under ‘Featured Stories’ of the FF section throughout the month.

This is a humble initiative to promote the best writing talents among us, and bring forward best stories to our readers. 

 Link to the thread: ~||Submit Your Fiction for Featuring||~ FFE Nt Pg 4 | Fan Fictions (



We hope these initiatives help you in your writing journey and make writing an even more joyful experience for you!


Let's hear from some writers here who have benefitted by some of these resources!






Write-up: tournesol

Proof-reading: LizzieBennet

Tags: oye_nakhrewaali

Edited by LizzieBennet - 2 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

 "For any writer it's a matter of honor and pride when someone takes the time to read his/her stories and be a part of the journey of his/her characters. Very often what attracts a reader is the title or the cover of the book as it helps them form an idea about the story and further piques their interest. I have been writing actively in India Forums since the last couple of years and the Book Cover Shop has helped me tremendously in this regard. So many times I have been bowled over by the amazing covers made by the graphicers and I am sure the same can be said for others. 

I still remember being awestruck by a cover Ankita/BitterBerry made for one of my shots (The Tale Of Ekayan And Daivik) as she didn't just stick to my recommendations or the pictures I suggested but took her time, did a little research on the show itself and made me a cover that perfectly reflected my story. 

Or the time when I saw a friend post a request and kept waiting for it because I was really curious to know whether it was even possible to meet all the criteria. But then when Sanskruti/Sanskruthi uploaded the cover (Sacrifice For Immortality), I was so intrigued that I started re-reading the novel again which I had already read several times. 

At the end of the day, both as a reader and writer, I can't thank the graphicers enough for taking their time out from their busy schedule and making us such amazing covers. I wish them all the best and hope to see more of their work in the future. With love.......”




“This (Book cover shop) really needs to be appreciated. They (FFGs) work really hard and come up beautiful designs. Honestly my stories looks so good with these book covers. I adore them!

Thank you for all efforts you make for us!”

- arisharosid20


“Hello! I've utilized the FFDT's Book Cover Shop services and I've absolutely loved what they've done! So far I've had ten book covers made by Haal-e-Dil, Sevenstreaks, Serpensortia, Leenaaa, and Grey-licious! Honestly I adore how much time and effort they've put in into al the covers and how much they make sure to follow any given instructions about the cover. The covers are suppose to represent the content of the story or the give a general gist of how the fic would unfold. I would say for the most part, I've had covers which mirror what I am trying to convey about the fic and all the thanks go to the graphicers who made these covers possible! Thank you all for all the time and effort you put into creating these covers! “



“I came across this book cover shop during IFFA. I was really amazed to come across with so many talented cover designers. They understood what I wanted and came back with remarkable book covers. I truly appreciate their service and dedication for the work they do.  I am really grateful for all that they did for me. I wish them all the best for their future.”

- caller123


“You all have been very helpful and creative in your respective fields. I would love to approach you all in future as well because I know I wouldn't get anyone else more favorable, creative and helpful than you.

Thank you so much for the lovely edits, covers and beta-ed works you have done for me in past and will be doing in future as well.

My special mentions will be grey-licious, Lizzie, Shibani, gurl-enchanted and my lovely Shiri.

Love you all and your works

Thanks a lot darlings!”

-  beingaditij


“Well, they say refining anything makes it even better. A piece of writing too. All of you Beta Readers of IF help us writers refine our works by pointing out not only the grammatical mistakes but also the flow of the work, giving various suggestions about how to avoid the frequent mistakes. And in the end, make a piece become a masterpiece.

The cover of a book is the visual of that book. And you all beautifully portray that with the excellent masterpieces you guys make. Those subtle nuances are there that an author needs. You guys never fail to surprise us, authors. The way each cover you guys make is personalized for a certain book and has its own emotions embedded is just remarkable!”

- Amphitrite 


"Each of my book holds a very special place in my heart and when I returned back to IF to Migrate my books to the new FanFiction site, it was Sam(FFE) who introduced me to the Fan fiction graphicers for the first time when she requested a cover on my behalf from BitterBerry. And since then I met a lot of talented Graphicers in IF who had taken their time to create amazing covers my book.

As much as I consider the book my work , I do tend to think of it as joint project between me and the Graphicer who created the cover for that book. Because covers are a very important aspect in making the book appealing to the readers. I met many talented graphicers in If and I just wanted to take this oppoturnity to say Thank You BitterBerry, Leena, Sanskruti, Sam, and Kriti for their lovely covers. 

Editing process for any book can be a long process and as a writer getting feedbacks that are constructive to help your book as well as you as an writer is very important in the long run for any writers.

I was hesitant to send my books in for beta reading when I first heard about it , I do feel as a writer a lot to learn and I kind of worried that it may be too much of a work for any beta reader to edit my chapters . 

But I have met some very patient beta readers who helped me a lot in terms of an writer, getting their input for my works meant a lot and their suggestions to improve helped me as an writer. 

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank Riya, Shibu, Mahi and Gur for all their feedbacks and help in editing my books." 

 - Blurred Lines

“I was apprehensive at first about getting my work beta read. As a writer, I was sensitive to criticism as each piece of my writing takes a lot of effort and love.

When I finally got it done, I was pleasantly surprised at the valid points my beta reader had unearthed. Instead of a regular critique, I found helpful suggestions that helped me shape the narrative of my story in a better way.

I also realised that just as I had been helped in my writing, another writer could also benefit from my inputs. So, now I am a beta reader myself and enjoy this work each day.” 

- gurl-enchanted


“Sending my story for beta reading helped me get a fresh perspective on my story. I feel, often while writing, we get accustomed to our own writing and we leave out on important errors and gaps in the draft, without meaning to. The feedback from beta readers helped me eliminate those gaps and errors and write better. I have received wonderful feedbacks from LizzieBennet, oye_nakhrewaali and Sonatia that helped me improve grammar, narrative flow and characterization in my story. I thank each one of the beta readers that helped me make my story better.

I love the work by the FFGs, all of them are so talented. The book covers are so beautiful, apt and vibrant that I am always in awe of the graphicer's imagination and talent. I thank all the graphicers who made my experience at the book cover shop so wonderful.

I got the opportunity to get my fiction, OS collection:Love is an Enigma featured in August 2021. It was really a happy moment, to receive the encouragement. There was an increase in the number of people who read my story after getting featured. I would like to thank FFDT for all its amazing initiatives.”

- tournesol


“If you are looking for a place to explore your writing and enhance your skills, the Beta readers deliver the best service on IF. They help you understand the way your writing can get better and help you anytime they are available. 

My featured story for the month of July Of Sacrifices and Regrets, beta-ed by LizzieBennet and cover made by Grey-licious increase in my views and likes and also helped me gain more followers. I wholeheartedly recommend the Beta-Reading and Book Cover Shop to everyone who wants best for their writing.”

- Serpensortia


“The graphicers at the Book cover shop are simply amazing. Not only are they talented at what they do, but they're also great at understanding your requirements and what you need to represent your story accurately. I have been blown away by some of the covers I've received for my works. Truly, they put so much thought, creativity and hard work into their designs that I feel they all need special mentions. Thank you, guys, for all that you do to help us authors present our work in the best possible way!

My collection of short stories: Melange was chosen as Featured Fiction for October 2021, and I’m truly humbled and thankful for the appreciation. It definitely attracted more readers and more followers even for my other stories. I think the Featured Fiction of the month is a wonderful way of highlighting some great stories and authors that we have here on IF and getting them the visibility and recognition they deserve.”

- LizzieBennet

"One of my (healthy) coping mechanisms to deal with everything and express myself is writing, but I am sloppy and I am self-aware of this. I recheck my work so many times that at one point, I tend to miss out on glaring issues with my writing. Almost everyone on the beta reading team has worked on my write-ups, helping me see my errors, be it the slightest errors like spelling mistakes or big ones like continuity issues. I can always lean back and trust them to work magic on my stories. Everyone is very patient and good at what they do. Having my work beta read gives me the confidence to keep writing and explore my craft. I know that I will have someone around who will give me inputs when I decide to venture into new genres and storylines that I never attempted and I am grateful for that.

I came across the FFG shop while exploring the Fanfiction forum, and I am so thankful because now I can flaunt some really gorgeous covers with my book. I know about "Don't judge a book by its cover" but those covers are a real treat to eyes. I am going to show off by saying that almost everyone on the FFG team has made covers for my team. The team members are really talented at their craft and I can always expect them to magically create something beautiful for my books.

I want to take this opportunity to thank both the teams for working tirelessly around the clock for helping us make our stories better.

My One Shot Collection: Infedility was featured in May 2021 and I still feel humbled about it. It got so much attention and love from IF members and I hope we can showcase more fabulous stories via the featured feature of the FF section."

- oye_nakhrewaali

Edited by LizzieBennet - 2 years ago