Noir~ ANUPRE FF P11~PG5 22/02/20 - Page 2


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-Rehanna- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
2~ The Breaking Of Dawn

Prerna always had a secret fondness for dawn, the sun would break through the darkness, illuminate the world, beams of light would surge through the fluffy beds of clouds that littered the azure sky. It was a reminder that darkness didn't last forever, light came eventually, even when the dark was so powerful that all that remained was a sooty blanket that covered the sky, but of course she wasn't ignorant of the beauty within the darkness, the bright sparkling stars and the moon that followed you home, no, the light was always there if only you had the strength to see it, lately she had found herself lacking in resolve to seek the bright, too pushed back by fright she kept her head down. Today she looked up, closed her eyes at the soft melodic chirping of the birds and allowed the breeze to wash through her hair. Today she was alive, maybe not tomorrow, so if today was all she had she'd bask in this moment to the full, dissolve into a weightless object and float through her day.

The aisles of the supermarket were quiet, just how she liked it. It was the only time she really got to be outside with everyone else but still be able to keep to herself, her weekly shopping was possibly her most precious moment. Reaching out a hand for a bright green pepper she placed it into a clear bag and then placed the bag into her shopping trolley, this supermarket was her favourite, it had an indoor bakery with the most delightful smells, often she'd walk closer, inhale the sugary treats and eye the chocolate pastry twists, of course she'd never buy one, Rodriguez was always berating her about her weight and she really couldn't afford to put on an extra pound, she was fat enough as it was.

"I'll take a cinnamon sugar and whatever the lady wants".

Prerna jumped, eyeing him carefully over her sunglasses she pushed them back up "No, uh no thank you" in all honesty she couldn't even remember walking this far, as usual she was in her own little land. Her cheeks felt warm, not only had she met this handsome stranger by squirting him with a water gun, but now only a few days later he had spotted her salivating over all the pastries.

"I'd be offended if you didn't" Anurag stepped closer "It can be your way of making it up to me" his voice was low, sultry and made her hair stand on edge. Thanks to Nick he had managed to know exactly when she left the house and where she went, now all he had to do was use it to his advantage. She was a strange woman, her coat was tied around her body like before, and her sunglasses remained on her face though they were inside, but this time she wore sand coloured heels and her hair was curled around a headband, much like how women wore it in the olden days.

"I can't, sorry" shaking her head she bit into her lip, the guards were outside and if she took too long, they'd come in and try and find her, that would only end badly for her. "Excuse me" stepping to the side to walk around him, she gasped audibly when he stepped in front of her "What, what are you doing?"

"Getting in your way, oh come on Prerna, just sit and eat with me, it isn't like I'm asking you for a secret rendezvous, just a pastry, my treat", he watched her hands tighten around the trolley then release it "So, what is it you want?"

The way he spoke her name was nothing short of a sweet caress, and it seemed no matter how much she tried to get away, he wasn't having it. Just one wouldn't harm her, she'd just work extra hard to lose the extra calories "That one" pointing her hand out, she looked down again then moved to the seats in the eatery "Thank you".

"The pleasure is all mine" flicking his coat out as he sat, he watched her rip the smallest piece off and slip it between her lips "Do I have to feed you too?" Of course, it was meant to be a joke, but the way her face turned an ashen colour didn't really make his joke as funny as it should have been "It was a joke Prerna, you're meant to laugh".

Laugh, she hadn't done that in a while, it had kind of felt as if she had forgotten how to "Sorry".

"Don't be, I didn't invite you to eat with me just so you'd apologise" Anurag was confused by her timid behaviour, a lot of the other women in her position were outspoken, weren't afraid of speaking their mind and usually would give as good as they got, but her, she was quiet, almost afraid of saying the wrong thing which only made him think she had something to hide.

"Then why did you?" This time she looked up so she was staring him directly in the eye, men didn't just look her way and give her attention for no reason, usually it was a man who hated her husband and wanted to use her against him, she wouldn't be surprised if he was the same, if only they knew that she was nothing special, her husband would be first to throw her under the bus before they did, it wasn't their mistake really, they did look so happy from the outside.

"Because you interest me Prerna, I'm a big believer in fate and if we've bumped into each other again then that's definitely a sign that we should get to know each other, besides, you don't even know my name yet" the smile on his face was wide, yet the corner of his lips curled in a way that told her he found this whole situation humorous. "It's Anurag by the way, Anurag Basu".

"Anurag" coughing, Prerna looked out the window "Nice to meet you".

"Pleasure's all mine" his cologne was intoxicating, wafting over the table and making her feel heady.

Without really thinking she spoke "You say that a lot", covering her mouth the second the words left her lips she frowned "Sorry, I didn't mean" jumping when he chuckled at her blunder, she blushed again, she always did wear her emotions on her face, far too visible for her liking.

"It's a free world Prerna, say whatever you wish whenever you wish to say it, that's my motto".

"It's a good one" taking one last bite she rose to her feet, this moment would stay with her for a while, it was the nicest thing anyone had done for her in a long time "I have to go now, thank you again".

"Wait" he shouted out causing her to halt in her steps, reaching out for her hand he placed three dollars in her palm "For the next time you want to treat yourself and I'm not here, do it for me" the sincerity swirling in his orbs made her breath hitch, she had never met a man like him before.

"Oh I can't take this, please" trying and failing to give it back she grimaced "I don't know how to repay you, please, I really can't take this" as nice as Anurag was, she didn't want to take anything off of him, she couldn't afford friends at this point in her life.

"Just smile and say thank you", that's payment enough, have a good day Prerna and with that he was gone, he knew women well enough to know she'd be thinking of him until they met again, always leave with the last word, makes them rethink how the meeting went and what they could have done differently. But these meetings were controlled by him, and now he had got her DNA, that was enough to test on some unsolved crime scenes and if any came back positive then he would have her exactly where he wanted her. Glancing down at the unfinished pastry in his hand, he slipped it into an evidence bag and smirked, she was just far too easy to play.


Two days had passed since he had done anything of interest for his case. He spent far too much of his time walking up empty, desolate streets with crackling lamps that flickered on and off, cracked tarmac covered roads and derelict buildings that had seen better days. The shady part of town as the LAPD called it, where drug dealings took place and things were sold on the black market', he figured if he accidentally bumped into a drug dealer who offered him drugs then he was doing no wrong, he was protecting his life by agreeing, at least that's what he repeated under his breath. He wasn't an addict, neither was he a man who craved the high, just a normal human who needed a break from the nightmares and the thoughts that made his heart hurt. Anurag Basu would never allow himself to reach such a low that he depended on drugs, but today was an awfully dark day and he just needed a break. His depraved soul needed something to make it feel alive, that's all this was, a way of living. No one had the right to judge him, not until they had walked in his shoes.

Looking forward into the misty ambience of the children's playground, he was careful not to make too much noise, he didn't want to startle the woman who swung slowly on the swing, long hair in damp tresses covering her face as the silhouette of the trees danced over her thin frame. The leaves rustled beneath her feet, the creaky bars of the swing almost howling painfully with every movement. Usually when he took this walk, he was alone, undisturbed by another living soul yet tonight was different, far too caught up in getting a better view he stepped harshly onto a twig, the snap echoed around the park and made her lift her head fast.

Prerna wrapped her shawl around her body, eyes racing from side to side as she lifted her weak body up "Who's there?" Her eyes widened upon noticing Anurag, he couldn't see her this way, cold and bruised, he'd ask too many questions, questions she couldn't possibly answer without giving too much away. Stepping back into the shadows, she breathed in sharply.

"Prerna, is that you?" What exactly was she doing out here this late? It was freezing and she was all alone, but then again, he didn't exactly have the right to ask.

"Yes, but don't come closer" she warned.

"Why not?"

"I don't have make up on, I look a mess, please just stay there", she could practically imagine him rolling his eyes, she sounded like a stuck-up woman, too self-obsessed with her looks, but right now that was who she had to become in order to keep her secrets safe.

"Why are you out here? It's past 2am, this part of town isn't safe" it seemed diabolical to him that a woman like her had been left here alone, it shouldn't have bothered him as much as it did, but god she was so small, she barely looked able to fend for herself.

There was silence for a while before he heard her shout back "I could ask you the same thing" but she didn't. "I'm okay honest, you can leave, I just like to sit here alone". She wasn't a fan of lying, but sometimes lie was all she could do, she couldn't exactly explain to a man she hardly knew that her husband had thrown her out of the house for the night for not adding enough salt to his food, now could she?

Anurag huffed loudly, removing his jacket he stepped closer and held it out "Here, I can't see you, don't worry" he had no interest in self-absorbed women, neither did he have the time to play party to her crass way of thinking, but he was a gentleman and he couldn't leave her in the cold alone, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened.

Prerna's fingers skidded across his hand as she took the coat, he had to have been the nicest man she had ever met, even him just being close made her feel a lot safer, but she had to get rid of him somehow or he'd work out that she was staying there all night. Sniffing the jacket as she pushed her arms in the sleeves, she sighed peacefully. "Thank you"

Before he had the chance to reply, his phone buzzed in his hand "Hello", frowning he shook his head "I'll be right there" cutting off he leant forward "Duty calls, keep the coat, you can give it back to me when I next see you".

"Wait, I can't" but arguing was futile, he had already walked away. Now she had to figure out a way to deliver his coat back to him without her husband spotting it when he came to get her the next morning. The boom of thunder in the sky and the drop of rain on her nose made her want to cry, tonight would be a long night, probably one that would make her very ill tomorrow.

Anurag held his phone to his ear "Yeah, Basker's park, there's a girl there, all alone and I need you to get down here and keep an eye on her and no she can't know you're there" pinching the brim of  his nose, he grit his teeth "Just because I said so, yes, thank you" slipping it back into his pocket he looked over his shoulder one last time, something was very strange about that woman, more strange than even he had expected.

Edited by -Rehanna- - 5 years ago
-Rehanna- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
3~Whip It All Away
Anurag's back rippled intensely with each stroke of his burly arms as they waved away the water, when times were tough, he'd allow the chlorine to burn his oesophagus and swarm into his lungs, close his eyes and allow his body to just feel free. Drowning didn't scare him, as long as he had power over his pain, nothing made his heart race with dread anymore. Sometimes he wished he could just let go, allow his body to float into a blissful oblivion and for once be the man that was saved rather than the man who was the saviour.

He was yet to see Prerna after bumping into her at the park, her DNA results had come back clean, just as a part of him had expected they would, but still he had asked for a more thorough examination, he couldn't afford mistakes on a case this big. She was a serene woman, one who very silently and with great stealth had crept into his dreams, it wasn't like he could deny the attraction, she was in every sense of the word- his type. But, she was also on the opposite side and he wasn't going to throw it all away just because when she smiled it lit up the room. After sending someone to spy on her, he was even more confused, it was possible of course that she had got carried away and fell asleep on the bench, but that seemed a stupid thing to do and she didn't exactly strike him as stupid. Two weeks had passed, and he should have made more effort to see her, but for some unknown reason he wanted to stay away. She seemed too pure, too angelic to be in the world she resided in and he was beginning to get pulled into her act, he knew not to trust her, he wasn't the kind of man to fall at the first hurdle, but that didn't mean sometimes, on occasion, that he didn't trip.

None of that mattered anymore, she was a criminal, by choice or by association, to him it was practically the same thing. In the few weeks away he had toughened up, talked himself through it and punished himself, pushed himself to further extents and whipped away any mark of her face in his brain. That was the bad thing about being alone, sometimes you craved company so bad, even the enemies began to look like friends. Pushing his hands onto the edge of the pool he lifted his body out, swung his legs round then stood up, shook his raven coloured locks and pushed them away from his face. Today he was a man on a mission, a mission he would not fail.

The whip was harsh against her back, pelting through flesh and coiling against the mesh of her bloody skin, her screams seemed to drive him forward, his eyes deranged, like nothing could ever sate his desire for the kill. Truth was, his wife looked more beautiful in agony then she ever had when she was happy. Rodriguez couldn't help but turn his head in delight when her nails dug into the ground and scratched across it as she pleaded him to stop, kneeling before her he tipped her chin up and smiled sadistically "All you ever had to do was ask, you never ask anymore baby, makes me feel like you don't love me" he pouted as he ran a daisy across her, he embraces this moment as she coils away from it in ways she never hid from the whip. "I have a business meeting now, look beautiful for me later, I'll need to work some of the energy off" pulling her head up and kissing her chastely he leaves.

Prerna groans, tears continuously rolling down her scratchy cheeks, her nose is red, similar to the raw chunks on the floor from her back. Standing, she trips, skidding back onto her knees in pure anguish, pulling the duvet off the bed she bites down onto it and yells, the soft fabric in her mouth the only sense of comfort her body has felt for days, then she remembers it, her hidden gem. Scooting across the floor she reaches beneath the bed and grabs the jacket she had left in the park only to return and grab later on that day, she promises to wash it before returning it but right now she just needs something to feel like relief against her shaking body. She's cautious not to lean on her back, grips the coat to her chest and closes her eyes, tomorrow is another day she reminds herself, another day she hopes not to see.

Anurag poked a gloved finger into the gunshot hole in the wall, the dry blood dripping down it had to have been there for days "Get someone in from ballistics, I want the name of weapon in half an hour" removing the glove he threw it in the bin then moved toward the door.

Jim joined him "High class criminal, had ties to the mafia, first his wife is dead, now him, and in such a clear-cut way, the mafia we know are messy, something seems" he pauses "Off".

Broken from his thoughts, he nods "People like them have a lot of enemies in a lot of places, how are we ever going to catch who did this if they've never been caught before? You can't find someone who ruins a body to this extent but yet leaves no trace" clenching then unclenching his fist, he almost growls in anger "I have a crazy theory".

"Best to let it out son" though a part of him is far too fearful to have it said aloud because then it couldn't be taken back.

"What if this is some kind of serial killer who gets off on this kind of stuff? I mean, his wife's body was raped before she was killed, sure we have his DNA, but we have no matches to it in the system, the mafia has pissed off a lot of people" as much as he doesn't want to even think of it, Prerna's face comes to mind, instead this time she's led on a bloody bed- naked, skin a pale blue and bruises littering her body. He is quick to tell himself nothing of the sort would happen to her, that she wouldn't be the next victim, simply because he would not allow it. He'd keep her safe, because she belonged in a prison cell, because justice would not be served if she got killed first. The smaller part of his brain said differently, this was the part he was quick to shut down. Prerna Santiano would never have a soft spot in his heart, screw her and her pathetic innocent act, she wasn't fooling anyone, and she would never fool him. Breathing out above his steepled fingers that rested beneath his chin, he turned his head "Something I have to do".

"Your case?"

"Yeah, we need to crack down on this, try something we haven't before" he doesn't explain what he means by that, he doesn't really know, all he does know is that it won't be Prerna's blood splattered on the wall the next time.


"Prerna, you made it" Ari ran forward and clashed into her legs, missing the muffled groan that escaped her at the impact, looking up she grinned "Look, come and see mummy".

Limping forward she blinked away the tears "Wow, you guys did this together?" She was happy for them, Sandra had come in, in a bad way, but with the help of the charity and her beautiful daughter she had made every effort to get clean and change for the better. Sandra was her first ever case at the charity, over the years of working with her they'd become good friends, she was the only person who knew what her home life was really like. Of course, she had never admitted to it herself, but Sandra knew and for that she was thankful.

Eyeing her warily she jumped up, mousy brown hair in tight ringlets around her face "Ari, why don't you go and play with the other kids, let me and Prerna catch up" ruffling her daughter's hair she helped her friend sit down "Get out of there Prerna, before it's too late and I have to explain to my daughter why her best friend is in a coffin, seven feet underground"!

"Sand" she sighs, so tired of hiding, "It's nothing like that, I just fell and-"

"Yeah, I've heard it all before, even used those excuses myself, you may be able to fool all of them" waving her hand around, she kept her gaze steadily on Prerna "But you cannot fool me, I know you and I can see very clearly what's happening, I get that you're scared, I was too, but there's help out there, you taught me that, you don't have to be afraid". 

Staring up at her through glassy eyes, she licked her chapped lip "It isn't just about getting away from him, he has people, people who do horrible things, people who follow me everywhere I go, he knows my weak spots and he isn't afraid to hit me where it hurts and I don't mean physically, everyone is safer this way" the slight crack in her voice made her feel ill, this was the furthest she had got to admitting the reality of her life to anyone, it didn't feel freeing, it just filled her with an even larger sense of dread.

"But what about you? It's great you want to save everyone, but who saves you Prerna?" As soon as she had finished her sentence, the bell on top of the door rung as it opened, turning she sighed "We will finish this conversation later" looking over at Anurag who had just entered she looked back at Prerna "Ooh, who's the new spice?"

"Anurag Basu" Prerna uttered in disbelief, shaken by the fact he stared right at her when she said his name.

"Prerna, I was hoping to find you, actually I need-"

"Your coat is over there" she cut him off fast, glad to have thought to bring the coat just in case he made an appearance "I washed it too, thanks" she was careful to avoid Sandra's gaze, though she knew she'd be bombarded by a million questions as soon as he left, which for her couldn't come soon enough.

Frowning, he cleared his throat "Actually, I need a favour, but thanks, was due a wash anyway, come with me" grabbing her hand before she could refuse he pulled her along "I know of a family that are facing some troubles, I want to help them but I wouldn't have the first clue where to start, so as you clearly have a lot of experience, I was hoping you'd come to Atlanta with me for a weekend and help me?" Scratching the back of his neck, he waited for her to overcome the initial shock, no one could harm her in Atlanta, she'd be safe there and he could find out more about her, realistically it was a win-win situation.

"I can't" leaning her legs against the small brick wall, she exhaled painfully, scrunching her eyes up momentarily "Slept funny" she excused her behaviour fast "I would love to, but it isn't possible, I can get someone else to come with you though", her head was aching, vision slightly blurry, she should have stayed at home and rested but she didn't want to disappoint Ari.

"I would prefer it, if it was you, I know you can find a way if you put your mind to it" grabbing her hand he squeezed it "Please" this time he was right beside her, husky voice sending tremors down her back as he whispered into her ear "For me".

"I, I can't, I'm sorry Anurag", two days away from her husband would be the greatest gift, but there was no way he'd ever allow her to, sitting on the wall she turned her head and swiped away a tear "I'll talk to some of my friends, they're always willing to help".

"Are you alright? You seem a little pale?" Looking down, his brows furrowed, to think of it, she had looked pale ever since he had set eyes on her today "You don't have your sunglasses on today, you should show your eyes more".

Feeling her cheeks tinge red, she cleared her throat, suddenly wary of how close he still stood to her. "I'm fine" she chose to ignore his last comment, it was best not to entertain the notion of an attractive man like him even looking at her that way, first because she was married and second because he was way out of her league.

"I'll be back in an hour" he held up one finger "Give you time to think it over" ducking his head as he sat in the car he gripped the door handle "Know that i'm not a fan of taking no for an answer" nodding one last time, he waved, sat in his car and drove away.

Edited by -Rehanna- - 5 years ago
HARSHTA thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
My goodness.
The chapters- so amazing!
Anurag- totally fangirling. It's so good to see him take charge of every situation and be stern for once
Poor Prerna:( Hope she finds in herself the courage to take a stand for herself and be strong

Thanks for the pm.
Update soon, eagerly waiting
-Rehanna- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: HARSHTA

My goodness.
The chapters- so amazing!
Anurag- totally fangirling. It's so good to see him take charge of every situation and be stern for once
Poor Prerna:( Hope she finds in herself the courage to take a stand for herself and be strong

Thanks for the pm.
Update soon, eagerly waiting

Aw thank you love! 
Yes, it is! Love a male lead who can take the lead! 
Me too:(

 No problem love
I will do!
PrincessRitz29 thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Eeek (that's me screaming)  double update woohoo!  
I seriously am in awe of your writing,  the description of the dawn and night was beautiful,  the contrast was realistic. 
Loved Anurag and Prerna's conversation in the mall,  lovely shades are beginning to unravel which is making me more and more excited. 
Curious as well,  but eagerly awaiting for you to unfold the story and make me marvel 😊👏

Love you 😊❤️
-Rehanna- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: PrincessRitz29

Eeek (that's me screaming)  double update woohoo!  

I seriously am in awe of your writing,  the description of the dawn and night was beautiful,  the contrast was realistic. 
Loved Anurag and Prerna's conversation in the mall,  lovely shades are beginning to unravel which is making me more and more excited. 
Curious as well,  but eagerly awaiting for you to unfold the story and make me marvel  😊👏

Love you 😊❤️

I'm screaming too! 
Aw thank you darling, thank you so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying this so far. 
Oh yes i'm so excited too! They're poles apart, yet also directly opposite eachother.
Haha I shall try! 

Love you too x
-Rehanna- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
4~ The Cost Of A Good Night

Anurag had zero plans to travel to Las Vegas, but when he had returned to see Prerna being swung around by Rodriguez as he shouted loudly that he was taking her away, he had no choice but to follow. The sight that met his eyes only confirmed his suspicions, Prerna was in no way a victim in all of this, she was no innocent woman dragged into the darkness by her husband, she was a woman who had perfected dancing with the devil and for her loyalty she would be punished, now the stakes were higher and since he had come this far he wouldn't go back without making a difference. It was time to change Prerna's loyalty for her husband into loyalty for him, he'd make her love him if he had to, now her feelings were of no importance and he wouldn't be swayed by her timid voice and innocent actions. Sometimes to destroy the King you had to get to the Queen first, therefore he had decided that to have an impact he had to ruin their relationship, make them turn on each other so they'd mess up. After acting like the hero for so long, he had almost forgotten what resided deep within him in the darkest depths of his soul, the unfeeling monster, the demon that had kept him alive.  

Stepping into the lobby of the hotel, he placed his case on the ground and looked up at the tall statue of a dollar that curved over him, it effectively blocked out the light from falling onto his body, around the statue lay white soft rugs beneath a dark green sofa that curled around it. To him the place seemed tacky, but what more could he expect from a mafia man in Las Vegas? He hadn't been expecting to see Prerna yet, but there she was. Her hair was in soft curls that framed her face, her eyes glowed with excitement, cotton cream jumper hanging a little too much off her left shoulder and brown jeans accentuating her curves, he was yet to construct a story as to why he was there, but he'd figure one out.  

Prerna crossed her arms, fingers toying with the loose thread from her top, she had felt terrible for leaving before Anurag had returned but she wasn't expecting her husband to appear. Strangely, he was happy, span her around and kissed her in his delight. It was a confusing change of circumstances, but one that made her feel whole again, for so long she had yearned to be held by her husband, and finally that day had come. Maybe, if she was lucky, this would be the beginning of the end, a fresh start for them both. Hope was dangerous, but she couldn't help herself, he was happy now, laughing with her, had even called her beautiful and it had felt good. This was different, she just knew it.  Jumping when she felt an arm around her waist, she turned her head and smiled "Hey". 

"I need you to get ready, I bought a dress for you upstairs" Rodriguez ran his fingers across her palm "You will wear it for me, won't you?" His wife had always been so easy to play, she was far too keen to impress him, if only she knew what the real plan was for tonight.  

"Of course," she squeaked somewhat reluctantly. It felt strange to dress up for her husband, she had given up on doing that a long time ago but now it was as if God was giving her a second chance at love, crumpling the three one dollar bills in her hand that Anurag had given her, she had kept them with her ever since, using it as some form of help whenever she felt nervous. She wasn't about to spend the only gift she had received in years, these she would keep with her, in hopes of repaying him one day with a gift that meant as much to him as those three dollars did to her. It felt wrong to even be thinking of the tall, handsome stranger who had stepped into her life so quickly while she was with her husband, but she couldn't help it. Kindness never cost anything but so many people acted as if it was the most expensive thing in the world, but he hadn't done that, he had offered kindness so quickly and seemingly he wanted nothing in return. A part of her had lost faith in God after everything she had faced, but she still couldn't help but say a silent prayer for him, she prayed he'd stay safe, happy and most importantly never have to face any struggles.  

"Dreamland again?" Rodriguez snapped, then smiled, he couldn't have her suspecting anything "We don't have time for that darling, hm, go get ready". 

"Okay, shall I meet you down here?"

"Sure" kissing her cheek, he looked around quickly then shooed her away, tonight was the night of making money and Prerna was by far his most pricey asset, it was about time she did something for him.  


Rodriguez rolled his shoulders, bent his neck to the right, then to the left before placing five thousand down on the green felt of the table, he ran his eyes over the dealer as she led out the money, called over a pit boss to check it out then counted the chips before sliding it toward him. Waiting quite impatiently for those before him to make their bet, he coughed then slid five purple chips forward into the box before him, ignored the raised brow of his wife who stood beside him- she had never been a fan of him betting all his chips at once, then sat down. Leaning back against the wooden chair, he wrapped an arm around her waist, fingers running down to the slit in her dress as he pinched her thigh "You remember when we used to do this all the time? Baby, you were my lucky charm".

Gulping, she smiled weakly then bent down to press her lips to his, back then he had taken notice of her because he seemed to win every time she was around, it was a thrilling experience, one that led to some of the best nights of her life when he won, which he always did. He was always the perfect gentleman and she had never felt safer, yet nothing about this night made her feel safe "Knock em for six honey" it had always been their thing when they wished each other luck, but there was no warmth in her heart or excitement running through her veins as she said it this time.

Looking down at the two cards before him, he pursed his lips to the side a three and a six was good, then tapped his index finger on the felt causing the light to shine off the black gem on his ring, a smile drew out over his lips as he got another three, then an eight. Sliding his hand over the card he waited for the dealer to draw her cards. Upon seeing her stop at seventeen when she turned her second card over, he stood up and laughed "See the magic my girl can do" waiting for his chips to be returned to him, he placed one in her hand and winked "Buy yourself something pretty".

"Hold up, if she's your lucky charm, let's make this interesting" A man stood up, stepped before him and eyed Prerna eagerly "Bet on her, if you still win, no foul, if not then your wife is mine for the night".

Shuddering at how he leered at her, she involuntarily stepped back, this place was shady as is, in a corner room of a house that had seen better days, hidden away from public sight and not in a casino-something Las Vegas was known so well for. Rodriguez had always been a protective man, so she was expecting him to deny the offer, but when he was silent for a few seconds too long she began to have doubts.

"For the night, huh?" rubbing his chin he turned to his wife "What do ya say baby?"

"I don't want to, what if you lose?"

"Are you questioning me?" His voice made her jump, the look in his eyes grave and full of danger "I don't lose, and I won't lose you" turning back to the man he nodded "Bet's on".

"But-" she was cut off with a glare as he took a seat again, she should have known better than to put any trust in him, as usual his wants and needs were always put before hers, his ego was something that would always come first place. She wasn't sure how long she had been thinking for when she was shaken from her thoughts by a rough hand wrapping around her upper arm "What, no".

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy you, say goodbye to your husband sweet girl, it's time to experience what the real men can do".

"Rodriguez please" Prerna yelled as she was dragged away, it hurt how he didn't move, didn't look up at her or even say anything "Get off of me" whipping her arm round so it hit him in the face, she gasped loudly as blood began to spurt from his nose seconds before he backhanded her when they got outside, placing her shaking hand on her cheek she shook her head "I didn't mean to, s-s-sorry" she trembled.

Anurag stood up from his place on the bench and threw his paper down, there wasn't much he could do as a detective since this wasn't his jurisdiction and if he saved her now, then she'd know he had followed her, no excuse would be enough. But why was she being dragged away by another man? Where was Rodriguez? Dropping his head as they walked past he stepped back behind the tree when Rodriguez finally approached, got his phone out and began recording.

"That's my wife, I demand another game, you can't have her" Anurag noted how his posture was slack, he didn't seem agitated or fearful that Prerna would be taken, he looked bored. 

Sighing in relief, Prerna reached out for him "Please don't let him take me, please, he'll play you again" a heavy sob made her body shake with the force, her knees wobbled as she was bashed into the car. 

Pulling out a gun from his waistband, the man held it to Rodrguez's head "You pick girl, either I shoot, or you come with me and he is left alone?"

She was fast to shout "I'll go, I'll go, please don't hurt him" scrunching her eyes shut as she sat in the car, she wiped away her tears and worried her bottom lip.

Waiting for them to drive away he laughed loudly as another this, it wasn't uncommon for couples to play like they were on different sides so they had the upper hand, he had to dig further, but sometimes to uncover something, you had to dig low enough to see your own bones. man approached him with a briefcase full of money, opening it on top of a car boot, he ran his hand over the fresh dollar bills then turned his head "Quite the saint my wife, always making sacrifices" shoving his hand through his gelled hair he shut it and threw it into the boot "Pleasure doing business with you, have her back to me in the morning" whistling lowly he sat in his car and rolled down the window "Fancy a drink?"

Anurag shut off his phone then moved to his car, Prerna had been the biggest pawn in his game, Rodriguez truly was an unfeeling monster, he had taken advantage of her love for him and got her to accept being taken away, anger coursed through him like bolts through his body, he would rescue Prerna and bring her to safety unscathed. As much as he wanted to take her away from it all completely, he couldn't be sure that she wasn't in some way involved in. 

Edited by -Rehanna- - 5 years ago
HARSHTA thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
This is so monstrous and inhumane. How could Rodriguez do that? Poor Prerna. She should have kicked the man taking her away.
But, Anurag the saviour is here!
Wonderful update as usual
Update soon
Eagerly waiting :)
-Rehanna- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: HARSHTA

This is so monstrous and inhumane. How could Rodriguez do that? Poor Prerna. She should have kicked the man taking her away.
But, Anurag the saviour is here!
Wonderful update as usual
Update soon
Eagerly waiting :)

It really is, he seems to not care about anyone other than himself, which probably makes him a very good mafia man.
She tried, then got hit herself
Awww yes, darling Anurag
Thank you love⭐️
PrincessRitz29 thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: -Rehanna-

4~ The Cost Of A Good Night

Anurag had zero plans to travel to Las Vegas, but when he had returned to see Prerna being swung around by Rodriguez as he shouted loudly that he was taking her away, he had no choice but to follow. The sight that met his eyes only confirmed his suspicions, Prerna was in no way a victim in all of this, she was no innocent woman dragged into the darkness by her husband, she was a woman who had perfected dancing with the devil and for her loyalty she would be punished, now the stakes were higher and since he had come this far he wouldn't go back without making a difference. It was time to change Prerna's loyalty for her husband into loyalty for him, he'd make her love him if he had to, now her feelings were of no importance and he wouldn't be swayed by her timid voice and innocent actions. Sometimes to destroy the King you had to get to the Queen first, therefore he had decided that to have an impact he had to ruin their relationship, make them turn on each other so they'd mess up. After acting like the hero for so long, he had almost forgotten what resided deep within him in the darkest depths of his soul, the unfeeling monster, the demon that had kept him alive.  

Stepping into the lobby of the hotel, he placed his case on the ground and looked up at the tall statue of a dollar that curved over him, it effectively blocked out the light from falling onto his body, around the statue lay white soft rugs beneath a dark green sofa that curled around it. To him the place seemed tacky, but what more could he expect from a mafia man in Las Vegas? He hadn't been expecting to see Prerna yet, but there she was. Her hair was in soft curls that framed her face, her eyes glowed with excitement, cotton cream jumper hanging a little too much off her left shoulder and brown jeans accentuating her curves, he was yet to construct a story as to why he was there, but he'd figure one out.  

Prerna crossed her arms, fingers toying with the loose thread from her top, she had felt terrible for leaving before Anurag had returned but she wasn't expecting her husband to appear. Strangely, he was happy, span her around and kissed her in his delight. It was a confusing change of circumstances, but one that made her feel whole again, for so long she had yearned to be held by her husband, and finally that day had come. Maybe, if she was lucky, this would be the beginning of the end, a fresh start for them both. Hope was dangerous, but she couldn't help herself, he was happy now, laughing with her, had even called her beautiful and it had felt good. This was different, she just knew it.  Jumping when she felt an arm around her waist, she turned her head and smiled "Hey". 

"I need you to get ready, I bought a dress for you upstairs" Rodriguez ran his fingers across her palm "You will wear it for me, won't you?" His wife had always been so easy to play, she was far too keen to impress him, if only she knew what the real plan was for tonight.  

"Of course," she squeaked somewhat reluctantly. It felt strange to dress up for her husband, she had given up on doing that a long time ago but now it was as if God was giving her a second chance at love, crumpling the three one dollar bills in her hand that Anurag had given her, she had kept them with her ever since, using it as some form of help whenever she felt nervous. She wasn't about to spend the only gift she had received in years, these she would keep with her, in hopes of repaying him one day with a gift that meant as much to him as those three dollars did to her. It felt wrong to even be thinking of the tall, handsome stranger who had stepped into her life so quickly while she was with her husband, but she couldn't help it. Kindness never cost anything but so many people acted as if it was the most expensive thing in the world, but he hadn't done that, he had offered kindness so quickly and seemingly he wanted nothing in return. A part of her had lost faith in God after everything she had faced, but she still couldn't help but say a silent prayer for him, she prayed he'd stay safe, happy and most importantly never have to face any struggles.  

"Dreamland again?" Rodriguez snapped, then smiled, he couldn't have her suspecting anything "We don't have time for that darling, hm, go get ready". 

"Okay, shall I meet you down here?"

"Sure" kissing her cheek, he looked around quickly then shooed her away, tonight was the night of making money and Prerna was by far his most pricey asset, it was about time she did something for him.  


Rodriguez rolled his shoulders, bent his neck to the right, then to the left before placing five thousand down on the green felt of the table, he ran his eyes over the dealer as she led out the money, called over a pit boss to check it out then counted the chips before sliding it toward him. Waiting quite impatiently for those before him to make their bet, he coughed then slid five purple chips forward into the box before him, ignored the raised brow of his wife who stood beside him- she had never been a fan of him betting all his chips at once, then sat down. Leaning back against the wooden chair, he wrapped an arm around her waist, fingers running down to the slit in her dress as he pinched her thigh "You remember when we used to do this all the time? Baby, you were my lucky charm".

Gulping, she smiled weakly then bent down to press her lips to his, back then he had taken notice of her because he seemed to win every time she was around, it was a thrilling experience, one that led to some of the best nights of her life when he won, which he always did. He was always the perfect gentleman and she had never felt safer, yet nothing about this night made her feel safe "Knock em for six honey" it had always been their thing when they wished each other luck, but there was no warmth in her heart or excitement running through her veins as she said it this time.

Looking down at the two cards before him, he pursed his lips to the side a three and a six was good, then tapped his index finger on the felt causing the light to shine off the black gem on his ring, a smile drew out over his lips as he got another three, then an eight. Sliding his hand over the card he waited for the dealer to draw her cards. Upon seeing her stop at seventeen when she turned her second card over, he stood up and laughed "See the magic my girl can do" waiting for his chips to be returned to him, he placed one in her hand and winked "Buy yourself something pretty".

"Hold up, if she's your lucky charm, let's make this interesting" A man stood up, stepped before him and eyed Prerna eagerly "Bet on her, if you still win, no foul, if not then your wife is mine for the night".

Shuddering at how he leered at her, she involuntarily stepped back, this place was shady as is, in a corner room of a house that had seen better days, hidden away from public sight and not in a casino-something Las Vegas was known so well for. Rodriguez had always been a protective man, so she was expecting him to deny the offer, but when he was silent for a few seconds too long she began to have doubts.

"For the night, huh?" rubbing his chin he turned to his wife "What do ya say baby?"

"I don't want to, what if you lose?"

"Are you questioning me?" His voice made her jump, the look in his eyes grave and full of danger "I don't lose, and I won't lose you" turning back to the man he nodded "Bet's on".

"But-" she was cut off with a glare as he took a seat again, she should have known better than to put any trust in him, as usual his wants and needs were always put before hers, his ego was something that would always come first place. She wasn't sure how long she had been thinking for when she was shaken from her thoughts by a rough hand wrapping around her upper arm "What, no".

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy you, say goodbye to your husband sweet girl, it's time to experience what the real men can do".

"Rodriguez please" Prerna yelled as she was dragged away, it hurt how he didn't move, didn't look up at her or even say anything "Get off of me" whipping her arm round so it hit him in the face, she gasped loudly as blood began to spurt from his nose seconds before he backhanded her when they got outside, placing her shaking hand on her cheek she shook her head "I didn't mean to, s-s-sorry" she trembled.

Anurag stood up from his place on the bench and threw his paper down, there wasn't much he could do as a detective since this wasn't his jurisdiction and if he saved her now, then she'd know he had followed her, no excuse would be enough. But why was she being dragged away by another man? Where was Rodriguez? Dropping his head as they walked past he stepped back behind the tree when Rodriguez finally approached, got his phone out and began recording.

"That's my wife, I demand another game, you can't have her" Anurag noted how his posture was slack, he didn't seem agitated or fearful that Prerna would be taken, he looked bored. 

Sighing in relief, Prerna reached out for him "Please don't let him take me, please, he'll play you again" a heavy sob made her body shake with the force, her knees wobbled as she was bashed into the car. 

Pulling out a gun from his waistband, the man held it to Rodrguez's head "You pick girl, either I shoot, or you come with me and he is left alone?"

She was fast to shout "I'll go, I'll go, please don't hurt him" scrunching her eyes shut as she sat in the car, she wiped away her tears and worried her bottom lip.

Waiting for them to drive away he laughed loudly as another this, it wasn't uncommon for couples to play like they were on different sides so they had the upper hand, he had to dig further, but sometimes to uncover something, you had to dig low enough to see your own bones. man approached him with a briefcase full of money, opening it on top of a car boot, he ran his hand over the fresh dollar bills then turned his head "Quite the saint my wife, always making sacrifices" shoving his hand through his gelled hair he shut it and threw it into the boot "Pleasure doing business with you, have her back to me in the morning" whistling lowly he sat in his car and rolled down the window "Fancy a drink?"

Anurag shut off his phone then moved to his car, Prerna had been the biggest pawn in his game, Rodriguez truly was an unfeeling monster, he had taken advantage of her love for him and got her to accept being taken away, anger coursed through him like bolts through his body, he would rescue Prerna and bring her to safety unscathed. As much as he wanted to take her away from it all completely, he couldn't be sure that she wasn't in some way involved in. 

Loved the interior monologue so much!  One of my favorite chapters after the last one. 
Eagerly awaiting for protective and righteous Anurag.  Words can't express how beautiful and sophisticated your writing  is.  
IF is acting odd took me so long to type my comment 😆

Love you and awaiting for an update 
Keep shining 👏⭐️