Fated to love you - ch 7 pg 16 - Page 8


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AmandaS thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: angelpureness

Chapter 1

Leaning against the wall, his eyes shut, Ragav Singhania tunes out the sounds of laughter and celebration, haunted by the cries of anguish he heard on the terrace late last night. His beloved sister was heart broken. In the nick of time he had managed to stop Pakhi Singhania from self harm... promising her that he would stop the marriage from taking place and return her Ayaan Mehta back to her.

Shaking his head, he wonders what could have happened in the past six months that here they were today, attending Ayaan's wedding to Kalpana Kapoor. Being the same age, they did everything together... they were inseparable. It was an open secret in the family that Pakhi and Ayaan would get married. "Mum had even broached the subject of engagement, he thinks. Watching his sister, Ragav tells himself, "I will always protect you.

Masking her sadness, needing to keep herself busy, Pakhi rushes around like a busy bee admist the celebrations, a smile in place as she helps Kalpi's family by serving the guests with snacks, making them comfortable as they wait for the auspicious moment when the love of her life marries he.

Sanjana Singhania watches her daughter from across the courtyard as she interacts with the guests with sadness and guilt. She loved Ayaan just like a son. He was after all raised by her when his parents died in a car crash 10 years ago. At 11 years of age, Ayaan was all alone, she had requested her husband Neerav Singhania if they could raise him. Growing up, seeing how close Pakhi and Ayaan were, she had gotten carried away with the dream of their marriage. "If only I had not encouraged Pakhi. If only I had not misunderstood Ayaan, she tells herself.

Worry etched on her pretty face, Sanjana rushes towards Ragav and whispers something to him. Worried, Ragav follows his mum to the room that is allocated to Ayaan during the ceremony. He asks, "mum, what do you mean by Ayaan is not answering his phone? Where is he?" Tearing up, Sanjana replies, "Ayaan said that he had forgotten something and would be right back. That was an hour ago.

Ragav quickly places a call to Ayaan, ready to tell him off for being so irresponsible. Frowning, he disconnects, saying, "his phone is switched off!" Angrily he snaps, "first he breaks his engagement... then insist on marrying his girlfriend... Now he disappears!"

"He did not break his engagement, Sanjana scolds, "Pakhi and Ayaan did not formally get engaged... and this is not the time to bring this up. Reprimanded by his mum, Ragav keeps quiet.

"Ragav, I don't know what to do," Sanjana states, "oh gosh, how will your grandfather and grandmother react." Fuming Ragav tries Ayaan again, but to no avail. "mum, we have no choice. We need to inform everyone that Ayaan is not here," Ragav states.

"I know," Sanjana says with a heavy heart. She takes a step towards the entrance of the room when Ragav places his hand on her shoulder, stopping her. He has softly, "I think we should inform Neetu aunty and Kalpana first." Placing her hand on his, she squeezes it slowly, saying, "yes of course." "mum, wait here. I shall bring them here," Ragav says before walking past his mum and out of the room.

Knowing full well how irresponsible Ayaan could be, Kalpi fumes as she learns of his absence. Angry at herself for allowing him to convince her to get married this soon... they had just started dating. Looking at her mum, the worry etched in her features,Kalpi recollects guiltily the pleas from her parents that had gone to deaf ears about rushing the marriage...

"it is too soon baby, her mother had said with worry

"The both of you are too young... only 21, her mother had said

"Both of you are still studying. Why do you need to rush, her mother had said

"Are you pregnant? Her mum had asked her softly

"Mum, Kalpi had exclaimed, "we just love each other and don't want to be apart while thinking, "there is this arrogant girl in class that needs to be brought a notch down.

"Omg, Kalpi thinks, "did I get played by them. Don't tell me they have taken their prank this far. I should have been more suspicious of him suddenly loving me. How dare they try to humiliate my family? Turning towards Ragav, Kalpi asks, "will you marry me?" "Kalpi!", Neetu admonishes. With a hint of reluctant admiration lurking in his eyes, he thinks, "she is courageous." Ragav says, "Neetu aunty, mum, please give us a moment alone."

Both mothers look anxiously towards one another, then at Ragav and Kalpi, nod affirmatively and leave the room. They quietly wait behind the closed door, not knowing what to think.. Neither sure if they want their children to make such a huge compromise for the family's standing in society."

Ragav takes a few steps away from Kalpi, distancing himself from her, both physically and mentally as he evaluates the situation. Leaning on the wall, he turns to look at her and says softly, "have a seat," as he nods towards the bed. "No thank you," Kalpi says in a no nonesense voice, "I am comfortable standing."

Seeing distress lurking in her eyes, Ragav sighs, then says, "Kalpi , Ayaan will come. I am sure he has a very good reason for being absent. Wait for him. He loves you very much."

Recollecting how inseparable Pakhi and Ayaan used to be and still were, Kalpi is no longer certain of Ayaan's love for her. She wonders if this is Ayaan's way of getting even with her over the fight she had had with Pakhi six months ago. The whole class had been surprised when he had come to her and apologised to her on behalf of Pakhi the following day.

"So the whole friendship and falling in love was just a game, Kalpi thinks. "Damn. When did I become this stupid. She thinks. Recollecting her younger sister, Maya's warning, "you are getting caught up in your Prince Charming fantasy. You don't love him, you just want to out do Pakhi.

Sighing Kalpi thinks, "what a fix? Is there another way out? How do I get out of this with my pride intact? With mum, dad and Maya's pride intact? Studying Ragav, she thinks, "it is only fair he pay the price. Taking a deep breath, Kalpi fights not to lowers her gaze, embarrassed , says, "can you think of any other alternative that would save both our families face in the community? I can only think of us getting married.

"Yes of course," Ragav says reassuringly,"I understand where you are coming from. The strictures of society always dictates our movements." Kalpi looks away, realising that her family was in this plight because of her stubbornness. Ragav pauses for a moment, waiting for Kalpi to meet his gaze, before continuing, "I have some conditions before we marry."

Kalpi takes a deep breath, thinking, "here goes... as she waits for Ragav to continue. Seeing the worried look on her face, Ragav sighs and says, "look, let us just forget this happened and wait for Ayaan ." Kalpi takes a step toward him and says, "no... No... Tell me your conditions.

Nodding, Ragav says, "my first condition is that Ayaan will be your past, and I your present and future." Kalpi nods affirmatively, thinking, "duh! Obviously. I can hardly have a husband and a boyfriend at the same time. Seeing her positive response, Ragav continues, "you will always be mindful of my family's standing in society, their respect is very important... "Yadaa yadaa yadaa... the lecture begins, " Kalpi thinks. Unaware of her thoughts Ragav continues, "And lastly..." He stops leaving his sentence incomplete.

Snapping from her thought, Kalpi repeats curiously, "lastly..." Ragav continues, "I know it will take some time for us to be comfortable with one another... However I would like if society and also the family would think that there is some mutual affection and admiration between us."

Kalpi just stares at Ragav, her expression clearly saying, "what!"

"Relax," Ragav says reassuringly, "I dont mean... Like tomorrow... But maybe in a few weeks, a month. We can keep our distance in private, but in front of the family..." He stops, suddenly unsure what to say next. Tries once again, "our families would be upset, if they were to see distance between us... More for their sake, we should..."

"Yes. yes... I get it... I love you... you love me... Kalpi thinks dismissively as she interrupts him, not wanting him to complete his sentence, "got it. I understand. Your conditions are reasonable. I accept.

Sanjana looks at her son and says, "Ragav I don't expect you to take on this responsibility for us. It is not right for you to give up your dreams, to make this sacrifice just because Ayaan is irresponsible. Ragav smiles reassuringly and says, "mum. dad. I am not making any sacrifices. I admire her courage and positivity. Look at her, here she is standing before all with her head held high."

Seeing the determined look in his eyes, Sanjana and Neerav reluctantly give their son the go ahead, realising that Ragav has made his decision and nothing would change it. Mukesh watches with pride as his grandson steps up to protect the family honour.

Neerav paces to and fro in his living area, worried just like the rest of the family over Ayaan's absence. Sanjana turns to her mother inlaw and says in a reassuring voice, keeping her worry at bay, "I am sure Ayaan is fine. He is probably staying away because he is scared of his father's temper." Ragav disconnects his phone and says, "dad, gramps, I have spoken to the commissioner, he is arranging for a team to scout the city as we speak."

Mukesh nods affirmatively, looks at the wall clock, the time reading half past midnight. He frowns over the lateness, looks towards Kalpi, then turns to Ragav and says, "it is quite late, it has been a long day for Kalpi . We shall see you in the morning."

Quietly observing, Pakhi can no longer hold her silence. Curious, she pulls her brother aside and whispers, "bhai, do you have a hand in this? Ragav whispers back, "don't be silly, dismisses her and heads towards Kalpi.

Kalpi follows Ragav to their room, worry gnawing her as she wonders where Ayaan is and if he is okay, wondering if she wrong earlier and that something had happened. She was itching to call him. Ragav stops abruptly in the middle of the room, Kalpi who is lost in thought does not see him stop and bumps into him. Kalpi instinctively grabs Ragav's shoulder as she tries to regain her balance.

Gritting his teeth, Ragav patiently waits for Kalpi to steady herself, once she lets go of her hold on him, he turns around and says, "it is quite late. Go to sleep.

Hearing the should of a car engine, Kalpi walks up to the window and looks out. He walks towards his dresser, places some items in his trouser pocket, looks at Kalpi and says, "Ayaan has come. Do you want to come down?" Shaking her head, Kalpi replies dryly, "no thanks. My drama quota has expired.

Smothering a laugh over her wit, Ragav says softly, "go to sleep" and walks towards the entrance of his room. He stops abruptly at the entrance, turns towards the room. His gaze studying Kalpi, he says, "Ayaan has come. If you want to change your mind about this marriage. I will..." Kalpi interrupts him, shaking her head, she says, "I will not change my mind." Nodding, Ragav turns and walks away.

Ayaan slowly walks into the house, still reeling from the impact of Neetu's slap. He wanted to cry at the unfairness life. The love of his life married to his brother. Climbing the stairs, he wonders how it is that he is still breathing.

Ragav rushes down the stairs calling out with worry, "Ayaan!"

Ayaan, stops at the landing, turns to see Ragav racing down the stairs. Ragav reaches Ayaan, hugs him and asks worriedly, "where were you? What happened? Are you okay?" Instead of answering, teary eyed, Ayaan hugs him tight.

Ayaan looks toward his family, worry and relief etched on their features. The family that had taken him 10 years ago. The only family that he knew, he loved. His gazes searches for Kalpi, but in vain. He realises that she is not in the living room. His heart constricts with pain when he realises that she must be in Ragav's bedroom. He closes his eyes at the sharp pain he feels, telling his broken heart, "she is married now."

Slowly he narrates to his family how he was chased by some men who had mistaken him for someone else. How they had held him against his will because they thought he was having an affair with a girl in their family. He tells them that how the girl came to his rescue when she found out about it. His eyes bleak, he smiles weakly, "they apologised for their mistake... But by then it was too late," he ends brokenly.

Sanjana hugs Ayaan tight and says through her tears, "I wish you had called. Why didn't you call? Why was your phone off?" Ayaan replies, "I think my phone is in the car." He pulls away from his mother's hug and heads out. Ragav calls out, "I will give you company."

Ragav stops Ayaan just before his car and says in a quiet voice, "Ayaan , I will divorce Kalpi if the family will agree to your marriage." Hope rekindling in his eyes, Ayaan gasps happily, "really!" Then shakes his head and says sadly as reality kicks in, " grandpa and grandma will never agree. It is not possible." He turns and unlocks his car, looks for his phone and says with a frown, "my phone is not here, I must have dropped it."

Ragav says, "let me help." Opening the back door, he checks under the seat, saying, "look properly in the front." Slowly Ragav takes the phone out of his pocket and says, "here, found it." Looking at the phone, he adds, "either it ran out of juice or got switched off when it fell." Giving the phone to Ragav, he says, "I will see you in the morning."

As he walks towards the house, he looks up towards his room window and as expected, there was his wife, looking down at them. Ignoring her, his gaze falls on his loyal driver who was several feet away, waiting for further instructions. Ragav gives him a slight nod in acknowledgement before calling out, "good night."

He recollects how fate lent him a helping hand in protecting his sister. For his sister he could do anything... Ragav slowly climbs the stairs, heading towards his room... His wife.

Wait!! Did Raghav arrange for Ayaan to kidnapped so he can 'save the families reputation' by marrying the girl who's in the way of his sister's happiness. Oh, my word, how cunning! I really do hope he falls in love with Kalpi and make her marriage dreams beautiful, since he came up with this cruel, cruel trap.

AmandaS thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: angelpureness

Chapter 2

Once alone in their room Sanjana questions her husband over his decision, she asks the questions that have been burning her for hours, "why did you allow Ragav and Kalpi to marry? Why did you not wait for Ayaan? The woman he loves is now married to his brother," she ends admonishingly.

Exhausted with the whirlpool of emotions he experienced today, Neerav sighs deeply as he unbuttons the buttons of his sherwani coat. Sitting down on the sofa, he reluctantly looks into angry eyes. Calmly he says, "Sanjana, come sit by my side. Give way to your anger and hear me out with an open mind."

Forcing herself to control her emotions, Sanjana sits down on the sofa next to her husband, her expression expectant as she waits for Neerav to explain himself.

"Sanjana," Neerav begins, "I want you to forget about Ayaan and just concentrate on Ragav." Sanjana stares at her husband in confusion. He continues, "today for the very first time after..." He takes a deep breath, then continues, "... Very first time after Priya, Ragav chose to allow someone into his life." Regret and pain etched in his features, he says, "today for the very first time I saw a glimmer of hope that our son will forget his past and move on in life."

Sanjana looks at her husband skeptically, says, "do you really see Ragav falling in love again... Moving on..." Neerav looks at his wife, answers softly, "Kalpi is a ray of sunshine... Filled with laughter... I think if anyone can teach our son how to laugh again, it is she."

Sanjana sits up, taking her husbands hands into hers, she asks in a concerned voices, "and what of our other son? Neerav tries to pull his hands away from his wife, pain emanating from him, Sanjana does not let go of him and says, "what if he follows his brother's footsteps and cannot get past this?

Shaking his head, Neerav says, "Ragav has always been emotional and sensitive... Always keeping things in his heart. Ayaan is different, carefree... And most important thing of all is that Kalpi is alive. When he sees that she has moved on and is happy, he will move on too."

A niggling doubt bothering her, Anapurna asks worriedly, "do you think Ragav was involved? Recollecting his earlier conversation with Ragav's driver, Neerav gives his wife a reassuring smile and lies, "no he was not involved. Did you not tell me that Kalpi asked Ragav to marry her."

Relieved, Sanjana nods and says, "yes. I only asked because... I thought maybe... pakhi... Shaking her head, she continues, "I don't know what I was thinking."

Eluded by sleep, Neerav watches his wife sleep peacefully. Worry gnaws at him as he wonders if he had made the right call. As a father he had become quite selfish at that moment, forsaking everything just for the opportunity to see his son live in the present again. Dispensing any doubt, he tells himself, "no I made the right call. Kalpi's presence in ragav's life will force him to no longer live in the past.


Pakhi walks towards her room, stops outside Ayaan's room. Staring at the closed door she hesitates, "should I... should I not... shaking her head, clearing her thoughts, she tells herself, "he needs a friend as she opens his bedroom door and walks inside.

Seeing him sitting on the floor in the dark, his back leaning against the wall, she quietly walks up to him and sits next to him.

"Are you okay?" Pakhi asks in a quiet voice

"No I am not," Ayaan replies.

"Why did you leave? where did you go?" Pakhi asks.

Sighing with regret, Laksh says, "I am so stupid. I went to buy gol gappa."

"Gol gappa!" Ragini exclaims, "why?"

"Ragav was telling me how he and Priya would celebrate all their special moments by re enacting their first date. So when he left, I thought that Kalpi would find it romantic," Ayaan explains.

Nodding her head slightly, pakhi says, "this is such a mess. I never thought bhai would marry again. Tears fall down as pakhi recalls how much her brother loved Priya. Her conscious bites, questions refusing to be silenced, "did bhai marry Kalpi because of me?because of last night? recalling her weakest moment last night, where she was about to do something stupid... where her brother promised to protect her and would sort everything out.

Sitting up, he says excitedly, "guess what. Bhai said that he will divorce kalpi so that Kalpi and I can marry? He continues in a sad voice, "I know it's not possible. The families will never agree. 

Placing his head on pakhi's lap as he stretches himself out on the floor, Ayaan continues, "there is nothing wrong in deluding myself... isn't it... just for tonight, he implores.

Caressing his head slowly, pakhi replies with a sad smile, "no. There is nothing wrong with it.

Taking her hand into his, Ayaan says, "I realised something tonight.

"What did you realise? Pakhi asks.

"I wronged you when I asked you to back out and to talk to mum for me to marry Kalpi, Ayaan says, "when something doesn't go as expected, it hurts and as your best friend, I hurt you. Chuckling, Ayaan continues, "well karma got me good.

Crying uncontrollably pakhi repeats, "I am so sorry... I am so sorry... Ayaan sits up frowning, wipes her tears, saying reassuringly, "stop crying. I am fine. I won't hurt for long. I promise. Hugging her and he continues, "hey this is not fair... you are supposed to wipe my tears tonight.

Watching quietly from the open door, Neerav sighs with relief, feeling less guilty, thinking with confusion, "Ayaan has always loved pakhi... and pakhi, Ayaan... one would have to be blind not to notice... how did Kalpi come between them.


Groggy, Ragav wakes up, confused as to what woke him up. Seeing Kalpi. pace to and fro across the room, he sighs and sits up, leans towards the side lamp and switches it ok, saying, "why are you awake?"

Startled, Kalpi turns, replies, "I can't sleep." Walks up towards the bed, sits on the empty side and says, "I am sorry I woke you." Shrugging his shoulders, he rests his head on the headboard and asks, "why can't you sleep?"

"I am not tired," Kalpi replies. Raising his eyebrow in disbelief, he states, "it is nearly three in the morning." Sighing, infusing concern in his voice, he asks, "what is bothering you... You can tell me."

Kalpi hesitates momentarily, then says, "two things... I lied to you and I need your help."

"Here we go," Ragav thinks, "she has decided to go for the divorce."

Teasingly he says, "why would I want to help a liar?"

Teasing him back, Kalpi says, "I don't expect you to help a liar... But I do expect you to help your wife."

Startled by what Kalpi says, Ragav nods and says, "fair enough... so wife, how would you like me to help you?"

Flushing with embarrassment, Kalpi says, "I would like to tell you about what I lied first."

Feeling defensive, Ragav folds his arms across his chest, saying, "sure."

Wanting to get it off her chest, Kalpi speaks in a rushed tone, devoid of emotions, "I married you because I wanted to get even.

Raising his eyebrow, Ragav sits up, startled by her confession, he parrots, "get even!

Kalpi nods seriously, "Yes. Pakhi and Ayaan thought that they could embarrass me and my family... her eyes gleaming, she adds, "ha! They thought they would get me good, but look how I turned it. I married you.

Surprised and pleased for he was expecting to hear something else, trying to ignore the tinge of guilt he feels over his part, Ragav starts of mockingly, "wow! You ousted them at their own game. Then adds in a serious tone, "is this something you should be sharing with me? Crossing his arms defensively, he adds wryly, "let me guess... you want my help to get further even with them.

"Duh," Kalpi says, rolling her eyes, "honesty is very important and of course I expect you to help me.

"Kalpi, Ragav scolds, "are you seriously expecting me to help you hurt my family. Taken aback by his choice of words, Kalpi shakes her head, "not hurt... just prank. Then quickly adds in a rushed voice, "its your duty to help your wife. I am the most important person in your life now.

Ragav stares at Kalpi stunned, thinking, " what the hell are today's kids smoking? Shaking his head, Ragav says, "oh no... Don't even think to involve me in this nonsense. Thinking to himself, "thank God she doesn't know that it is I that am responsible for Ayaan's disappearance.

Watching different emotions flitter past her features, Ragav can't stop himself from admiring her. Reading disappointment in her gaze, he says, "fine. No promises. I will help if I can. Now go to sleep."

Smiling, Kalpi says, "thank you." Then adds, "I am still not sleepy." Smiling back, Ragav teases, "if we married in different circumstances, I would make you very tired." Kalpi instinctively jumps off the bed. Reading her expression, Ragav  shrugs his shoulders and says, "what... I am a man." Walking backwards to the divan, Kalpi says abruptly, "I am suddenly very tired. Good night."

Ragav bursts out laughing, switches off the lamp and says, "good night." Kalpi turns towards him, calls out, "you were teasing me, right?" Ragav  replies, "goodnight Kalpi." Relieved, she replies with a smiling voice, "goodnight."

Sleep lost, Ragav sits up, his head resting on the headboard, his gaze contemplative as he watches wife fast asleep on the divan, his eyes having adjusted to the darkness wondering what the hell was going on... frowning he thinks, "does kalpi not love Ayaan?... does she not trust him?... why would she think Ayaan and pakhi were pulling a prank?... damn it, don't tell me that postponing their marriage would have had the same desired effect as I marrying her. 

Annoyed Ragav further thinks, "I didn't need to marry her to separate them... " adding with disgust, "did she come between Ayaan and pakhi just to get even... was she marrying Ayaan just to hurt pakhi... is she really this shallow...? and what the f**k was that... why would I say that... I am a man, he shudders as he recalls the words.

Placing his head on his pillow, Ragav closes his eyes and whispers to himself, "Priya I am in pickle... help me out hun.

😂😂😂 I like this Raghav, he's just as cunning and cute as our Raghav. I imagine that's how he would've pulled Kalpi's leg! But, I do fear, he might not fall in love with Kalpi if he still 'consults' with Priya on things.


AmandaS thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: angelpureness

Apologies for the long wait and a big thank you for patiently waiting for the next update.

Chapter 7 

Ayaan stops by his mum's bedroom door. Turns around at the sound of laughter. His gaze meeting Ragaav's. His gaze filed with accusation and heart ache as he takes in the scene. Without a word he turns around and steps into his mother's room. Shutting the door softly behind him with a calmness he doesn't feel.

Ragav stares into eyes filled with accusation... eyes filled with pain... eyes crying out... that is my girl in your arms. His laughing eyes is over shadowed with bleakness... his smile faltering as he releases his hold of Kalpi... feeling like a child who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Startled by the abrupt change in his demeanour, Kalpi stops him from walking away by placing her hand on his arm. Confused, she asks, "what's the matter? What happened?"

Not willing to share, Ragav says instead, "just feeling slightly dizzy with all the twirling."

Like an energized bunny, Kalpi hops up in front of him, giving out instructions as she forcefully makes him follow.

"... stand straight... touch your toes... no don't bend your knees... stop. No... do it like this... see...Don't lift your head... no not yet... do not come up... jeep touching your toes..."

"Kalpi what are you making me do... stop it... let go of me," Ragav says, feeling stupid as he tries to straighten up.

"I just want more oxygen to reach your brain so that the dizzy spell can reduce," Kalpi says, then clasps her hand excitedly, saying, "ooh there is a better way... come..." she holds his hand and pulls him along.

"Here... sit...," Kalpi says as she pushes him onto the sofa. Then proceeds to part his legs... then places her hand at the back of his head and forcefully places his head between his legs. Pleased with herself, Kalpi says, "much better... isn't this easier."

Taken aback... Ragav had obliged her... but as the seconds tick away... he can't help but feel stupid. He sighs as he feels the weight of her palm at the back of his nape, wondering when she would release him. "This is stupid," he mutters to himself, "I am not even dizzy!"

"How much longer," he calls out from under his legs as he wonders why he is entertaining her. "One more minute," Kalpi replies.

Curious, Ragav asks, "where did you learn this?"

"From the telly," Kalpi replies proudly.

"Medical documentary," Ragav says, pleasantly surprised that Kalpi watched serious programs. He had not expected her to have such interests.

Kalpi replies with a grin, "nah... it was an American sitcom."

"What!", Ragav exclaims as he forcefully sits up. "You are kidding... right," he adds in shock. "Tell me you are kidding... medical tips from a sitcom... it's a joke, right?" He asks.

Frowning, Kalpi glares at him, folding her arms across her waist, she asks, "are you feeling dizzy?"

"No," Raagav replies truthfully... momentarily forgetting that he was not dizzy to begin with.

Shrugging her shoulders, Kalpi says, "why question something that works? What does it matter where I learnt it... the key thing is you are no longer feeling dizzy."

Watching her walk away in a daze, Raagav says, "oh my God," adding, "who takes medical tips from a sitcom!"

Adarsh who was not too far away, bursts out laughing as he replies, "your wife."

Ragav turns to him, chuckles, turns back to Kalpi who is racing up the stairs, he repeats softly, "my wife"


Masking his pain, Ayaan walks up to him mum who is seated on the edge of her bed. Sanjana watches  the young man in front of her... her heart aches as recalls the early memories when he first called her mum.

 Ayaan makes himself comfortable on her bed as he rests his head on her lap. Her hand automatically caressing his head, her heart calling out, "my son... my son...". Mother and son stay like that savoring the moment... in amicable silence... both focusing their energies in easing the constricting pain in their hearts.

An unnoticed tear drop escapes and falls on Ayaan's forehead. His fingertips automatically goes on the wet spot. He looks up to his mum... upside down... gives her a sad smile as he wipes another escaped tear from under her right eye and says with a lightheartedness he doesn't feel, "that's cheating..." sitting up, he continues in a teasing voice, "I demand a role reversal."

Sanjana pulls her son into a tight hug, saying, "I am glad you are accepting the situation." Hugging her back, Ayaan confides, "mum, Ragav said he will divorce Kalpi." Taken aback, Sanjana breaks away from the hug. 

Oblivious to the change in his mother's demeanor, distress etched on her beautiful features, Ayaan continues, "there is a part of me that wants them to divorce... the part that sees Ragav already softening towards her... eventually replacing me in her heart." He sighs deeply, then continues, " then there is this other part who doesn't want them to divorce... I want to see Kalpi always smiling." 

Ayaan looks up, meeting his mother's gaze, gives a wry smile and says, "I wonder which part of me will win this internal battle."

Sanjana smiles, relaxed. "I know which part will win," she says confidently. "You do," Ayaan asks, surprised over the certainty in her tone.

"I raised you, son. I know you inside out," Sanjana replies.

Re-positioning himself, Ayaan rests his head on his mother's lap, feeling comfortable... secure, he says, "mum, I need some space."

Sanjana kisses his forehead and says, "on one condition... I come along."

Grinning, Ayaan sits up, hugs his mum, saying,"I love you mum."

Unnoticed by them, Paakhi closes her mother's bedroom door softly, not wanting to be caught eavesdropping.  

She races up the stairs, towards her room, tears falling, her heart filled with anguish as the events she observed earlier between Ragav and Kalpi and now this... Mum's and Ayaan's conversation... breaks her heart... thinking, "Oh my God, am I responsible... Did bhai make this marriage happen for me... It has to be... Bhai would never remarry... No matter what anyone says... All this has happened because of me... There's no two ways about it... Bhai betraying Priya, Ayaan hurting... It is all because of me." Realty forcing her to face the consequences of that night.

Guilt eating her up, Pakhi quickly packs a small bag and leaves the house unnoticed... needing to distance herself from the mess she felt she was responsible for.

😂😂😂 I love Kalpi's attitude, she's hurting but she's making the best out the situation she's in. Owning up to having made this decision to marry Raghav. She's such a fire cracker!! ðŸ˜‚😂 Raghav has changed,  he didn't even notice that he's fallen in love with someone else. I was so worried that he won't move on. I'm glad that Raghav & Kalpi will start their own family. It's not fair to throw all these things at her, marrying a widower, who has his own family.  Even if she's accepted her situation. 

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Posted: 3 years ago

Hi, please update your story. Looking forward to Ragna married life even though it was not planned, ok maybe planned by Raghav trying to protect his sister. Please, looking forward to a new update.