ShiVi SS ||Frozen Romance|| Ch 10 page 28 - Page 18


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ExoticDisaster thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: Odette_delusion

A great update🥰🥰

Want new one soon please

Thanks for reading 🥰

ExoticDisaster thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: HooriAsadMalik

Lovely chapter🤩 Bold raavi is❤️

Update next one soon please  I had literally forgotten the story and was very maayus as the forum has become so doubt all the credit goes to the writers of the show🤢


Haha, sorry I wrote after a long time. Lol, it took me 4 months this time :/

I hope you still remember the story 😅

ExoticDisaster thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Thank you everyone who liked the chapter and commented 🤗

ExoticDisaster thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Hola guys, sorry for not updating for such a long time. I am back with an update. I hope you guys remember me and the story 😅

Happy reading! 

Chapter 10

They broke apart, completely in shock. Several students stood staring at them. Few were shocked, and few were surprised. Some of the girls blushed, while others looked at them in disgust. But Raavi and Shiva were sure that now they were screwed.

Raavi ran out of the library while Shiva closed his eyes in despair. He knew he had made a huge blunder and needed to find a way to get both of them out of it. Raavi walked as fast as she could but stopped hearing her classmates talking. 

“Do you now realize how did she score so well even after taking such a long break from her studies?” 

“I knew she had hots for Prof. SP, but I never thought she would stoop so low.”

“Many girls have a crush on SP, but how did he fall into this girl’s trap?” 

“She would have seduced him, ofcourse.”

“Raavi, you should teach us how to woo the professor,” A girl said, and Raavi couldn’t help the tears that rolled from her eyes. 

“What the!” Shiva screamed. 

“Raavi acts so Sati Savitri all the time. Does her husband know what she is doing here? I feel bad for that poor man. Such a characterless wife he has!”

“Mind your language!” Shiva screamed again, but he was controlling his urge to break the boy’s face. 

“You mind your behavior first,” another boy said. “I have seen the way you look at her. You're always gazing at her while we all write notes. Did she seduce you?” 

"Before I lose all my patience, go back to your classes,” Shiva bit on every word he said. 

The students could see their ever-cool professor getting angry. No one wanted to face his fury, so everyone left the place at once. Shiva looked at Raavi who ran away, wiping her tears. He followed her silently. 

“Hey Raavi,” Raavi stopped hearing some of her senior boys calling her. “We heard you were caught in the act with the professor. Did he help you with your studies?”

“We can also help you, we are seniors after all,” said another. “Say, your place or ours?”

And all of them started laughing. Raavi was inconsolable.

“Hey girl, why are you running away? Did you run when that Professor Pandya offered you the deal?"

"Hey, I know we can't let you pass the exams, but we can surely give you tuition, in all the ways you want.” said another one.

Suddenly, the guy felt a punch on his face and flew ahead some paces, landing painfully on the ground. The other three turned back in alarm, and their jaws instantly dropped when they saw Shiva. 

"What were you saying about her? Say it again if you have the guts!" Shiva screamed furiously.

"What's your problem, Professor? She served you right, now let us have our chance," Said one of them. 

Shiva had lost all his restraint by now. He saw some boys walking past them with hockey sticks. He snatched one of the sticks and started bashing him while everyone in the surrounding gazed at him, shocked. 

"Please, no. Leave him,” Raavi tried to stop Shiva, but he was not in the mood to listen. He was more furious than ever and would never spare someone who dares to insult his wife.

“Let him go, please. Stop it. I said, leave him, Shiva!” screamed Raavi.

He stopped, and everyone went numb hearing Raavi scream at Shiva and call him by his first name. 

“Mr. Pandya!” they hear the principal. “What is this behavior? How can you beat a student like that?”

“I am sorry, sir. These boys were talking trash about Raavi, so I couldn’t control myself.”

“I know what has happened. We have to take strict actions against you both,” The principal said and both Shiva and Raavi looked at him shocked. 

“No, please.” Shiva pleaded. “Raavi isn’t at fault. She is working hard. You can take action against me, but not Raavi,” Shiva begged. “Please don’t…” He joined his hands.

“Shiva!” Raavi held his hands. “

“Why are you begging? You don’t have to do this. I can’t see you begging someone. You are my pride, my whole world. You are my sky Shiva, and the sky does not bow down to anyone.”

“But Raavi…”

“Shiva, no husband would do what you have done for your wife. No one loves anyone as much as you have loved me. Your being with me means the most to me. It was my decision not to tell anyone about our relationship. Not because it is some secret… ”

“I know,” Shiva said. “I also agreed because I didn’t want your identity to suppress down in front of my empire. I wanted people to recognize you as you, not Mrs. Shiva Pandya.”

Everyone gasped. Raavi and Shiva looked around without any fear or guilt anymore. 

“Sir,” Raavi said to the principal. “I know we made a mistake. And we respect your decision but we haven't done anything that we should be ashamed of. We both are husband and wife. I know I shouldn’t make excuses still, I am sorry.”

“Sir, please reconsider your decision,” Shiva said and Raavi looked at him. 

“Mr. Pandya, it may not be morally wrong, but any kind of relationship between professor and student is against the rules of the college. And a romantic relationship is strictly against our guidelines,” he explained. “Let me talk to the management. We will inform you via call, but for now, we advise you to take a leave.”

The principal left and Shiva turned towards the boys once again. 

“From today onwards no one should say anything wrong about Raavi. it's your responsibility. If anyone bothers my wife or says any nonsense about her, then I will enter the college and beat you again. Mind that,” he said and put his hand on the boy's shoulder making him jump in fear. 

“Stop scaring him,” Raavi whispered. “Let’s go.”

She pulled her with him but Shiva kept glaring at the students till they vanished from his sight.


That's all for today. Hope you like the chapter 😁

Pinkbell thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago


Welcome back. This chapter is amazing <333

Okay, Even I deserve a husband like Shiva🥹

When will I get? 

Pinkbell thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

Next part, please? ^⁠_⁠^

ExoticDisaster thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Sorry for the delay guys! Happy reading! 

Chapter 11

“What the…” Shiva roared. 

How could the college management do this? This was so unfair! He had trashed those boys then how could they rustricate Raavi? They cannot risk her future like this! He had to do something. Hearing footsteps approaching, he lied on the bed covering himself with blanket. He knew Raavi was going to ask him about the board’s decision and he didn’t want to answer her. He wanted to avoid this conversation. 

“Shiva, are you asleep?” Raavi asked, seeing him covered with a blanket. 

“Shiva,” She pat on his shoulder. 

Shiva turned pretending to be drowsy and shifted under the blanket. 

“Let’s sleep Raavi,” he turned around and lazily put his arm around her.

Raavi instinctively returned his embrace and tried to settle her properly on the bed. As a habit, she started raking her fingers along his messy hair as she pulled her closer, near her chest. 

Shiva felt an ecstatic feeling her fingers in his hair. He slowly opened his eyes only to lock them with hers. His hand started moving from her waist towards her shoulder. Raavi kept playing with his hair while Shiva's hand kept exploring Raavi with light, almost polite touches, his fingertips dancing casually on the fabric of her dress. 

Raavi closed her eyes, feeling his lips on her nape. Shiva kept kissing all the way from her neck to her forehead and Raavi kept moving her head, giving him access. He continued to trail kisses down her body before he felt her shiver at the unusual touch. He went back to her neck and then placed his lips on hers and started kissing her passionately. 

She kissed him back with eager excitement, pulling him closer and pressing up against him on instinct. They had started cuddling and kissing in bed a few weeks back, but this was the first time in months that a definite heat flared between them. 

Shiva felt her hands trail to his T-shirt and trying to pull it up. he lost his shirt, and then she lost her robe. And after years of waiting and tempting, they finally found each other. 


The next morning, Shiva woke up to the warm rays of sun on his face. He squinted his eyes a couple of times to adjust to the brightness. He looked around to realise that he was alone in the room. Remembering the moments from the last night, smile crept on his face. He looked around for his clothes but could only find his pants in one corner. Quickly wearing them, he walked out in search of his wife.

He came down the stairs, still looking for her when the fresh aroma of coffee caught his senses. Realizing that Raavi was in the kitchen, he walked in silently. She was working on the kitchen counter, he back towards the door. But what caught his attention was her clothes. She wore his T-shirt from last night. It was oversized for her which ended at her thighs. He settled on one of the stools near the counter behind the main one. She turned around to go when she noticed him. 

"Good morning, beautiful!" he said caressing her cheek, smiling widely.

"Good morning! Someone looks really happy," She said smiling back.

"Well, someone is,” Shiva replied as Raavi walked towards him, carrying a mug of coffee in her hand. 

She placed her mug on the counter and settled on his lap. He held her around the waist and kissed her on the cheek.

"And may I know the reason?" she asked.

"You!" He replied instantly. "Having you in my life makes me happy!" 

Raavi smiled happily as she sipped her coffee.

"Can I have a sip too?" Shiva asked. She extended the mug towards him.

"I'm sorry madam, my hands are a bit occupied as you can see I am holding my wife," he smirked. 

She shook her head and held the cup near his lips.

"Umm.. amazing.." he relished the taste.

He was about to lean forward and kiss her when his phone rang. He ignored the call and leaned towards her again when Raavi stopped him. 

“It can be important, might be from the college.”

Shiva’s face fell hearing that. He was so happy that he almost forgot that the management had taken the decision against them. 

He looked at Raavi, she had a frown. As much as she said that she didn’t care, he knew how much her studies was important for her. He would do anything, but won’t let her future get affected. 

He knew what he had to do now. It would be a risk, something that could change their lives forever. But he had to do this. Nothing was important for him than Raavi. Her future was more important than anything. 

And if he had to give away everything for her, then Shiva was ready.


That's all for today! I hope you guys like it :)

dat_INFJ thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Shiri, Welcome back!🤗 It has been a long time. 

Amazing Update❤️ But it was short😭 Heart wants more~

Ab shiva kya karne wale hain?

Pinkbell thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 2 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

This was a cute one! I hope Shiva finds some way.

Thanks for the tag <33 

Vishalakshi05 thumbnail
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Posted: 12 months ago

So cutee!❤️

 But I hope it's not something sad🥺