The Coded Alias -p16Apg26- Angad!!!

fabremixed thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago

   The Coded Alias


Part 1:-

 The chilly, cold months of the year were slowly giving way for the chirpy, cheerful spring to take over. The hibernating animals were also awakening. Birds had started flying back to their own homes after their three months period of sleep. School and college goers were enjoying and partying. The world was beginning to look brighter and fresh with vibrant colours sprinkled everywhere. Holi was being celebrated in full swing in Jaipur, the pink city. But amidst this celebration, there was one young man who lacked the will, enthusiasm or joy to celebrate or even pretend to appear happy and gay. He was sitting on his haunches on the edge of the terrace of his huge, massive mansion staring into nothingness. Suddenly a voice called out ?

?Angad are you up there???

Yes, the young man was Angad. Hearing the voice he sighed.

He replied, ?yeah Arun. I am up here. And yeah reduce the decibels.

 ?What the hell man, we?ve been waiting for you for the past half hour at the cafe. Get a life!!! All you?ve been doing nowadays is sit and stare into space. Boss?s really angry. She?s furious about your current attitude and conduct. Unless you buck up, this mission is really going down the drains. ?..And haan don?t give me any excuses. You?re coming with me downtown right now. Seriously, you?ve changed??.? Arun yelled.


?Angad I am going to kill you?, shouted Arun frustrated. ?Everyone makes mistakes; you?re not the only one.?

?Arun, but what about a mistake which has ruined a person?s life. Of all the people I am the last person who should have done such a thing. Everything is my fault.?

?It wasn?t your fault Angad. The facts were presented to you in such haphazard manner that you were forced to arrive at such a pathetic conclusion?

??Pathetic condition?. See even you think so.?

?Angad we?ll discuss this later. Boss?s really mad. The condition has been rapidly deteriorating in Lithuania. People are being terrorized. There is much civil and political unrest. Riots are breaking out everywhere. The region has become a growing spot of interest for the ?OBF ? directorate? terrorist ring?.?

 Arun was suddenly interrupted by a beep from his telephone.

?Was that boss??? Angad asked.

?Yup. Let?s go. I?ll give you the remaining current status of Lithuania on the way.?


Angad?s profile?-

Full Name: - Angad Joshua William Sampath Khanna

Age: - 26

Status: - single

Nationality: - Anglo-Indian

Occupation: - Undercover cop working for CBI and an Anglo-Indian-American agency,UIA* which strives to protect and safeguard the countries from terrorist attacks. It is a trusted agency of the UNO.

Parents: -        Father ? Late Maharaja Dilip Khivraj Sampath Khanna,                           

                                 Prince of Rajkot

                       Mother ? Highly successful and Beautiful Brutisher ?

                                 Naina Joshua Elizabeth Khanna. Loves her son.

                                 Stays in London (after the death of her             


Siblings: -      one sister ? Aaliya Khanna. She?s around 20. 

                       Completing her studies in Atlanta, USA.

Extremely handsome, smart, intelligent, calculative and?s got an impressive personality. A man of few words.  Arrogant at times. But has his feet on the ground. Hates over-smart and know -it-all type of girls. Hardly bothered about finding his dream girl. Considers it a waste of time. Loves his sister and mother. Short- tempered.

Arun?s profile:-

Name: - Arun Kapoor

Age: - 29

Status: - Married

Nationality: - Indian

Occupation: - Angad?s partner and also his best friend. Also works for the UIA.

An excellent actor and a technician. Loves playing with technology. He is the  head of the records and technology department of UIA in India. Considers Angad to be his brother.

Edited by fabremixed - 16 years ago


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Frequent Posters

fabremixed thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
Hi guys. I'm Prachi. I just loved all the fan fictions posted here. And so i drew inspiration from them and decided that why don't i try one myself. Please do read it and post ure comments.And plz do write if its worth continuing or not. thank u for u time 😊
Shazia_haya thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
hey it's nice continue soon enough...i'll be wiating n i guess am i the first one to reply...well if yes then yeah......i guess so.....n well i really love this but i don't have much time left so all i can say that plz do continue this n SHOW UR TALENT!! YEAH!!!
mitali_s thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 17 years ago
heya prachi...awsome begnning...seems interesting...plz cont sooon!!! πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ :D
fabremixed thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
                  The Coded Alias

Part 2

"Why do we have to live in dorms?" cried Kripa. She glanced annoyed at the half-opened window at the sights and sounds of laughter and screams from the other college goers. The cool Californian breeze blew threw the window messing up her hair. Her new roommate Aaliya who was an exchange student and had arrived from Atlanta a few hours ago laughed at her annoyance. Kripa had been complaining continuously for the past half hour about the accommodation. Earlier she used to stay at her aunt's house. She was completing her final year at college but due to some housing and domestic problems she had to shift to the dormitory.
        "Kripa, relax and take a chill pill, honey" replied Aaliya mimicking K3G's dialogue. Kripa looked at her but was soon absorbed in her own thoughts. Aaliya had arrived only a short while ago but they immediately clicked and felt that they knew each other for ages. Kripa was kinder glad that she had made a friend that too an Indian after such a long while. Kripa, though the bubbly one in her family rarely mingled with her college mates. She had a reason. Being an undercover agent for US's top security agency CIA was no easy feat. There was much pressure and she could be called in at any time. So even after being part of the various fraternities and sororities in coll., she was hardly an active member.
        "Kripa, are you going to the party hosted by the sophomore's tonight" asked Aaliya.
Kripa was too absorbed in her own thoughts to reply.
                      "Kripa… Kripa … Kripa!!!!!!" Aaliya yelled.
"Huh…, Kya hua, Kyon chila rahi hai yaar."
        "I asked you something. Kahan kho gayi yaar."
"Umm, nothing. And yeah what were you asking?"
'Well I wanted to know if you were coming to the party tonight?"
"I don't know."
"C'mon , its goanna be fun"
"I guess. But I better tell you that the guys around here are pretty wild. My last experience was a bit…umm….. unsettling. So we'd better be careful."
"Ok then that's definite then and haan don't worry after all its Aaliya who is accompanying you.
Yeah "right".
fabremixed thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
guys, this is the first half of part 2. the second half will be updated by evening.plz. do read and comment.
                        thank you.
mitali_s thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 17 years ago
nyc part...kripa an undercover agent coool...cont soon.. πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘
fabremixed thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
     2nd half:-

   During the course of the next couple of months…….
                Kripa Sharma and Aaliya Khanna became steadfast and very close pals. Kripa knew almost everything about Aaliya except that she was of royal blood and had a brother Angad (as Angad had warned his little sis to keep their relation a secret, after all he was undercover cop and officer). Aaliya knew everything about Kripa Sharma except her secret, coded job. The CIA had strict rules not to involve civilians and inform them of her identity. Hell knows, how Kripa barely succeeded, for Aaliya would often question her about her sudden disappearances and Kripa would be at her wits ends to answer her closest friend. She felt awful for lying to her friend. Pangs of guilt would often not allow her to sleep. But then her profession demanded it. Thus both the friends knew everything about each other but then also almost nothing of their true identity. But then who would have known that it was this relationship which would save two future lovers from separation (no prizes for guessing).
                           Kripa was an orphan or so she thought. Her dad had died at when she had crossed only a tender age of 3. Her mom had disappeared when she was around 16. The police said that her car had crashed into a bridge and she had fallen overboard into the fast, furious river flowing beneath. But then what was the exact truth. Only time could tell. She stayed with her aunts thereafter. Thus a couple of years later a senior, retired CIA agent recognized her potential and capabilities and recruited her into the team. After undergoing a tough, strict and extremely disciplined training and being tested in almost every field and walk of life for the next two years she became an agent. She was perhaps one of the youngest to have made into the team so far. And she was proud of the fact that her life was of use to help others need and serves her nation. It was an awesome responsibility- and one she was glad to take on. She'd been waiting all her life for a chance to make a difference.

        Angad was exhausted. He'd just arrived back from Lithuania after two months and he just couldn't wait to have a hot shower, a cup of hot chocolate (mind you he loves chocolate) and take a long nap. The political and social conditions in Lithuania were finally stabilizing though at a snail's pace. The UN had brought about a ceasefire. Angad who had been assigned to trace out the activities of a branch of the terrorist group was successful in his endeavor for he had stolen a copy of the plans of the terrorist activities by going undercover and manipulating the henchmen.
        Unfortunately, instead of allowing him to relax, destiny had other plans in store for him. No sooner had he stepped inside the bedroom in his mansion at Jaipur, his cell rang.
It was Ruby, his boss (code named Agent R). She was an extremely bossy lady who made her team work on her own terms. As soon as he glanced at the ID he groaned.
'What does she want at this late hour of the night? Can't I have even a moment of peace without worrying?" he thought.
     Pressing the accept button he asked "Yeah 'R'. Anything wrong?"
Hearing her reply, he felt like banging his head. After a couple of minutes and a few exchanges he kept down the phone. He was called at headquarters to report to her immediately.
       It was finally at 3 at night (or should I say morning) that he returned home. He sometimes had second thoughts about his profession and this was one of the times.
'I am seriously insane to have chosen this type of a profession and have no private life', he thought. But this thought was soon replaced with a pride and he realized that his decision was right. He had always wanted the best for others and always wanted to serve his fellow human beings and strive to make the world a better to place to live in( also remember, royal and noble blood ran in his veins, after all he is a prince). He switched off his cell and soon fell onto the comfy bed in a deep slumber.

πŸ˜‰ Edited by fabremixed - 17 years ago
fabremixed thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
Ppl the 2nd half of part2 is updated. And being frank a few more comments would be encouraging πŸ˜ƒ I dont want to sound pathetic, but plz do comment after u read.
                      Thankin u all
😊                    Prachi πŸ˜› Edited by fabremixed - 17 years ago
Cytherea thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 17 years ago
hey!! i read ur FF nd it is mindblowing...totally different from da rest...plz update soon!! πŸ˜ƒ