Maaneet NEW SS - Contractually Yours - UPDATE: 09/04 Part 2 - Pg 8 - Page 8


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taahir004 thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago

Anxiously waiting for Part 2 please !!!!

Mridzy thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 months ago

Originally posted by: taahir004

Anxiously waiting for Part 2 please !!!!

Aw, thanks Taahir - I am writing it, and will try to post it soon! :)

Thanks for checking on this story, really motivates me to write! smiley27

heycookie thumbnail
Posted: 2 months ago

waiting for next

Mridzy thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 months ago

Originally posted by: heycookie

oh geets life sucks! with such horrible people around

but Im glad she made it on her own, an independent women

Maan knows geet and so chose her

he made changes in terms and all

with maan around geets life gonna change for good

waiting for the story to proceed

Hello, thanks for reading and commenting. 

Yep, her life is tough at the moment, but the girl is quite strong and will find her way out with a little help from Maan (I hope)

Maan recognizes Geet's company and hence Geet. Yes he has made some changes in the terms - he did tell his dadi he would not sign anything his lawyer don't vet! :d

That is correct - it is going to change, let's see how.

I'm working on the second part and will try to post it soon!

Thanks for your interest and patience.

chloebear thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 months ago


priya_21 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 2 months ago

Interesting prologue

Do pm

When u update 

khwaishfan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 1 months ago

Hi there

hope that you are well

update when you can 


heycookie thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

eagerly waiting

Mridzy thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 months ago

PART 2 - The deal

It had been 24 hours since she had promised her aunt that she would pay off Brij veer ji's debt. 24 hours since her friend had told her that she had to pay off a mortgage of 45 Crores to ensure her dad's haveli would be finally hers.

Put together, her freedom, was now set at 50 Crores.

A humourless chuckle escaped her, even if she sold off everything she had worked for, she wouldn't be ever able to amass half that amount.

But that did not mean she'd stop trying. And that definitely did not mean she would give up.

Geet Handa never gave up.

Biting her lip, she tugged at her suit, running her fingers over the fabric as she waited in the lobby of VK Designs.

VK Designs were the biggest interior design company in the town, and catered to the elite socialist class of the society. Working with them would mean GH Interiors would be put on the map as one of the most prestigious interior design firms.

Collaborating with VK Designs would mean her company could get access to the high profile clientele which would put them in the spotlight of the industry.

Even as Geet's heart raced against her chest, she knew that this meeting was the answer to some of her troubles and the key to her dreams - personally and professionally.

And she was ready for this.

Geet smiled at the leadership team, as she confidently finished her presentation.

Their faces told her that they were impressed, and Geet gave herself a mental pat on her shoulders

Well done, Geet!

" Impressive, Miss. Handa" said Mr. Khanna, the CFO of VK Designs, a thin balding man in his 50s.

"If you could stay back and very briefly show our boss the value proposition GH Interiors could bring to VK Designs, we can make a decision"

"Yes, of course, Mr. Khanna. But I have to tell you, I have a client meeting at 3 today, and I cannot reschedule that. I can definitely wait for upto 30 minutes, but if it's going to take longer.."

"It's not"

She could recognize that rich, deep voice even in her sleep, she didn't even need to turn to the door to see who it belonged to.

Maan Singh Khurana.

Her eyes travelled to the door on their own accord and she shot up from the chair, a wave of warmth spreading all over her as she locked eyes with him.

Those deep dark eyes still held the same magnetic pull as she remembered it to be.

His lips lifted up in a smirk, as he walked towards her, his presence as enigmatic as ever, and the room and the people around her faded into oblivion.

"So" his voice was deep, "we meet again, Miss Handa" he said, extending his hand to her.

In better circumstances this time, her mind snickered at her, and she shut it up.

She looked down at his long fingers, extending her hand to his, grasping it softly, "P-Pleasure, Mr. Khurana" she was so proud her voice had been so steady even as her mind very promptly relayed the incidents of 2 years ago as if it had happened yesterday.

It was the biggest night of Geet's life. Her new company had won the best start up award at the corporate awards night.

The sound of thunderous applause still rang in her ears hours after the event as she sat at the bar, downing a celebratory drink.

" That was one hell of an acceptance speech, beautiful"

She turned to the man beside her, grinning at his compliment that he had showered all through the evening, "thank youuuuu" she drawled, buoyed by the euphoria of the award and the warmth of the alcohol, leaning towards him, mistaking his smile for genuine admiration. But as his hands wandered down her back, panic set in and even in her inebriated state, she jumped out of the chair.

"careful sexy" he sneered, reaching out to steady her, and she swayed on the spot, swatting at his hand, blinking furiously, as his face kept zooming in and out of focus.

She fought to keep her eyes open, turning around swiftly and trying to make her way to the exit. A lot of things happened in conjunction and she was too hazy to even make sense of it.

She completely lost her balance, a strong arm grabbed her waist and instead of feeling panicked she felt a strange sense of comfort. There was an indignant yell of "who the hell are you?", the unmistakable sound of knuckle colliding with the skull, a man yelping in pain, before her world went black and she lost consciousness.


Geet blinked, each movement of her eyelid sending sharp pangs on pain up her head

"Ow" she winced, throwing her arm out to reach her bedstand where she usually kept a bottle of water.

But her hand met air and confusion clouded her already pounding head before realisation set in.

She wasn't in her bed.

Geet glanced around the room, the sunlight from the parted curtains casting a warm glow around the pristine, but very dull room.

The events of last night were still a hazy mess - the danger, the panic and a strong pair of arms pulling her away to safety.

Where was she? And why was she more confused than scared of waking in a strange place?

Her thoughts drifted to the stranger who had intervened when she needed help the most.

With a sigh, she pushed herself upright, the movement only intensifying her headache.

" Don't"

That rich, deep voice from the doorway seemed strangely so familiar, yet so mysterious.

She turned to the doorway and her lips parted in a small 'o' in surprise - Maan Singh Khurana, the chief guest at the awards night, leaning casually against the doorframe, a faint smirk playing at his lips.

She distinctly remembered being in awe of all his achievements at such a young age when they had played his AV at the event - she remembered watching spellbound how his presence had commanded awe, envy and respect from peers and adversaries alike.

He had been the stranger who had saved her?

Realising that she was staring and she was probably looking very stupid right now, Geet hurriedly shut her mouth and looked away, "don't what?" She mumbled, deciding to focus her attention on the plain white blanket on her.

"Don't move like that. You'll only make it worse," he advised and she looked up at him again as he walked towards her - it seemed like she was defenceless against the deep timber of his voice.

"Here. Drink this" he said, pushing a glass of water towards her as he stood near the bed.  

Geet accepted the glass, taking a sip before mustering a polite smile. "Thank you," she said, the words feeling inadequate, but hopefully her tone telling him how thankful she was for what he had done.

Maan waved off her thanks with a casual shrug. "No need. My driver will drop you wherever you need to be," he offered, his tone both formal and dismissive, gesturing towards the door.

His tone told her very clearly that there was no room for pleasantries.

Geet nodded wordlessly - she seemed to be quite at a loss of words today - a first for her. Pushing the covers down, she stood up - the action sending a wave of dizziness through her as the room swam out of focus.

But before she could stumble, Maan's arms reached out to her, his fingers curling over her shoulders, steadying her.

As soon as she regained her balance he let her go, " Careful. I won't be around to catch you every time you fall" was his parting remark.

As she walked out of the room, she wondered if she would ever see him again, and she couldn't shake the feeling of regret for not expressing her gratitude properly.


Geet blinked - Maan owned VK Designs? How had she missed this?!

She cursed herself for being so callous about her research, when Maan spoke.

"Sit down, Miss Handa. We have business to discuss" Maan smiled as Geet looked at him, her hazel eyes shining in wonderment.

He knew he had this effect on women. But this woman, this woman he knew was quite different from the rest.

As she took her seat opposite him, she handed him a file, "thank you for this opportunity, Mr Khurana. GH Interiors is thrilled to be partnering with VK Designs and -" she started saying and he put his hand up.

" we'll discuss that in a minute, Miss. Handa, but before that - "

Maan trailed away - there was really no other way to say this, and he liked being as direct as possible.

" for VK Designs to partner with GH Interiors, you would have to sign this contract" he said, pushing a sealed cover in her direction.

Geet's eyes dropped to the cover before she lifted it to look at him as if he was stating the earth was round - obviously all business deals were backed by contracts.

He smiled.

" This contract of being married to me for a year"

It was a good thing she was seated - even then she had to grasp the table tightly at Maan's words.

Married? To Maan Singh Khurana!! Did she hear right?

"Are you suggesting a contract marriage?" She repeated, not even bothering about the croak in her voice.

He nodded, " I believe that's exactly what I said, Miss Handa"

He waited as she quickly recomposed herself, reaching for the cover with trembling fingers.

His eyes never left her face as she read the contract, her hazel eyes stoic as she turned the pages.

As she reached the end of the document, she put it down, her face blank as she looked at him.


He was ready for this one.

" Not important"

" But - " she started saying.

"No buts. This is a business deal - think of this as an addendum to the contract we'll sign for the collaboration between our companies. An addendum without which the main contract wouldn't happen"

"Where should I sign?"

This, he was not ready for.

For the first time in his life, Maan was stumped for words. For the first time in his life, Maan was left rummaging his brain to say something.

But that lasted all of 2 seconds, as he saw her reach for a pen.  "Rookie mistake, Miss Handa. Never sign - "

" Anything without having it checked by your lawyers"  she completed with him, and he was once again surprised by this woman.

" I know, Mr. Khurana. Precisely why I'm not showing this to her - she would never let me sign it"

He knew that she was right, and this was to his advantage, but he asked, "and yet, you're signing it. Why?"

For a second he thought that she might tell him that why wasn't important just like he had, but once again she surprised him by saying, "simple, Mr. Khurana, there is nothing in here that I disagree with. I don't want your money, I don't want rights to your properties or companies, and I definitely don't want any babies with you"

Maan smirked, he knew what this was - she was trying to take control of the situation.

He could easily say something to unsettle her and wipe that confident smile right off her face, but as he let his eyes trace the slight curve of her cheek bone and the soft glow of her skin, he found that the words hung in his throat.

As her fingers released the pen and withdrew her hand, a sense of anticipation hung in the air.

But instead of seizing the opportunity to unsettle her, Maan found himself drawn to the way her lashes fluttered against her cheek.

A hint of vulnerability shone in her hazel eyes, and a flicker of uncertainty crossed her features despite the confident facade she put up and he felt an unreasonable wave of protectiveness surge through him.

Frowning, he quickly clamped down on that - business! He reminded himself.

But as she lifted those beautiful hazel eyes to his dark brown ones, he wondered how many times in the next year would be have to remind himself that this was strictly business. 

***** To be continued *****

Author notes

1. This was an important part and I wanted to get this right! Let me know what you all thought of it! Italics in the center are flashback! 

2. I have now set the scene for the story. Hopefully can jump right in to the romance and love story now!

Edited by Mridzy - 1 months ago
Mridzy thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 months ago

Part 2 posted above (Page 8)



Edited by Mridzy - 1 months ago