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coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

He is a gentleman and treats her like a lady. Good to see that.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

He has hooked up multiple times but its all new to her. So far it seems like a lucky first.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

She asked for the next date. I like that. She is so direct and honest and open.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

There are good vibes on both sides. They have an easy camaraderie.

Ereader thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

Waiting eagerly smiley42

zajedno thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 months ago

Since she is very direct, she should take him to a place known only to her. Maybe she should book him a movie theater just for the two of them. open air cinema.

Nisha0604 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

Oil and water

“Sure” he nodded eagerly

“I will see you then” she smiled

She had brought her own car, she gave him a ride to his buddy’s and she drove off

She played Marathi hits and grooved to it, tapping her fingers on the steering. The car looked new to him

“Nice ride”

“I know I love it too, Ajji didn’t want me to buy it, but I did anyway”

“Loos like you do consult elders”

“And DON’T take good advice” she laughed

“Have you lived in Pune long?”

“Way long” his expression tightened

“Don’t like it?”

“I would love to go live some place else. Or go overseas”


“What about you?”

“I wont go anywhere, I love my family too much”

He realized that’s where they were completely polar opposites

He didn’t care for his family. They were stifling controlling and expected him to life his life how they would live theirs.

He went quiet and looked out the window

“I go on vacation rarely when I do, I come running back” she laughed

“Oh yeah?”

“Cant imagine a day without seeing my sibs”

“HOW is that?” he winked

“BADDD” she made a face

His brother and him argued frequently, many times his Dad had to intervene

“I am not living here by choice. They are YOUR kids Manas”

“Really dude?”

“Arent they? I am here living with you guys because Dad wants it”

“Khareed le phir apna ghar leave Man”

Their Dad would walk out horrified

“What is happening”

“He was supposed to pick up Kruti at 6, she stood on the sidewalk for 27 minutes Dad”

Dad furious


“Oh for God’s sake, please tell him the whole thing. There were 6 other parents”

“Manas MAT bolo” Suhasini shouted

“Ek second ruk” “Would you leave your kids on the sidewalk dude?”

“Well I am not having any, so I wont”

“Ek shaadi ka tooti ghar pe bawaal macha Rakha hai”

“MANAS” Suhasini sucked her breath in

“Great, I am glad you would have been delighted after a broken marriage”

“You didn’t dump her, she left you. Stop taking it out on us”

Indraneel walks out

This exact scene had played out 100s of times since the wedding broke up

His Dad worrying almost freaking out every time Indraneel returned home late or went away for the weekend

His family defined dysfunctional

Hers was great it seemed like to him

He wondered why he was so irritated by a Tinder date’s family

His buddy,  Viraj asked him if they wanted to double date the next day

He refused

He wanted to see Pankaja Vyas one more time for sure

She was chill and uncomplicated

“He seems rich and funny”

“To sahi na, tere ko agar borrow karna hai 50 lakh to tu le le”

Punky laughed

He seems so unconcerned about most things, he didn’t jump up or clap or cheer for the team, very cool types”

“U don’t have to marry him Punky”

“God no”

“Did u tell him about yourself”

“Nothing… just that I love Pune”


“No I wont… I don’t even know the guy”

“Phir se milne ka hai?”

“Yeah I asked him if he wants to watch a movie”

“Tujhe dar laga to chhor de Punky”

“Umm.. no… I am not afraid of him” she promised huskily

“I don’t know how people do this girl… u have to be careful”

“I know”

“I will be awake the whole time next week haa?”

“Don’t be”

“Why? The silent emotionless types can be very forceful and assaulting type re”


“Sorry… I am afraid now Punky”

“Don’t be”

“Ajji ko kya bolegi mai”

“Nothing… I don’t know if we will do it”

“sahi me?”

“Yes… who knows…”

“U don’t ask OK…”

“U mean call him again?”


“I wont”

“I will pray for good s—”

Punky laughed hysterically

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

She has a lot of commitment towards her family but does not resent it one bit. His family situation is challenging in a different way.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

How involved was he with the girl he was about to marry? Looks like there was a relationship, maybe long term one?

Nisha0604 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

Fear & Thrill

He picked her up, not at her house, but from  Sulu’s place. He didn’t ask if she lived there, she didn’t disclose.She wore a pink cotton kurta and a white salwar with some silver earrings. He wore tan shorts and a white cotton shirt.

“Do you see this much traffic everyday?” he drummd the steering

“Actually hamesha se”

“I think Pune is too big for itself now”

“I agree… where is your office?” she asked cautiously

“IT tech Park, Kharadi”

“Oh really?”

“Hmm… why what did you expect?”

“Oh I thought you were a CA so you must be in some Accounting office”

“No 1000s of large and small companies have converged at IT Tech Park”

“Did u pick the movie already?”

“I can pick if you want, or let me know what you want to see I will tell you if I hate it”

“I watch a lot of horror”

“Well I wont watch those” he said firmly

“You ARE a savage”

“Mujhe darr nahi lagta Indraneel”

“I can see that…”

“Because you see I KNOW someone is in the room with a camera”

“So you never forget it’s a movie?”

“EXACTLY Na? I mean think about it”

“You are crazy” he turned to look at her and chuckled in shock

“I know I hear that a lot”

“I wont ask which one’s your favorite” he shook his head

“I wont tell you”

“What else do you want to see?”

“I don’t know… you pick”

“Do you like adventure? Thrillers?”

“Hmmm” she nodded and shrugged

He arrived at his friend Alok’s

“We can go to a theater if you want” he offered

“I am fine” she smiled

Her stomach churned

Here she was walking into a stranger’s home. For the first time. HOW did women do this so casually?

She was dying of fear

She knew she just had to stop, call it off and go away

But the tragedy of what she missed would haunt her,  the thrill seeking side of her wanted this

The apartment was large and gorgeous

It was still light outside

She texted Sulu

He fixed a snack and poured out drinks

She just opted for something non alc

They decided to watch Cape Fear

Settled on the couch

The sun began to set outside

She leaned forward as always, like she did during the game and paid complete attention

She jumped when DeNiro made an appearance, he placed a hand on her back to reassure her

She felt her insides lurch