MG FF - Silent Whisper - Chpt 13 - Pg 83 May 01 - Page 80

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tellyme thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Gbhats

Beautiful chapter

Maan comes home tired but learns that geet is waiting for him. He goes to meet her but finds Geet has dozed off while waiting. He knows that there’s lot going on in the Handa Group. Share prices r down. He wants to help her. He wakes up Geet & they talk and she asks him to accompany her for an event as they hv to make appearances in front of public 

He Agreed. But he also sees how lonely she is & takes her in his arms   Very romantic  hope the emotional connection is there 

But does Geet know what her husband’s work is 

Thanks so much for your comment smiley31

@bold - she doesn't have much idea of it.smiley1

tellyme thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: babelicious

Loved the update. It went so well throughout & specially the ending had my heart ❤️ 

Geet and Maan are extremely busy with their work and hardly getting time for each other. Geet has something important come up and waiting to talk to Maan. Loved the scene with Maan waking her up like in the serial. Developing feelings and attraction. Geet is for a change polite and humble as she is supposed to be, and thank god she spoke correctly and didn’t offend him like each time. Maan knows what’s keeping her so tired. He is himself tired but since he knows what’s going on with her he was ready to talk to her. She is so stressed and in this update for a change I actually felt bad for Geet. He condition made me pity her. She is handling too much alone. She dropped her defences and clearly showed him she is very vulnerable and needs him at the moment. Felt really bad for her. I loved that she asked him about his work. Clearly told him she also wants to know about him but is getting too caught up in her problems. Loved and appreciate the initiative she took, and his welcome response to it. One thing again is that Maan is a gentleman. Any other man could get petty in his place, but he has been so understanding and also wants to give a chance to the relationship himself. Slowly it felt like both are meeting at one point, rather than going in different directions like before. The way he was holding her throughout, it made me feel like an example of how a loving husband and wife relationship should be. And the way he didn’t wait a moment before showing his built up passion for her, like almost like it was there throughout and now he got a chance to show her so he did. It was so passionate. First time they share a bed, she slept in his small room. He left a sweet note for her.. loved everything about the update, so so so beautiful. Eager for the next

Thank you and wow.... smiley31 wonderful analysis again by you.. keeps me going and motivated to give better and better...

Yes, it is a story of a husband and wife.. so it will have a mature love , understanding, passion and problems and how they stay stong for each other along with keeping their own life in priority as well..

I have so many things to bring in this story.. hope I am able to give time.

tellyme thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: jeyanthi123

Lovely update 

Loved it 

Geet s eagerly waiting to speak with Maan , Maan s hell tired from his work and he s ready to meet geet ... 

Geet s very stressed out with company issue , she need to make public appearance with Maan .. 

Maan has told time and he s going to help .. 

Geet wanna to spend time with Maan .. 

Geet s barely herself to Maan , Maan s not able to see the vulnerable geet .. 

Geet wanna to stay in his arms ..

OMG Maan s kissing geet and she s also pouring out her tension in the kiss .. Maan s showing his passion towards geet .. 

Geet has spend a happy nite in maans arm ..

Mina s teasing geet and she s blushing very badly and dreaming about Maan ..

Continue soon 


Ohh thank you so much for your wonderful words and comments always..smiley31

tellyme thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Alamelu

oh man what an update

felt so bad for the both of them...

geet has started accepting that she needs to learn more about maan, but poor girl is pressured due to work, she has to get that straightened out first before taking care of her personal business....which is their relationship

she feels bad but has waited to talk to maan...

and maan....he is so tired, taking care of two work setting up and another to keep doing to get money to take care of his family....but he goes to meet geet

he realises what she wants when she asks him about his time....he knows what is troubling her.....he can see that in her face when she has fallen asleep waiting for him.....but what to do he remembers her initial days behavior with him...
but remembering his moms words he is trying his best....

and geet becoming so that....she is so lonely up there no one who truly is there for her...who understands her.....

hope maan realises its her upbringing that made her behavior so far...she did not know any other way till now.....he should give her some space seeing that she is trying honestly...not being totally selfish.....

look at her now....wnats his warmth ...glad he did not say no and took her to his room and they slept after some small steps together, which is also needed right...

sweet of him to tell her to take the day off and take time for herself...she so needs it....she needs the rest....

but what can her mind do......wander back tohim....

waiting for their day out together.....hope she can install some even a little confidence in him that she is really know him adn proceed with their relationship honestly....

again.. on spot.. how well you understand what I want to portray...

Thank you for your wonderful comment. smiley31

tellyme thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Geet980

Thanks for updating and pm. 

    Chapter 12. So intriguing. Maan is busy with his project. But he kept tabs on Geet. Geet is not happy. She is too burdened and tired. It was nice that Geet decided to pour her heart out in front of Maan. Maan doesn't love Geet. And lacks trust but he is there at her vulnerable times. 

    Geet is feeling lonely and alone. Maan took her to his room. I love this part. She too didn't stop him. They are not close mentally but the physical attraction is so visible. Maan tried to make Geet forget her tiredness and take her mind off in his own way. Sweet passionate moments between them. 

    Sad that Geet didn't want to dwell on it later. But now she is hallucinating Maan everywhere. Nice song and lyrics. Geet is falling in love with her husband more and more. Now they have started interacting a lot. Soon Maan will take her worries. Waiting for next part.

Thank you for your wonderful analysis.. smiley31Yes slowly they will work as companion , be pillar for each other but it will be slow a build 

tellyme thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: asmani

Loved it . Maan is still protecting himself but providing all kind of support to Geet! Geet has fallen hard in love. Hope her love is pure and strong . I am skeptical about her feelings like Maan.

Will wait for next. Pls update soon.

Thank you so much. Always appreciate your participation smiley31 

@bold - yes, she has lots to work on.

tellyme thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: cooljigu

Amazing update. 

Geet wait for maan n wants to talk him.

Maan was too much tried still meet her n talked to her.

Geet wants to kwn abt maan but held up with problem.

Geet shows herself vulnerable to maan n didnt talk that offend maans like before.

Maan is really a gentlemen n helps geet.

Geet wants to take maans tips for her business. 

Too good that maan tell geet not to go office for 1 day n geet didnt went to office also.

It's good that both meeting at one point n not going to different direction. 

Early waiting to see what is going to happen.....

Thank you for you wonderful participation always on my stories. smiley31

tellyme thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Rashmi234

Beautiful update

Loved it

Geet opening up to maan.. n spending night together

Mina was happy for geet n teasing her n geet too seeing maan everywhere

Waiting for nxt

Thank you so much smiley31

Geet980 thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Who is that person? Plagiarism should not be tolerated. Are they from here or another forum? Name them we will support you. Do not stop writing or leave. Waiting for next update

janu2006 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 months ago

Beautiful part

Loved the way Maaneet are coming close slowly 

Wanting them to spend more time for each other and know each other 

Geet is finally falling for her Maan 

Cont soon 

Thanks for pm