Nayan’s Transformation: Her Look, Her Attitude, and Her Emotions

Aishwarrior thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

Can I just begin by saying that I’m in love with the current plot of the show? This new track, is giving us (viewers) a different side of Nayan and I’m loving every moment of it. Not only are we able to see a major transformation in Nayan’s appearance as she re-emerges as rockstar Antara, but her attitude and emotions have changed tremendously as well. 

Nayan’s New Look

It’s amazing what wand curls, mole removal surgery, and a new wardrobe can do for someone’s appearance. Nayan’s new look almost makes us forget who she was just a few episodes ago, which is a testament to actress Sargun who has the uncanny ability to play different characters in a series and not blur the lines. So, hats off to Sargun. She’s definitely the queen of this show and her talent proves why she will always wear that crown. 

Nayan’s new look is indeed amazing, but not once does her new look seem to phase her admirer, Samrat. Yes, he notices there is a  change in her appearance, but he’s merely happy to have her back in his life. This proves that his love for Nayan is not superficial and I find that admirable. His love for her has nothing to do about her looks, wardrobe, or makeup, but about her character. He has fallen in love with who she is inside which sets the stage for a love that can last a lifetime.

Nayan’s Attitude

Although her new look is stunning, her new attitude is disappointing. Yes, her anger is well deserved. Her husband pushed her off of a cliff so her anger is justified, but her actions are unwelcoming. Nayan loves her family and she has a good heart so it’s quite difficult to watch her ignore her mother, avoid Prem, and humiliate Samrat. Let’s just hope that her anger doesn’t get the best of her and causes her to do something deplorable.

Nayan’s Emotional Conflict

Nayan is clearly having an internal battle with her emotions. We see it as she talks to her self often and we see it as she talks to her reflection in the mirror in the latest episode. Nayan knows that she should be angry at Samrat for pushing her off of the cliff, but at the same time she’s in love with him. She wants to believe that he loves her too, and that he had a logical reason for doing what he did. So, why won’t she admit that she is in love with Samrat, believe him, and cut out all this revenge drama? Well, Nayan is hurt. Let’s keep in mind that she has never been in love and just when she was falling in love with the guy who she thought had her best interest at heart, he tried to kill her or at least that’s what it looked like. So, I understand Nayan’s frustration and I empathize with her because she only wants love and she definitely deserves it. 


I can appreciate that Nayan is not like most women, which she stated to Samrat once before. Instead, she is strong, confident, unyielding, beautiful, eloquent, and a woman of character. However, it would be great to see her transition into a woman who embraces love. With this new track, I think we will finally see Nayan embrace her “soft girl season” which is a time when she no longer feels the need to hide her love and will allow her soft side to flourish without fear of being hurt. I think she will finally, not only admit to herself that she loves Samrat, but admit this to him as well. In order to do that, she must resolve the conflict within herself. 

So, what will it take for Nayan to admit that she’s in love and embrace her true feelings? Unfortunately, considering Nayan’s emotional roller coaster at the moment, it will probably take a near death experience for Samrat or a heroic act where he saves her from death risking his own life. Only then, will Nayan realize how she feels about Samrat and see him as her best friend, the other half of her soul, and the one who understands her better than she understands her own self. ❤️

Edited by Aishwarrior - 1 years ago


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myviewprem thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

Sorry to say but Nayan is just like Preesha 

Preesha do not trust Rudra but trust Yuvraj and Armaan and gives him heart aches till last second 

Same way Nayan trust Siddharth, Raghavs brother and Mansi words than Samrat

Samrat say send Mansi out of Khurana home but Nayan refuses and lands Samrat and her own family in trouble 

Now Samart saying i pushed you to save your life from Mansi as shes threatening yet she believe some Siddharth theory or some liar fisher man but not own husband 

Atleast she must believe Ishani her own sister that Samrat is right when Ishani and Mohit telling her 

Atleast she must go as her own father Govind is it true Mnasi black mail Samrat saying she send you to jail but no 

She rather trust a man whose brother raped Ishani by putting pills in her drinks than own husband and father 

Best part Raghav had given spiked drinks to Nayan not Ishani and planned to rape Nayan that night, Nayna was just lucky that Ishani drank that juice or Nayan would have been raped that night by Raghav 

Such a mans brother Nayan trust and taking revenge on Samrat

What is family and husband? Its trust thats all 

If you cannot trust your own husband, sister or father and trust strangers and enemy words so much you are not fit to be their sister or wife or family at all

Just like Preesha she can never trust or listen to Rudra till last minute till Ruhi needs blood or Devika commits suicide or Soniya and her own sister almost kills her or Rudra etc 

Same thing Nyana doing again and again in ego not listening to husband or family words

Atleast Nayan must think Samrat stood with her when bomb was diffused risking his life he saved her twice from tank drowning and car fumes or she would have died by now. Why such human push her to kill? If he hate her so much he would let her die last 3 times than save her no

Nayan has trust issues with own husband Samart she trust all outsiders and enemy over hubby only

Atleast Samart just trust Nayan blindly like any husband does. He never believes what others say against her anything bad that is real family. Even whole world speaks againt you than family supports thats trust which only Samart showing 

Edited by myviewprem - 1 years ago
Aishwarrior thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

I think that it is okay for us to agree to disagree. You are entitled to your own opinion and outlook about the show and I respect your viewpoint. However, I prefer to stay on topic when commenting and posting… my post was about Nayan’s transformation (her look, her attitude, and her emotions) and not about her trust issues, marriage, or Preesha. 

But in response, I can definitely share on why Nayan and Preesha are not alike, Nayan’s marriage, and why Nayan is not experiencing trust issues. I think that we have to explore all facets of the character before making conclusions and be empathetic. 

Is Nayan like Preesha?

First, it is unfair to say that Nayan is just like Preesha when it comes to her marriage and trust. We were able to see over 800 episodes with Preesha including her ups and downs in her marriage. We are only in the 100s of YHC2 episodes and so far Nayan has not even admitted that she loves her husband. Samrat and Nayan are not even married to each other because of love or because it was  their original desire. The only reason why the two are still married at this point in the show is because they have been asked to stay together due to a court order. So, I think that we will need some time spent with both Nayan and Samrat before we come to the conclusion that Nayan is just like Preesha with her trust issues in marriage. 

Does Nayan have trust issues? 

Considering that Nayan has not confessed her love to Samrat, the deceptive way that she got married to him (both times), and her agreement with Samrat to file for a divorce… it’s highly unlikely that she will trust him completely at this point and it’s an unrealistic expectation. It would be hard for anyone to trust someone in this situation. The relationship for these two has been rocky from the start and due to the blackmails, threats, influences of others, etc., it continues to be unsettled. 

Nayan does not immediately trust Siddharth when he approaches her. Nayan goes to the house and sees Mansi and Samrat together which upsets her to her core. And can we blame her for that? No, we can’t because with the push off the cliff, Siddharth’s story, her thinking Mansi was dead and now seeing Samrat with her… this would hurt any woman’s feelings and cause anger. Sometimes emotions cause irrational thinking. It happens to a lot of human beings.

After Samrat explains why he pushes her off the cliff, Nayan goes to the fishermen, but again, like always Mansi and Siddharth make a plan to make it all seem like a lie. So, does Nayan have trust issues? Yes, but it’s valid. 

Samrat is her husband and normal people under normal circumstances would trust their husbands. But this isn’t a normal marriage. And like I said before, Nayan and Samrat would not be husband and wife if it were not for the court order. Actually, Samrat and Nayan never married each other because of love or even as an agreement. It was all deceptive on both parties. So it will naturally take some time for the two to trust eachother. First, Nayan needs to resolve her personal emotional issues before she can let Samrat in her life. 

In conclusion, this show and the characters are deeper than what meets the eye. The characters are multi-faceted, especially Nayan and Samrat. So in order to fully understand what’s really going on, it’s important to look at it through different lenses and with empathy. 

The writer(s) is telling a love story or rather showing a love journey with Nayan in the forefront who is a woman who has never been loved, who has been ridiculed for her looks, who has developed a hard exterior, and who longs for real love (someone who is her best friend and who understands her better than her self). We are seeing two people overcome so much in order to discover love… personal issues, upbringing, societal issues/demands, past relationships, past trauma, insecurities, financial status, and maybe even more. I appreciate the storyline because in order to be open to love, discover love, and have a successful marriage with all of these factors present is not easy, but it’s real life. While some parts of this drama seems unrealistic (Mansi’s devilish charades and Samrat pushing his wife into shark infested waters😒), some parts are real experiences that people can identify with across the world… for example, the desire to experience real love and overcoming fear and trauma to embrace it. ❤️

Edited by Aishwarrior - 1 years ago
Aishwarrior thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

Also, we never know what the show has in stored next. There is a possibility that Nayan maybe doing all of this to trap Siddharth.

Obviously, she doesn’t value what he thinks over what she feels for Samrat. That was evident when Nayan took it serious when Samrat was electrocuted whereas Siddharth was an onlooker. 

So, let’s keep watching and hope for the best. 🥰

myviewprem thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: Aishwarrior

Also, we never know what the show has in stored next. There is a possibility that Nayan maybe doing all of this to trap Siddharth.

Obviously, she doesn’t value what he thinks over what she feels for Samrat. That was evident when Nayan took it serious when Samrat was electrocuted whereas Siddharth was an onlooker. 

So, let’s keep watching and hope for the best. 🥰

I do not think Nayan understand Siddharth has ulterior motives so far 

As per her Sam tried to kill her with Mansi ad Sid saved her life simple so she trust him over Sam or Ishani or Mohit

She was not ready to include Sam in tour shes done it to humiliate him only not out of any care or concern forget love for Samrat

If she was trying to trap Sid she would not have mirror convos with her soul 

Also regarding trusting an husband without love, you must be aware most indian (asian) marriages are not based on love its arranged and based on only trust than any love or care. Love shove happens much later in most indian weddings after staying together few years. 

Most indian marriages are just adjustments that now we are married so lets stay together(for our parents sake or kids sake or society sake or because there is no other option) and adjust than any love shove. Its about compromise and trust than love. 

So Samrat and Nayan marraige also is similar under odd circumstances to save each others sisters life they married each other. And they married out of own will no one told Samart go marry Nayan in public wedding or no one forced Nayna go exchange yourself with Ishani its free will only. No one put gun like in bihar up they kidnap grooms on gun point and marry off forcefully. When Samart married Nayan in public wedding he did out of own Revathi or Aliya did not tell him marry Nayan at gun point. When Nayan went and married Samart second time Malathi did not say go do wedding she only went and sit in mandap. So its very similar to indian arranged marraiges that ok  so lets marry whoever chosen by destiny. And neither was Nayan or Samart unknown to each other they had met few times in wedding here there and were familiar with each other. 80% in india do not even meet or speak as much as Samrat Nayan and marry off each other atleast these two were known to each other than married each other. 

The deceptive way of marraige does not apply to nayan or Samrat whatever they did was free will no one put gun or forced them to marry like that in first place. 

Also if Samrat really want to kill Nayan 4 months they are together he can kill her anyway he wanted than take her on date and push her off cliff. Why would he rescue her from bomb, or water tank or from car fumes risking own life. 

Also Nayan should see who is talking against samart its Raghavs brother who raped Ishani who wanted to rape Nayan because she slapped him in party for touching her badly

OK Nayan hates Samrat because he pushed her off cliff any other intellient girl goes to parents home not to hubby house than to stay than change identity

I hope Aliya, Ishani and Mohit land up in one concert tour and help put sense n Nayans brain by finding clues against Sid and Mansi 

Only villans are having upper hand now someone with brains should land up to help Samrat too

If some head strong girl like Aliya lands up in vanity van sees Samart sitting down and pushes Nayan and Sid down and sits on bed herself and creates big hungama at way Samrat being humiliated repeatedly tit for tat that is. This Siddharth and Mansi need some misbehaving ppl like themselves to set them right which Aliya can do well. Even Nayan is crossing too many limits with Samrat needs some head strong character to show her wrongs

Otherwise always villans win and samrat get humiliated not nice to repeatedly watch 

OK if Samrat wants to spoil Nayna voice is he so fool to give her juice himself he will ask someone else to give 

Which bad person openly attacks like Sam is doing? None 

Sam asked Nayna out in front of her family which real murderer will ask vitcim to come with him in front of full family to kill her, so many witness against him no than 

Which bad person will hand over juice laced wth chemical to spoil voice himself?

Even fools will not do as Samrat open attacks and open giving poison juices is doing because real murderer or criminal never leave such open clues 

Its obvious that hes being trapped by others by making him look like criminal 

Nayan is just like preesha she says good is bad and bad is good person and she do not trust own hubby too or own sister Ishani 

Even if i hate my sibling most or spouse very much i would rather believe them over someone i met 10 days back or 1 year back actually because i know they do not have any ulterior motives against me or my loved ones/family atleast 

Even if my brother/sister or spouse pushes me off cliff or betrays me somewhere in my mind i i will think why they did now and not before some reason there 

Edited by myviewprem - 1 years ago
Aishwarrior thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

I value your opinion; once again, it is okay for us to disagree. Thank you for your response.

Edited by Aishwarrior - 1 years ago
myviewprem thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 1 years ago

Thanks a lot for opening this thread 

There is no use of us giving opinion now as leap on way and Nayat out of show after few days