Part 46 FF: First case of Bondita & attack on Anirudh's office

mprvn36 thumbnail
Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Continuation from previous part....

Next day Bangal khabar and all newspapers covered Bondita's successful story as a special article.. Anirudh suggested that her successful project of dealing Upendra Ghoshal family case have paved the way to get her cases easily. He shall arrange a special office for her. But she requested that she will start working with him, because she wants exposure towards practical  experience by  working  along with others  knowledge increases by sharing information with others and wished to join his office as a junior. He smiled and agreed. 

Anirudh started to office in his own car and offered to come in his car, but Bondita is hesitating what his juniors will think, as she is thinking to create her own identity, in the upcoming days they may think that he is favouring her more and partial towards her more because she is his wife  and expressed the same doubt to him.

 He told that : Bondita you told that you will join as junior and work along with other three. That's fine. But that doesn't mean that we aren't husband and wife. We need not pretend to anyone that we are strangers and we need not maintain a distance. Employer employee professional relation will also be there. But it need not dominate our husband wife relationship right? So come we will go and come together. When you feel you are comfortable you will drive your own car.

She smiled and said ok..

She entered his office praying Durga maa for her success. His assistants Shubho, Indroneel and Ornab and peon Rangan wished her. Anirudh announced that she is going to work with us and they welcomed her. Bondita asked them to treat her as one among them as their colleague not as wife to their boss or senior Barrister. They agreed. 

It all went smooth and she had gone through the current running cases in his office table. Clients cane and she , his assistants also joined in to learn about the case. 

The case is about land dispute which is in Calcutta city outskirts. Farmer Prasonjit with few other farmers has came to their office for justice. It is famous in entire Bengal state that Anirudh Roy Chowdhary always ready to favour poor people. 

Anirudh asked Prasonjit to tell his problem and he started telling: 

The land of nearly 50 acres is given as lease to me and others for farming by   Land owner Manidhar . He is passed away one month before and his son Abhijeet wants to sell his agricultural land to Industrialists so that a factory will be established but many farmers will lose their jobs. 

That land is very fertile for farming, for growing vegetables, fruits and water Lake is also near by so that we need not worry about irrigation facilities for fertilization. But if Abhijeet take away or sell  the land we all will be in trouble, they are planning to dump factory garbage material into water which nearby areas depend on the lake for our daily usage.

 Abhijeet offered us compensation but that is too low. Moreover we are so attached to land, farming is our passion and we are proud of our profession that we produce food crops and feed to society. Please help us Barrister babu, please help us."

Anirudh assured them to help and asked about documents. Prasonjit had shown the legal documents and Anirudh carefully observed it. As per the law Abhijeet had the authority to sell his land, case is complex but the land is very fertile and farmers are producing food  crops and feeding the society. Moreover building a factory in agricultural land may benefit to the owner of the factory and his employees but in long run it creates pollution and harmful to the society and many people cannot use water Lake for drinking and other purposes. 

Anirudh asked if they are ready to purchase the land. Prasonjit told they all jointly gathered money of their hardwork and some of them took debts and are ready to pay the market rate. But Abhijeet is greedy and moreover the other party who wants to purchase land is offering double amount which we can't afford. 

Anirudh asked about the other party and Prasonjit told that Industrialist Basant wants to purchase it. Anirudh recollected that  Industrialist Basant was been arrested for running a harmful cheap liquor factory and used Purana basti people for false evidences case. Now he again came back. 

Anirudh sighed, took a deep breathe and promised that he will try his level best to help them and they left thanking him. 

Just at the same time, a person entered Anirudh's office who is another famous Barrister and more experienced senior person Subodh , who is the legal head of Abhijeet , Basant and tried to befriend with Anirudh but latter realised that he came here to manipulate or threaten him and may ask to drop the case . Anirudh asked him to directly come to the point and he offered that Anirudh Basant wants to offer huge amount of money to him and not to waste unnecessary time on worthless cases. But Anirudh also answered smartly that I will decide whether it is worthy or not you need not worry about me and asked him to leave office. Subodh tried to mock that being a business man Binoy Roy Chowdhary son you are going against a business setup. Anirudh replied that I am not against business setup but the business should be liable, the way you chose should be honorable. Abhijeet, Basant ar trying to spoil the farming land which is not acceptable by me. So we will deal with it on court. 

Subodh threatened that if the land is not used for establishing factory then it can't be used for farming purpose. Anirudh replied that court judgement will decide about it.   Subodh gave a stern look to Anirudh and his assistants, Bondita and to farmers and left. Even Anirudh is calculating in mind what could be Subodh thoughts about it. 

He assured farmers that he will fight for them and they thanked him. Shubho asked Anirudh 'Sir, why to take unnecessary risk. Why can't these farmers take the compensation and look after for other lands.'

Anirudh:Shubho, it is not a matter of money. Perhaps if the farmers and take other lands and a factory is established do you know what happens.

Shubho looked blank and Anirudh replied that a great fertile land will be spoiled and trees will be cut. The land also covers trees of all kinds of Vegetables, fruits  numerous trees and a good water Lake near by. Nearly thousands of people are dependent on that lake water and if a polluted factory came means they all will lose drinking water facility, here production of fruits and vegetables, rice will also be stopped. Did you think of it. We are not supposed to pollute environment and it is our major responsibility towards nature that we preserve good environment for future generations. 

Factories are supposed to be in different areas but not supposed to be in fertile areas and Basant has the capacity to get water needed for their factory through water tanks then why should he dependent on the lake.

Shubho, Ornab rolled their eyes, shook their heads as it is impossible to explain their boss. They are irritated with his lectures all the time. Bondita clearly observing their expressions. Only Indroneel is moved by his words and unknowingly nodded in agreeing with Anirudh. 

Anirudh also very well knew about his assistants' nature, what they think of him, what they feel, who are liable and who are just opportunists. 

In lunch break, servant from their house came and brought carriers for both of them. They ate, shared it with the remaining three and later focused on work. Anirudh told Bondita that next day we have court sessions of 2 cases and she will also be coming and she agreed. During the whole day she observed his assistants who are sincere and who are escapists from work.

She got  clarified that only Indroneel works honestly. 

In the evening when the assistants left, Anirudh asked  Bondita shall we leave. She asked him to wait and asked directly that : Patibabu I realised your assistants attitude and their way of thinking in one day. Only Indroneel is working efficiently. Then why are you engaging the other 2 members. 

Anirudh simply said by folding her hand: I know Bondita, Indroneel belongs to middle class family, a very responsible guy. He is working hard to gain experience. Shubho lost his parents in his childhood. His kaka brought him up but he is a strict person although he loves in his heart. Shubho loves acting which is discouraged by his kaka. But still he is unable to give up his passion. His kaka works in our baba  factory and he once requested me literally fell on my feet to keep him as my assistant. So I considered his request.  Still I suggested his name to our film director and asked him to give any opportunity. Meanwhile he is kept as my assistant and I don't pressurise him much he only does typing my files, attending clients, calls. Ofcourse he may be cursing in mind that I am belittling him but the fact is I am looking for his chances other side. Once he gets good chance he will leave.

 The only person I feel uneasy is  with Ornab. Initially he is in necessity of job gave very good interview and used to work very well in starting. But as the time passed by he may be fed up of my ideals principles.  Even recently I have started feeling that he might be a double standard person. But so far I didn't find anything against him, that's why he is still continuing here. Ok let's go now Bondita it's getting late. 

It is very delightful for Bondita to work with him, understanding him.. He always tries his level best to serve the justice to the needy people and gives priority to everyone.  

Later day they went to office early and Anirudh told Ornab that a very confidential file against Basant is kept in my cabin. Make sure that nobody sneaks into my cabin and finish the work of the robbery case as tomorrow we have hearing. Ornab said ok and ensured that he will take care of everything. When Anirudh left Ornab gave a wicked smile and recollected his encounter with Subodh the previous day . Subodh offered him more salary and asked him to join his office if Subodh wins Abhijeet Basant case. He told that Basant will offer you money. Greedy Ornab agreed. Now he is thinking that he should get those files at any cost.

Bondita is worried , Anirudh asked Indroneel to keep the case files in car and Indroneel left. Then Anirudh asked with his eyes what's the matter. She had shown Ornab and gestured with her hands 'Whats this. How can you leave recklessly everything on Ornab.' He assured through eyes to her  that everything will be fine and nodded that it's a plan. She understood that it's a trap for Ornab to check his loyalty. Shubho is also asked to type files for another case 

 She went to court with Anirudh and his assistants also followed them. He assigned a case to Indroneel and he pleaded the case perfectly.  

During lunch break they saw a girl of probably 16-18 years age on her knees requesting pathetically a lawyer and most probably  his clients family at his back , she is requesting to show mercy not to be harsh I am not a character less person, I didn't do any wrong. She is also begging another person and trying to embrace his legs tightly who doesn't seem to relent and she requesting to let her die at his feet only but not to leave her, she always considered him as her husband only.

 Anirudh Bondita understood that the other person is her husband and they felt tears by looking at her desparate condition. Lawyer turned to her side and threatening the woman that her fake 😭 will not work she will given divorce and she will be thrown out from her husband's life and blaming her as character less woman. 

They both recognised the lawyer as Dheeraj who in the past tried to marry Bondita. He is about to raise leg on that girl. Anirudh shouted on him and went to thrash him. Bondita forcedly stopped Anirudh and asked him to control himself. 

But Anirudh unable to control his anger and started lashing on Dheeraj and the clients family for creating this commotion and belittling a girl and making her character assassination.. 

Bondita immediately lifted the woman and asked her to relax and asked her details. She is in deep pain unable to answer properly due to her hiccups. 

Dheeraj told that 'Oh Barrister babu Anirudh Roy Chowdhary, Don't interfere in my case. This girl Aruna is a character less person.. She got pregnant by some other person. Her husband, my client Srijit wants divorce. It is my case so you better don't involve in it.' 

He took his clients family and left. When he is accusing on Aruna Bondita immediately looked at her husband's face, he didn't bend his face with Shame but a little guilt came in his eyes and looked aside. While Anirudh focus is on Dheeraj and trying to raise his voice. 

Aruna got collapsed on the ground. Bondita lifted her with Anirudh's help took her into the nearby benches and sprinkled water on her face, and made her to drink it. 

After a couple of minutes she got complete conscious and looking for her husband. Her face completely became pale, eyes are swollen to the core, hair is disheveled. 

Bondita made her relax, asked her to tell the problem. She is completely hesitant whether to tell or not. But the girl Aruna is looking like she is scared of stranger man's (Anirudh's) presence ..

Anirudh realised Aruna's hesitation, asked Bondita to talk to her and he told that he will go to office as he had to see what Ornab is upto. He told Bondita that make her comfortable and will send vehicle for her as soon as he reached office. She said ok. 

Bondita spoke with her very softly and assured her that she is a barrister,  will get justice for her. Aruna believed Bondita and started explaining her story.

She  belongs to below middle class family, she has an elder sister.  her father works as a clerk in an office and saved money for both of his daughters marriages. Her elder sister got married and is in sasural. When I reached 15 years of age I also got married but dowry problem came. My father worked hard but an unexpected financial problem came for my sister husband and my father paid the amount he saved for my marriage. He also informed to my in laws to persuade he will gather the money and pay them dowry. With much difficult they told that they will make me as their bahu marriage will be done but after you pay dowry then only they (in laws) will take me.

My father also agreed and marriage is done. In rituals also they are taunting me and my family at every step.. all the rituals are done except Phool sojja ritual / suhaagraat ritual. So they mercilessly sent back and kept on reminding and mocking  my father. 

But my husband Srijit used to meet me personally couldn't control himself and used to be close with me , if I say that elders won't like, he used to be angry at me. (BONDITA started realising what could have happened next) Many times when my parents went out for work he came near me...and came to me very close. This happened many times and he used to shower much love on me that time. It made me feel too good by his touch.

But after few months I started vomitting, nausea and my periods have stopped. Daima confirmed that I am pregnant. I felt very happy and thought that my husband will now take me to his house. But my mother who is with me when Daima is checking got tensed and highly shocked that I am pregnant. She reprimanded me, slapped me that I have given lenience to other person and stooped too low. But I told that I am with my husband, she somehow became happy for a moment but Highly tensed that in their absence he had made relationship with me. 

She (Aruna mother) told my father and they both got worried. They somehow gathered maximum amount and asked me to pack all my things. I felt happy that finally I will be going to my husband's house. But my in-laws  didn't accept me, reprimanded me, my parents their upbringing and declared that my child is not their heir it is illegitimate and I am a character less person. 

I looked at my husband with hope but he turned away his face and told that he didn't come to meet me at all which made me feel shattered completely. 

My parents also reprimanded that I should have stopped my husband and for this misbehaviour I have to face this situation, else I should give up my life and left me in sasural compound and went away. 

I have been there for nearly 4 days without food and water and they dragged me to court today and forcing me to give my stamp on papers. Somehow I didn't give any stamp

  I don't know what to do.  Somehow I didn't give.

Bondita asked does no one know about your husband meeting you privately. Aruna said no one know about it. 

Bondita assured she will look into it. She asked if she (Aruna) doesn't have any shelter she can come to her (Bondita) house but Aruna told that she can be comfortable in her house only can't easily stay with outsiders. Sorry for telling like this.

Bondita told : It's ok. No problem. I will convince your parents. In this critical stage you should be with your own people.  Let's go to your home. 

Just then Anirudh sent a car for her. They both left to Aruna's parents house. 

When Anirudh reached his office, the office is in disheveled state and Ornab looked like he is thrashed brutally and he came with a worried expression that someone had attacked when they left to court and sneaked into Anirudh's cabin and took some important papers.

Anirudh understood his doubt got clarified that Ornab is a backstaber.still he didn't show on face and shown concern on Ornab. Shubho also came into office and Anirudh asked where is he till that time 

Shubho stammered and told that he got a call from house it's an emergency that his kaki is not well so won't and took her to hospital and dropped her in home and came back. He apologized Anirudh for not being in office and faked concern for this state 

Anirudh understood everything and asked where are Rangan and watchman of office. Ornab told that they got intoxicated  and is in unconscious state 

Anirudh checked for the missing papers in his office. Although he kept some important papers of Basant which he got during purana basti case time but that won't be helpful in this case. 

Just then Rangan and watchman woke up and told that someone had attacked from their back and Apologized sincerely. Anirudh asked if they are ok and they told that they are fine. They immediately got into cleaning of office. 

Anirudh smirked that his backstabber colleagues fell into his trap he should teach them a lesson. 

On the other side Aruna and Bondita reached Aruna parents house and they stopped Aruna demanding her not to enter the house again

   Note: This is part 46 of my FF. Please read in your free time and let me know your views. Thankyou 🙏


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mprvn36 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 years ago

More and more friends..

mprvn36 thumbnail
Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Some other friends.. extremely sorry if I forget anyone..🤗

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Bondita is starting to practice. That is a good development for her.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Poor people facing the powerful greedy ones. At least this team will try to fight for them.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

The opposition has resorted to intimidation to get their way.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

They will have to keep an eye on Ornab. He might cause trouble.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Anirudh is smart. He knows who he is dealing with.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Aruna was deceived by her husband. Unless he changes his ways, she may be better off without him.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Aruna's own parents are not standing by her. Where is this girl to go?