Part 40 FF: Game is started by Bondita , Kishorilal frustration

mprvn36 thumbnail
Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Continuation from previous part.....

Kishorilal dropped his cup of tea from his hands when he listened Indumukhi name as well as Babita name. Bondita partially observed his reaction, smirked without his notice and  cut the phone call ce hurriedly to him and asked if he is hurt? Kishorilal covered his tension and said nothing.. nothing to worry. 

Sharmila also came from kitchen and asked are you fine He said I am ok and asked her to do her work, get ready that pandit ji will be coming after 2 hours. Clean this mess . She called maid to do so.

Later Kishorilal came and started talking with her. Sampoorna is busy in feeding sweets to payal. Sharmila went inside  kitchen. 

Kishorilal want to grab information from her.  This is what even Bondita also wants. He initially praised ( to grab information he wants) her despite of society taunts and pressure she didn't give up her studies and going to become a barrister. She thanked him for his appreciation and told that shashwati also wants to become highly educated and we all will make payal, not only payal all 4 children equally highly educated.

Kishorilal with a fake smile said with stammer ' haa.haa...sure...kyu nahi.. these marriages are only to save their lives. After this they will.also study in school' 

Kishorilal: Bondita beta, what are you saying in phone? About  Indumukhi of chandanpur!

Bondita: Yes samdhiji, are haaa..I forgot! Kaka sasurji told that you also stayed in chandanpur 35 years before, Right!? So you must be knowing about her? 

Kishorilal: Haa,haa...I...I heard about her but not met her, you know I am a.great devotee and also my brother in law Upendra babu also, we don't look at such kind of woman. 

A dancer and a ..c..ourtesean..But leave it Bondita what's the big deal? (He kept his face humiliating her profession which irked Bondita curse him in her brain that if men like him don't have list, then women like Indumukhi will also not be there)

Bondita:  right now she became very old , very pale, her body is full of wrinkles, she is in a desparate condition.  She came to chandanpur after long time she had her bungalow occupied by others and nobody are believing that she is Indumukhi. 

 She went to Panchayat, she went to British police..but no one are paying attention.

Kishorilal: why she want to prove her identity now? What's the big deal in it if anyone recognises her or not? Can't she go to any pilgrimage and do penance so that she should also get rid of sins.

Bondita:  samdhiji, she had her bungalow, property here she need to get money, her own money. She want to donate it to women empowerment in society, so that no one should have a life like her.  Moreover she already told that someone had done black magic on her and she is possessed and made her  dived in river. 

Kishorilal got hiccups and Bondita offered him water. 

Bondita continued..

Moreover Indumukhi only met Tulsipur Farmer daughter Babita brother Barun who is witness of someone who had done black magic on Babita. That boy was 10 years when her sister was dead but now he became a young man. Accidentally Indumukhi and Barun met and they shared their stories in talks, identified that the same person have done this black magic. 

Kishorilal is getting on nerves. He is in thoughts 💭💭💭: what to do? Kill everyone including this Bondita and her husband?

If I kill these husband and wife society will.remember them as Martyrs, mahaan social reformers and will not turn in favour of superstitious beliefs.which is not wanted by me and that Viceroy General (VG).  Moreover I and VG want Anirudh to be defeated and get insulted in society. Everyone should throw stones on him assuming that he is a double standard person.

Bondita understood what he is thinking and felt that she should not let him won and make her Patibabu get defeated. Bondita continued.....

Few days before only they met me and I am also eager to solve the case. Moreover we are going to become relatives. So what will I benefit if I go against our samdhi Upendra kaka? Isn't it samdhiji? I hope I am correct na?

Kishorilal faked smile, before he process further Mukund is welcoming Trilochan, who entered with RC family pandits followed by Binoy  who had already bribed the pandits to act while fixing muhurat as per his plan. Actually Anirudh also planned to come but he changed his plan when he has seen the servants in Kishorilal House, who are favoured by him earlier. 

He asked his kaka,baba to go inside and called them aside. They came to an isolated place and he told that he wants to discuss an important matter.

Kishorilal welcomed Trilochan, Binoy and his family pandits. Trilochan asked some others also to come inside and Kishorilal is looking at door side who are about to come. 

Much to the shock to Kishorilal there.are 2 more pandits and 2 elder men came with them.  

He initially couldn't recognise them but scratching his head mentally where he could have seen those familiar faces? Not in Darjiling...not in .. Tulsipur. But he had seen them very long ago. Their faces seemed to be very familiar

Binoy smirked looking at his state of mind and said that they came from Chandanpur. Kishorilal.voice stuck in his throat and he felt that he may collapse at any moment. He is sensing if things are going out of his hand. Still he maintained seriousness in face and welcomed everyone. 

They came forward and kept hand on Kishorilal shoulder and made him recollect that they are from Chandanpur..This made him  gulp very hard . 

Chandanpur elders asked about Upendra.  Kishorilal hardly smiled and about to bring him but Bondita asked him to sit she herself will go inside and bring him. He first shouted with anger on no to Bondita, everyone looked at him with shock. Later he controlled his anger and told that 'Bondita you are out samdhan. Please sit. Our Mukund and Sharmila will bring him.'

They both brought him. Chandanpur elders and pandits recognised him went near him and wished him, asked him about welfare. The expression on Upendra face is beyond words.

He looked at them in such a way that how a list child looks when he found either his parents or close relatives who they cherish the child. In that emotional moment, with full tears he spoke properly to them 'You...all .....are here. I am very happy.'

Everyone are astonished to see him speaking properly and Bondita is looking at him suspiciously.Kishorilal almost lost his cool.He came and grabbed the wheel chair,  and consoled his brother in law, by patting his shoulder affectionately and said not to be hyper excited which is not good for health, you should be alive..I .mean you should be healthy to see grandchildren marriages. 

 Upendra immediately corrected himself and maintaining paralyzed patient expression on his face and his words came sticky. Bondita sensed that Kishorilal is warning Upendra to be alert ...The sudden change in expressions of Upendra raised doubt in her mind if he is really Paralyzed or not. 

Chandanpur elders tried to recollect past incidents about Upendra family, their attachment with him, he was good looking once and how he used to get alliances but much to everyone shock and dismay he married his maid, also he didn't stay in chandanpur and came to Tulsipur after his marriage.

This made Kishorilal to lose more cool, he clenched his fists in more anger but with a hard smile he said to those elders: 'Mahoday, we are not poor. We just lost our property because of my father's bad habits and our cousins also cheated us.'

Bondita purposefully irked him telling that 'Yes samdhi ji, these days cousins are became such a characterless,..what to say. I have seen 2 cousins who are brother and sister got married, they also go ahead in married life but to outside world they used to make them believe as brother and sister, I have also seen such kind of people. Moreover that husband used to send his wife to other lusty men so that he us d to earn money through this. '

Chandanpur elders cursed that those kind of filthy men won't get place even in hell when they are dead. Trilochan also cursed such kind of cousins and he would have taken away their lives if they come infront of him. 

Kishorilal face colour is getting drained . He is suspecting that Bondita is intentionally instigating him. Even Bondita also wants him to suspect her and know about her intentions indirectly, so that in fit of rage he may do any mistake and she and her husband can catch him red handedly. Of course their game is also more dangerous because VG is involved but still in this short span of time they are left with no choice than to take risk..

To divert the topic, Kishorilal asked pandits to fix muhurat soon.

Pandit checked the kundli of children, asking family ancestors details , checked with their date of birth, made some calculations by closing eyes and told that something is not right.  Everyone are looking at them worried.. they asked elders and previous ancestors kundli. Trilochan very well knew that sometimes ancestors details will also be asked so he used to maintain those records carefully, brought there and handed over to them. 

Kishorilal also brought Upendra kundli, his father and grandfather kundli (which he found in chandanpur bungalow long ago and kept It safely which may be required)

After checking and calculating everything also they sighed unsatisfactorily and told that it is not right. 

Trilochan worriedly asked - what happened Panditji? What is not right?

Pandit: Arey don't worry zamindar babu! These 4 children kundlis are personally great, they have bright future. We all knew about your ancestors and some points in kundli of your grandchildren  are matching with your ancestors. Trilochan had a proud smile on his face, others also joined his smile admiringly. 

Pandit continued...

But Prabodh and Payal kundli doesn't match with either of Upendra and his ancestors. 

It is showing in their hand prints that someone in their ancestors of these 2 children   had done a dangerous sin which no monster had nearly done in any epic story. Somewhere his lineage is broken. Prabodh and Payal are known by other lineage. They also called Mukund to show his handprint and kundli and told that even his handprint and kundli is also not matching with Ghoshal family ancestors.

Kishorilal started panicking to the core.  He asked 'what is this Pandit ji? Days are changing just check brides and grooms kundli. That's it. Why do you want ancestors kundli also?'

Bondita: Samdhiji,..are you saying this now. You only told our kaka sasurji that despite of changing days there is something called destiny which cannot be changed. You elder people always are particular about these things, right? Then why are you changing word and speaking like my patibabu now?

Trilochan also told that it is Roy Chowdhary old custom to check with kundli of would be bahu or jamayi ancestors also. 

Kishorilal sarcastically asked if he had checked during Anirudh wedding also.

Trilochan felt offended and said we checked during our Somnath wedding. We all knew about Bondita's father Yogendra Das and it matched perfectly.  So don't blame our bahu.

Here Bondita doesn't like this process of  kundli matching with ancestors and all.she doesn't believe in it but still required now to implement their plan to further step. She need to keep them busy to divert his attention so that they can focus on reverse hypnosis on children. 

Kishorilal ia sitting a volcano which may erupt at anytime. 

Bondita asked pandits to tell any remedy for this. They suggested that as Satish Saswati lineage is clean they and their parents,elders of Rc family have nothing to do, but Ghoshal family children separately near Murthy of Bhagwan; grandparents, parents separately in open air should sit in meditation  early in the morning near havan for more than 3 hours .

 Especially children paternal grandfather must and should do this else his death or severe ill health will come for sure he may go to hell after their death, will suffer for ages, still he can't get mukti . It is for sure. They  insisted children real ...parents and.paternal grandparents which striked to Kishorilal. But at the same time he got doubt why they are insisting real. Upendra is smirking in his mind that karma is hitting hard on Kishorilal.

Sharmila signaled to Mukund  to which latter expressed his concern that although his son can sit in puja but his daughter Payal is not habituated to getup early.  This time Bondita didn't speak but signaled to sampoorna, to which latter assured that she and her husband will also come to puja early in morning to.look after their jamayibabu and bahu. Sharmila thanked by embracing her.

Pandits took leave and told that they will arrange havan tomorrow early morning for nearly a week. Kishorilal and his family should attend. Trilochan told them to rest in their old bungalow and make sure that marriage rituals should be done perfectly. 

After they left Bondita requested permission from Trilochan, told that she had to work of her project and two persons are under her responsibility, they are useful evidences for a case. So I will be working on it and will join once the case is solved. 

Trilochan permitted for it. She told all the above words intentionally so that Kishorilal listens secretly their conversation. When she understood that he heard it she felt happy that he is going to trap now.

Kishorilal decided to inform this to VG and ask him to send goons to finish that Indumukhi and Barun so that he should get rid of those previous cases.


Anirudh spoke with the servants of Kishorilal and asked them to do a favour to him, they readily agreed because of Anirudh their children are going to school and their family is getting sufficient income on basis of self employment other than working as servants in this kishorilal house. He asked them to make sure that this news will not spread in Tulsipur and surrounding villages because of this gossip people will get back to old customs. They assured him that this news will not go out. 

At late night they mixed drowsy medicine in their food and Anirudh Bondita sneaked into Kishorilal house late night. 

Before sleeping also Kishorilal is banging his head about what is Bondita upto. Had he left any evidences in any of the case? He decided to bluff that he didn't do anything. He told himself that there are no evidences left that he hypnotized any of them That Upendra don't have courage to go against him because he himself (Upendra) was  framed in his sister's murder. So there is nothing to worry. But that Bondita....? That lady presence, indirect taunts are irking him to the core. He realised that he should not lose cool because VG once told that these kind of advocates, barristers provoke in this way only unless all the truths are confessed by themselves.

He should not lose patience and blurt it in any way.  

By thinking like this he drank milk and got fainted. 

Bondita have already informed what happened in their discussion while fixing muhurat and expressed her doubt if Upendra is really Paralyzed or not. 

To confirm this they asked the servants to mix drowsy medicine which is harmless but only give  sound sleep to all the other family members food except Upendra Ghoshal. 

At that night he is thinking of chandanpur elders who visited him and shedding tears that atleast in his life he is able to see his own persons and praying to God in mind to take him away.  Suddenly he saw fake snake sneaking through window. He is scared and tried to make sound but nobody had come to his rescue. The snake has approached him , he suddenly got up from his bed and thrown his blanket on it and shouting ' saanp..saanp..bachao, 'came out of the room. 

To his shock he saw Anirudh Bondita infront of him. They got confirmed that he is pretending to be paralyzed but not in real. Anirudh immediately thrown out of the room to outside . Bondita saw him panting hard, she offered him water and made him relax 

After a while, Anirudh confronted him for this drama. He revolted on him that he is the reason behind his step mother family death . He asked him to tell the entire truth else he will be arrested right now. 

But much to their surprise Upendra also rebuked with tears that : Kill me , who is going to bother this old man? No one are there for him. In my entire life I never want to get into any rift with my step mother and her family, my mother used to fight, my only mistake is I scared of my mother's wrath and didn't handover their property. That is the only mistake I have done. Due to teenage fantasies and pressure from that Kishorilal who joined as a maid in my house that time very recently I only once met Indumukhi and I came to know that I don't...have ... masculinity 😭😭😭. Even I thought to throw some money and make Indumukhi keep quiet but I didn't expect that Kishorilal will chant mantras and make her take her life with her own hands.

From that day onwards his atrocities have started. I never looked at Shymala with other perspective but he announced to outside world that she is my wife.He only learnt about my step mother family through my mother (much before) and made them leave this world.

Anirudh asked : Then why did you keep quiet Upendra ji? Why can't you inform this to police?

Upendra:( He is gulping hard) He ...he .made me unconscious and involved me in murdering my sisters Radha and Mala. He threatened me that there are witnesses for these murders and they will confess infront of police and court if I go against him. Moreover,...I......I don't have masculinity (He said by closing his eyes with tears). Do you know what will happen if entire society comes to know about it? They will make me oust from society. My life will be more horrible than abandoned woman in society.  Till from that day onwards I was a silent victim and witness of all his atrocities. 

He purposefully made us to leave chandanpur and we settled in Tulsipur. Daily night he used  to torment his wife like a wild animal. My mother Damni is an old fashioned person she thought she can take things and situations into her control by simply threatening Shyamala and harm her . But due to that she lost her life in Kishorilal hands.

His wife many times apologized me by falling in my feet. Due to her continuous pregnancies and.painful married life with that monster Shymala health was spoiled and lost her life. 

After her death and his elder son Mukund love interest on Babita he forcefully made me to stick on to the wheel chair and pretended to his that I got my health spoiled because of his love. With that guilty feeling he left that Babita. 

Sudhanshu inlaws lost their wealth and he also decided to take away her life. He only kept Payal alive because he didn't get proper chance to kill her else he will not hesitate to take away that girl's life. 


Anirudh recorded his statement with Tulsipur police officers help and without Upendra knowing about it. Anirudh consoled him and asked him to confess in court whenever required. 

Initially Upendra got very much scared but they both assured that nothing wrong  will happen with him, till how long will he be getting feared of him. 

He assured that no one will turn him into transgender, no one will tie him saree. They promised him. Anirudh also assured that servants are his people and will take care of him from now onwards. 

They carefully sneaked into Kishorilal room, found some guns and replaced them with dummy ones .

It is going to become early morning. They came out and went near temple for further implementation of their plan. 

Kishorilal, Mukund, Sharmila alongwith Upendra and their children reached temple. While starting he made a Call to some goons to  keep an eye on Bondita and kill the persons one is Indumukhi and other is Barun.

While Kishorilal family is doing puja she  purposefully diverted the goons sent by him to other. Side and kept some dummy police constables as security and pretended that  Indumukhi and Barun are inside and  She is talking to them . Binoy and Catherine with some of their men  are in help of Bondita whereas Somnath is in help to Anirudh. She is speaking that as if giving hints to goons that Anirudh is in out of village to gather more evidences in Babita murder case. But the fact is he had already made the setup in temple itself to change the mindset of children and do reverse hypnosis and to make them come out of their trance.


Note: This is part 40 of my FF. Please read in your free time and let me know your views. Thankyou 🙏


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More and more friends.

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Posted: 2 years ago

To all the other friends, extremely sorry if I forget anyone..🤗

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Awesome I Like How The Story Is Going. Well Written 

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Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: SilverBell

Awesome I Like How The Story Is Going. Well Written 

Thankyou Nicita