Revolutions of My Heart~Final Note - Pg 79~

Dark Love thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago

Meet: Me

           There I was. Sitting in detention for the first time, for something, I was not responsible for. I was reading a book and constantly glancing at the clock. Thirty more minutes of this living he**. The teacher was doing something on his laptop and occasionally glancing at me and the other students present. I could not concentrate on my book anymore. I put it down and looked around. I was probably the only student sitting in that room who was getting above-average grades. Scratch that. I was definitely the only one present that was getting above-average grade. The room was so silent; you could hear a pin drop. I glance at the clock one last time. Fifteen minutes left. Yes! Uh-oh, the teacher caught me glancing at the clock. "Miss. Kapoor?" he asked.

"Y-yes Mr. Lawrence?" I ask.

          "Why do you keep on glancing at the clock, I didn't know detention was that boring" he smirked. Even though I am not a violent girl, I felt like punching him, get that stupid smirk off of his face. However, I kept my composure and did not dare to move. I calmly spoke, "No, actually I am trying to memorize pi" The teacher was confused. I pointed to the poster right next to the clock. It said something about a person memorizing pi to like 32,000 places and it gave pi to 100 places. The teacher looked away as the other kids either snickered or made fun of how nerdy I was. That was the first idea that popped in my mind, and I do not want to brag or anything, but it was a brilliant plan! "Well Miss, I'd love to hear what you have memorized." Argghh. Stupid.idiot.bald.ugly. those words are not enough to describe him. However, to my immense relief, the bell rings before I get a chance to even glance at the poster again. I smile broadly at the teacher, grab my books, and leave. I had a few words to say to him, but I did not want to get into further trouble. Outside in the hallways, there was chaos. It was really noisy and crowded; everyone was trying to get to his or her first class. I go straight to my locker and start taking out my books. As soon as I shut it, four faces are standing in front of me, smiling. I roll my eyes and walk away. But they are insistent. They follow me the whole way to my first class; physics. I slowly turn around, "Hey" they say simultaneously. Hmm'puppy faces, I know what they want but they aren't getting it and I tell them that.

"What do we want?" Raj asks innocently.


"You know quite well and I am not going to remind you, all I have to say is, he is soo going down," I reply and enter my class. I am the first one present and I am sort of glad, because there were some people that I had no intentions to be with. Raj entered next, with Prithvi and Prem. They all took seats next to me and as soon as class began, a note was thrown at me. I looked at it and slowly opened it. When I read it, I scrunched it up and angrily threw it away. I had recognized the writing immediately. It belongs to Josh. Once again, they were all taking his side. They were my friends first but they always defend him. It is as if he put some magic spell on them or something. Arrggh. He enters looking the same as always. Quite handsome, actually. He looks around the room and I try to hide behind my book but he spots me. Who would not with my short brown hair and boyish clothing? He smiles and sits next to me, as if we were jolly good friends and things were fine and dandy between us. As if. I look away but he ignores the fact that I am ignoring him and has the guts to take a pen from my pencil case and start copying my notes. I hate that one thing about him. His guts. Any normal girl like me would too. Wait. I am not normal. That is, according to the snobby girly-girls at school---b****** for short. But I think I am quite normal. A bit on the tomboyish side. Okay, okay. A lot on the tomboyish side'and I am proud of it. Even though I am not like the girly-girls at school, I do not mind a little make-up. I mean, it is not as if I have never put on make-up before. I have a few times' Okay, one time. But that was like'ahem'10 years ago'for my aunt's wedding. So the make-up thing is cleared. Moving onto my clothing. Well, I do not have a girly type of body if you know what I mean. And I have no intentions of showing my body anyhow. The clothing I wear is like---well lets just say it doesn't look anything like clothing from stores like Abercrombie, A&E, Hollister, etc. I cannot remember the last time my clothing showed off any skin. Not that I do not have a good body/complexion or anything. I have a fair skin complexion and I keep good care of my skin. My hair is less than shoulder length'it's a beautiful color of brown. My neighbor says that if I grow it, it would come out nice and silky. But I don't have time to take care of long hair, so I keep it nice and short.

Okay, so back to class. Finally, the annoying teacher had finished his lecture and the bell rang for our next class. I take my pen and notebook from him. Oh, I forgot about him.

"He" is Angad. My best friend. Yes, I have many guy friends. The only friend of mine that is a girl does not even live here--she lives in London. Back to Angad. Well, he is tall, handsome, brown hair, the most beautiful eyes ever, I have never figured out what color they are. Beautiful and complex. He is an average student,  gets as, bs, and cs. He only gets one A, and that is in gym, because he is a great athlete. And the bs and cs, well, once again, I don't wanna brag or anything, but he only gets them because I let him copy my notes or arrange special study sessions. I love my friends and want them to succeed later on in life. So I contribute all the time I can to help them with schoolwork and the rest of the time is spent enjoying ourselves. We have been best friends since we were in diapers. We were neighbors, and our moms died around the same time. That is one reason I lack girl features.

          I grew up with Angad, his dad, my dad, my guy friends-neighbors, and my brothers. My life was never influenced by a female. Which sort of sucks, but at the same time, it doesn't. I get carried away easily'back to Angad. Well, we are inseparable friends and now you must be wondering why I am angry with him. Well, it is a long story'but to shorten it'he was the reason I ended up in detention, and now, I am going to take bloody revenge. As I enter my next class with him, gym, I smile. I turn to him and look him square in the eye. "Basketball competition'my team'Prithvi, Sahil, Raj, Josh and Prem" He frowns. "Your team--" I continue while looking around, "the leftovers" It is really sad because not everyone wants to play basketball, and I chose the best guys'all from our gang. The other people do not want to play'only girls are left'all dying to be on his team. Before the game begins, I give him a victorious smile. This startles him a bit, because he can see my determination. And at the end, of course, I won. Kripa Kapoor never loses-especially to Angad Khanna. This was just the beginning'



Well, here I go again. Another fan-fiction. I had another idea and couldn't resist the urge to start typing the first part. So here it is---my third fan-fiction. I will continue My Heart Will Go On soon-for my winter break is going on and I have plenty of time. For A Short Love Story-I have a title and I will change it, and the next part is coming up soon. I am also posting parts up for my friend's story Defying the Odds- but that won't interfere with the updates of my fan-fictions. If you guys like the story so far, please comment and tell me if I should continue with it. If you don't, then please tell me!!

Coming Up Next- Meet My Family and Some Others'


Edited by Dark Love - 15 years ago


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Frequent Posters

Dark Love thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
No one likes it?? 😭 Fine then, i wont continue. 😊
Sir-Please thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 17 years ago
wow amazing start
cont soon
Sir-Please thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 17 years ago

Originally posted by: erier101

No one likes it?? 😭 Fine then, i wont continue. 😊

i lyk it

Dark Love thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago

Thank You!!😳 I am glad you liked it!😛

kyphkamahbuba thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
neat ice part can't for the next part 😃
Rajeev fan thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
great part 😊
loved the way u described kripa
your fanfic sounds really intresting
cant wait 4 the next part
Mini786 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
Very interesting
plesase continue soon!


Mulle thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
yay you started a new one 👏
i just looove your fanfics, and as always am liking this story so far 😆
continue soon 😳
mpatel97508 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
awwwww...its soo sweet jaanu... 😳 😳 😳
poor kripa... no girl influence... 😭 😭 😭
oh well... i know she will win! 😉 😳 😃